seltrans.cpp revision 2d107ef9730aff3f4d776ae0c2f7d983e289ce02
#define __SELTRANS_C__
* Helper object for transforming selected items
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* bulia byak <>
* Carl Hetherington <>
* Diederik van Lierop <>
* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Lauris Kaplinski
* Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
# include <config.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <libnr/nr-matrix-ops.h>
#include <libnr/nr-matrix-translate-ops.h>
#include <libnr/nr-rotate-ops.h>
#include <libnr/nr-scale-ops.h>
#include <libnr/nr-translate-matrix-ops.h>
#include <libnr/nr-translate-ops.h>
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include "document.h"
#include "sp-namedview.h"
#include "desktop.h"
#include "desktop-handles.h"
#include "desktop-style.h"
#include "knot.h"
#include "snap.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "select-context.h"
#include "sp-item.h"
#include "sp-item-transform.h"
#include "seltrans-handles.h"
#include "seltrans.h"
#include "selection-chemistry.h"
#include "sp-metrics.h"
#include "verbs.h"
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include "display/sp-ctrlline.h"
#include "prefs-utils.h"
#include "xml/repr.h"
#include "mod360.h"
#include "2geom/angle.h"
#include "display/snap-indicator.h"
#include "isnan.h" //temp fix. make sure included last
static void sp_remove_handles(SPKnot *knot[], gint num);
static void sp_sel_trans_handle_grab(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data);
static void sp_sel_trans_handle_ungrab(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data);
static void sp_sel_trans_handle_click(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data);
static void sp_sel_trans_handle_new_event(SPKnot *knot, NR::Point *position, guint32 state, gpointer data);
static gboolean sp_sel_trans_handle_request(SPKnot *knot, NR::Point *p, guint state, gboolean *data);
extern GdkPixbuf *handles[];
static gboolean sp_seltrans_handle_event(SPKnot *knot, GdkEvent *event, gpointer)
switch (event->type) {
if (get_group0_keyval (&event->key) == GDK_space) {
/* stamping mode: both mode(show content and outline) operation with knot */
if (!SP_KNOT_IS_GRABBED(knot)) {
return FALSE;
SPDesktop *desktop = knot->desktop;
Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans = SP_SELECT_CONTEXT(desktop->event_context)->_seltrans;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Inkscape::SelTrans::SelTrans(SPDesktop *desktop) :
int prefs_bbox = prefs_get_int_attribute("tools", "bounding_box", 0);
_snap_bbox_type = (prefs_bbox ==0)?
g_return_if_fail(desktop != NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
_shandle[i] = NULL;
_rhandle[i] = NULL;
_center_is_set = false; // reread _center from items, or set to bbox midpoint
_selection = sp_desktop_selection(desktop);
_norm = sp_canvas_item_new(sp_desktop_controls(desktop),
"size", 13.0,
"filled", TRUE,
"fill_color", 0x00000000,
"stroked", TRUE,
"stroke_color", 0x000000a0,
"pixbuf", handles[12],
_grip = sp_canvas_item_new(sp_desktop_controls(desktop),
"size", 7.0,
"filled", TRUE,
"fill_color", 0xffffff7f,
"stroked", TRUE,
"stroke_color", 0xffffffff,
"pixbuf", handles[12],
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
_l[i] = sp_canvas_item_new(sp_desktop_controls(desktop), SP_TYPE_CTRLLINE, NULL);
_sel_changed_connection = _selection->connectChanged(
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Inkscape::SelTrans::_selChanged)
_sel_modified_connection = _selection->connectModified(
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Inkscape::SelTrans::_selModified)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (_shandle[i]) {
_shandle[i] = NULL;
if (_rhandle[i]) {
_rhandle[i] = NULL;
if (_chandle) {
_chandle = NULL;
if (_norm) {
_norm = NULL;
if (_grip) {
_grip = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (_l[i]) {
_l[i] = NULL;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _items.size(); i++) {
sp_object_unref(SP_OBJECT(_items[i]), NULL);
void Inkscape::SelTrans::resetState()
_state = STATE_SCALE;
void Inkscape::SelTrans::increaseState()
if (_state == STATE_SCALE) {
_state = STATE_ROTATE;
} else {
_state = STATE_SCALE;
_center_is_set = true; // no need to reread center
void Inkscape::SelTrans::setCenter(NR::Point const &p)
_center = p;
_center_is_set = true;
// Write the new center position into all selected items
for (GSList const *l = _desktop->selection->itemList(); l; l = l->next) {
SPItem *it = (SPItem*)SP_OBJECT(l->data);
// only set the value; updating repr and document_done will be done once, on ungrab
void Inkscape::SelTrans::grab(NR::Point const &p, gdouble x, gdouble y, bool show_handles)
Inkscape::Selection *selection = sp_desktop_selection(_desktop);
_grabbed = true;
_show_handles = show_handles;
_changed = false;
if (_empty) {
for (GSList const *l = selection->itemList(); l; l = l->next) {
SPItem *it = (SPItem *)sp_object_ref(SP_OBJECT(l->data), NULL);
_items_centers.push_back(it->getCenter()); // for content-dragging, we need to remember original centers
_handle_x = x;
_handle_y = y;
// The selector tool should snap the bbox, special snappoints, and path nodes
// (The special points are the handles, center, rotation axis, font baseline, ends of spiral, etc.)
// First, determine the bounding box for snapping ...
