snapped-line.cpp revision bbbe9eebaeb94bab65295acc609a7c98544c4f4c
* \file src/snapped-line.cpp
* \brief SnappedLine class.
* Authors:
* Diederik van Lierop <>
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
#include "snapped-line.h"
#include "libnr/nr-values.h"
Inkscape::SnappedLineSegment::SnappedLineSegment(NR::Point snapped_point, NR::Coord snapped_distance, NR::Point start_point_of_line, NR::Point end_point_of_line)
_at_intersection = false;
_at_intersection = false;
Inkscape::SnappedPoint Inkscape::SnappedLineSegment::intersect(SnappedLineSegment const &line) const
Geom::IntersectorKind result = segment_intersect(_start_point_of_line.to_2geom(), _end_point_of_line.to_2geom(),
/* The relevant snapped distance is the distance to the closest snapped line, not the
distance to the intersection. See the comment in Inkscape::SnappedLine::intersect
Inkscape::SnappedLine::SnappedLine(NR::Point snapped_point, NR::Coord snapped_distance, NR::Point normal_to_line, NR::Point point_on_line)
_at_intersection = false;
_at_intersection = false;
// Calculate the intersection of to lines, which are both within snapping range
// The point of intersection should be considered for snapping, but might be outside the snapping range
/* The relevant snapped distance is the distance to the closest snapped line, not the
distance to the intersection. For example, when a box is almost aligned with a grid
in both horizontal and vertical directions, the distance to the intersection of the
grid lines will always be larger then the distance to a grid line. We will be snapping
to the closest snapped point however, so if we ever want to snap to the intersection
then the distance to it should at least be equal to the other distance, not greater
than it, as that would rule the intersection out
// search for the closest snapped line segment
bool getClosestSLS(std::list<Inkscape::SnappedLineSegment> &list, Inkscape::SnappedLineSegment &result)
bool success = false;
for (std::list<Inkscape::SnappedLineSegment>::const_iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); i++) {
result = *i;
success = true;
return success;
// search for the closest intersection of two snapped line segments, which are both member of the same collection
bool getClosestIntersectionSLS(std::list<Inkscape::SnappedLineSegment> &list, Inkscape::SnappedPoint &result)
bool success = false;
for (std::list<Inkscape::SnappedLineSegment>::const_iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); i++) {
if (sp.getAtIntersection()) {
// if it's the first point
// or, if it's closer
// or, if it's just then look at the other distance
// (only relevant for snapped points which are at an intersection
bool const c3 = (sp.getDistance() == result.getDistance()) && (sp.getSecondDistance() < result.getSecondDistance());
// then prefer this point over the previous one
success = true;
return success;
// search for the closest snapped line
bool success = false;
result = *i;
success = true;
return success;
// search for the closest intersection of two snapped lines, which are both member of the same collection
bool getClosestIntersectionSL(std::list<Inkscape::SnappedLine> &list, Inkscape::SnappedPoint &result)
bool success = false;
if (sp.getAtIntersection()) {
// if it's the first point
// or, if it's closer
// or, if it's just then look at the other distance
// (only relevant for snapped points which are at an intersection
bool const c3 = (sp.getDistance() == result.getDistance()) && (sp.getSecondDistance() < result.getSecondDistance());
// then prefer this point over the previous one
success = true;
return success;
// search for the closest intersection of two snapped lines, which are in two different collections
bool getClosestIntersectionSL(std::list<Inkscape::SnappedLine> &list1, std::list<Inkscape::SnappedLine> &list2, Inkscape::SnappedPoint &result)
bool success = false;
if (sp.getAtIntersection()) {
// if it's the first point
// or, if it's closer
// or, if it's just then look at the other distance
// (only relevant for snapped points which are at an intersection
bool const c3 = (sp.getDistance() == result.getDistance()) && (sp.getSecondDistance() < result.getSecondDistance());
// then prefer this point over the previous one
success = true;
return success;
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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