sp-style-elem.cpp revision ad48be5cb0871489b5a940f1686c18ed2ffd809c
#include <libcroco/cr-parser.h>
#include "xml/node-event-vector.h"
#include "xml/repr.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "sp-style-elem.h"
#include "attributes.h"
#include "style.h"
using Inkscape::XML::TEXT_NODE;
static void sp_style_elem_init(SPStyleElem *style_elem);
static void sp_style_elem_class_init(SPStyleElemClass *klass);
static void sp_style_elem_build(SPObject *object, SPDocument *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr);
static void sp_style_elem_set(SPObject *object, unsigned const key, gchar const *const value);
static void sp_style_elem_read_content(SPObject *);
static Inkscape::XML::Node *sp_style_elem_write(SPObject *, Inkscape::XML::Node *, guint flags);
static SPObjectClass *parent_class;
static GType type = 0;
if (!type) {
GTypeInfo info = {
NULL, /* base_init */
NULL, /* base_finalize */
(GClassInitFunc) sp_style_elem_class_init,
NULL, /* class_finalize */
NULL, /* class_data */
16, /* n_preallocs */
(GInstanceInitFunc) sp_style_elem_init,
NULL, /* value_table */
type = g_type_register_static(SP_TYPE_OBJECT, "SPStyleElem", &info, (GTypeFlags) 0);
return type;
static void
sp_style_elem_class_init(SPStyleElemClass *klass)
parent_class = (SPObjectClass *)g_type_class_ref(SP_TYPE_OBJECT);
/* FIXME */
klass->build = sp_style_elem_build;
klass->set = sp_style_elem_set;
klass->read_content = sp_style_elem_read_content;
klass->write = sp_style_elem_write;
static void
sp_style_elem_init(SPStyleElem *style_elem)
style_elem->is_css = false;
static void
sp_style_elem_set(SPObject *object, unsigned const key, gchar const *const value)
SPStyleElem &style_elem = *SP_STYLE_ELEM(object);
switch (key) {
case SP_ATTR_TYPE: {
if (!value) {
/* TODO: `type' attribute is required. Give error message as per
http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/implnote.html#ErrorProcessing. */
style_elem.is_css = false;
} else {
/* fixme: determine what whitespace is allowed. Will probably need to ask on SVG
* list; though the relevant RFC may give info on its lexer. */
style_elem.is_css = ( g_ascii_strncasecmp(value, "text/css", 8) == 0
&& ( value[8] == '\0' ||
value[8] == ';' ) );
#if 0 /* unfinished */
parse_media(style_elem, value);
/* title is ignored. */
default: {
if (parent_class->set) {
parent_class->set(object, key, value);
static void
child_add_rm_cb(Inkscape::XML::Node *, Inkscape::XML::Node *, Inkscape::XML::Node *,
void *const data)
sp_style_elem_read_content(static_cast<SPObject *>(data));
static void
content_changed_cb(Inkscape::XML::Node *, gchar const *, gchar const *,
void *const data)
sp_style_elem_read_content(static_cast<SPObject *>(data));
static void
child_order_changed_cb(Inkscape::XML::Node *, Inkscape::XML::Node *,
Inkscape::XML::Node *, Inkscape::XML::Node *,
void *const data)
sp_style_elem_read_content(static_cast<SPObject *>(data));
static Inkscape::XML::Node *
sp_style_elem_write(SPObject *const object, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint const flags)
if ((flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD) && !repr) {
Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = sp_document_repr_doc(SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT(object));
repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:style");
g_return_val_if_fail(object, repr);
SPStyleElem &style_elem = *SP_STYLE_ELEM(object);
if (flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD) {
g_warning("nyi: Forming <style> content for SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD.");
/* fixme: Consider having the CRStyleSheet be a member of SPStyleElem, and then
pretty-print to a string s, then repr->addChild(xml_doc->createTextNode(s), NULL). */
if (style_elem.is_css) {
repr->setAttribute("type", "text/css");
/* todo: media */
if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->write)
((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->write(object, repr, flags);
return repr;
/** Returns the concatenation of the content of the text children of the specified object. */
static GString *
concat_children(Inkscape::XML::Node const &repr)
GString *ret = g_string_sized_new(0);
// effic: 0 is just to catch bugs. Increase to something reasonable.