_bbox = selection->bounds(_snap_bbox_type);
_approximate_bbox = selection->bounds(SPItem::APPROXIMATE_BBOX); // Used for correctly scaling the strokewidth
_geometric_bbox = selection->bounds(SPItem::GEOMETRIC_BBOX);
_point = p;
if (_geometric_bbox) {
_point_geom = _geometric_bbox->min() + _geometric_bbox->dimensions() * NR::scale(x, y);
} else {
_point_geom = p;
// Next, get all points to consider for snapping
SnapManager const &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
_snap_points = selection->getSnapPoints(m.getIncludeItemCenter());
std::vector<NR::Point> snap_points_hull = selection->getSnapPointsConvexHull();
if (_snap_points.size() > 100) {
/* Snapping a huge number of nodes will take way too long, so limit the number of snappable nodes
An average user would rarely ever try to snap such a large number of nodes anyway, because
(s)he could hardly discern which node would be snapping */
_snap_points = snap_points_hull;
// Unfortunately, by now we will have lost the font-baseline snappoints :-(
// Find bbox hulling all special points, which excludes stroke width. Here we need to include the
// path nodes, for example because a rectangle which has been converted to a path doesn't have
// any other special points
NR::Rect snap_points_bbox;
if ( snap_points_hull.empty() == false ) {
std::vector<NR::Point>::iterator i = snap_points_hull.begin();
snap_points_bbox = NR::Rect(*i, *i);
while (i != snap_points_hull.end()) {
if (_bbox) {
// ... and add the bbox corners to _bbox_points
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
// There are two separate "opposites" (i.e. opposite w.r.t. the handle being dragged):
// - one for snapping the boundingbox, which can be either visual or geometric
// - one for snapping the special points
// The "opposite" in case of a geometric boundingbox always coincides with the "opposite" for the special points
// These distinct "opposites" are needed in the snapmanager to avoid bugs such as #sf1540195 (in which
// a box is caught between two guides)
_opposite_for_bboxpoints = _bbox->min() + _bbox->dimensions() * NR::scale(1-x, 1-y);
_opposite_for_specpoints = snap_points_bbox.min() + snap_points_bbox.dimensions() * NR::scale(1-x, 1-y);
_opposite = _opposite_for_bboxpoints;
// The lines below are usefull for debugging any snapping issues, as they'll spit out all points that are considered for snapping
/*std::cout << "Number of snap points: " << _snap_points.size() << std::endl;
for (std::vector<NR::Point>::const_iterator i = _snap_points.begin(); i != _snap_points.end(); i++)
std::cout << " " << *i << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of bbox points: " << _bbox_points.size() << std::endl;
for (std::vector<NR::Point>::const_iterator i = _bbox_points.begin(); i != _bbox_points.end(); i++)
std::cout << " " << *i << std::endl;
if ((x != -1) && (y != -1)) {
if (_show == SHOW_OUTLINE) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
g_return_if_fail(_stamp_cache == NULL);
void Inkscape::SelTrans::transform(NR::Matrix const &rel_affine, NR::Point const &norm)
NR::Matrix const affine( NR::translate(-norm) * rel_affine * NR::translate(norm) );
if (_show == SHOW_CONTENT) {
// update the content
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _items.size(); i++) {
SPItem &item = *_items[i];
NR::Matrix const &prev_transform = _items_affines[i];
sp_item_set_i2d_affine(&item, prev_transform * affine);
} else {
if (_bbox) {
NR::Point p[4];
/* update the outline */
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
p[i] = _bbox->corner(i) * affine;
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
sp_ctrlline_set_coords(SP_CTRLLINE(_l[i]), p[i], p[(i+1)%4]);
_current_relative_affine = affine;
_changed = true;
void Inkscape::SelTrans::ungrab()
_grabbed = false;
_show_handles = true;
Inkscape::Selection *selection = sp_desktop_selection(_desktop);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _items.size(); i++) {
sp_object_unref(SP_OBJECT(_items[i]), NULL);
if (_show == SHOW_OUTLINE) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (_stamp_cache) {
_stamp_cache = NULL;
if (!_empty && _changed) {
sp_selection_apply_affine(selection, _current_relative_affine, (_show == SHOW_OUTLINE)? true : false);
if (_center) {
*_center *= _current_relative_affine;
_center_is_set = true;
// If dragging showed content live, sp_selection_apply_affine cannot change the centers
// appropriately - it does not know the original positions of the centers (all objects already have
// the new bboxes). So we need to reset the centers from our saved array.
