trace.cpp revision 41629a744eebd14552631d1a23cfbe9e6a4cf358
* A generic interface for plugging different
* autotracers into Inkscape.
* Authors:
* Bob Jamison <>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Bob Jamison
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "trace/potrace/inkscape-potrace.h"
#include <inkscape.h>
#include <desktop-handles.h>
#include <document.h>
#include "message-stack.h"
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include <selection.h>
#include <xml/repr.h>
#include "sp-item.h"
#include "sp-image.h"
#include "siox.h"
#include "imagemap-gdk.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Trace {
SPImage *
SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
if (!desktop)
g_warning("Trace: No active desktop\n");
return NULL;
Inkscape::Selection *sel = SP_DT_SELECTION(desktop);
if (!sel)
char *msg = _("Select an <b>image</b> to trace");
SP_DT_MSGSTACK(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, msg);
return NULL;
if (sioxEnabled)
SPImage *img = NULL;
GSList const *list = sel->itemList();
std::vector<SPItem *> items;
First, things are selected top-to-bottom, so we need to invert
them as bottom-to-top so that we can discover the image and any
SPItems above it
for ( ; list ; list=list->next)
if (!SP_IS_ITEM(list->data))
SPItem *item = SP_ITEM(list->data);
items.insert(items.begin(), item);
std::vector<SPItem *>::iterator iter;
for (iter = items.begin() ; iter!= items.end() ; iter++)
SPItem *item = *iter;
if (SP_IS_IMAGE(item))
if (img) //we want only one
char *msg = _("Select only one <b>image</b> to trace");
SP_DT_MSGSTACK(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, msg);
return NULL;
img = SP_IMAGE(item);
else if (img) //# items -after- the image in tree (above it in Z)
if (!img || sioxItems.size() < 1)
char *msg = _("Select one image and one or more items above it");
SP_DT_MSGSTACK(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, msg);
return NULL;
return img;
//### No SIOX. We want exactly one image selected
SPItem *item = sel->singleItem();
if (!item)
char *msg = _("Select an <b>image</b> to trace"); //same as above
SP_DT_MSGSTACK(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, msg);
return NULL;
if (!SP_IS_IMAGE(item))
char *msg = _("Select an <b>image</b> to trace");
SP_DT_MSGSTACK(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, msg);
return NULL;
SPImage *img = SP_IMAGE(item);
return img;
GdkPixbuf *
SPImage *img = getSelectedSPImage();
if (!img)
return NULL;
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = img->pixbuf;
return pixbuf;
GdkPixbuf *
Tracer::sioxProcessImage(SPImage *img, GdkPixbuf *origPixbuf)
PackedPixelMap *ppMap = gdkPixbufToPackedPixelMap(origPixbuf);
//We need to create two things:
// 1. An array of long pixel values of ARGB
// 2. A matching array of per-pixel float 'confidence' values
unsigned long *imgBuf = ppMap->pixels;
float *confidenceMatrix = new float[ppMap->width * ppMap->height];
//## ok we have our pixel buf
org::siox::SioxSegmentator ss(ppMap->width, ppMap->height, NULL, 0);
ss.segmentate(imgBuf, ppMap->width * ppMap->height,
confidenceMatrix, ppMap->width * ppMap->height,
0, 0.0);
GdkPixbuf *newPixbuf = packedPixelMapToGdkPixbuf(ppMap);
delete confidenceMatrix;
return newPixbuf;
//# T R A C E
* Whether we want to enable SIOX subimage selection
void Tracer::enableSiox(bool enable)
sioxEnabled = enable;
* Threaded method that does single bitmap--->path conversion
void Tracer::traceThread()
//## Remember. NEVER leave this method without setting
//## engine back to NULL
//## Prepare our kill flag. We will watch this later to
//## see if the main thread wants us to stop
keepGoing = true;
SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
if (!desktop)
g_warning("Trace: No active desktop\n");
Inkscape::Selection *selection = SP_DT_SELECTION (desktop);
char *msg = _("Trace: No active document");
SP_DT_MSGSTACK(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, msg);
engine = NULL;
SPImage *img = getSelectedSPImage();
if (!img)
engine = NULL;
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = img->pixbuf;
if (!pixbuf)
char *msg = _("Trace: Image has no bitmap data");
SP_DT_MSGSTACK(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, msg);
engine = NULL;
//## SIOX pre-processing to get a smart subimage of the pixbuf.
