snap-candidate.h revision f97876b1e4e2c78370cd576e5dfb9fbab89c98a4
* @file
* Some utility classes to store various kinds of snap candidates.
* Authors:
* Diederik van Lierop <>
* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
//#include "snapped-point.h"
#include "snap-enums.h"
/// Class to store data for points which are snap candidates, either as a source or as a target
SnapCandidatePoint(Geom::Point const &point, Inkscape::SnapSourceType const source, long const source_num, Inkscape::SnapTargetType const target, Geom::OptRect const &bbox)
SnapCandidatePoint(Geom::Point const &point, Inkscape::SnapSourceType const source, Inkscape::SnapTargetType const target)
_source_num = -1;
bool isSingleHandle() const {return (_source_type == SNAPSOURCE_NODE_HANDLE || _source_type == SNAPSOURCE_OTHER_HANDLE) && _source_num == -1;}
inline long getSourceNum() const {return _source_num;}
std::vector<std::pair<Geom::Point, bool> > const & getOriginsAndVectors() const {return _origins_and_vectors;}
bool operator <(const SnapCandidatePoint &other) const { return _dist < other._dist; } // Needed for sorting the SnapCandidatePoints
// Coordinates of the point
// For perpendicular or tangential snapping of a ROTATING line we need to know its (stationary) starting point.
// In case of editing with the node tool, a node can be connected to two lines simultaneously, in which case we
// need to consider two starting points; Therefore a vector containing multiple starting points is used here. However,
// for perpendicular or tangential snapping of a TRANSLATING line we need to know its direction vector instead. This
// vector will be stored in the same way as the starting point is, i.e. as a Geom::Point. A boolean is paired to this
// point, which is true for vectors but false for origins
// If this SnapCandidatePoint is a snap source, then _source_type must be defined. If it
// is a snap target, then _target_type must be defined. If it's yet unknown whether it will
// be a source or target, then both may be defined
//Sequence number of the source point within the set of points that is to be snapped.
// - Starts counting at zero, but only if there might be more points following (e.g. in the selector tool)
// - Minus one (-1) if we're sure that we have only a single point
long _source_num;
// If this is a target and it belongs to a bounding box, e.g. when the target type is
// SNAPTARGET_BBOX_EDGE_MIDPOINT, then _target_bbox stores the relevant bounding box
// For finding the snap candidate closest to the mouse pointer
~SnapCandidateItem() {};
bool clip_or_mask; // If true, then item refers to a clipping path or a mask
/* To find out the absolute position of a clipping path or mask, we not only need to know
* the transformation of the clipping path or mask itself, but also the transformation of
* the object to which the clip or mask is being applied; that transformation is stored here
SnapCandidatePath(Geom::PathVector* path, SnapTargetType target, Geom::OptRect bbox, bool edited = false)
~SnapCandidatePath() {};
bool currently_being_edited; // true for the path that's currently being edited in the node tool (if any)
} // end of namespace Inkscape