lpe-knot.cpp revision 74ed5bd66f5d8a1465b69bd0450f2af030b638f0
/** \file
* LPE <knot> implementation
* Authors:
* Johan Engelen
* Copyright (C) Johan Engelen 2007 <j.b.c.engelen@utwente.nl>
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "live_effects/lpe-knot.h"
#include "display/curve.h"
#include <libnr/n-art-bpath.h>
// You might need to include other 2geom files. You can add them here:
#include <2geom/path.h>
#include <2geom/sbasis.h>
#include <2geom/sbasis-geometric.h>
#include <2geom/bezier-to-sbasis.h>
#include <2geom/sbasis-to-bezier.h>
#include <2geom/d2.h>
#include <2geom/sbasis-math.h>
#include <2geom/piecewise.h>
#include <2geom/crossing.h>
#include <2geom/path-intersection.h>
namespace Inkscape {
namespace LivePathEffect {
LPEKnot::LPEKnot(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) :
// initialise your parameters here:
interruption_width(_("Interruption width"), _("Howmuch the lower strand is obscured by the upper."), "interruption_width", &wr, this, 1.2)
// register all your parameters here, so Inkscape knows which parameters this effect has:
registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&interruption_width) );
/* ########################
* Choose to implement one of the doEffect functions. You can delete or comment out the others.
LPEKnot::doEffect (SPCurve * curve)
// spice this up to make the effect actually *do* something!
NArtBpath *
LPEKnot::doEffect_nartbpath (NArtBpath * path_in)
NArtBpath *path_out;
unsigned ret = 0;
while ( path_in[ret].code != NR_END ) {
unsigned len = ++ret;
path_out = g_new(NArtBpath, len);
memcpy(path_out, path_in, len * sizeof(NArtBpath)); // spice this up to make the effect actually *do* something!
return path_out;
std::vector<Geom::Interval> complementOf(Geom::Interval I, std::vector<Geom::Interval> domain){
std::vector<Geom::Interval> ret;
double min = domain.front().min();
double max = domain.back().max();
Geom::Interval I1 = Geom::Interval(min,I.min());
Geom::Interval I2 = Geom::Interval(I.max(),max);
for (unsigned i = 0; i<domain.size(); i++){
boost::optional<Geom::Interval> I1i = intersect(domain.at(i),I1);
if (I1i) ret.push_back(I1i.get());
boost::optional<Geom::Interval> I2i = intersect(domain.at(i),I2);
if (I2i) ret.push_back(I2i.get());
return ret;
findShadowedTime(Geom::Path &patha,
Geom::Path &pathb,
Geom::Crossing crossing,
unsigned idx, double width){
using namespace Geom;
double curveidx, timeoncurve = modf(crossing.getOtherTime(idx),&curveidx);
if(curveidx == pathb.size() && timeoncurve == 0) { curveidx--; timeoncurve = 0.99999;}
assert(curveidx >= 0 && curveidx < pathb.size());
std::vector<Point> MV = pathb[unsigned(curveidx)].pointAndDerivatives(timeoncurve,2);
Point T = unit_vector(MV.at(1));
Point N = T.cw();
Point A = MV.at(0)-10*width*T, B = MV.at(0)+10*width*T;
std::vector<Geom::Path> cutter;
Geom::Path cutterLeft = Geom::Path();
Geom::Path cutterRight = Geom::Path();
cutterLeft.append (LineSegment (A-width*N, B-width*N));
cutterRight.append(LineSegment (A+width*N, B+width*N));
std::vector<Geom::Path> patha_as_vect = std::vector<Geom::Path>(1,patha);
CrossingSet crossingTable = crossings (patha_as_vect, cutter);
double t0 = crossing.getTime(idx);
double tmin = 0,tmax = patha.size()-0.0001;
for (unsigned c=0; c<crossingTable.front().size(); c++){
double t = crossingTable.front().at(c).ta;
if (t>tmin and t<t0) tmin = t;
if (t<tmax and t>t0) tmax = t;
//return Interval(t0-0.1,t0+0.1);
return Interval(tmin,tmax);
LPEKnot::doEffect_path (std::vector<Geom::Path> & path_in)
using namespace Geom;
std::vector<Geom::Path> path_out;
double width = interruption_width;
CrossingSet crossingTable = crossings_among(path_in);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < crossingTable.size(); i++){
std::vector<Interval> dom;
//TODO: handle closed curves...
