object-edit.cpp revision bffd6658584825b729e75c44eb57eaaa16ad21c3
#define __SP_OBJECT_EDIT_C__
* Node editing extension to objects
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@kaplinski.com>
* Mitsuru Oka
* Licensed under GNU GPL
# include "config.h"
#include "sp-item.h"
#include "sp-rect.h"
#include "box3d.h"
#include "sp-ellipse.h"
#include "sp-star.h"
#include "sp-spiral.h"
#include "sp-offset.h"
#include "sp-flowtext.h"
#include "prefs-utils.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "snap.h"
#include "desktop-affine.h"
#include <style.h>
#include "desktop.h"
#include "sp-namedview.h"
#include "sp-pattern.h"
#include "sp-path.h"
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include "object-edit.h"
#include <libnr/nr-scale-ops.h>
#include "xml/repr.h"
#include "isnan.h"
#define sp_round(v,m) (((v) < 0.0) ? ((ceil((v) / (m) - 0.5)) * (m)) : ((floor((v) / (m) + 0.5)) * (m)))
static SPKnotHolder *sp_rect_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop);
SPKnotHolder *sp_3dbox_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop, guint number_of_handles);
static SPKnotHolder *sp_arc_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop);
static SPKnotHolder *sp_star_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop);
static SPKnotHolder *sp_spiral_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop);
static SPKnotHolder *sp_offset_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop);
static SPKnotHolder *sp_misc_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop);
static SPKnotHolder *sp_flowtext_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop);
static void sp_pat_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPKnotHolder *knot_holder);
SPKnotHolder *
sp_item_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop)
if (SP_IS_RECT(item)) {
return sp_rect_knot_holder(item, desktop);
} else if (SP_IS_3DBOX(item)) {
return sp_3dbox_knot_holder(item, desktop, SP3DBoxContext::number_of_handles);
} else if (SP_IS_ARC(item)) {
return sp_arc_knot_holder(item, desktop);
} else if (SP_IS_STAR(item)) {
return sp_star_knot_holder(item, desktop);
} else if (SP_IS_SPIRAL(item)) {
return sp_spiral_knot_holder(item, desktop);
} else if (SP_IS_OFFSET(item)) {
return sp_offset_knot_holder(item, desktop);
} else if (SP_IS_FLOWTEXT(item) && SP_FLOWTEXT(item)->has_internal_frame()) {
return sp_flowtext_knot_holder(item, desktop);
} else {
return sp_misc_knot_holder(item, desktop);
return NULL;
/* Pattern manipulation */
static gdouble sp_pattern_extract_theta(SPPattern *pat, gdouble scale)
gdouble theta = asin(pat->patternTransform[1] / scale);
if (pat->patternTransform[0] < 0) theta = M_PI - theta ;
return theta;
static gdouble sp_pattern_extract_scale(SPPattern *pat)
gdouble s = pat->patternTransform[1];
gdouble c = pat->patternTransform[0];
gdouble xscale = sqrt(c * c + s * s);
return xscale;
static NR::Point sp_pattern_extract_trans(SPPattern const *pat)
return NR::Point(pat->patternTransform[4], pat->patternTransform[5]);
static void
sp_pattern_xy_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPPattern *pat = SP_PATTERN(SP_STYLE_FILL_SERVER(SP_OBJECT(item)->style));
NR::Point p_snapped = p;
if ( state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) {
if (fabs((p - origin)[NR::X]) > fabs((p - origin)[NR::Y])) {
p_snapped[NR::Y] = origin[NR::Y];
} else {
p_snapped[NR::X] = origin[NR::X];
if (state) {
NR::Point const q = p_snapped - sp_pattern_extract_trans(pat);
sp_item_adjust_pattern(item, NR::Matrix(NR::translate(q)));
static NR::Point sp_pattern_xy_get(SPItem *item)
SPPattern const *pat = SP_PATTERN(SP_STYLE_FILL_SERVER(SP_OBJECT(item)->style));
return sp_pattern_extract_trans(pat);
static NR::Point sp_pattern_angle_get(SPItem *item)
SPPattern *pat = SP_PATTERN(SP_STYLE_FILL_SERVER(SP_OBJECT(item)->style));
gdouble x = (pattern_width(pat)*0.5);
gdouble y = 0;
NR::Point delta = NR::Point(x,y);
gdouble scale = sp_pattern_extract_scale(pat);
gdouble theta = sp_pattern_extract_theta(pat, scale);
delta = delta * NR::Matrix(NR::rotate(theta))*NR::Matrix(NR::scale(scale,scale));
delta = delta + sp_pattern_extract_trans(pat);
return delta;
static void
sp_pattern_angle_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
int const snaps = prefs_get_int_attribute("options.rotationsnapsperpi", "value", 12);
SPPattern *pat = SP_PATTERN(SP_STYLE_FILL_SERVER(SP_OBJECT(item)->style));
// get the angle from pattern 0,0 to the cursor pos
NR::Point delta = p - sp_pattern_extract_trans(pat);
gdouble theta = atan2(delta);
if ( state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) {
theta = sp_round(theta, M_PI/snaps);
// get the scale from the current transform so we can keep it.
