object-hierarchy.h revision 0f201e31b850b4b97592ea8198e3ecd5cac73ae4
/** \file
* Inkscape::ObjectHierarchy - tracks a hierarchy of active SPObjects
* Authors:
* MenTaLguY <mental@rydia.net>
* Copyright (C) 2004 MenTaLguY
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <exception>
#include <list>
#include <sigc++/connection.h>
#include <sigc++/signal.h>
#include <glib/gmessages.h>
class SPObject;
namespace Inkscape {
* An Inkscape::ObjectHierarchy is useful for situations where one wishes
* to keep a reference to an SPObject, but fall back on one of its ancestors
* when that object is removed.
* That cannot be accomplished simply by hooking the "release" signal of the
* SPObject, as by the time that signal is emitted, the object's parent
* field has already been cleared.
* There are also some subtle refcounting issues to take into account.
* @see SPObject
class ObjectHierarchy {
ObjectHierarchy(SPObject *top=NULL);
bool contains(SPObject *object);
sigc::connection connectAdded(const sigc::slot<void, SPObject *> &slot) {
return _added_signal.connect(slot);
sigc::connection connectRemoved(const sigc::slot<void, SPObject *> &slot) {
return _removed_signal.connect(slot);
sigc::connection connectChanged(const sigc::slot<void, SPObject *, SPObject *> &slot)
return _changed_signal.connect(slot);
void clear();
SPObject *top() {
return !_hierarchy.empty() ? _hierarchy.back().object : NULL;
void setTop(SPObject *object);
SPObject *bottom() {
return !_hierarchy.empty() ? _hierarchy.front().object : NULL;
void setBottom(SPObject *object);
struct Record {
Record(SPObject *o, sigc::connection c)
: object(o), connection(c) {}
SPObject *object;
sigc::connection connection;
ObjectHierarchy(ObjectHierarchy const &); // no copy
void operator=(ObjectHierarchy const &); // no assign
/// @brief adds objects in range [senior, junior) to the top
void _addTop(SPObject *senior, SPObject *junior);
/// @brief adds one object to the top
void _addTop(SPObject *object);
/// @brief removes all objects above the limit object
void _trimAbove(SPObject *limit);
/// @brief adds objects in range (senior, junior] to the bottom
void _addBottom(SPObject *senior, SPObject *junior);
/// @brief adds one object to the bottom
void _addBottom(SPObject *object);
/// @brief removes all objects below the limit object
void _trimBelow(SPObject *limit);
Record _attach(SPObject *object);
void _detach(Record &record);
void _clear() { _trimBelow(NULL); }
void _trim_for_release(SPObject *released);
std::list<Record> _hierarchy;
sigc::signal<void, SPObject *> _added_signal;
sigc::signal<void, SPObject *> _removed_signal;
sigc::signal<void, SPObject *, SPObject *> _changed_signal;
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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