preferences.cpp revision 4852f347df5405e934e2ccd5b30597d196f3949c
/** @file
* @brief Singleton class to access the preferences file - implementation
* Authors:
* Krzysztof KosiƄski <>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL. Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
#include "preferences.h"
#include "preferences-skeleton.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "xml/repr.h"
#include "xml/node-observer.h"
#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
#define PREFERENCES_FILE_NAME "preferences.xml"
namespace Inkscape {
Preferences::Preferences() :
// profile_path essentailly returns the argument prefixed by the profile directory.
gchar *path = profile_path(NULL);
_prefs_dir = path;
path = profile_path(;
_prefs_filename = path;
// when the preferences are unloaded, save them
* @brief Load internal defaults
* In the future this will try to load the system-wide file before falling
* back to the internal defaults.
void Preferences::_loadDefaults()
_prefs_doc = sp_repr_read_mem(preferences_skeleton, PREFERENCES_SKELETON_SIZE, NULL);
* @brief Load the user's customized preferences
* Tries to load the user's preferences.xml file. If there is none, creates it.
* Displays dialog boxes on any errors.
void Preferences::_load()
Glib::ustring not_saved = _("Inkscape will run with default settings, "
"and new settings will not be saved. ");
// 1. Does the file exist?
if (!g_file_test(, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
// No - we need to create one.
// Does the profile directory exist?
if (!g_file_test(, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
// No - create the profile directory
if (g_mkdir(, 0755)) {
// the creation failed
_errorDialog(Glib::ustring::compose(_("Cannot create profile directory %1."),
Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_dir)), not_saved);
// create some subdirectories for user stuff
char const *user_dirs[] = {"keys", "templates", "icons", "extensions", "palettes", NULL};
for(int i=0; user_dirs[i]; ++i) {
char *dir = profile_path(user_dirs[i]);
g_mkdir(dir, 0755);
} else if (!g_file_test(, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
// The profile dir is not actually a directory
_errorDialog(Glib::ustring::compose(_("%1 is not a valid directory."),
Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_dir)), not_saved);
// The profile dir exists and is valid.
if (!g_file_set_contents(, preferences_skeleton, PREFERENCES_SKELETON_SIZE, NULL)) {
// The write failed.
_errorDialog(Glib::ustring::compose(_("Failed to create the preferences file %1."),
Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_filename)), not_saved);
// The prefs file was just created.
// We can return now and skip the rest of the load process.
_writable = true;
// Yes, the pref file exists.
// 2. Is it a regular file?
if (!g_file_test(, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {
_errorDialog(Glib::ustring::compose(_("The preferences file %1 is not a regular file."),
Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_filename)), not_saved);
// 3. Is the file readable?
gchar *prefs_xml = NULL; gsize len = 0;
if (!g_file_get_contents(, &prefs_xml, &len, NULL)) {
_errorDialog(Glib::ustring::compose(_("The preferences file %1 could not be read."),
Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_filename)), not_saved);
// 4. Is it valid XML?
Inkscape::XML::Document *prefs_read = sp_repr_read_mem(prefs_xml, len, NULL);
if (!prefs_read) {
_errorDialog(Glib::ustring::compose(_("The preferences file %1 is not a valid XML document."),
Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_filename)), not_saved);
// 5. Basic sanity check: does the root element have a correct name?
if (strcmp(prefs_read->root()->name(), "inkscape")) {
_errorDialog(Glib::ustring::compose(_("The file %1 is not a valid Inkscape preferences file."),
Glib::filename_to_utf8(_prefs_filename)), not_saved);
// Merge the loaded prefs with defaults.
_prefs_doc->root()->mergeFrom(prefs_read->root(), "id");
_writable = true;
* @brief Flush all pref changes to the XML file
void Preferences::save()
if (!_writable) return; // no-op if the prefs file is not writable
// sp_repr_save_file uses utf-8 instead of the glib filename encoding.
// I don't know why filenames are kept in utf-8 in Inkscape and then
// converted to filename encoding when necessary through sepcial functions
// - wouldn't it be easier to keep things in the encoding they are supposed
// to be in?
Glib::ustring utf8name = Glib::filename_from_utf8(_prefs_filename);
if (utf8name.empty()) return;
void Preferences::addPrefsObserver(Inkscape::XML::NodeObserver *observer)
// Now for the meat.
// Most of the logic is similar to former prefs-utils.cpp
* @brief Check for the existence of a given pref key
* @param pref_key Preference key to check
* @return True if the key exists, false otherwise
bool Preferences::exists(Glib::ustring const &pref_key)
return _getNode(pref_key) != NULL;
* @brief Get the number of sub-preferences of a given pref
* @param pref_key Preference key to check
* @return Number of sub-preferences
* Note: This does not count attributes, only child preferences.
unsigned int Preferences::childCount(Glib::ustring const &pref_key)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(pref_key);
return ( node ? node->childCount() : 0 );
* @brief Get the key of the n-th sub-preference of the specified pref
* @param father_key Parent key
* @param n The zero-based index of the pref key to retrieve
* @return The key of the n-th sub-preference
Glib::ustring Preferences::getNthChild(Glib::ustring const &father_key, unsigned int n)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(father_key), *child;
if (!node) return "";
child = node->nthChild(n);
if (!child) return "";
if (child->attribute("id")) {
Glib::ustring child_key = father_key;
child_key += '.';
child_key += child->attribute("id");
return child_key;
return "";
* @brief Create the preference with the specified key
* @return True if the node was created, false if it already existed
* This method is redundant, because the setters automatically create prefs
* if they don't already exist. It is only left to accomodate some legacy code
* which manipulates the DOM of the preferences file directly.