for (Inkscape::XML::Node const *rch = repr.firstChild(); rch != NULL; rch = rch->next()) {
if ( rch->type() == TEXT_NODE ) {
ret = g_string_append(ret, rch->content());
return ret;
/* Callbacks for SAC-style libcroco parser. */
struct ParseTmp
CRStyleSheet *const stylesheet;
StmtType stmtType;
CRStatement *currStmt;
unsigned magic;
static unsigned const ParseTmp_magic = 0x23474397; // from /dev/urandom
ParseTmp(CRStyleSheet *const stylesheet) :
{ }
bool hasMagic() const {
return magic == ParseTmp_magic;
magic = 0;
static void
start_selector_cb(CRDocHandler *a_handler,
CRSelector *a_sel_list)
g_return_if_fail(a_handler && a_sel_list);
g_return_if_fail(a_handler->app_data != NULL);
ParseTmp &parse_tmp = *static_cast<ParseTmp *>(a_handler->app_data);
if ( (parse_tmp.currStmt != NULL)
|| (parse_tmp.stmtType != NO_STMT) ) {
g_warning("Expecting currStmt==NULL and stmtType==0 (NO_STMT) at start of ruleset, but found currStmt=%p, stmtType=%u",
static_cast<void *>(parse_tmp.currStmt), unsigned(parse_tmp.stmtType));
// fixme: Check whether we need to unref currStmt if non-NULL.
CRStatement *ruleset = cr_statement_new_ruleset(parse_tmp.stylesheet, a_sel_list, NULL, NULL);
g_return_if_fail(ruleset && ruleset->type == RULESET_STMT);
parse_tmp.stmtType = NORMAL_RULESET_STMT;
parse_tmp.currStmt = ruleset;
static void
end_selector_cb(CRDocHandler *a_handler,
CRSelector *a_sel_list)
g_return_if_fail(a_handler && a_sel_list);
g_return_if_fail(a_handler->app_data != NULL);
ParseTmp &parse_tmp = *static_cast<ParseTmp *>(a_handler->app_data);
CRStatement *const ruleset = parse_tmp.currStmt;
if (parse_tmp.stmtType == NORMAL_RULESET_STMT
&& ruleset
&& ruleset->type == RULESET_STMT
&& ruleset->kind.ruleset->sel_list == a_sel_list)
parse_tmp.stylesheet->statements = cr_statement_append(parse_tmp.stylesheet->statements,
} else {
g_warning("Found stmtType=%u, stmt=%p, stmt.type=%u, ruleset.sel_list=%p, a_sel_list=%p.",
parse_tmp.currStmt = NULL;
parse_tmp.stmtType = NO_STMT;
static void
start_font_face_cb(CRDocHandler *a_handler,
CRParsingLocation *)
g_return_if_fail(a_handler->app_data != NULL);
ParseTmp &parse_tmp = *static_cast<ParseTmp *>(a_handler->app_data);
if (parse_tmp.stmtType != NO_STMT || parse_tmp.currStmt != NULL) {
g_warning("Expecting currStmt==NULL and stmtType==0 (NO_STMT) at start of @font-face, but found currStmt=%p, stmtType=%u",
static_cast<void *>(parse_tmp.currStmt), unsigned(parse_tmp.stmtType));
// fixme: Check whether we need to unref currStmt if non-NULL.
parse_tmp.stmtType = FONT_FACE_STMT;
parse_tmp.currStmt = NULL;
static void
end_font_face_cb(CRDocHandler *a_handler)
g_return_if_fail(a_handler->app_data != NULL);
ParseTmp &parse_tmp = *static_cast<ParseTmp *>(a_handler->app_data);
if (parse_tmp.stmtType != FONT_FACE_STMT || parse_tmp.currStmt != NULL) {
g_warning("Expecting currStmt==NULL and stmtType==1 (FONT_FACE_STMT) at end of @font-face, but found currStmt=%p, stmtType=%u",
static_cast<void *>(parse_tmp.currStmt), unsigned(parse_tmp.stmtType));
// fixme: Check whether we need to unref currStmt if non-NULL.
parse_tmp.currStmt = NULL;
parse_tmp.stmtType = NO_STMT;
static void
property_cb(CRDocHandler *const a_handler,
CRString *const a_name,
CRTerm *const a_value, gboolean const a_important)
g_return_if_fail(a_handler && a_name);
g_return_if_fail(a_handler->app_data != NULL);
ParseTmp &parse_tmp = *static_cast<ParseTmp *>(a_handler->app_data);
if (parse_tmp.stmtType == FONT_FACE_STMT) {
if (parse_tmp.currStmt != NULL) {
g_warning("Found non-NULL currStmt %p though stmtType==FONT_FACE_STMT.", parse_tmp.currStmt);
/* We currently ignore @font-face descriptors. */
CRStatement *const ruleset = parse_tmp.currStmt;
&& ruleset->type == RULESET_STMT
&& parse_tmp.stmtType == NORMAL_RULESET_STMT);
CRDeclaration *const decl = cr_declaration_new(ruleset, cr_string_dup(a_name), a_value);
decl->important = a_important;
CRStatus const append_status = cr_statement_ruleset_append_decl(ruleset, decl);
g_return_if_fail(append_status == CR_OK);
static void
sp_style_elem_read_content(SPObject *const object)
SPStyleElem &style_elem = *SP_STYLE_ELEM(object);
/* fixme: If there's more than one <style> element in a document, then the document stylesheet
* will be set to a random one of them, even switching between them.
