preferences.cpp revision 60c7d978954193564ceb338a4d8f5e73a8658418
/** @file
* Singleton class to access the preferences file - implementation.
/* Authors:
* Krzysztof KosiĆski <>
* Jon A. Cruz <>
* Copyright (C) 2008,2009 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL. Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "preferences.h"
#include "preferences-skeleton.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "xml/node-observer.h"
#include "xml/node-iterators.h"
#include "xml/attribute-record.h"
#define PREFERENCES_FILE_NAME "preferences.xml"
namespace Inkscape {
static Inkscape::XML::Document *loadImpl( std::string const& prefsFilename, Glib::ustring & errMsg );
// TODO clean up. Function copied from file.cpp:
// what gets passed here is not actually an URI... it is an UTF-8 encoded filename (!)
if (!uri) {
g_warning("file_add_recent: uri == NULL");
} else {
if (fn) {
if (uriToAdd) {
// private inner class definition
* XML - prefs observer bridge.
* This is an XML node observer that watches for changes in the XML document storing the preferences.
* It is used to implement preference observers.
virtual ~PrefNodeObserver() {}
virtual void notifyAttributeChanged(XML::Node &node, GQuark name, Util::ptr_shared<char>, Util::ptr_shared<char>);
Preferences::Preferences() :
// profile_path essentailly returns the argument prefixed by the profile directory.
_prefs_dir = path;
// delete all PrefNodeObservers
delete (*i++).second; // avoids reference to a deleted key
// unref XML document
* Load internal defaults.
* In the future this will try to load the system-wide file before falling
* back to the internal defaults.
void Preferences::_loadDefaults()
* Load the user's customized preferences.
* Tries to load the user's preferences.xml file. If there is none, creates it.
void Preferences::_load()
"and new settings will not be saved. ");
// NOTE: After we upgrade to Glib 2.16, use Glib::ustring::compose
// 1. Does the file exist?
// No - we need to create one.
// Does the profile directory exist?
// No - create the profile directory
// the creation failed
//_reportError(Glib::ustring::compose(_("Cannot create profile directory %1."),
// Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_dir)), not_saved);
// create some subdirectories for user stuff
for (int i=0; user_dirs[i]; ++i) {
// The profile dir is not actually a directory
//_reportError(Glib::ustring::compose(_("%1 is not a valid directory."),
// Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_dir)), not_saved);
// The profile dir exists and is valid.
if (!g_file_set_contents(_prefs_filename.c_str(), preferences_skeleton, PREFERENCES_SKELETON_SIZE, NULL)) {
// The write failed.
//_reportError(Glib::ustring::compose(_("Failed to create the preferences file %1."),
// Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_filename)), not_saved);
if ( migrateFromDoc ) {
// The prefs file was just created.
// We can return now and skip the rest of the load process.
_writable = true;
// Yes, the pref file exists.
if ( prefs_read ) {
// Merge the loaded prefs with defaults.
_writable = true;
} else {
//_reportError(msg, not_saved);
static Inkscape::XML::Document *loadImpl( std::string const& prefsFilename, Glib::ustring & errMsg )
// 2. Is it a regular file?
return 0;
// 3. Is the file readable?
return 0;
// 4. Is it valid XML?
if (!prefs_read) {
return 0;
// 5. Basic sanity check: does the root element have a correct name?
return 0;
return prefs_read;
// TODO pull in additional prefs with more granularity
* Flush all pref changes to the XML file.
void Preferences::save()
// no-op if the prefs file is not writable
if (_writable) {
// sp_repr_save_file uses utf-8 instead of the glib filename encoding.
// I don't know why filenames are kept in utf-8 in Inkscape and then
// converted to filename encoding when necessary through special functions
// - wouldn't it be easier to keep things in the encoding they are supposed
// to be in?
// No, it would not. There are many reasons, one key reason being that the
// rest of GTK+ is explicitly UTF-8. From an engineering standpoint, keeping
// the filesystem encoding would change things from a one-to-many problem to
// instead be a many-to-many problem. Also filesystem encoding can change
// from one run of the program to the next, so can not be stored.
// There are many other factors, so ask if you would like to learn them. - JAC
if ( _hasError ) {
_hasError = false;
} else {
return result;
#ifdef S_IRGRP
#ifdef S_IXGRP
#ifdef S_IXOTH
} else {
if (oldPrefFile) {
if (oldPrefs) {
recentNode = child;
if (uri) {
if (recentNode) {
while (recentNode->firstChild()) {
oldPrefs = 0;
} else {
oldPrefFile = 0;
// Now for the meat.
* Get names of all entries in the specified path.
* @param path Preference path to query.
