Makefile_insert revision b75c8c079c27d43ecebd305ec1796d5ebd5b9bb9
## fragment sourced by src/
# Sodipodi svg wrapper
# Author: Lauris Kaplinski <>
# Most code is actually written by Raph Levien
# Implements svg interpretation of xml tree
rm -f svg/libspsvg.a $(svg_libspsvg_a_OBJECTS)
svg_libspsvg_a_SOURCES = \
# This CxxTest stuff is adapted blindly from libnr/Makefile_insert.
# It would be nice to reduce the amount of boilerplate / copy&paste here.
$(top_srcdir)/cxxtest/ --template=$(srcdir)/selfname.tpl -root -o svg/test-svg-main.cpp $(svg_test_svg_includes)
svg/test-svg.cpp: $(svg_test_svg_includes) svg/Makefile_insert
$(top_srcdir)/cxxtest/ --have-eh -part -o svg/test-svg.cpp $(svg_test_svg_includes)
svg_test_svg_includes = \
$(srcdir)/svg/css-ostringstream-test.h \
$(srcdir)/svg/stringstream-test.h \
$(srcdir)/svg/svg-affine-test.h \
$(srcdir)/svg/svg-color-test.h \
$(srcdir)/svg/svg-length-test.h \
svg_libtest_svg_a_SOURCES = \
svg_test_svg_SOURCES = \
svg_test_svg_LDADD = \
2geom/lib2geom.a \