Layout-TNG-Output.cpp revision 5209a05743e62584a7ec6afe050ffb0223f899f8
* Inkscape::Text::Layout - text layout engine output functions
* Authors:
* Richard Hughes <>
* Copyright (C) 2005 Richard Hughes
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <glib/gmem.h>
#include "Layout-TNG.h"
#include "display/nr-arena-glyphs.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "extension/print.h"
#include "livarot/Path.h"
#include "libnr/nr-matrix-fns.h"
#include "libnr/nr-scale-matrix-ops.h"
#include "font-instance.h"
#include "svg/svg-length.h"
#include "extension/internal/cairo-render-context.h"
#include "display/curve.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Extension {
namespace Internal {
class CairoRenderContext;
class CairoGlyphInfo;
using Inkscape::Extension::Internal::CairoRenderContext;
using Inkscape::Extension::Internal::CairoGlyphInfo;
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Text {
void Layout::_clearOutputObjects()
for (std::vector<Span>::iterator it_span = _spans.begin() ; it_span != _spans.end() ; it_span++)
if (it_span->font) it_span->font->Unref();
_path_fitted = NULL;
void Layout::LineHeight::max(LineHeight const &other)
if (other.ascent > ascent) ascent = other.ascent;
if (other.descent > descent) descent = other.descent;
if (other.leading > leading) leading = other.leading;
void Layout::_getGlyphTransformMatrix(int glyph_index, NR::Matrix *matrix) const
Span const &span = _glyphs[glyph_index].span(this);
double sin_rotation = sin(_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation);
double cos_rotation = cos(_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation);
(*matrix)[0] = span.font_size * cos_rotation;
(*matrix)[1] = span.font_size * sin_rotation;
(*matrix)[2] = span.font_size * sin_rotation;
(*matrix)[3] = -span.font_size * cos_rotation;
if (span.block_progression == LEFT_TO_RIGHT || span.block_progression == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
(*matrix)[4] = _lines[_chunks[span.in_chunk].in_line].baseline_y + _glyphs[glyph_index].y;
(*matrix)[5] = _chunks[span.in_chunk].left_x + _glyphs[glyph_index].x;
} else {
(*matrix)[4] = _chunks[span.in_chunk].left_x + _glyphs[glyph_index].x;
(*matrix)[5] = _lines[_chunks[span.in_chunk].in_line].baseline_y + _glyphs[glyph_index].y;
void Layout::show(NRArenaGroup *in_arena, NRRect const *paintbox) const
int glyph_index = 0;
for (unsigned span_index = 0 ; span_index < _spans.size() ; span_index++) {
if (_input_stream[_spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item]->Type() != TEXT_SOURCE) continue;
InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast<InputStreamTextSource const *>(_input_stream[_spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item]);
NRArenaGlyphsGroup *nr_group = NRArenaGlyphsGroup::create(in_arena->arena);
nr_arena_item_add_child(in_arena, nr_group, NULL);
nr_arena_glyphs_group_set_style(nr_group, text_source->style);
while (glyph_index < (int)_glyphs.size() && _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span == span_index) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph != -1) {
NR::Matrix glyph_matrix;
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
nr_arena_glyphs_group_add_component(nr_group, _spans[span_index].font, _glyphs[glyph_index].glyph, &glyph_matrix);
nr_arena_glyphs_group_set_paintbox(NR_ARENA_GLYPHS_GROUP(nr_group), paintbox);
nr_arena_item_request_update(NR_ARENA_ITEM(in_arena), NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_ALL, FALSE);
void Layout::getBoundingBox(NRRect *bounding_box, NR::Matrix const &transform, int start, int length) const
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph == -1) continue;
if (start != -1 && (int) _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character < start) continue;
if (length != -1) {
if (start == -1)
start = 0;
if ((int) _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character > start + length) continue;
// this could be faster
NR::Matrix glyph_matrix;
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
NR::Matrix total_transform = glyph_matrix;
total_transform *= transform;
NR::Maybe<NR::Rect> glyph_rect = _glyphs[glyph_index].span(this).font->BBox(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph);
if (glyph_rect) {
NR::Point bmi = glyph_rect->min(), bma = glyph_rect->max();
NR::Point tlp(bmi[0],bmi[1]), trp(bma[0],bmi[1]), blp(bmi[0],bma[1]), brp(bma[0],bma[1]);
tlp *= total_transform;
trp *= total_transform;
blp *= total_transform;
brp *= total_transform;
*glyph_rect = NR::Rect(tlp,trp);
if ( (glyph_rect->min())[0] < bounding_box->x0 ) bounding_box->x0=(glyph_rect->min())[0];
if ( (glyph_rect->max())[0] > bounding_box->x1 ) bounding_box->x1=(glyph_rect->max())[0];
if ( (glyph_rect->min())[1] < bounding_box->y0 ) bounding_box->y0=(glyph_rect->min())[1];
if ( (glyph_rect->max())[1] > bounding_box->y1 ) bounding_box->y1=(glyph_rect->max())[1];
void Layout::print(SPPrintContext *ctx,
NRRect const *pbox, NRRect const *dbox, NRRect const *bbox,
NR::Matrix const &ctm) const
if (_input_stream.empty()) return;
Direction block_progression = _blockProgression();
bool text_to_path = ctx->module->textToPath();
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; ) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph == -1) {
// invisible glyphs