if (_show != SHOW_OUTLINE && !_current_relative_affine.is_translation()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _items_centers.size(); i++) {
SPItem *currentItem = _items[i];
if (currentItem->isCenterSet()) { // only if it's already set
currentItem->setCenter (_items_centers[i] * _current_relative_affine);
if (_current_relative_affine.is_translation()) {
sp_document_done(sp_desktop_document(_desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_SELECT,
} else if (_current_relative_affine.is_scale()) {
sp_document_done(sp_desktop_document(_desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_SELECT,
} else if (_current_relative_affine.is_rotation()) {
sp_document_done(sp_desktop_document(_desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_SELECT,
} else {
sp_document_done(sp_desktop_document(_desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_SELECT,
} else {
if (_center_is_set) {
// we were dragging center; update reprs and commit undoable action
for (GSList const *l = _desktop->selection->itemList(); l; l = l->next) {
SPItem *it = (SPItem*)SP_OBJECT(l->data);
sp_document_done (sp_desktop_document(_desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_SELECT,
_("Set center"));
/* fixme: This is really bad, as we compare positions for each stamp (Lauris) */
/* fixme: IMHO the best way to keep sort cache would be to implement timestamping at last */
void Inkscape::SelTrans::stamp()
Inkscape::Selection *selection = sp_desktop_selection(_desktop);
bool fixup = !_grabbed;
if ( fixup && _stamp_cache ) {
// TODO - give a proper fix. Simple temproary work-around for the grab() issue
_stamp_cache = NULL;
/* stamping mode */
if (!_empty) {
GSList *l;
if (_stamp_cache) {
l = _stamp_cache;
} else {
/* Build cache */
l = g_slist_copy((GSList *) selection->itemList());
l = g_slist_sort(l, (GCompareFunc) sp_object_compare_position);
_stamp_cache = l;
while (l) {
SPItem *original_item = SP_ITEM(l->data);
Inkscape::XML::Node *original_repr = SP_OBJECT_REPR(original_item);
// remember the position of the item
gint pos = original_repr->position();
// remember parent
Inkscape::XML::Node *parent = sp_repr_parent(original_repr);
Inkscape::XML::Node *copy_repr = original_repr->duplicate(parent->document());
// add the new repr to the parent
// move to the saved position
copy_repr->setPosition(pos > 0 ? pos : 0);
SPItem *copy_item = (SPItem *) sp_desktop_document(_desktop)->getObjectByRepr(copy_repr);
NR::Matrix const *new_affine;
if (_show == SHOW_OUTLINE) {
NR::Matrix const i2d(sp_item_i2d_affine(original_item));
NR::Matrix const i2dnew( i2d * _current_relative_affine );
sp_item_set_i2d_affine(copy_item, i2dnew);
new_affine = &copy_item->transform;
} else {
new_affine = &original_item->transform;
sp_item_write_transform(copy_item, copy_repr, *new_affine);
if ( copy_item->isCenterSet() && _center ) {
copy_item->setCenter(*_center * _current_relative_affine);
l = l->next;
sp_document_done(sp_desktop_document(_desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_SELECT,
if ( fixup && _stamp_cache ) {
// TODO - give a proper fix. Simple temproary work-around for the grab() issue
_stamp_cache = NULL;
void Inkscape::SelTrans::_updateHandles()
if ( !_show_handles || _empty )
sp_remove_handles(_shandle, 8);
sp_remove_handles(_rhandle, 8);
sp_remove_handles(&_chandle, 1);
// center handle
if ( _chandle == NULL ) {
_chandle = sp_knot_new(_desktop, _("<b>Center</b> of rotation and skewing: drag to reposition; scaling with Shift also uses this center"));
_chandle->setShape (SP_CTRL_SHAPE_BITMAP);
_chandle->setSize (13);
_chandle->setAnchor (handle_center.anchor);
_chandle->setMode (SP_CTRL_MODE_XOR);
_chandle->setFill(0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);
_chandle->setStroke(0x000000ff, 0xff0000b0, 0xff0000b0);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(_chandle), "request",
G_CALLBACK(sp_sel_trans_handle_request), (gpointer) &handle_center);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(_chandle), "moved",
G_CALLBACK(sp_sel_trans_handle_new_event), (gpointer) &handle_center);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(_chandle), "grabbed",
G_CALLBACK(sp_sel_trans_handle_grab), (gpointer) &handle_center);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(_chandle), "ungrabbed",
G_CALLBACK(sp_sel_trans_handle_ungrab), (gpointer) &handle_center);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(_chandle), "clicked",
G_CALLBACK(sp_sel_trans_handle_click), (gpointer) &handle_center);
sp_remove_handles(&_chandle, 1);
if ( _state == STATE_SCALE ) {
sp_remove_handles(_rhandle, 8);
_showHandles(_shandle, handles_scale, 8,
_("<b>Squeeze or stretch</b> selection; with <b>Ctrl</b> to scale uniformly; with <b>Shift</b> to scale around rotation center"),
_("<b>Scale</b> selection; with <b>Ctrl</b> to scale uniformly; with <b>Shift</b> to scale around rotation center"));
} else {
sp_remove_handles(_shandle, 8);
_showHandles(_rhandle, handles_rotate, 8,
_("<b>Skew</b> selection; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle; with <b>Shift</b> to skew around the opposite side"),
_("<b>Rotate</b> selection; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle; with <b>Shift</b> to rotate around the opposite corner"));
if (!_center_is_set) {
_center = _desktop->selection->center();
_center_is_set = true;
if ( _state == STATE_SCALE || !_center ) {
} else {
sp_knot_moveto(_chandle, &*_center);
void Inkscape::SelTrans::_updateVolatileState()
Inkscape::Selection *selection = sp_desktop_selection(_desktop);
_empty = selection->isEmpty();
if (_empty) {
//Update the bboxes
_bbox = selection->bounds(_snap_bbox_type);
_approximate_bbox = selection->bounds(SPItem::APPROXIMATE_BBOX);
if (!_bbox) {
_empty = true;
_strokewidth = stroke_average_width (selection->itemList());
static void sp_remove_handles(SPKnot *knot[], gint num)
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (knot[i] != NULL) {
void Inkscape::SelTrans::_showHandles(SPKnot *knot[], SPSelTransHandle const handle[], gint num,
gchar const *even_tip, gchar const *odd_tip)
g_return_if_fail( !_empty );
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (knot[i] == NULL) {
knot[i] = sp_knot_new(_desktop, i % 2 ? even_tip : odd_tip);
knot[i]->setShape (SP_CTRL_SHAPE_BITMAP);
knot[i]->setSize (13);
knot[i]->setAnchor (handle[i].anchor);
knot[i]->setMode (SP_CTRL_MODE_XOR);
knot[i]->setFill(0x000000ff, 0x00ff6600, 0x00ff6600); // inversion, green, green
knot[i]->setStroke(0x000000ff, 0x000000ff, 0x000000ff); // inversion
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(knot[i]), "request",
G_CALLBACK(sp_sel_trans_handle_request), (gpointer) &handle[i]);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(knot[i]), "moved",
G_CALLBACK(sp_sel_trans_handle_new_event), (gpointer) &handle[i]);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(knot[i]), "grabbed",
