lpe-gears.cpp revision aec1b94c999035922cd8c19878a4618883f5179b
* Copyright (C) Johan Engelen 2007 <j.b.c.engelen@utwente.nl>
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "live_effects/lpe-gears.h"
#include <vector>
#include <2geom/d2.h>
#include <2geom/sbasis.h>
#include <2geom/bezier-to-sbasis.h>
#include <2geom/path.h>
#include "nodepath.h"
using std::vector;
using namespace Geom;
class Gear {
// pitch circles touch on two properly meshed gears
// all measurements are taken from the pitch circle
double pitch_diameter() {return (_number_of_teeth * _module) / M_PI;}
double pitch_radius() {return pitch_diameter() / 2.0;}
void pitch_radius(double R) {_module = (2 * M_PI * R) / _number_of_teeth;}
// base circle serves as the basis for the involute toothe profile
double base_diameter() {return pitch_diameter() * cos(_pressure_angle);}
double base_radius() {return base_diameter() / 2.0;}
// diametrical pitch
double diametrical_pitch() {return _number_of_teeth / pitch_diameter();}
// height of the tooth above the pitch circle
double addendum() {return 1.0 / diametrical_pitch();}
// depth of the tooth below the pitch circle
double dedendum() {return addendum() + _clearance;}
// root circle specifies the bottom of the fillet between teeth
double root_radius() {return pitch_radius() - dedendum();}
double root_diameter() {return root_radius() * 2.0;}
// outer circle is the outside diameter of the gear
double outer_radius() {return pitch_radius() + addendum();}
double outer_diameter() {return outer_radius() * 2.0;}
// angle covered by the tooth on the pitch circle
double tooth_thickness_angle() {return M_PI / _number_of_teeth;}
Geom::Point centre() {return _centre;}
void centre(Geom::Point c) {_centre = c;}
double angle() {return _angle;}
void angle(double a) {_angle = a;}
int number_of_teeth() {return _number_of_teeth;}
Geom::Path path();
Gear spawn(Geom::Point p);
Gear(int n, double m, double phi) {
_number_of_teeth = n;
_module = m;
_pressure_angle = phi;
_clearance = 0.0;
_angle = 0.0;
_centre = Geom::Point(0.0,0.0);
int _number_of_teeth;
double _pressure_angle;
double _module;
double _clearance;
double _angle;
Geom::Point _centre;
D2<SBasis> _involute(double start, double stop) {
D2<SBasis> B;
D2<SBasis> I;
Linear bo = Linear(start,stop);
B[0] = cos(bo,2);
B[1] = sin(bo,2);
I = B - Linear(0,1) * derivative(B);
I = I*base_radius() + _centre;
return I;
D2<SBasis> _arc(double start, double stop, double R) {
D2<SBasis> B;
Linear bo = Linear(start,stop);
B[0] = cos(bo,2);
B[1] = sin(bo,2);
B = B*R + _centre;
return B;
// angle of the base circle used to create the involute to a certain radius
double involute_swath_angle(double R) {
if (R <= base_radius()) return 0.0;
return sqrt(R*R - base_radius()*base_radius())/base_radius();
// angle of the base circle between the origin of the involute and the intersection on another radius
double involute_intersect_angle(double R) {
if (R <= base_radius()) return 0.0;
return (sqrt(R*R - base_radius()*base_radius())/base_radius()) - acos(base_radius()/R);
void makeContinuous(D2<SBasis> &a, Point const b) {
for(unsigned d=0;d<2;d++)
a[d][0][0] = b[d];
Geom::Path Gear::path() {
Geom::Path pb;
// angle covered by a full tooth and fillet
double tooth_rotation = 2.0 * tooth_thickness_angle();
// angle covered by an involute
double involute_advance = involute_intersect_angle(outer_radius()) - involute_intersect_angle(root_radius());
// angle covered by the tooth tip
double tip_advance = tooth_thickness_angle() - (2 * (involute_intersect_angle(outer_radius()) - involute_intersect_angle(pitch_radius())));
// angle covered by the toothe root
double root_advance = (tooth_rotation - tip_advance) - (2.0 * involute_advance);
// begin drawing the involute at t if the root circle is larger than the base circle
double involute_t = involute_swath_angle(root_radius())/involute_swath_angle(outer_radius());