//## This is done before any other filters
if (sioxEnabled)
Ok, we have requested siox, and getSelectedSPImage() has found a single
bitmap and one or more SPItems above it. Now what we need to do is create
a siox-segmented subimage pixbuf. We not need alter 'img' at all, since this
pixbuf will be the same dimensions and at the same location.
Remember to free this new pixbuf later.
pixbuf = sioxProcessImage(img, pixbuf);
int nrPaths;
TracingEngineResult *results = engine->trace(pixbuf, &nrPaths);
//printf("nrPaths:%d\n", nrPaths);
//### Check if we should stop
if (!keepGoing || !results || nrPaths<1)
engine = NULL;
//### Get pointers to the <image> and its parent
Inkscape::XML::Node *imgRepr = SP_OBJECT(img)->repr;
Inkscape::XML::Node *par = sp_repr_parent(imgRepr);
//### Get some information for the new transform()
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
double width = 0.0;
double height = 0.0;
double dval = 0.0;
if (sp_repr_get_double(imgRepr, "x", &dval))
x = dval;
if (sp_repr_get_double(imgRepr, "y", &dval))
y = dval;
if (sp_repr_get_double(imgRepr, "width", &dval))
width = dval;
if (sp_repr_get_double(imgRepr, "height", &dval))
height = dval;
NR::Matrix trans(NR::translate(x, y));
double iwidth = (double)gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf);
double iheight = (double)gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf);
double iwscale = width / iwidth;
double ihscale = height / iheight;
NR::Matrix scal(NR::scale(iwscale, ihscale));
//# Convolve scale, translation, and the original transform
NR::Matrix tf(scal);
tf *= trans;
tf *= img->transform;
//#OK. Now let's start making new nodes
Inkscape::XML::Node *groupRepr = NULL;
//# if more than 1, make a <g>roup of <path>s
if (nrPaths > 1)
groupRepr = sp_repr_new("svg:g");
par->addChild(groupRepr, imgRepr);
long totalNodeCount = 0L;
for (TracingEngineResult *result=results ;
result ; result=result->next)
totalNodeCount += result->getNodeCount();
Inkscape::XML::Node *pathRepr = sp_repr_new("svg:path");
pathRepr->setAttribute("style", result->getStyle());
pathRepr->setAttribute("d", result->getPathData());
if (nrPaths > 1)
groupRepr->addChild(pathRepr, NULL);
par->addChild(pathRepr, imgRepr);
//### Apply the transform from the image to the new shape
SPObject *reprobj = doc->getObjectByRepr(pathRepr);
if (reprobj)
SPItem *newItem = SP_ITEM(reprobj);
sp_item_write_transform(newItem, pathRepr, tf, NULL);
if (nrPaths == 1)
//did we allocate a pixbuf copy?
if (sioxEnabled)
delete results;
// If we have a group, then focus on, then forget it
if (nrPaths > 1)
//## inform the document, so we can undo
engine = NULL;
char *msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Trace: Done. %ld nodes created"), totalNodeCount);
SP_DT_MSGSTACK(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, msg);
* Main tracing method
void Tracer::trace(TracingEngine *theEngine)
//Check if we are already running
if (engine)
engine = theEngine;
//Ensure that thread support is running
if (!Glib::thread_supported())
//Create our thread and run it
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Tracer::traceThread), false);
* Abort the thread that is executing trace()
void Tracer::abort()
//## Inform Trace's working thread
keepGoing = false;
if (engine)
} // namespace Trace
} // namespace Inkscape
//# E N D O F F I L E