lpe-curvestitch.cpp revision ccd5d0ad1950ed63ccdf76081ae0cb056f372c9f
/** \file
* SVG <skeleton> implementation, used as an example for a base starting class
* when implementing new LivePathEffects.
* Authors:
* Johan Engelen
* Copyright (C) Johan Engelen 2007 <j.b.c.engelen@utwente.nl>
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "live_effects/lpe-curvestitch.h"
#include "display/curve.h"
#include <libnr/n-art-bpath.h>
#include <2geom/path.h>
#include <2geom/piecewise.h>
#include <2geom/sbasis.h>
#include <2geom/sbasis-geometric.h>
#include <2geom/bezier-to-sbasis.h>
#include <2geom/sbasis-to-bezier.h>
#include <2geom/d2.h>
#include <2geom/matrix.h>
#include "ui/widget/scalar.h"
#include "libnr/nr-values.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace LivePathEffect {
using namespace Geom;
LPECurveStitch::LPECurveStitch(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) :
strokepath(_("Stroke path"), _("The path that will be stroked, whatever, think of good text here."), "strokepath", &wr, this, "M0,0 L1,0"),
nrofpaths(_("Nr of paths"), _("The number of paths that will be generated."), "count", &wr, this, 5),
startpoint_variation(_("Startpoint variation"), _("..."), "startpoint_variation", &wr, this, 0),
endpoint_variation(_("Endpoint variation"), _("..."), "endpoint_variation", &wr, this, 0),
scale_y(_("Scale stroke y"), _("Scale the height of the stroke path with its length"), "scale_stroke_y", &wr, this, false)
registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&nrofpaths) );
registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&startpoint_variation) );
registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&endpoint_variation) );
registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&strokepath) );
registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&scale_y) );
nrofpaths.param_set_range(2, NR_HUGE);
// startpoint_variation.param_set_range(-NR_HUGE, 1);
// endpoint_variation.param_set_range(-1, NR_HUGE);
LPECurveStitch::doEffect (std::vector<Geom::Path> & path_in)
if (path_in.size() >= 2) {
D2<Piecewise<SBasis> > stroke = make_cuts_independant(strokepath);
Interval bndsStroke = bounds_exact(stroke[0]);
gdouble scaling = bndsStroke.max() - bndsStroke.min();
Interval bndsStrokeY = bounds_exact(stroke[1]);
Point stroke_origin(bndsStroke.min(), (bndsStrokeY.max()+bndsStrokeY.min())/2);
std::vector<Geom::Path> path_out (nrofpaths);
// do this for all permutations if there are more than 2 paths? realllly cool!
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > A = arc_length_parametrization(Piecewise<D2<SBasis> >(path_in[0].toPwSb()),2,.1);
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > B = arc_length_parametrization(Piecewise<D2<SBasis> >(path_in[1].toPwSb()),2,.1);
Interval bndsA = A.domain();
Interval bndsB = B.domain();
gdouble incrementA = (bndsA.max()-bndsA.min()) / (nrofpaths-1);
gdouble incrementB = (bndsB.max()-bndsB.min()) / (nrofpaths-1);
gdouble tA = bndsA.min();
gdouble tB = bndsB.min();
for (int i = 0; i < nrofpaths; i++) {
Point start = A(tA);
Point end = B(tB);
if (startpoint_variation.get_value() != 0)
start = start + startpoint_variation * (end - start);
if (endpoint_variation.get_value() != 0)
end = end + endpoint_variation * (end - start);
Matrix transform;
transform.setXAxis( (end-start) / scaling );
gdouble scaling_y = scale_y.get_value() ? L2(end-start)/scaling : 1.0;
transform.setYAxis( rot90(unit_vector(end-start)) * scaling_y);
transform.setTranslation( start );
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > pwd2_out = (strokepath-stroke_origin) * transform;
// add stuff to one big pw<d2<sbasis> > and then outside the loop convert to path?
std::vector<Path> result = Geom::path_from_piecewise(pwd2_out, LPE_CONVERSION_TOLERANCE);
path_out[i] = result[0];
tA += incrementA;
tB += incrementB;
return path_out;
} else {
return path_in;
} //namespace LivePathEffect
} /* namespace Inkscape */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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