for (unsigned crs = 0; crs < crossingTable.at(i).size(); crs++){
Crossing crossing = crossingTable.at(i).at(crs);
unsigned j = crossing.getOther(i);
//TODO: select dir according to a parameter...
if ((crossing.dir and crossing.a==i) or (not crossing.dir and crossing.b==i) or (i==j)){
if (i==j and not crossing.dir) {
double temp = crossing.ta;
crossing.ta = crossing.tb;
crossing.tb = temp;
crossing.dir = not crossing.dir;
Interval hidden = findShadowedTime(path_in.at(i),path_in.at(j),crossing,i,width);
dom = complementOf(hidden,dom);
for (unsigned comp = 0; comp < dom.size(); comp++){
assert(dom.at(comp).min() >=0 and dom.at(comp).max() < path_in.at(i).size());
// std::vector<Point> MV = path_in[0][0].pointAndDerivatives(crossingTable[0][0].getTime(0),2);
// Point U = unit_vector(MV[1]);
// Point N = U.cw();
// Point A = MV[0]-10.*width*U, B = MV[0]+10*width*U;
// Geom::Path cutter;
// cutter = Geom::Path();
// cutter.append( LineSegment(A+width*N,B+width*N));
// path_out.push_back(cutter);
// cutter = Geom::Path();
// cutter.append( LineSegment(A-width*N,B-width*N));
// path_out.push_back(cutter);
return path_out;
Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> >
addLinearEnds (Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > & m){
using namespace Geom;
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > output;
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > start;
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > end;
double x,y,vx,vy;
x = m.segs.front()[0].at0();
y = m.segs.front()[1].at0();
vx = m.segs.front()[0][1][0]+Tri(m.segs.front()[0][0]);
vy = m.segs.front()[1][1][0]+Tri(m.segs.front()[1][0]);
start = Piecewise<D2<SBasis> >(D2<SBasis>(Linear (x-vx,x),Linear (y-vy,y)));
x = m.segs.back()[0].at1();
y = m.segs.back()[1].at1();
vx = -m.segs.back()[0][1][1]+Tri(m.segs.back()[0][0]);;
vy = -m.segs.back()[1][1][1]+Tri(m.segs.back()[1][0]);;
end = Piecewise<D2<SBasis> >(D2<SBasis>(Linear (x,x+vx),Linear (y,y+vy)));
output = start;
return output;
Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> >
LPEKnot::doEffect_pwd2 (Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > & pwd2_in)
using namespace Geom;
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > output;
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > m = addLinearEnds(pwd2_in);
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > v = derivative(pwd2_in);
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > n = unitVector(v);
// // -------- Pleins et delies vs courbure ou direction...
// Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > a = derivative(v);
// Piecewise<SBasis> a_cross_n = cross(a,n);
// Piecewise<SBasis> v_dot_n = dot(v,n);
// //Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > rfrac = sectionize(D2<Piecewise<SBasis> >(a_cross_n,v_dot_n));
// //Piecewise<SBasis> h = atan2(rfrac)*interruption_width;
// Piecewise<SBasis> h = reciprocal(curvature(pwd2_in))*interruption_width;
// // Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > dir = Piecewise<D2<SBasis> >(D2<SBasis>(Linear(0),Linear(-1)));
// // Piecewise<SBasis> h = dot(n,dir)+1.;
// // h *= h*(interruption_width/4.);
// n = rot90(n);
// output = pwd2_in+h*n;
// output.concat(pwd2_in-h*n);
// //-----------
return output;
/* ######################## */
} //namespace LivePathEffect (setq default-directory "c:/Documents And Settings/jf/Mes Documents/InkscapeSVN")
} /* namespace Inkscape */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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