G_CALLBACK(sp_sel_trans_handle_grab), (gpointer) &handle[i]);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(knot[i]), "ungrabbed",
G_CALLBACK(sp_sel_trans_handle_ungrab), (gpointer) &handle[i]);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(knot[i]), "event", G_CALLBACK(sp_seltrans_handle_event), (gpointer) &handle[i]);
NR::Point const handle_pt(handle[i].x, handle[i].y);
// shouldn't have nullary bbox, but knots
NR::Point p( _bbox->min()
+ ( _bbox->dimensions()
* NR::scale(handle_pt) ) );
sp_knot_moveto(knot[i], &p);
static void sp_sel_trans_handle_grab(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data)
knot, state, *(SPSelTransHandle const *) data
static void sp_sel_trans_handle_ungrab(SPKnot *knot, guint /*state*/, gpointer /*data*/)
static void sp_sel_trans_handle_new_event(SPKnot *knot, NR::Point *position, guint state, gpointer data)
knot, position, state, *(SPSelTransHandle const *) data
static gboolean sp_sel_trans_handle_request(SPKnot *knot, NR::Point *position, guint state, gboolean *data)
return SP_SELECT_CONTEXT(knot->desktop->event_context)->_seltrans->handleRequest(
knot, position, state, *(SPSelTransHandle const *) data
static void sp_sel_trans_handle_click(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data)
knot, state, *(SPSelTransHandle const *) data
void Inkscape::SelTrans::handleClick(SPKnot */*knot*/, guint state, SPSelTransHandle const &handle)
switch (handle.anchor) {
if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
// Unset the center position for all selected items
for (GSList const *l = _desktop->selection->itemList(); l; l = l->next) {
SPItem *it = (SPItem*)(SP_OBJECT(l->data));
_center_is_set = false; // center has changed
sp_document_done (sp_desktop_document(_desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_SELECT,
_("Reset center"));
void Inkscape::SelTrans::handleGrab(SPKnot *knot, guint /*state*/, SPSelTransHandle const &handle)
switch (handle.anchor) {
"size", 13.0,
"size", 7.0,
grab(sp_knot_position(knot), handle.x, handle.y, FALSE);
void Inkscape::SelTrans::handleNewEvent(SPKnot *knot, NR::Point *position, guint state, SPSelTransHandle const &handle)
if (!SP_KNOT_IS_GRABBED(knot)) {
// in case items have been unhooked from the document, don't
// try to continue processing events for them.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _items.size(); i++) {
if (!SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT(SP_OBJECT(_items[i])) ) {
handle.action(this, handle, *position, state);
gboolean Inkscape::SelTrans::handleRequest(SPKnot *knot, NR::Point *position, guint state, SPSelTransHandle const &handle)
if (!SP_KNOT_IS_GRABBED(knot)) {
return TRUE;
// When holding shift while rotating or skewing, the transformation will be
// relative to the point opposite of the handle; otherwise it will be relative
// to the center as set for the selection
if ((!(state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) == !(_state == STATE_ROTATE)) && (&handle != &handle_center)) {
_origin = _opposite;
_origin_for_bboxpoints = _opposite_for_bboxpoints;
_origin_for_specpoints = _opposite_for_specpoints;
} else if (_center) {
_origin = *_center;
_origin_for_bboxpoints = *_center;
_origin_for_specpoints = *_center;
} else {
return TRUE;
if (handle.request(this, handle, *position, state)) {
sp_knot_set_position(knot, position, state);
return TRUE;
void Inkscape::SelTrans::_selChanged(Inkscape::Selection */*selection*/)
if (!_grabbed) {
// reread in case it changed on the fly:
int prefs_bbox = prefs_get_int_attribute("tools", "bounding_box", 0);
_snap_bbox_type = (prefs_bbox ==0)?
//SPItem::APPROXIMATE_BBOX will be replaced by SPItem::VISUAL_BBOX, as soon as the latter is implemented properly
_center_is_set = false; // center(s) may have changed
void Inkscape::SelTrans::_selModified(Inkscape::Selection */*selection*/, guint /*flags*/)
if (!_grabbed) {
// reset internal flag
_changed = false;
_center_is_set = false; // center(s) may have changed
* handlers for handle move-request
/** Returns -1 or 1 according to the sign of x. Returns 1 for 0 and NaN. */
static double sign(double const x)
return ( x < 0
? -1
: 1 );
gboolean sp_sel_trans_scale_request(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans,
SPSelTransHandle const &, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
return seltrans->scaleRequest(pt, state);
gboolean sp_sel_trans_stretch_request(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans,
SPSelTransHandle const &handle, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
return seltrans->stretchRequest(handle, pt, state);
gboolean sp_sel_trans_skew_request(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans,
SPSelTransHandle const &handle, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
return seltrans->skewRequest(handle, pt, state);
gboolean sp_sel_trans_rotate_request(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans,
SPSelTransHandle const &, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
return seltrans->rotateRequest(pt, state);
gboolean sp_sel_trans_center_request(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans,
SPSelTransHandle const &, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
return seltrans->centerRequest(pt, state);
gboolean Inkscape::SelTrans::scaleRequest(NR::Point &pt, guint state)
// Calculate the scale factors, which can be either visual or geometric
// depending on which type of bbox is currently being used (see preferences -> selector tool)
NR::scale default_scale = calcScaleFactors(_point, pt, _origin);
// Find the scale factors for the geometric bbox
NR::Point pt_geom = _getGeomHandlePos(pt);
NR::scale geom_scale = calcScaleFactors(_point_geom, pt_geom, _origin_for_specpoints);
_absolute_affine = NR::identity(); //Initialize the scaler
if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) { // scale by an integer multiplier/divider
// We're scaling either the visual or the geometric bbox here (see the comment above)
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) {
if (fabs(default_scale[i]) > 1) {
default_scale[i] = round(default_scale[i]);
} else if (default_scale[i] != 0) {
default_scale[i] = 1/round(1/(MIN(default_scale[i], 10)));
// Update the knot position
pt = _calcAbsAffineDefault(default_scale);
// When scaling by an integer, snapping is not needed
} else {
// In all other cases we should try to snap now
SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
m.setup(NULL, _items_const);
Inkscape::SnappedPoint bb, sn;
NR::Coord bd(NR_HUGE);
NR::Coord sd(NR_HUGE);
if ((state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) || _desktop->isToolboxButtonActive ("lock")) {
// Scale is locked to a 1:1 aspect ratio, so that s[X] must be made to equal s[Y].