gdouble scl = sp_pattern_extract_scale(pat);
NR::Matrix rot = NR::Matrix(NR::rotate(theta)) * NR::Matrix(NR::scale(scl,scl));
NR::Point const t = sp_pattern_extract_trans(pat);
rot[4] = t[NR::X];
rot[5] = t[NR::Y];
sp_item_adjust_pattern(item, rot, true);
static void
sp_pattern_scale_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPPattern *pat = SP_PATTERN(SP_STYLE_FILL_SERVER(SP_OBJECT(item)->style));
// Get the scale from the position of the knotholder,
NR::Point d = p - sp_pattern_extract_trans(pat);
gdouble s = NR::L2(d);
gdouble pat_x = pattern_width(pat) * 0.5;
gdouble pat_y = pattern_height(pat) * 0.5;
gdouble pat_h = hypot(pat_x, pat_y);
gdouble scl = s / pat_h;
// get angle from current transform, (need get current scale first to calculate angle)
gdouble oldscale = sp_pattern_extract_scale(pat);
gdouble theta = sp_pattern_extract_theta(pat,oldscale);
NR::Matrix rot = NR::Matrix(NR::rotate(theta)) * NR::Matrix(NR::scale(scl,scl));
NR::Point const t = sp_pattern_extract_trans(pat);
rot[4] = t[NR::X];
rot[5] = t[NR::Y];
sp_item_adjust_pattern(item, rot, true);
static NR::Point sp_pattern_scale_get(SPItem *item)
SPPattern *pat = SP_PATTERN(SP_STYLE_FILL_SERVER(SP_OBJECT(item)->style));
gdouble x = pattern_width(pat)*0.5;
gdouble y = pattern_height(pat)*0.5;
NR::Point delta = NR::Point(x,y);
NR::Matrix a = pat->patternTransform;
a[4] = 0;
a[5] = 0;
delta = delta * a;
delta = delta + sp_pattern_extract_trans(pat);
return delta;
/* SPRect */
static NR::Point snap_knot_position(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p)
SPDesktop const *desktop = inkscape_active_desktop();
NR::Matrix const i2d (sp_item_i2d_affine (item));
NR::Point s = p * i2d;
SnapManager const &m = desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
s = m.freeSnap(Inkscape::Snapper::BBOX_POINT | Inkscape::Snapper::SNAP_POINT, s, item).getPoint();
return s * i2d.inverse();
static NR::Point sp_rect_rx_get(SPItem *item)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
return NR::Point(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed - rect->rx.computed, rect->y.computed);
static void sp_rect_rx_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
//In general we cannot just snap this radius to an arbitrary point, as we have only a single
//degree of freedom. For snapping to an arbitrary point we need two DOF. If we're going to snap
//the radius then we should have a constrained snap. snap_knot_position() is unconstrained
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
gdouble temp = MIN(rect->height.computed, rect->width.computed) / 2.0;
rect->rx.computed = rect->ry.computed = CLAMP(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed - p[NR::X], 0.0, temp);
rect->rx._set = rect->ry._set = true;
} else {
rect->rx.computed = CLAMP(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed - p[NR::X], 0.0, rect->width.computed / 2.0);
rect->rx._set = true;
static NR::Point sp_rect_ry_get(SPItem *item)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
return NR::Point(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed, rect->y.computed + rect->ry.computed);
static void sp_rect_ry_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
//In general we cannot just snap this radius to an arbitrary point, as we have only a single
//degree of freedom. For snapping to an arbitrary point we need two DOF. If we're going to snap
//the radius then we should have a constrained snap. snap_knot_position() is unconstrained
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
gdouble temp = MIN(rect->height.computed, rect->width.computed) / 2.0;
rect->rx.computed = rect->ry.computed = CLAMP(p[NR::Y] - rect->y.computed, 0.0, temp);
rect->ry._set = rect->rx._set = true;
} else {
if (!rect->rx._set || rect->rx.computed == 0) {
rect->ry.computed = CLAMP(p[NR::Y] - rect->y.computed,
MIN(rect->height.computed / 2.0, rect->width.computed / 2.0));
} else {
rect->ry.computed = CLAMP(p[NR::Y] - rect->y.computed,
rect->height.computed / 2.0);
rect->ry._set = true;
((SPObject *)rect)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
* Remove rounding from a rectangle.
static void rect_remove_rounding(SPRect *rect)
SP_OBJECT_REPR(rect)->setAttribute("rx", NULL);
SP_OBJECT_REPR(rect)->setAttribute("ry", NULL);
* Called when the horizontal rounding radius knot is clicked.
static void sp_rect_rx_knot_click(SPItem *item, guint state)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
} else if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
/* Ctrl-click sets the vertical rounding to be the same as the horizontal */
SP_OBJECT_REPR(rect)->setAttribute("ry", SP_OBJECT_REPR(rect)->attribute("rx"));
* Called when the vertical rounding radius knot is clicked.