//rewind angle to start drawing from the leading edge of the tooth
double first_tooth_angle = _angle - ((0.5 * tip_advance) + involute_advance);
Geom::Point prev;
for (int i=0; i < _number_of_teeth; i++)
double cursor = first_tooth_angle + (i * tooth_rotation);
D2<SBasis> leading_I = compose(_involute(cursor, cursor + involute_swath_angle(outer_radius())), Linear(involute_t,1));
if(i != 0) makeContinuous(leading_I, prev);
cursor += involute_advance;
prev = leading_I.at1();
D2<SBasis> tip = _arc(cursor, cursor+tip_advance, outer_radius());
makeContinuous(tip, prev);
cursor += tip_advance;
prev = tip.at1();
cursor += involute_advance;
D2<SBasis> trailing_I = compose(_involute(cursor, cursor - involute_swath_angle(outer_radius())), Linear(1,involute_t));
makeContinuous(trailing_I, prev);
prev = trailing_I.at1();
if (base_radius() > root_radius()) {
Geom::Point leading_start = trailing_I.at1();
Geom::Point leading_end = (root_radius() * unit_vector(leading_start - _centre)) + _centre;
prev = leading_end;
D2<SBasis> root = _arc(cursor, cursor+root_advance, root_radius());
makeContinuous(root, prev);
cursor += root_advance;
prev = root.at1();
if (base_radius() > root_radius()) {
Geom::Point trailing_start = root.at1();
Geom::Point trailing_end = (base_radius() * unit_vector(trailing_start - _centre)) + _centre;
prev = trailing_end;
return pb;
Gear Gear::spawn(Geom::Point p) {
double radius = Geom::distance(this->centre(), p) - this->pitch_radius();
int N = (int) floor( (radius / this->pitch_radius()) * this->number_of_teeth() );
Gear gear(N, _module, _pressure_angle);
double a = atan2(p - this->centre());
double new_angle = 0.0;
if (gear.number_of_teeth() % 2 == 0)
new_angle -= gear.tooth_thickness_angle();
new_angle -= (_angle) * (pitch_radius() / gear.pitch_radius());
new_angle += (a) * (pitch_radius() / gear.pitch_radius());
gear.angle(new_angle + a);
return gear;
// #################################################################
namespace Inkscape {
namespace LivePathEffect {
LPEGears::LPEGears(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) :
teeth(_("Teeth"), _("The number of teeth"), "teeth", &wr, this, 10),
phi(_("Phi"), _("Tooth pressure angle (typically 20-25 deg). The ratio of teeth not in contact."), "phi", &wr, this, 5)
/* Tooth pressure angle: The angle between the tooth profile and a perpendicular to the pitch
* circle, usually at the point where the pitch circle meets the tooth profile. Standard angles
* are 20 and 25 degrees. The pressure angle affects the force that tends to separate mating
* gears. A high pressure angle means that higher ratio of teeth not in contact. However, this
* allows the teeth to have higher capacity and also allows fewer teeth without undercutting.
teeth.param_set_range(3, NR_HUGE);
registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&teeth) );
registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&phi) );
LPEGears::doEffect_path (std::vector<Geom::Path> & path_in)
std::vector<Geom::Path> path_out;
Geom::Path gearpath = path_in[0];
Geom::Path::iterator it(gearpath.begin());
if ( it == gearpath.end() ) return path_out;
Gear * gear = new Gear(teeth, 200.0, phi * M_PI / 180);
Geom::Point gear_centre = (*it).finalPoint();
gear->angle(atan2((*it).initialPoint() - gear_centre));
it++; if ( it == gearpath.end() ) return path_out;
gear->pitch_radius(Geom::distance(gear_centre, (*it).finalPoint()));
path_out.push_back( gear->path());
for (it++ ; it != gearpath.end() ; it++) {
// iterate through Geom::Curve in path_in
Gear* gearnew = new Gear(gear->spawn( (*it).finalPoint() ));
path_out.push_back( gearnew->path() );
delete gear;
gear = gearnew;
delete gear;
return path_out;
LPEGears::setup_nodepath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
np->straight_path = true;
} // namespace LivePathEffect
} /* namespace Inkscape */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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