lpe-interpolate.cpp revision e5e0e89fd171e5d78721aac368322d3ca26ca883
166N/A#include "live_effects/lpe-interpolate.h"
166N/Anamespace LivePathEffect {
166N/A trajectory_path(_("Trajectory:"), _("Path along which intermediate steps are created."), "trajectory", &wr, this, "M0,0 L0,0"),
618N/A number_of_steps(_("Steps_:"), _("Determines the number of steps from start to end path."), "steps", &wr, this, 5),
166N/A equidistant_spacing(_("E_quidistant spacing"), _("If true, the spacing between intermediates is constant along the length of the path. If false, the distance depends on the location of the nodes of the trajectory path."), "equidistant_spacing", &wr, this, true)
844N/A show_orig_path = true;
166N/A // Transform both paths to (0,0) midpoint, so they can easily be positioned along interpolate_path
if (equidistant_spacing)
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_steps; ++i) {
return path_out;