lpe-tangent_to_curve.cpp revision b1f68f459a210575936c2450f578f79189fc3817
/** \file
* Implementation of tangent-to-curve LPE.
* Authors:
* Johan Engelen
* Maximilian Albert
* Copyright (C) Johan Engelen 2007 <j.b.c.engelen@utwente.nl>
* Copyright (C) Maximilian Albert 2008 <maximilian.albert@gmail.com>
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "live_effects/lpe-tangent_to_curve.h"
// FIXME: The following are only needed to convert the path's SPCurve* to pwd2.
// There must be a more convenient way to achieve this.
#include "sp-path.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace LivePathEffect {
namespace TtC {
class KnotHolderEntityAttachPt : public LPEKnotHolderEntity
class KnotHolderEntityLeftEnd : public LPEKnotHolderEntity
class KnotHolderEntityRightEnd : public LPEKnotHolderEntity
} // namespace TtC
t_attach(_("Location along curve"), _("Location of the point of attachment along the curve (between 0.0 and number-of-segments)"), "t_attach", &wr, this, 0.5),
length_left(_("Length left"), _("Specifies the left end of the tangent"), "length-left", &wr, this, 150),
length_right(_("Length right"), _("Specifies the right end of the tangent"), "length-right", &wr, this, 150)
show_orig_path = true;
registerKnotHolderHandle(new TtC::KnotHolderEntityAttachPt(), _("Adjust the point of attachment of the tangent"));
registerKnotHolderHandle(new TtC::KnotHolderEntityLeftEnd(), _("Adjust the \"left\" end of the tangent"));
registerKnotHolderHandle(new TtC::KnotHolderEntityRightEnd(), _("Adjust the \"right\" end of the tangent"));
using namespace Geom;
// TODO: Why are positive angles measured clockwise, not counterclockwise?
return output;
namespace TtC {
// TODO: make this more generic
static LPETangentToCurve *
g_print ("Warning: Effect is not of type LPETangentToCurve!\n");
return NULL;
return static_cast<LPETangentToCurve *>(effect);
KnotHolderEntityAttachPt::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &/*origin*/, guint /*state*/)
using namespace Geom;
// FIXME: There must be a better way of converting the path's SPCurve* to pwd2.
// FIXME: this should not directly ask for updating the item. It should write to SVG, which triggers updating.
KnotHolderEntityLeftEnd::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &/*origin*/, guint /*state*/)
KnotHolderEntityRightEnd::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &/*origin*/, guint /*state*/)
return lpe->C;
return lpe->D;
} // namespace TtC
} //namespace LivePathEffect
} /* namespace Inkscape */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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