* However, I don't see in the spec what's supposed to happen when there are multiple <style>
* elements. The wording suggests that <style>'s content should be a full stylesheet.
* http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/cascade.html#cascade says that "The author specifies style
* sheets for a source document according to the conventions of the document language. For
* instance, in HTML, style sheets may be included in the document or linked externally."
* (Note the plural in both sentences.) Whereas libcroco's CRCascade allows only one author
* stylesheet. CRStyleSheet has no next/prev members that I can see, nor can I see any append
* stuff.
* Dodji replies "right, that's *bug*"; just an unexpected oversight.
GString *const text = concat_children(*style_elem.repr);
CRParser *parser = cr_parser_new_from_buf(reinterpret_cast<guchar *>(text->str), text->len,
/* I see a cr_statement_parse_from_buf for returning a CRStatement*, but no corresponding
cr_stylesheet_parse_from_buf. And cr_statement_parse_from_buf takes a char*, not a
CRInputBuf, and doesn't provide a way for calling it in a loop over the one buffer.
(I.e. it doesn't tell us where it got up to in the buffer.)
There's also the generic cr_parser_parse_stylesheet (or just cr_parser_parse), but that
just calls user-supplied callbacks rather than constructing a CRStylesheet.
CRDocHandler *sac_handler = cr_doc_handler_new();
// impl: ref_count inited to 0, so cr_parser_destroy suffices to delete sac_handler.
g_return_if_fail(sac_handler); // out of memory
CRStyleSheet *const stylesheet = cr_stylesheet_new(NULL);
ParseTmp parse_tmp(stylesheet);
sac_handler->app_data = &parse_tmp;
sac_handler->start_selector = start_selector_cb;
sac_handler->end_selector = end_selector_cb;
sac_handler->start_font_face = start_font_face_cb;
sac_handler->end_font_face = end_font_face_cb;
sac_handler->property = property_cb;
/* todo: start_media, end_media. */
/* todo: Test error condition. */
cr_parser_set_sac_handler(parser, sac_handler);
CRStatus const parse_status = cr_parser_parse(parser);
g_assert(sac_handler->app_data == &parse_tmp);
if (parse_status == CR_OK) {
cr_cascade_set_sheet(style_elem.document->style_cascade, stylesheet, ORIGIN_AUTHOR);
} else {
if (parse_status != CR_PARSING_ERROR) {
g_printerr("parsing error code=%u\n", unsigned(parse_status));
/* Better than nothing. TODO: Improve libcroco's error handling. At a minimum, add a
strerror-like function so that we can give a string rather than an integer. */
/* TODO: Improve error diagnosis stuff in inkscape. We'd like a panel showing the
errors/warnings/unsupported features of the current document. */
// Style references via class= do not, and actually cannot, use autoupdating URIReferences.
// Therefore, if an object refers to a stylesheet which has not yet loaded when the object is being loaded
// (e.g. if the stylesheet is below or inside the object in XML), its class= has no effect (bug 1491639).
// Below is a partial hack that fixes this for a single case: when the <style> is a child of the object
// that uses a style from it. It just forces the parent of <style> to reread its style as soon as the stylesheet
// is fully loaded. Naturally, this won't work if the user of the stylesheet is its grandparent or precedent.
SPObject *parent = SP_OBJECT_PARENT (object);
if ( parent ) {
sp_style_read_from_object(parent->style, parent);
* Does addListener(fns, data) on \a repr and all of its descendents.
static void
rec_add_listener(Inkscape::XML::Node &repr,
Inkscape::XML::NodeEventVector const *const fns, void *const data)
repr.addListener(fns, data);
for (Inkscape::XML::Node *child = repr.firstChild(); child != NULL; child = child->next()) {
rec_add_listener(*child, fns, data);
static void
sp_style_elem_build(SPObject *object, SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr)
sp_object_read_attr(object, "type");
sp_object_read_attr(object, "media");
static Inkscape::XML::NodeEventVector const nodeEventVector = {
child_add_rm_cb, // child_added
child_add_rm_cb, // child_removed
NULL, // attr_changed
content_changed_cb, // content_changed
child_order_changed_cb, // order_changed
rec_add_listener(*repr, &nodeEventVector, object);
if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->build) {
((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->build(object, document, repr);
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