unsigned same_character = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character;
while (_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character == same_character)
NR::Matrix glyph_matrix;
Span const &span = _spans[_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span];
InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast<InputStreamTextSource const *>(_input_stream[span.in_input_stream_item]);
if (text_to_path || _path_fitted) {
NRBPath bpath;
bpath.path = (NArtBpath*)span.font->ArtBPath(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph);
if (bpath.path) {
NRBPath abp;
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
abp.path = nr_artpath_affine(bpath.path, glyph_matrix);
if (!text_source->style->fill.isNone())
sp_print_fill(ctx, &abp, &ctm, text_source->style, pbox, dbox, bbox);
if (!text_source->style->stroke.isNone())
sp_print_stroke(ctx, &abp, &ctm, text_source->style, pbox, dbox, bbox);
} else {
NR::Point g_pos(0,0); // all strings are output at (0,0) because we do the translation using the matrix
glyph_matrix = NR::Matrix(NR::scale(1.0, -1.0) * NR::Matrix(NR::rotate(_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation)));
if (block_progression == LEFT_TO_RIGHT || block_progression == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
glyph_matrix[4] = span.line(this).baseline_y + span.baseline_shift;
// since we're outputting character codes, not glyphs, we want the character x
glyph_matrix[5] = span.chunk(this).left_x + span.x_start + _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].x;
} else {
glyph_matrix[4] = span.chunk(this).left_x + span.x_start + _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].x;
glyph_matrix[5] = span.line(this).baseline_y + span.baseline_shift;
Glib::ustring::const_iterator span_iter = span.input_stream_first_character;
unsigned char_index = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character;
unsigned original_span = _characters[char_index].in_span;
while (char_index && _characters[char_index - 1].in_span == original_span) {
// try to output as many characters as possible in one go by detecting kerning and stopping when we encounter it
Glib::ustring span_string;
double char_x = _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].x;
unsigned this_span_index = _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span;
do {
span_string += *span_iter;
unsigned same_character = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character;
while (glyph_index < _glyphs.size() && _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character == same_character) {
char_x += _glyphs[glyph_index].width;
} while (glyph_index < _glyphs.size()
&& _path_fitted == NULL
&& _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span == this_span_index
&& fabs(char_x - _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].x) < 1e-5);
sp_print_bind(ctx, glyph_matrix, 1.0);
sp_print_text(ctx, span_string.c_str(), g_pos, text_source->style);
void Layout::showGlyphs(CairoRenderContext *ctx) const
if (_input_stream.empty()) return;
bool clip_mode = false;//(ctx->getRenderMode() == CairoRenderContext::RENDER_MODE_CLIP);
std::vector<CairoGlyphInfo> glyphtext;
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; ) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph == -1) {
// invisible glyphs
unsigned same_character = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character;
while (_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character == same_character)
Span const &span = _spans[_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span];
InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast<InputStreamTextSource const *>(_input_stream[span.in_input_stream_item]);
NR::Matrix glyph_matrix;
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
if (clip_mode) {
NArtBpath *bpath = (NArtBpath*)span.font->ArtBPath(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph);
if (bpath) {
NArtBpath *abp = nr_artpath_affine(bpath, glyph_matrix);
NRBPath bpath;
bpath.path = abp;
SPStyle const *style = text_source->style;
ctx->renderPath(&bpath, style, NULL);
NR::Matrix font_matrix;
if (_path_fitted == NULL) {
font_matrix = glyph_matrix;
font_matrix[4] = 0;
font_matrix[5] = 0;
} else {
Glib::ustring::const_iterator span_iter = span.input_stream_first_character;
unsigned char_index = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character;
unsigned original_span = _characters[char_index].in_span;
while (char_index && _characters[char_index - 1].in_span == original_span) {
// try to output as many characters as possible in one go
Glib::ustring span_string;
unsigned this_span_index = _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span;
unsigned int first_index = glyph_index;
do {
span_string += *span_iter;
unsigned same_character = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character;
while (glyph_index < _glyphs.size() && _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character == same_character) {
if (glyph_index != first_index)
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
CairoGlyphInfo info;
info.index = _glyphs[glyph_index].glyph;
if (_path_fitted == NULL) {
info.x = glyph_matrix[4];
info.y = glyph_matrix[5];
} else {
info.x = 0;
info.y = 0;
} while (glyph_index < _glyphs.size()
&& _path_fitted == NULL