bool Preferences::create(Glib::ustring const &pref_key)
if (_getNode(pref_key)) return false;
_getNode(pref_key, true);
return true;
// getter methods
* @brief Get a boolean attribute of a preference
* @param pref_key Key of he preference to retrieve
* @param attr Attribute to retrieve
* @param def The default value to return if the preference is not set
* @return The retrieved value
bool Preferences::getBool(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr, bool def)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(pref_key);
if (!node) return def;
gchar const *rawstr = node->attribute(;
if(!rawstr || !rawstr[0]) return def;
Glib::ustring str = rawstr;
// This is to handle legacy preferences using ints as booleans
if (str == "true" || str == "1") return true;
return false;
* @brief Get an integer attribute of a preference
* @param pref_key Key of he preference to retrieve
* @param attr Attribute to retrieve
* @param def The default value to return if the preference is not set
* @return The retrieved value
int Preferences::getInt(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr, int def)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(pref_key);
if (!node) return def;
gchar const *rawstr = node->attribute(;
if (!rawstr || !rawstr[0]) return def;
Glib::ustring str = rawstr;
// Protection against leftover getInt calls when the value is in fact a boolean
if (str == "true") return 1;
if (str == "false") return 0;
return atoi(;
int Preferences::getIntLimited(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr, int def, int min, int max)
int value = getInt(pref_key, attr, def);
return ( value >= min && value <= max ? value : def);
* @brief Get a floating point attribute of a preference
* @param pref_key Key of he preference to retrieve
* @param attr Attribute to retrieve
* @param def The default value to return if the preference is not set
* @return The retrieved value
double Preferences::getDouble(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr, double def)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(pref_key);
if (!node) return def;
gchar const *str = node->attribute(;
if (!str) return def;
return g_ascii_strtod(str, NULL);
double Preferences::getDoubleLimited(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr, double def, double min, double max)
double value = getDouble(pref_key, attr, def);
return ( value >= min && value <= max ? value : def);
* @brief Get a string attribute of a preference
* @param pref_key Key of he preference to retrieve
* @param attr Attribute to retrieve
* @param def The default value to return if the preference is not set
* @return The retrieved value
Glib::ustring Preferences::getString(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(pref_key);
if (!node) return "";
gchar const *str = node->attribute(;
if (!str) return "";
return Glib::ustring(str);
// setter methods
* @brief Set a boolean attribute of a preference
* @param pref_key Key of the preference to modify
* @param attr Attribute to set
* @param value The new value of the pref attribute
void Preferences::setBool(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr, bool value)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(pref_key, true);
node->setAttribute(, ( value ? "true" : "false" ));
* @brief Set an integer attribute of a preference
* @param pref_key Key of the preference to modify
* @param attr Attribute to set
* @param value The new value of the pref attribute
void Preferences::setInt(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr, int value)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(pref_key, true);
gchar intstr[32];
g_snprintf(intstr, 32, "%d", value);
node->setAttribute(, intstr);
* @brief Set a floating point attribute of a preference
* @param pref_key Key of the preference to modify
* @param attr Attribute to set
* @param value The new value of the pref attribute
void Preferences::setDouble(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr, double value)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(pref_key, true);
sp_repr_set_svg_double(node,, value);
gchar dblstr[32];
g_snprintf(dblstr, 32, "%g", value);
node->setAttribute(attr, dblstr);
* @brief Set a string attribute of a preference
* @param pref_key Key of the preference to modify
* @param attr Attribute to set
* @param value The new value of the pref attribute
void Preferences::setString(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, Glib::ustring const &attr, Glib::ustring const &value)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(pref_key, true);
* @brief Get the XML node corresponding to the given pref key
* @param pref_key Preference key (path) to get
* @param create Whether to create the corresponding node if it doesn't exist
* @return XML node corresponding to the specified key
* The separator for key components is '.' (a dot). Derived from former
* inkscape_get_repr().
Inkscape::XML::Node *Preferences::_getNode(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, bool create)
Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _prefs_doc->root(), *child = NULL;
gchar **splits = g_strsplit(, ".", 0);
int part_i = 0;
while(splits[part_i]) {
for (child = node->firstChild(); child; child = child->next())
if (!strcmp(splits[part_i], child->attribute("id"))) break;
// If the previous loop found a matching key, child now contains the node
// matching the processed key part. If no node was found then it is NULL.
if (!child) {
if (create) {
// create the rest of the key
while(splits[part_i]) {
child = node->document()->createElement("group");
child->setAttribute("id", splits[part_i]);
node = child;
return node;
} else {
return NULL;
node = child;
return node;
void Preferences::_errorDialog(Glib::ustring const &msg, Glib::ustring const &secondary)
if (Preferences::use_gui) {
Gtk::MessageDialog err(
msg, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true);
} else {
bool Preferences::use_gui = true;
Preferences *Preferences::_instance = NULL;
} // namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0))
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