static void sp_rect_ry_knot_click(SPItem *item, guint state)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
} else if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
/* Ctrl-click sets the vertical rounding to be the same as the horizontal */
SP_OBJECT_REPR(rect)->setAttribute("rx", SP_OBJECT_REPR(rect)->attribute("ry"));
#define SGN(x) ((x)>0?1:((x)<0?-1:0))
static void sp_rect_clamp_radii(SPRect *rect)
// clamp rounding radii so that they do not exceed width/height
if (2 * rect->rx.computed > rect->width.computed) {
rect->rx.computed = 0.5 * rect->width.computed;
rect->rx._set = true;
if (2 * rect->ry.computed > rect->height.computed) {
rect->ry.computed = 0.5 * rect->height.computed;
rect->ry._set = true;
static NR::Point sp_rect_wh_get(SPItem *item)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
return NR::Point(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed, rect->y.computed + rect->height.computed);
static void sp_rect_wh_set_internal(SPRect *rect, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
NR::Point const s = snap_knot_position(rect, p);
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
// original width/height when drag started
gdouble const w_orig = (origin[NR::X] - rect->x.computed);
gdouble const h_orig = (origin[NR::Y] - rect->y.computed);
//original ratio
gdouble const ratio = (w_orig / h_orig);
// mouse displacement since drag started
gdouble const minx = s[NR::X] - origin[NR::X];
gdouble const miny = s[NR::Y] - origin[NR::Y];
if (fabs(minx) > fabs(miny)) {
// snap to horizontal or diagonal
rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig + minx, 0);
if (minx != 0 && fabs(miny/minx) > 0.5 * 1/ratio && (SGN(minx) == SGN(miny))) {
// closer to the diagonal and in same-sign quarters, change both using ratio
rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig + minx / ratio, 0);
} else {
// closer to the horizontal, change only width, height is h_orig
rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig, 0);
} else {
// snap to vertical or diagonal
rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig + miny, 0);
if (miny != 0 && fabs(minx/miny) > 0.5 * ratio && (SGN(minx) == SGN(miny))) {
// closer to the diagonal and in same-sign quarters, change both using ratio
rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig + miny * ratio, 0);
} else {
// closer to the vertical, change only height, width is w_orig
rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig, 0);
rect->width._set = rect->height._set = true;
} else {
// move freely
rect->width.computed = MAX(s[NR::X] - rect->x.computed, 0);
rect->height.computed = MAX(s[NR::Y] - rect->y.computed, 0);
rect->width._set = rect->height._set = true;
((SPObject *)rect)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static void sp_rect_wh_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
sp_rect_wh_set_internal(rect, p, origin, state);
static NR::Point sp_rect_xy_get(SPItem *item)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
return NR::Point(rect->x.computed, rect->y.computed);
static void sp_rect_xy_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
// opposite corner (unmoved)
gdouble opposite_x = (rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed);
gdouble opposite_y = (rect->y.computed + rect->height.computed);
// original width/height when drag started
gdouble w_orig = opposite_x - origin[NR::X];
gdouble h_orig = opposite_y - origin[NR::Y];
NR::Point const s = snap_knot_position(rect, p);
// mouse displacement since drag started
gdouble minx = s[NR::X] - origin[NR::X];
gdouble miny = s[NR::Y] - origin[NR::Y];
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
//original ratio
gdouble ratio = (w_orig / h_orig);
if (fabs(minx) > fabs(miny)) {
// snap to horizontal or diagonal
rect->x.computed = MIN(s[NR::X], opposite_x);
rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig - minx, 0);
if (minx != 0 && fabs(miny/minx) > 0.5 * 1/ratio && (SGN(minx) == SGN(miny))) {
// closer to the diagonal and in same-sign quarters, change both using ratio
rect->y.computed = MIN(origin[NR::Y] + minx / ratio, opposite_y);
rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig - minx / ratio, 0);
} else {
// closer to the horizontal, change only width, height is h_orig
rect->y.computed = MIN(origin[NR::Y], opposite_y);
rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig, 0);
} else {
// snap to vertical or diagonal
rect->y.computed = MIN(s[NR::Y], opposite_y);
rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig - miny, 0);
if (miny != 0 && fabs(minx/miny) > 0.5 *ratio && (SGN(minx) == SGN(miny))) {
// closer to the diagonal and in same-sign quarters, change both using ratio
rect->x.computed = MIN(origin[NR::X] + miny * ratio, opposite_x);
rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig - miny * ratio, 0);
} else {
// closer to the vertical, change only height, width is w_orig
rect->x.computed = MIN(origin[NR::X], opposite_x);
rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig, 0);
