snap.h revision 700fe8603c02a9d683dd7b1ccdfae489b61ea2c2
#ifndef SEEN_SNAP_H
#define SEEN_SNAP_H
* \file snap.h
* \brief SnapManager class.
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* Frank Felfe <>
* Carl Hetherington <>
* Diederik van Lierop <>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Johan Engelen <>
* Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Lauris Kaplinski
* Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <vector>
#include <libnr/nr-coord.h>
#include <libnr/nr-forward.h>
#include <libnr/nr-scale.h>
#include "guide-snapper.h"
#include "object-snapper.h"
/// Class to coordinate snapping operations
* Each SPNamedView has one of these. It offers methods to snap points to whatever
* snappers are defined (e.g. grid, guides etc.). It also allows callers to snap
* points which have undergone some transformation (e.g. translation, scaling etc.)
SnapManager(SPNamedView const *v);
bool SomeSnapperMightSnap() const;
void setup(SPDesktop const *desktop, bool snapindicator = true, SPItem const *item_to_ignore = NULL, std::vector<Geom::Point> *unselected_nodes = NULL);
void setup(SPDesktop const *desktop, bool snapindicator, std::vector<SPItem const *> &items_to_ignore, std::vector<Geom::Point> *unselected_nodes = NULL);
// freeSnapReturnByRef() is preferred over freeSnap(), because it only returns a
// point if snapping has occured (by overwriting p); otherwise p is untouched
bool first_point = true,
bool first_point = true,
// constrainedSnapReturnByRef() is preferred over constrainedSnap(), because it only returns a
// point, by overwriting p, if snapping has occured; otherwise p is untouched
bool first_point = true,
bool first_point = true,
bool uniform) const;
SnapperList getSnappers() const;
SnapperList getGridSnappers() const;
void setSnapModeBBox(bool enabled);
void setSnapModeNode(bool enabled);
void setSnapModeGuide(bool enabled);
bool getSnapModeBBox() const;
bool getSnapModeNode() const;
bool getSnapModeGuide() const;
bool getSnapIntersectionGG() {return _intersectionGG;}
bool getSnapIntersectionCS() {return _intersectionCS;}
void setIncludeItemCenter(bool enabled) {
// also store a local copy in the object-snapper instead of passing it through many functions
bool getIncludeItemCenter() const {
return _include_item_center;
void setSnapEnabledGlobally(bool enabled) {
bool getSnapEnabledGlobally() const {
return _snap_enabled_globally;
void toggleSnapEnabledGlobally() {
SPNamedView const *_named_view;
enum Transformation {
bool _include_item_center; //If true, snapping nodes will also snap the item's center
bool _intersectionGG;
bool _intersectionCS;
bool _snap_enabled_globally; //Toggles ALL snapping
SPItem const *_item_to_ignore;
bool _snapindicator;
bool constrained,
bool uniform) const;
Inkscape::SnappedPoint findBestSnap(Geom::Point const &p, SnappedConstraints &sc, bool constrained) const;
#endif /* !SEEN_SNAP_H */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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