message-stack.h revision 8a5ab19ae0f90c9034f51910287f289a33436c04
/** \file
* Raw stack of active status messages
* Authors:
* MenTaLguY <>
* Jon A. Cruz <>
* Copyright (C) 2004 MenTaLguY
* Copyright (C) 2011 Jon A. Cruz
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <stddef.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "gc-managed.h"
#include "gc-finalized.h"
#include "gc-anchored.h"
#include "message.h"
* A class which holds a stack of displayed messages.
* Messages can be pushed onto the top of the stack, and removed
* from any point in the stack by their id.
* Messages may also be "flashed", meaning that they will be
* automatically removed from the stack a fixed period of time
* after they are pushed.
* "Flashed" warnings and errors will persist longer than normal
* messages.
* There is no simple "pop" operation provided, since these
* stacks are intended to be shared by many different clients;
* assuming that the message you pushed is still on top is an
* invalid and unsafe assumption.
/** @brief returns the type of message currently at the top of the stack */
/** @brief returns the text of the message currently at the top of
* the stack
gchar const *currentMessage() {
/** @brief connects to the "changed" signal which is emitted whenever
* the topmost message on the stack changes.
/** @brief pushes a message onto the stack
* @param type the message type
* @param message the message text
* @return the id of the pushed message
/** @brief pushes a message onto the stack using printf-like formatting
* @param type the message type
* @param format a printf-style format string
* @return the id of the pushed message
/** @brief pushes a message onto the stack using printf-like formatting,
* using a stdarg argument list
* @param type the message type
* @param format a printf-style format string
* @param args the subsequent printf-style arguments
* @return the id of the pushed message
/** @brief removes a message from the stack, given its id
* This method will remove a message from the stack if it has not
* already been removed. It may be removed from any part of the stack.
* @param id the message id to remove
* Temporarily pushes a message onto the stack.
* @param type the message type
* @param message the message text
* @return the id of the pushed message
* Temporarily pushes a message onto the stack.
* @param type the message type
* @param message the message text
* @return the id of the pushed message
/** @brief temporarily pushes a message onto the stack using
* printf-like formatting
* @param type the message type
* @param format a printf-style format string
* @return the id of the pushed message
/** @brief temporarily pushes a message onto the stack using
* printf-like formatting, using a stdarg argument list
* @param type the message type
* @param format a printf-style format string
* @param args the printf-style arguments
* @return the id of the pushed message
struct Message {
/// pushes a message onto the stack with an optional timeout
Message *_discard(Message *m); ///< frees a message struct and returns the next such struct in the list
void _emitChanged(); ///< emits the "changed" signal
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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