rect->width._set = rect->height._set = rect->x._set = rect->y._set = true;
} else {
// move freely
rect->x.computed = MIN(s[NR::X], opposite_x);
rect->width.computed = MAX(w_orig - minx, 0);
rect->y.computed = MIN(s[NR::Y], opposite_y);
rect->height.computed = MAX(h_orig - miny, 0);
rect->width._set = rect->height._set = rect->x._set = rect->y._set = true;
((SPObject *)rect)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static SPKnotHolder *sp_rect_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop)
SPKnotHolder *knot_holder = sp_knot_holder_new(desktop, item, NULL);
knot_holder, sp_rect_rx_set, sp_rect_rx_get, sp_rect_rx_knot_click,
_("Adjust the <b>horizontal rounding</b> radius; with <b>Ctrl</b> to make the vertical "
"radius the same"));
knot_holder, sp_rect_ry_set, sp_rect_ry_get, sp_rect_ry_knot_click,
_("Adjust the <b>vertical rounding</b> radius; with <b>Ctrl</b> to make the horizontal "
"radius the same")
knot_holder, sp_rect_wh_set, sp_rect_wh_get, NULL,
_("Adjust the <b>width and height</b> of the rectangle; with <b>Ctrl</b> to lock ratio "
"or stretch in one dimension only")
knot_holder, sp_rect_xy_set, sp_rect_xy_get, NULL,
_("Adjust the <b>width and height</b> of the rectangle; with <b>Ctrl</b> to lock ratio "
"or stretch in one dimension only")
sp_pat_knot_holder(item, knot_holder);
return knot_holder;
/* 3D Box */
static void sp_3dbox_knot_set(SPItem *item, guint knot_id, Box3D::Axis direction,
NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
g_assert(item != NULL);
SP3DBox *box = SP_3DBOX(item);
// FIXME: Why must the coordinates be flipped vertically???
SPDocument *doc = SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT(box);
gdouble height = sp_document_height(doc);
if (direction == Box3D::Z) {
sp_3dbox_move_corner_in_Z_direction (box, knot_id, NR::Point (new_pos[NR::X], height - new_pos[NR::Y]),
!(state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK));
} else {
sp_3dbox_move_corner_in_XY_plane (box, knot_id, NR::Point (new_pos[NR::X], height - new_pos[NR::Y]),
(state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) ? direction : Box3D::XY);
sp_3dbox_update_curves (box);
static NR::Point sp_3dbox_knot_get(SPItem *item, guint knot_id)
g_assert(item != NULL);
SP3DBox *box = SP_3DBOX(item);
// FIXME: Why must the coordinates be flipped vertically???
SPDocument *doc = SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT(box);
gdouble height = sp_document_height(doc);
return NR::Point(sp_3dbox_get_corner(box, knot_id)[NR::X], height - sp_3dbox_get_corner(box, knot_id)[NR::Y]);
static void sp_3dbox_knot1_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set (item, 1, Box3D::Y, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot1_set_constrained(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set (item, 1, Box3D::Y, new_pos, origin, state ^ GDK_SHIFT_MASK);
static void sp_3dbox_knot2_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set (item, 2, Box3D::X, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot2_set_constrained(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set (item, 2, Box3D::X, new_pos, origin, state ^ GDK_SHIFT_MASK);
static void sp_3dbox_knot3_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
if (!(state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)) {
sp_3dbox_knot_set (item, 3, Box3D::Y, new_pos, origin, state);
} else {
sp_3dbox_knot_set (item, 3, Box3D::Z, new_pos, origin, state ^ GDK_SHIFT_MASK);
static void sp_3dbox_knot5_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set (item, 5, Box3D::Z, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot7_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set (item, 7, Box3D::Z, new_pos, origin, state);
// defined a uniform behaviour for all knots
static void sp_3dbox_knot_set_uniformly(SPItem *item, guint knot_id, Box3D::Axis direction, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
g_assert(item != NULL);
SP3DBox *box = SP_3DBOX(item);
NR::Matrix const i2d (sp_item_i2d_affine (item));
if (direction == Box3D::Z) {
sp_3dbox_move_corner_in_Z_direction (box, knot_id, new_pos * i2d, !(state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK));
} else {
sp_3dbox_move_corner_in_Z_direction (box, knot_id, new_pos * i2d, (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK));
sp_3dbox_update_curves (box);
static void sp_3dbox_knot0_set_uniformly(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set_uniformly(item, 0, Box3D::XY, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot1_set_uniformly(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set_uniformly(item, 1, Box3D::XY, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot2_set_uniformly(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set_uniformly(item, 2, Box3D::XY, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot3_set_uniformly(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set_uniformly(item, 3, Box3D::XY, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot4_set_uniformly(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set_uniformly(item, 4, Box3D::Z, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot5_set_uniformly(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set_uniformly(item, 5, Box3D::Z, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot6_set_uniformly(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set_uniformly(item, 6, Box3D::Z, new_pos, origin, state);