// The aspect-ratio must be locked before snapping
if (fabs(default_scale[NR::X]) > fabs(default_scale[NR::Y])) {
default_scale[NR::X] = fabs(default_scale[NR::Y]) * sign(default_scale[NR::X]);
geom_scale[NR::X] = fabs(geom_scale[NR::Y]) * sign(geom_scale[NR::X]);
} else {
default_scale[NR::Y] = fabs(default_scale[NR::X]) * sign(default_scale[NR::Y]);
geom_scale[NR::Y] = fabs(geom_scale[NR::X]) * sign(geom_scale[NR::Y]);
// Snap along a suitable constraint vector from the origin.
bb = m.constrainedSnapScale(Snapper::SNAPPOINT_BBOX, _bbox_points, default_scale, _origin_for_bboxpoints);
sn = m.constrainedSnapScale(Snapper::SNAPPOINT_NODE, _snap_points, geom_scale, _origin_for_specpoints);
/* Choose the smaller difference in scale. Since s[X] == s[Y] we can
** just compare difference in s[X].
bd = bb.getSnapped() ? fabs(bb.getTransformation()[NR::X] - default_scale[NR::X]) : NR_HUGE;
sd = sn.getSnapped() ? fabs(sn.getTransformation()[NR::X] - geom_scale[NR::X]) : NR_HUGE;
} else {
/* Scale aspect ratio is unlocked */
bb = m.freeSnapScale(Snapper::SNAPPOINT_BBOX, _bbox_points, default_scale, _origin_for_bboxpoints);
sn = m.freeSnapScale(Snapper::SNAPPOINT_NODE, _snap_points, geom_scale, _origin_for_specpoints);
/* Pick the snap that puts us closest to the original scale */
bd = bb.getSnapped() ? fabs(NR::L2(bb.getTransformation()) - NR::L2(default_scale.point())) : NR_HUGE;
sd = sn.getSnapped() ? fabs(NR::L2(sn.getTransformation()) - NR::L2(geom_scale.point())) : NR_HUGE;
if (!(bb.getSnapped() || sn.getSnapped())) {
// We didn't snap at all! Don't update the handle position, just calculate the new transformation
} else if (bd < sd) {
// We snapped the bbox (which is either visual or geometric)
default_scale = NR::scale(bb.getTransformation());
// Calculate the new transformation and update the handle position
pt = _calcAbsAffineDefault(default_scale);
} else {
// We snapped the special points (e.g. nodes), which are not at the visual bbox
// The handle location however (pt) might however be at the visual bbox, so we
// will have to calculate pt taking the stroke width into account
geom_scale = NR::scale(sn.getTransformation());
pt = _calcAbsAffineGeom(geom_scale);
/* Status text */
_("<b>Scale</b>: %0.2f%% x %0.2f%%; with <b>Ctrl</b> to lock ratio"),
100 * _absolute_affine[0], 100 * _absolute_affine[3]);
return TRUE;
gboolean Inkscape::SelTrans::stretchRequest(SPSelTransHandle const &handle, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
NR::Dim2 axis, perp;
switch (handle.cursor) {
axis = NR::Y;
perp = NR::X;
axis = NR::X;
perp = NR::Y;
return TRUE;
// Calculate the scale factors, which can be either visual or geometric
// depending on which type of bbox is currently being used (see preferences -> selector tool)
NR::scale default_scale = calcScaleFactors(_point, pt, _origin);
default_scale[perp] = 1;
// Find the scale factors for the geometric bbox
NR::Point pt_geom = _getGeomHandlePos(pt);
NR::scale geom_scale = calcScaleFactors(_point_geom, pt_geom, _origin_for_specpoints);
geom_scale[perp] = 1;
_absolute_affine = NR::identity(); //Initialize the scaler
if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) { // stretch by an integer multiplier/divider
if (fabs(default_scale[axis]) > 1) {
default_scale[axis] = round(default_scale[axis]);
} else if (default_scale[axis] != 0) {
default_scale[axis] = 1/round(1/(MIN(default_scale[axis], 10)));
// Calculate the new transformation and update the handle position
pt = _calcAbsAffineDefault(default_scale);
// When stretching by an integer, snapping is not needed
} else {
// In all other cases we should try to snap now
SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
m.setup(NULL, _items_const);
Inkscape::SnappedPoint bb, sn;
g_assert(bb.getSnapped() == false); // Check initialization to catch any regression
NR::Coord bd(NR_HUGE);
NR::Coord sd(NR_HUGE);
bool symmetrical = state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK;
bb = m.constrainedSnapStretch(Snapper::SNAPPOINT_BBOX, _bbox_points, default_scale[axis], _origin_for_bboxpoints, axis, symmetrical);
sn = m.constrainedSnapStretch(Snapper::SNAPPOINT_NODE, _snap_points, geom_scale[axis], _origin_for_specpoints, axis, symmetrical);
if (bb.getSnapped()) {
// We snapped the bbox (which is either visual or geometric)
bd = fabs(bb.getTransformation()[axis] - default_scale[axis]);
default_scale[axis] = bb.getTransformation()[axis];
if (sn.getSnapped()) {
sd = fabs(sn.getTransformation()[axis] - geom_scale[axis]);
geom_scale[axis] = sn.getTransformation()[axis];
if (symmetrical) {
// on ctrl, apply symmetrical scaling instead of stretching
// Preserve aspect ratio, but never flip in the dimension not being edited (by using fabs())
default_scale[perp] = fabs(default_scale[axis]);
geom_scale[perp] = fabs(geom_scale[axis]);
if (!(bb.getSnapped() || sn.getSnapped())) {
// We didn't snap at all! Don't update the handle position, just calculate the new transformation
} else if (bd < sd) {
// Calculate the new transformation and update the handle position
pt = _calcAbsAffineDefault(default_scale);
} else {
// We snapped the special points (e.g. nodes), which are not at the visual bbox
// The handle location however (pt) might however be at the visual bbox, so we
// will have to calculate pt taking the stroke width into account
pt = _calcAbsAffineGeom(geom_scale);
// status text
_("<b>Scale</b>: %0.2f%% x %0.2f%%; with <b>Ctrl</b> to lock ratio"),
100 * _absolute_affine[0], 100 * _absolute_affine[3]);
return TRUE;
gboolean Inkscape::SelTrans::skewRequest(SPSelTransHandle const &handle, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
/* When skewing (or rotating):
* 1) the stroke width will not change. This makes life much easier because we don't have to
* account for that (like for scaling or stretching). As a consequence, all points will
* have the same origin for the transformation and for the snapping.
