text-context.h revision 283b476d68aaebafad5c687c34438dd2fe00c1ef
5562N/A#ifndef __SP_TEXT_CONTEXT_H__
5562N/A#define __SP_TEXT_CONTEXT_H__
7118N/A#include "event-context.h"
7118N/A#include "libnrtype/Layout-TNG.h"
7118N/A#define SP_TEXT_CONTEXT_CLASS(klass) (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), SP_TYPE_TEXT_CONTEXT, SPTextContextClass))
5562N/A SPCanvasItem *frame; // hiliting the first frame of flowtext; FIXME: make this a list to accommodate arbitrarily many chained shapes
7118N/A guint nascent_object : 1; // true if we're clicked on canvas to put cursor, but no text typed yet so ->text is still NULL
7118N/A SPCanvasItem *grabbed; // we grab while we are creating, to get events even if the mouse goes out of the window
7118N/Astruct SPTextContextClass {
7118N/Avoid sp_text_context_place_cursor (SPTextContext *tc, SPObject *text, Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator where);
7118N/Avoid sp_text_context_place_cursor_at (SPTextContext *tc, SPObject *text, Geom::Point const p);