static void sp_3dbox_knot7_set_uniformly(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &new_pos, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
sp_3dbox_knot_set_uniformly(item, 7, Box3D::Z, new_pos, origin, state);
static NR::Point sp_3dbox_knot0_get(SPItem *item)
return sp_3dbox_knot_get(item, 0);
static NR::Point sp_3dbox_knot1_get(SPItem *item)
return sp_3dbox_knot_get(item, 1);
static NR::Point sp_3dbox_knot2_get(SPItem *item)
return sp_3dbox_knot_get(item, 2);
static NR::Point sp_3dbox_knot3_get(SPItem *item)
return sp_3dbox_knot_get(item, 3);
static NR::Point sp_3dbox_knot4_get(SPItem *item)
return sp_3dbox_knot_get(item, 4);
static NR::Point sp_3dbox_knot5_get(SPItem *item)
return sp_3dbox_knot_get(item, 5);
static NR::Point sp_3dbox_knot6_get(SPItem *item)
return sp_3dbox_knot_get(item, 6);
static NR::Point sp_3dbox_knot7_get(SPItem *item)
return sp_3dbox_knot_get(item, 7);
SPKnotHolder *
sp_3dbox_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop, guint number_of_handles)
g_assert(item != NULL);
SPKnotHolder *knot_holder = sp_knot_holder_new(desktop, item, NULL);
switch (number_of_handles) {
case 3:
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot1_set, sp_3dbox_knot1_get, NULL,_("Resize box in X/Y direction"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot2_set, sp_3dbox_knot2_get, NULL,_("Resize box in X/Y direction"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot5_set, sp_3dbox_knot5_get, NULL,_("Resize box in Z direction"));
sp_pat_knot_holder(item, knot_holder);
case 4:
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot1_set_constrained, sp_3dbox_knot1_get, NULL,_("Resize box in X/Y direction"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot2_set_constrained, sp_3dbox_knot2_get, NULL,_("Resize box in X/Y direction"));
sp_knot_holder_add_full(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot3_set, sp_3dbox_knot3_get, NULL,
SP_KNOT_SHAPE_CIRCLE, SP_KNOT_MODE_XOR, _("Resize box in Y direction"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot7_set, sp_3dbox_knot7_get, NULL,_("Resize box in Z direction"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot0_set_uniformly, sp_3dbox_knot0_get, NULL,
_("Resize box in X/Y direction; with <b>Shift</b> along the Z axis"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot1_set_uniformly, sp_3dbox_knot1_get, NULL,
_("Resize box in X/Y direction; with <b>Shift</b> along the Z axis"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot2_set_uniformly, sp_3dbox_knot2_get, NULL,
_("Resize box in X/Y direction; with <b>Shift</b> along the Z axis"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot3_set_uniformly, sp_3dbox_knot3_get, NULL,
_("Resize box in X/Y direction; with <b>Shift</b> along the Z axis"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot4_set_uniformly, sp_3dbox_knot4_get, NULL,
_("Resize box along the Z axis; with <b>Shift</b> in X/Y direction"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot5_set_uniformly, sp_3dbox_knot5_get, NULL,
_("Resize box along the Z axis; with <b>Shift</b> in X/Y direction"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot6_set_uniformly, sp_3dbox_knot6_get, NULL,
_("Resize box along the Z axis; with <b>Shift</b> in X/Y direction"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_3dbox_knot7_set_uniformly, sp_3dbox_knot7_get, NULL,
_("Resize box along the Z axis; with <b>Shift</b> in X/Y direction"));
sp_pat_knot_holder(item, knot_holder);
g_print ("Wrong number of handles (%d): Not implemented yet.\n", number_of_handles);
return knot_holder;
/* SPArc */
* return values:
* 1 : inside
* 0 : on the curves
* -1 : outside
static gint
sp_genericellipse_side(SPGenericEllipse *ellipse, NR::Point const &p)
gdouble dx = (p[NR::X] - ellipse->cx.computed) / ellipse->rx.computed;
gdouble dy = (p[NR::Y] - ellipse->cy.computed) / ellipse->ry.computed;
gdouble s = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (s < 1.0) return 1;
if (s > 1.0) return -1;
return 0;
static void
sp_arc_start_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
int snaps = prefs_get_int_attribute("options.rotationsnapsperpi", "value", 12);
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
SPArc *arc = SP_ARC(item);
ge->closed = (sp_genericellipse_side(ge, p) == -1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
NR::Point delta = p - NR::Point(ge->cx.computed, ge->cy.computed);
NR::scale sc(ge->rx.computed, ge->ry.computed);
ge->start = atan2(delta * sc.inverse());
if ( ( state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK )
&& snaps )
ge->start = sp_round(ge->start, M_PI/snaps);
((SPObject *)arc)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static NR::Point sp_arc_start_get(SPItem *item)
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
SPArc *arc = SP_ARC(item);
return sp_arc_get_xy(arc, ge->start);
static void
sp_arc_end_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
int snaps = prefs_get_int_attribute("options.rotationsnapsperpi", "value", 12);
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
SPArc *arc = SP_ARC(item);
ge->closed = (sp_genericellipse_side(ge, p) == -1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
NR::Point delta = p - NR::Point(ge->cx.computed, ge->cy.computed);
NR::scale sc(ge->rx.computed, ge->ry.computed);
ge->end = atan2(delta * sc.inverse());
if ( ( state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK )
&& snaps )
ge->end = sp_round(ge->end, M_PI/snaps);
((SPObject *)arc)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static NR::Point sp_arc_end_get(SPItem *item)
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
SPArc *arc = SP_ARC(item);
return sp_arc_get_xy(arc, ge->end);
static void
sp_arc_startend_click(SPItem *item, guint state)
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
ge->end = ge->start = 0;
((SPObject *)ge)->updateRepr();
static void
sp_arc_rx_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
SPArc *arc = SP_ARC(item);
NR::Point const s = snap_knot_position(arc, p);
ge->rx.computed = fabs( ge->cx.computed - s[NR::X] );
if ( state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) {
ge->ry.computed = ge->rx.computed;
((SPObject *)arc)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static NR::Point sp_arc_rx_get(SPItem *item)
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
return (NR::Point(ge->cx.computed, ge->cy.computed) - NR::Point(ge->rx.computed, 0));
static void
sp_arc_ry_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
SPArc *arc = SP_ARC(item);
NR::Point const s = snap_knot_position(arc, p);
ge->ry.computed = fabs( ge->cy.computed - s[NR::Y] );
if ( state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) {
ge->rx.computed = ge->ry.computed;
((SPObject *)arc)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static NR::Point sp_arc_ry_get(SPItem *item)
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
return (NR::Point(ge->cx.computed, ge->cy.computed) - NR::Point(0, ge->ry.computed));
static void
sp_arc_rx_click(SPItem *item, guint state)
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
ge->ry.computed = ge->rx.computed;
((SPObject *)ge)->updateRepr();
static void
sp_arc_ry_click(SPItem *item, guint state)
SPGenericEllipse *ge = SP_GENERICELLIPSE(item);
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
ge->rx.computed = ge->ry.computed;
((SPObject *)ge)->updateRepr();
static SPKnotHolder *
sp_arc_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop)
SPKnotHolder *knot_holder = sp_knot_holder_new(desktop, item, NULL);
sp_knot_holder_add_full(knot_holder, sp_arc_rx_set, sp_arc_rx_get, sp_arc_rx_click,
_("Adjust ellipse <b>width</b>, with <b>Ctrl</b> to make circle"));
sp_knot_holder_add_full(knot_holder, sp_arc_ry_set, sp_arc_ry_get, sp_arc_ry_click,
_("Adjust ellipse <b>height</b>, with <b>Ctrl</b> to make circle"));
sp_knot_holder_add_full(knot_holder, sp_arc_start_set, sp_arc_start_get, sp_arc_startend_click,
_("Position the <b>start point</b> of the arc or segment; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle; drag <b>inside</b> the ellipse for arc, <b>outside</b> for segment"));
sp_knot_holder_add_full(knot_holder, sp_arc_end_set, sp_arc_end_get, sp_arc_startend_click,
_("Position the <b>end point</b> of the arc or segment; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle; drag <b>inside</b> the ellipse for arc, <b>outside</b> for segment"));
sp_pat_knot_holder(item, knot_holder);
return knot_holder;
/* SPStar */
static void
sp_star_knot1_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPStar *star = SP_STAR(item);
NR::Point const s = snap_knot_position(star, p);
NR::Point d = s - star->center;
double arg1 = atan2(d);
double darg1 = arg1 - star->arg[0];
if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
star->randomized = darg1/(star->arg[0] - star->arg[1]);
} else if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
star->rounded = darg1/(star->arg[0] - star->arg[1]);
} else if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
star->r[0] = L2(d);
} else {
star->r[0] = L2(d);
star->arg[0] = arg1;
star->arg[1] += darg1;
((SPObject *)star)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static void
sp_star_knot2_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPStar *star = SP_STAR(item);
NR::Point const s = snap_knot_position(star, p);
if (star->flatsided == false) {
NR::Point d = s - star->center;
double arg1 = atan2(d);
double darg1 = arg1 - star->arg[1];
if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
star->randomized = darg1/(star->arg[0] - star->arg[1]);