* 2) When holding shift, the transformation will be relative to the point opposite of
* the handle; otherwise it will be relative to the center as set for the selection
NR::Dim2 dim_a;
NR::Dim2 dim_b;
switch (handle.cursor) {
dim_a = NR::Y;
dim_b = NR::X;
dim_a = NR::X;
dim_b = NR::Y;
NR::Point const initial_delta = _point - _origin;
if (fabs(initial_delta[dim_a]) < 1e-15) {
return false;
// Calculate the scale factors, which can be either visual or geometric
// depending on which type of bbox is currently being used (see preferences -> selector tool)
NR::scale scale = calcScaleFactors(_point, pt, _origin, false);
NR::scale skew = calcScaleFactors(_point, pt, _origin, true);
scale[dim_b] = 1;
skew[dim_b] = 1;
if (fabs(scale[dim_a]) < 1) {
// Prevent shrinking of the selected object, while allowing mirroring
scale[dim_a] = sign(scale[dim_a]);
} else {
// Allow expanding of the selected object by integer multiples
scale[dim_a] = floor(scale[dim_a] + 0.5);
double radians = atan(skew[dim_a] / scale[dim_a]);
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
// Snap to defined angle increments
int snaps = prefs_get_int_attribute("options.rotationsnapsperpi", "value", 12);
if (snaps) {
double sections = floor(radians * snaps / M_PI + .5);
if (fabs(sections) >= snaps / 2) {
sections = sign(sections) * (snaps / 2 - 1);
radians = (M_PI / snaps) * sections;
skew[dim_a] = tan(radians) * scale[dim_a];
} else {
// Snap to objects, grids, guides
SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
m.setup(NULL, _items_const);
//TODO: While skewing, scaling in the opposite direction by integer multiples is also allowed. This is not handled though by freeSnapSkew / _snapTransformed yet!
//TODO: We need a constrainedSnapSkew instead of a freeSnapSkew
Inkscape::SnappedPoint bb = m.freeSnapSkew(Inkscape::Snapper::SNAPPOINT_BBOX, _bbox_points, skew[dim_a], _origin, dim_b);
Inkscape::SnappedPoint sn = m.freeSnapSkew(Inkscape::Snapper::SNAPPOINT_NODE, _snap_points, skew[dim_a], _origin, dim_b);
if (bb.getSnapped() || sn.getSnapped()) {
// We snapped something, so change the skew to reflect it
NR::Coord const bd = bb.getSnapped() ? bb.getTransformation()[dim_b] : NR_HUGE;
NR::Coord const sd = sn.getSnapped() ? sn.getTransformation()[dim_b] : NR_HUGE;
if (bd < sd) {
skew[dim_a] = bd;
} else {
skew[dim_a] = sd;
} else {
// Update the handle position
pt[dim_b] = initial_delta[dim_a] * skew[dim_a] + _point[dim_b];
pt[dim_a] = initial_delta[dim_a] * scale[dim_a] + _origin[dim_a];
// Calculate the relative affine
_relative_affine = NR::identity();
_relative_affine[2*dim_a + dim_a] = (pt[dim_a] - _origin[dim_a]) / initial_delta[dim_a];
_relative_affine[2*dim_a + (dim_b)] = (pt[dim_b] - _point[dim_b]) / initial_delta[dim_a];
_relative_affine[2*(dim_b) + (dim_a)] = 0;
_relative_affine[2*(dim_b) + (dim_b)] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (fabs(_relative_affine[3*i]) < 1e-15) {
_relative_affine[3*i] = 1e-15;
// Update the status text
double degrees = mod360symm(Geom::rad_to_deg(radians));
// TRANSLATORS: don't modify the first ";"
// (it will NOT be displayed as ";" - only the second one will be)
_("<b>Skew</b>: %0.2f&#176;; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle"),
return TRUE;
gboolean Inkscape::SelTrans::rotateRequest(NR::Point &pt, guint state)
/* When rotating (or skewing):
* 1) the stroke width will not change. This makes life much easier because we don't have to
* account for that (like for scaling or stretching). As a consequence, all points will
* have the same origin for the transformation and for the snapping.
