snapper.cpp revision de19d0a8c684298be714d18c991965b370707ed8
* \file src/snapper.cpp
* \brief Snapper class.
* Authors:
* Carl Hetherington <>
* Diederik van Lierop <>
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
#include "libnr/nr-values.h"
#include "sp-namedview.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "desktop.h"
* Construct new Snapper for named view.
* \param nv Named view.
* \param d Snap tolerance.
Inkscape::Snapper::Snapper(SPNamedView const *nv, NR::Coord const t) : _named_view(nv), _snap_enabled(true), _snapper_tolerance(t)
setSnapFrom(SNAPPOINT_BBOX | SNAPPOINT_NODE, true); //Snap any point. In v0.45 and earlier, this was controlled in the preferences tab
* Set snap tolerance.
* \param d New snap tolerance (desktop coordinates)
_snapper_tolerance = d;
* \return Snap tolerance (desktop coordinates); depends on current zoom so that it's always the same in screen pixels
return _snapper_tolerance == 10000; //TODO: Replace this threshold of 10000 by a constant; see also tolerance-slider.cpp
* \param t Point type.
* \param s true to snap to this point type, otherwise false;
if (s) {
_snap_from |= t;
} else {
_snap_from &= ~t;
* \param t Point type.
* \return true if snapper will snap this type of point, otherwise false.
return (_snap_from & t);
* \param s true to enable this snapper, otherwise false.
_snap_enabled = s;
* Try to snap a point to whatever this snapper is interested in. Any
* snap that occurs will be to the nearest "interesting" thing (e.g. a
* grid or guide line)
* \param t Point type.
* \param p Point to snap (desktop coordinates).
* \param it Item that should not be snapped to.
* \return Snapped point.
PointType const &t,
bool const &first_point,
* Try to snap a point to whatever this snapper is interested in. Any
* snap that occurs will be to the nearest "interesting" thing (e.g. a
* grid or guide line)
* \param t Point type.
* \param p Point to snap (desktop coordinates).
* \param it Items that should not be snapped to.
* \return Snapped point.
PointType const &t,
bool const &first_point,
if (_snap_enabled == false || getSnapFrom(t) == false) {
* Try to snap a point to whatever this snapper is interested in, where
* the snap point is constrained to lie along a specified vector from the
* original point.
* \param p Point to snap (desktop coordinates).
* \param c Vector to constrain the snap to.
* \param it Items that should not be snapped to.
* \return Snapped point.
PointType const &t,
bool const &first_point,
ConstraintLine const &c,
* Try to snap a point to whatever this snapper is interested in, where
* the snap point is constrained to lie along a specified vector from the
* original point.
* \param p Point to snap (desktop coordinates).
* \param c Vector to constrain the snap to.
* \param it Items that should not be snapped to.
* \return Snapped point.
PointType const &t,
bool const &first_point,
ConstraintLine const &c,
if (_snap_enabled == false || getSnapFrom(t) == false) {
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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