} else if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
star->rounded = fabs(darg1/(star->arg[0] - star->arg[1]));
} else if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
star->r[1] = L2(d);
star->arg[1] = star->arg[0] + M_PI / star->sides;
else {
star->r[1] = L2(d);
star->arg[1] = atan2(d);
((SPObject *)star)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static NR::Point sp_star_knot1_get(SPItem *item)
g_assert(item != NULL);
SPStar *star = SP_STAR(item);
return sp_star_get_xy(star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, 0);
static NR::Point sp_star_knot2_get(SPItem *item)
g_assert(item != NULL);
SPStar *star = SP_STAR(item);
return sp_star_get_xy(star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2, 0);
static void
sp_star_knot_click(SPItem *item, guint state)
SPStar *star = SP_STAR(item);
if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
star->randomized = 0;
((SPObject *)star)->updateRepr();
} else if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
star->rounded = 0;
((SPObject *)star)->updateRepr();
} else if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
star->arg[1] = star->arg[0] + M_PI / star->sides;
((SPObject *)star)->updateRepr();
static SPKnotHolder *
sp_star_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop)
/* we don't need to get parent knot_holder */
SPKnotHolder *knot_holder = sp_knot_holder_new(desktop, item, NULL);
g_assert(item != NULL);
SPStar *star = SP_STAR(item);
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_star_knot1_set, sp_star_knot1_get, sp_star_knot_click,
_("Adjust the <b>tip radius</b> of the star or polygon; with <b>Shift</b> to round; with <b>Alt</b> to randomize"));
if (star->flatsided == false)
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_star_knot2_set, sp_star_knot2_get, sp_star_knot_click,
_("Adjust the <b>base radius</b> of the star; with <b>Ctrl</b> to keep star rays radial (no skew); with <b>Shift</b> to round; with <b>Alt</b> to randomize"));
sp_pat_knot_holder(item, knot_holder);
return knot_holder;
/* SPSpiral */
* set attributes via inner (t=t0) knot point:
* [default] increase/decrease inner point
* [shift] increase/decrease inner and outer arg synchronizely
* [control] constrain inner arg to round per PI/4
static void
sp_spiral_inner_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
int snaps = prefs_get_int_attribute("options.rotationsnapsperpi", "value", 12);
SPSpiral *spiral = SP_SPIRAL(item);
gdouble dx = p[NR::X] - spiral->cx;
gdouble dy = p[NR::Y] - spiral->cy;
if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
// adjust divergence by vertical drag, relative to rad
double new_exp = (spiral->rad + dy)/(spiral->rad);
spiral->exp = new_exp > 0? new_exp : 0;
} else {
// roll/unroll from inside
gdouble arg_t0;
sp_spiral_get_polar(spiral, spiral->t0, NULL, &arg_t0);
gdouble arg_tmp = atan2(dy, dx) - arg_t0;
gdouble arg_t0_new = arg_tmp - floor((arg_tmp+M_PI)/(2.0*M_PI))*2.0*M_PI + arg_t0;
spiral->t0 = (arg_t0_new - spiral->arg) / (2.0*M_PI*spiral->revo);
/* round inner arg per PI/snaps, if CTRL is pressed */
if ( ( state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK )
&& ( fabs(spiral->revo) > SP_EPSILON_2 )
&& ( snaps != 0 ) ) {
gdouble arg = 2.0*M_PI*spiral->revo*spiral->t0 + spiral->arg;
spiral->t0 = (sp_round(arg, M_PI/snaps) - spiral->arg)/(2.0*M_PI*spiral->revo);
spiral->t0 = CLAMP(spiral->t0, 0.0, 0.999);
((SPObject *)spiral)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
* set attributes via outer (t=1) knot point:
* [default] increase/decrease revolution factor
* [control] constrain inner arg to round per PI/4
static void
sp_spiral_outer_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
int snaps = prefs_get_int_attribute("options.rotationsnapsperpi", "value", 12);
SPSpiral *spiral = SP_SPIRAL(item);
gdouble dx = p[NR::X] - spiral->cx;
gdouble dy = p[NR::Y] - spiral->cy;
if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) { // rotate without roll/unroll
spiral->arg = atan2(dy, dx) - 2.0*M_PI*spiral->revo;
if (!(state & GDK_MOD1_MASK)) {
// if alt not pressed, change also rad; otherwise it is locked
spiral->rad = MAX(hypot(dx, dy), 0.001);
if ( ( state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK )
&& snaps ) {
spiral->arg = sp_round(spiral->arg, M_PI/snaps);
} else { // roll/unroll
// arg of the spiral outer end
double arg_1;
sp_spiral_get_polar(spiral, 1, NULL, &arg_1);
// its fractional part after the whole turns are subtracted
double arg_r = arg_1 - sp_round(arg_1, 2.0*M_PI);
// arg of the mouse point relative to spiral center
double mouse_angle = atan2(dy, dx);
if (mouse_angle < 0)
mouse_angle += 2*M_PI;
// snap if ctrl
if ( ( state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) && snaps ) {
mouse_angle = sp_round(mouse_angle, M_PI/snaps);
// by how much we want to rotate the outer point
double diff = mouse_angle - arg_r;
if (diff > M_PI)
diff -= 2*M_PI;
else if (diff < -M_PI)
diff += 2*M_PI;
// calculate the new rad;