* @return A vector containing all entries in the given directory.
if (node) {
// argh - purge this Util::List nonsense from XML classes fast
temp.push_back( Entry(path + '/' + g_quark_to_string(alist->key), static_cast<void const*>(alist->value.pointer())) );
return temp;
* Get the paths to all subdirectories of the specified path.
* @param path Preference path to query.
* @return A vector containing absolute paths to all subdirectories in the given path.
if (node) {
return temp;
// getter methods
gchar const *v;
_getRawValue(pref_path, v);
// setter methods
* Set a boolean attribute of a preference.
* @param pref_path Path of the preference to modify.
* @param value The new value of the pref attribute.
/// @todo Boolean values should be stored as "true" and "false",
/// but this is not possible due to an interaction with event contexts.
/// Investigate this in depth.
* Set an integer attribute of a preference.
* @param pref_path Path of the preference to modify.
* @param value The new value of the pref attribute.
* Set a floating point attribute of a preference.
* @param pref_path Path of the preference to modify.
* @param value The new value of the pref attribute.
* Set a string attribute of a preference.
* @param pref_path Path of the preference to modify.
* @param value The new value of the pref attribute.
// Observer stuff
namespace {
* Structure that holds additional information for registered Observers.
struct _ObserverData {
bool _is_attr; ///< Whether this Observer watches a single attribute
} // anonymous namespace
// on destruction remove observer to prevent invalid references
void Preferences::PrefNodeObserver::notifyAttributeChanged(XML::Node &node, GQuark name, Util::ptr_shared<char>, Util::ptr_shared<char> new_value)
// filter out attributes we don't watch
if (!d->_is_attr) {
// walk the XML tree, saving each of the id attributes in a vector
// we terminate when we hit the observer's attachment node, because the path to this node
// is already stored in notify_path
// assemble the elements into a path
for (std::vector<gchar const *>::reverse_iterator i = path_fragments.rbegin(); i != path_fragments.rend(); ++i) {
// append attribute name
Entry const val = Preferences::_create_pref_value(notify_path, static_cast<void const*>(new_value.pointer()));
* Find the XML node to observe.
XML::Node *Preferences::_findObserverNode(Glib::ustring const &pref_path, Glib::ustring &node_key, Glib::ustring &attr_key, bool create)
// first assume that the last path element is an entry.
// find the node corresponding to the "directory".
// If there is a node with id corresponding to the attr key,
// this means that the last part of the path is actually a key (folder).
// Change values accordingly.
attr_key = "";
return node;
// prevent adding the same observer twice
if (node) {
// set additional data
// if we watch a single pref, we want to receive notifications only for a single node
} else {
// prevent removing an observer which was not added
} else {
delete priv_data;
delete _observer_map[&o];
* Get the XML node corresponding to the given pref key.
* @param pref_key Preference key (path) to get.
* @param create Whether to create the corresponding node if it doesn't exist.
* @param separator The character used to separate parts of the pref key.
* @return XML node corresponding to the specified key.
* Derived from former inkscape_get_repr(). Private because it assumes that the backend is
* a flat XML file, which may not be the case e.g. if we are using GConf (in future).
// verify path
// No longer necessary, can cause problems with input devices which have a dot in the name
// g_assert( pref_key.find('.') == Glib::ustring::npos );
if ( splits ) {
// skip empty path segments
// If the previous loop found a matching key, child now contains the node
// matching the processed key part. If no node was found then it is NULL.
if (!child) {
if (create) {
// create the rest of the key
splits = 0;
return node;
} else {
splits = 0;
return NULL;
return node;
// create node and attribute keys
// retrieve the attribute
} else {
} else {
// create node and attribute keys
// set the attribute
// The _extract* methods are where the actual wrok is done - they define how preferences are stored
// in the XML file.
return false;
} else {
return true;
if ( !strcmp(s, "true") ) {
return true;
} else if ( !strcmp(s, "false") ) {
return false;
} else {
return atoi(s);
return g_ascii_strtod(s, NULL);
if (s[0] == '#') {
} else {
return color;
return style;
// This is the dirtiest extraction method. Generally we ignore whatever was in v._value
// and just get the style using sp_repr_css_attr_inherited. To implement this in GConf,
// we'll have to walk up the tree and call sp_repr_css_attr_add_from_string
// XML backend helper: Split the path into a node key and an attribute key.
void Preferences::_keySplit(Glib::ustring const &pref_path, Glib::ustring &node_key, Glib::ustring &attr_key)
// everything after the last slash
// everything before the last slash
_hasError = true;
if (_errorHandler) {
Preferences::Entry const Preferences::_create_pref_value(Glib::ustring const &path, void const *ptr)
if (_instance)
if (save) {
delete _instance;
} // namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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