* 2) When holding shift, the transformation will be relative to the point opposite of
* the handle; otherwise it will be relative to the center as set for the selection
int snaps = prefs_get_int_attribute("options.rotationsnapsperpi", "value", 12);
// rotate affine in rotate
NR::Point const d1 = _point - _origin;
NR::Point const d2 = pt - _origin;
NR::Coord const h1 = NR::L2(d1); // initial radius
if (h1 < 1e-15) return FALSE;
NR::Point q1 = d1 / h1; // normalized initial vector to handle
NR::Coord const h2 = NR::L2(d2); // new radius
if (fabs(h2) < 1e-15) return FALSE;
NR::Point q2 = d2 / h2; // normalized new vector to handle
double radians;
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
// Snap to defined angle increments
double cos_t = NR::dot(q1, q2);
double sin_t = NR::dot(NR::rot90(q1), q2);
radians = atan2(sin_t, cos_t);
if (snaps) {
radians = ( M_PI / snaps ) * floor( radians * snaps / M_PI + .5 );
q1 = NR::Point(1, 0);
q2 = NR::Point(cos(radians), sin(radians));
} else {
radians = atan2(NR::dot(NR::rot90(d1), d2),
NR::dot(d1, d2));
NR::rotate const r1(q1);
NR::rotate const r2(q2);
// Calculate the relative affine
_relative_affine = NR::Matrix(r2/r1);
// Update the handle position
pt = _point * NR::translate(-_origin) * _relative_affine * NR::translate(_origin);
// Update the status text
double degrees = mod360symm(Geom::rad_to_deg(radians));
// TRANSLATORS: don't modify the first ";"
// (it will NOT be displayed as ";" - only the second one will be)
_("<b>Rotate</b>: %0.2f&#176;; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle"), degrees);
return TRUE;
gboolean Inkscape::SelTrans::centerRequest(NR::Point &pt, guint state)
SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
pt = m.freeSnap(Snapper::SNAPPOINT_NODE, pt).getPoint();
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
if ( fabs(_point[NR::X] - pt[NR::X]) > fabs(_point[NR::Y] - pt[NR::Y]) ) {
pt[NR::Y] = _point[NR::Y];
} else {
pt[NR::X] = _point[NR::X];
if ( !(state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) && _bbox ) {
// screen pixels to snap center to bbox
#define SNAP_DIST 5
// FIXME: take from prefs
double snap_dist = SNAP_DIST / _desktop->current_zoom();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (fabs(pt[i] - _bbox->min()[i]) < snap_dist) {
pt[i] = _bbox->min()[i];
if (fabs(pt[i] - _bbox->midpoint()[i]) < snap_dist) {
pt[i] = _bbox->midpoint()[i];
if (fabs(pt[i] - _bbox->max()[i]) < snap_dist) {
pt[i] = _bbox->max()[i];
// status text
GString *xs = SP_PX_TO_METRIC_STRING(pt[NR::X], _desktop->namedview->getDefaultMetric());
GString *ys = SP_PX_TO_METRIC_STRING(pt[NR::Y], _desktop->namedview->getDefaultMetric());
_message_context.setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("Move <b>center</b> to %s, %s"), xs->str, ys->str);
g_string_free(xs, FALSE);
g_string_free(ys, FALSE);
return TRUE;
* handlers for handle movement
void sp_sel_trans_stretch(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans, SPSelTransHandle const &handle, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
seltrans->stretch(handle, pt, state);
void sp_sel_trans_scale(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans, SPSelTransHandle const &, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
seltrans->scale(pt, state);
void sp_sel_trans_skew(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans, SPSelTransHandle const &handle, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
seltrans->skew(handle, pt, state);
void sp_sel_trans_rotate(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans, SPSelTransHandle const &, NR::Point &pt, guint state)
seltrans->rotate(pt, state);
void Inkscape::SelTrans::stretch(SPSelTransHandle const &/*handle*/, NR::Point &/*pt*/, guint /*state*/)
transform(_absolute_affine, NR::Point(0, 0)); // we have already accounted for origin, so pass 0,0
void Inkscape::SelTrans::scale(NR::Point &/*pt*/, guint /*state*/)
transform(_absolute_affine, NR::Point(0, 0)); // we have already accounted for origin, so pass 0,0
void Inkscape::SelTrans::skew(SPSelTransHandle const &/*handle*/, NR::Point &/*pt*/, guint /*state*/)
transform(_relative_affine, _origin);
void Inkscape::SelTrans::rotate(NR::Point &/*pt*/, guint /*state*/)
transform(_relative_affine, _origin);
void sp_sel_trans_center(Inkscape::SelTrans *seltrans, SPSelTransHandle const &, NR::Point &pt, guint /*state*/)
void Inkscape::SelTrans::moveTo(NR::Point const &xy, guint state)
SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
m.setup(_desktop, _items_const);
/* The amount that we've moved by during this drag */
NR::Point dxy = xy - _point;
bool const alt = (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK);
bool const control = (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK);
bool const shift = (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK);
if (alt) {
/* Alt pressed means keep offset: snap the moved distance to the grid.
** FIXME: this will snap to more than just the grid, nowadays.
dxy = m.freeSnap(Snapper::SNAPPOINT_NODE, dxy).getPoint();