// the value of t corresponding to the angle arg_1 + diff:
double t_temp = ((arg_1 + diff) - spiral->arg)/(2*M_PI*spiral->revo);
// the rad at that t:
double rad_new = 0;
if (t_temp > spiral->t0)
sp_spiral_get_polar(spiral, t_temp, &rad_new, NULL);
// change the revo (converting diff from radians to the number of turns)
spiral->revo += diff/(2*M_PI);
if (spiral->revo < 1e-3)
spiral->revo = 1e-3;
// if alt not pressed and the values are sane, change the rad
if (!(state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) && rad_new > 1e-3 && rad_new/spiral->rad < 2) {
// adjust t0 too so that the inner point stays unmoved
double r0;
sp_spiral_get_polar(spiral, spiral->t0, &r0, NULL);
spiral->rad = rad_new;
spiral->t0 = pow(r0 / spiral->rad, 1.0/spiral->exp);
if (!isFinite(spiral->t0)) spiral->t0 = 0.0;
spiral->t0 = CLAMP(spiral->t0, 0.0, 0.999);
((SPObject *)spiral)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static NR::Point sp_spiral_inner_get(SPItem *item)
SPSpiral *spiral = SP_SPIRAL(item);
return sp_spiral_get_xy(spiral, spiral->t0);
static NR::Point sp_spiral_outer_get(SPItem *item)
SPSpiral *spiral = SP_SPIRAL(item);
return sp_spiral_get_xy(spiral, 1.0);
static void
sp_spiral_inner_click(SPItem *item, guint state)
SPSpiral *spiral = SP_SPIRAL(item);
if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
spiral->exp = 1;
((SPObject *)spiral)->updateRepr();
} else if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
spiral->t0 = 0;
((SPObject *)spiral)->updateRepr();
static SPKnotHolder *
sp_spiral_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop)
SPKnotHolder *knot_holder = sp_knot_holder_new(desktop, item, NULL);
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_spiral_inner_set, sp_spiral_inner_get, sp_spiral_inner_click,
_("Roll/unroll the spiral from <b>inside</b>; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle; with <b>Alt</b> to converge/diverge"));
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_spiral_outer_set, sp_spiral_outer_get, NULL,
_("Roll/unroll the spiral from <b>outside</b>; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle; with <b>Shift</b> to scale/rotate"));
sp_pat_knot_holder(item, knot_holder);
return knot_holder;
/* SPOffset */
static void
sp_offset_offset_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPOffset *offset = SP_OFFSET(item);
offset->rad = sp_offset_distance_to_original(offset, p);
offset->knot = p;
offset->knotSet = true;
((SPObject *)offset)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
static NR::Point sp_offset_offset_get(SPItem *item)
SPOffset *offset = SP_OFFSET(item);
NR::Point np;
return np;
static SPKnotHolder *
sp_offset_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop)
SPKnotHolder *knot_holder = sp_knot_holder_new(desktop, item, NULL);
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_offset_offset_set, sp_offset_offset_get, NULL,
_("Adjust the <b>offset distance</b>"));
sp_pat_knot_holder(item, knot_holder);
return knot_holder;
static SPKnotHolder *
sp_misc_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop) // FIXME: eliminate, instead make a pattern-drag similar to gradient-drag
if ((SP_OBJECT(item)->style->fill.type == SP_PAINT_TYPE_PAINTSERVER)
SPKnotHolder *knot_holder = sp_knot_holder_new(desktop, item, NULL);
sp_pat_knot_holder(item, knot_holder);
return knot_holder;
return NULL;
static void
sp_pat_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPKnotHolder *knot_holder)
if ((SP_OBJECT(item)->style->fill.type == SP_PAINT_TYPE_PAINTSERVER)
sp_knot_holder_add_full(knot_holder, sp_pattern_xy_set, sp_pattern_xy_get, NULL, SP_KNOT_SHAPE_CROSS, SP_KNOT_MODE_XOR,
// TRANSLATORS: This refers to the pattern that's inside the object
_("<b>Move</b> the pattern fill inside the object"));
sp_knot_holder_add_full(knot_holder, sp_pattern_scale_set, sp_pattern_scale_get, NULL, SP_KNOT_SHAPE_SQUARE, SP_KNOT_MODE_XOR,
_("<b>Scale</b> the pattern fill uniformly"));
sp_knot_holder_add_full(knot_holder, sp_pattern_angle_set, sp_pattern_angle_get, NULL, SP_KNOT_SHAPE_CIRCLE, SP_KNOT_MODE_XOR,
_("<b>Rotate</b> the pattern fill; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle"));
static NR::Point sp_flowtext_corner_get(SPItem *item)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
return NR::Point(rect->x.computed + rect->width.computed, rect->y.computed + rect->height.computed);
static void
sp_flowtext_corner_set(SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state)
SPRect *rect = SP_RECT(item);
sp_rect_wh_set_internal(rect, p, origin, state);
static SPKnotHolder *
sp_flowtext_knot_holder(SPItem *item, SPDesktop *desktop)
SPKnotHolder *knot_holder = sp_knot_holder_new(desktop, SP_FLOWTEXT(item)->get_frame(NULL), NULL);
sp_knot_holder_add(knot_holder, sp_flowtext_corner_set, sp_flowtext_corner_get, NULL,
_("Drag to resize the <b>flowed text frame</b>"));
return knot_holder;
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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