} else if (!shift) {
/* We're snapping to things, possibly with a constraint to horizontal or
** vertical movement. Obtain a list of possible translations and then
** pick the smallest.
/* This will be our list of possible translations */
std::list<Inkscape::SnappedPoint> s;
if (control) {
/* Snap to things, and also constrain to horizontal or vertical movement */
for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++) {
} else {
// Let's leave this timer code here for a while. I'll probably need it in the near future (Diederik van Lierop)
/* GTimeVal starttime;
GTimeVal endtime;
g_get_current_time(&starttime); */
/* Snap to things with no constraint */
s.push_back(m.freeSnapTranslation(Inkscape::Snapper::SNAPPOINT_BBOX, _bbox_points, dxy));
s.push_back(m.freeSnapTranslation(Inkscape::Snapper::SNAPPOINT_NODE, _snap_points, dxy));
double elapsed = ((((double)endtime.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec) * G_USEC_PER_SEC + (endtime.tv_usec - starttime.tv_usec))) / 1000.0;
std::cout << "Time spent snapping: " << elapsed << std::endl; */
/* Pick one */
Inkscape::SnappedPoint best_snapped_point;
g_assert(best_snapped_point.getDistance() == NR_HUGE);
for (std::list<Inkscape::SnappedPoint>::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); i++) {
if (i->getSnapped()) {
// std::cout << "moveTo() -> snapped to point: " << i->getPoint() << " with transformation: " << i->getTransformation();
if (i->getDistance() < best_snapped_point.getDistance()) {
best_snapped_point = *i;
dxy = i->getTransformation();
// std::cout << " SEL";
//std::cout << std::endl;
if (best_snapped_point.getSnapped()) {
} else {
if (control) {
/* Ensure that the horizontal and vertical constraint has been applied */
if (fabs(dxy[NR::X]) > fabs(dxy[NR::Y])) {
dxy[NR::Y] = 0;
} else {
dxy[NR::X] = 0;
NR::Matrix const move((NR::translate(dxy)));
NR::Point const norm(0, 0);
transform(move, norm);
// status text
GString *xs = SP_PX_TO_METRIC_STRING(dxy[NR::X], _desktop->namedview->getDefaultMetric());
GString *ys = SP_PX_TO_METRIC_STRING(dxy[NR::Y], _desktop->namedview->getDefaultMetric());
_message_context.setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("<b>Move</b> by %s, %s; with <b>Ctrl</b> to restrict to horizontal/vertical; with <b>Shift</b> to disable snapping"), xs->str, ys->str);
g_string_free(xs, TRUE);
g_string_free(ys, TRUE);
// Given a location of a handle at the visual bounding box, find the corresponding location at the
// geometrical bounding box
NR::Point Inkscape::SelTrans::_getGeomHandlePos(NR::Point const &visual_handle_pos)
if ( _snap_bbox_type == SPItem::GEOMETRIC_BBOX) {
// When the selector tool is using geometric bboxes, then the handle is already
// located at one of the geometric bbox corners
return visual_handle_pos;
if (!_geometric_bbox) {
//_getGeomHandlePos() can only be used after _geometric_bbox has been defined!
return visual_handle_pos;
// Using the NR::Rect constructor below ensures that "min() < max()", which is important
// because this will also hold for _bbox, and which is required for get_scale_transform_with_stroke()
NR::Rect new_bbox = NR::Rect(_origin_for_bboxpoints, visual_handle_pos); // new visual bounding box
// Please note that the new_bbox might in fact be just a single line, for example when stretching (in
// which case the handle and origin will be aligned vertically or horizontally)
NR::Point normalized_handle_pos = (visual_handle_pos - new_bbox.min()) * NR::scale(new_bbox.dimensions()).inverse();
// Calculate the absolute affine while taking into account the scaling of the stroke width
int transform_stroke = prefs_get_int_attribute ("options.transform", "stroke", 1);
NR::Matrix abs_affine = get_scale_transform_with_stroke (*_bbox, _strokewidth, transform_stroke,
new_bbox.min()[NR::X], new_bbox.min()[NR::Y], new_bbox.max()[NR::X], new_bbox.max()[NR::Y]);
// Calculate the scaled geometrical bbox
NR::Rect new_geom_bbox = NR::Rect(_geometric_bbox->min() * abs_affine, _geometric_bbox->max() * abs_affine);
// Find the location of the handle on this new geometrical bbox
return normalized_handle_pos * NR::scale(new_geom_bbox.dimensions()) + new_geom_bbox.min(); //new position of the geometric handle
NR::scale Inkscape::calcScaleFactors(NR::Point const &initial_point, NR::Point const &new_point, NR::Point const &origin, bool const skew)
// Work out the new scale factors for the bbox
NR::Point const initial_delta = initial_point - origin;
NR::Point const new_delta = new_point - origin;
NR::Point const offset = new_point - initial_point;
NR::scale scale(1, 1);
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) {
if ( fabs(initial_delta[i]) > 1e-6 ) {
if (skew) {
scale[i] = offset[1-i] / initial_delta[i];
} else {
scale[i] = new_delta[i] / initial_delta[i];
return scale;
// Only for scaling/stretching
NR::Point Inkscape::SelTrans::_calcAbsAffineDefault(NR::scale const default_scale)
NR::Matrix abs_affine = NR::translate(-_origin) * NR::Matrix(default_scale) * NR::translate(_origin);
NR::Point new_bbox_min = _approximate_bbox->min() * abs_affine;
NR::Point new_bbox_max = _approximate_bbox->max() * abs_affine;
int transform_stroke = false;
gdouble strokewidth = 0;
if ( _snap_bbox_type != SPItem::GEOMETRIC_BBOX) {
transform_stroke = prefs_get_int_attribute ("options.transform", "stroke", 1);
strokewidth = _strokewidth;
_absolute_affine = get_scale_transform_with_stroke (*_approximate_bbox, strokewidth, transform_stroke,
new_bbox_min[NR::X], new_bbox_min[NR::Y], new_bbox_max[NR::X], new_bbox_max[NR::Y]);
// return the new handle position
return ( _point - _origin ) * default_scale + _origin;
// Only for scaling/stretching
NR::Point Inkscape::SelTrans::_calcAbsAffineGeom(NR::scale const geom_scale)
_relative_affine = NR::Matrix(geom_scale);
_absolute_affine = NR::translate(-_origin_for_specpoints) * _relative_affine * NR::translate(_origin_for_specpoints);
bool const transform_stroke = prefs_get_int_attribute ("options.transform", "stroke", 1);
NR::Rect visual_bbox = get_visual_bbox(_geometric_bbox, _absolute_affine, _strokewidth, transform_stroke);
// return the new handle position
return visual_bbox.min() + visual_bbox.dimensions() * NR::scale(_handle_x, _handle_y);
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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