&& NR::transform_equalp(font_matrix, glyph_matrix, NR_EPSILON)
&& _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span == this_span_index);
// remove vertical flip
font_matrix[3] *= -1.0;
SPStyle const *style = text_source->style;
float opacity = SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(style->opacity.value);
if (_path_fitted) {
} else if (opacity != 1.0) {
if (glyph_index - first_index > 0)
ctx->renderGlyphtext(span.font->pFont, &font_matrix, glyphtext, style);
if (_path_fitted)
else if (opacity != 1.0) {
// these functions are for dumpAsText() only. No need to translate
static char const *direction_to_text(Layout::Direction d)
switch (d) {
case Layout::LEFT_TO_RIGHT: return "ltr";
case Layout::RIGHT_TO_LEFT: return "rtl";
case Layout::TOP_TO_BOTTOM: return "ttb";
case Layout::BOTTOM_TO_TOP: return "btt";
return "???";
static char const *style_to_text(PangoStyle s)
switch (s) {
case PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL: return "upright";
case PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC: return "italic";
case PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE: return "oblique";
return "???";
static char const *weight_to_text(PangoWeight w)
switch (w) {
case PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT: return "ultralight";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_LIGHT : return "light";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD : return "semibold";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL : return "normalweight";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : return "bold";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD : return "ultrabold";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY : return "heavy";
return "???";
Glib::ustring Layout::dumpAsText() const
Glib::ustring result;
for (unsigned span_index = 0 ; span_index < _spans.size() ; span_index++) {
char line[256];
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "==== span %d\n", span_index);
result += line;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " in para %d (direction=%s)\n", _lines[_chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line].in_paragraph,
result += line;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " in source %d (type=%d, cookie=%p)\n", _spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item,
result += line;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " in line %d (baseline=%f, shape=%d)\n", _chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line,
result += line;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " in chunk %d (x=%f, baselineshift=%f)\n", _spans[span_index].in_chunk, _chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].left_x, _spans[span_index].baseline_shift);
result += line;
if (_spans[span_index].font) {
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " font '%s' %f %s %s\n", pango_font_description_get_family(_spans[span_index].font->descr), _spans[span_index].font_size, style_to_text(pango_font_description_get_style(_spans[span_index].font->descr)), weight_to_text(pango_font_description_get_weight(_spans[span_index].font->descr)));
result += line;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " x_start = %f, x_end = %f\n", _spans[span_index].x_start, _spans[span_index].x_end);
result += line;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " line height: ascent %f, descent %f leading %f\n", _spans[span_index].line_height.ascent, _spans[span_index].line_height.descent, _spans[span_index].line_height.leading);
result += line;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " direction %s, block-progression %s\n", direction_to_text(_spans[span_index].direction), direction_to_text(_spans[span_index].block_progression));
result += line;
result += " ** characters:\n";
Glib::ustring::const_iterator iter_char = _spans[span_index].input_stream_first_character;
// very inefficent code. what the hell, it's only debug stuff.
for (unsigned char_index = 0 ; char_index < _characters.size() ; char_index++) {
if (_characters[char_index].in_span != span_index) continue;
if (_input_stream[_spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item]->Type() != TEXT_SOURCE) {
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %d: control x=%f flags=%03x glyph=%d\n", char_index, _characters[char_index].x, *(unsigned*)&_characters[char_index].char_attributes, _characters[char_index].in_glyph);
} else {
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %d: '%c' x=%f flags=%03x glyph=%d\n", char_index, *iter_char, _characters[char_index].x, *(unsigned*)&_characters[char_index].char_attributes, _characters[char_index].in_glyph);
result += line;
result += " ** glyphs:\n";
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span != span_index) continue;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %d: %d (%f,%f) rot=%f cx=%f char=%d\n", glyph_index, _glyphs[glyph_index].glyph, _glyphs[glyph_index].x, _glyphs[glyph_index].y, _glyphs[glyph_index].rotation, _glyphs[glyph_index].width, _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character);
result += line;
result += "\n";
result += "EOT\n";
return result;
void Layout::fitToPathAlign(SVGLength const &startOffset, Path const &path)
double offset = 0.0;
if (startOffset._set) {
if (startOffset.unit == SVGLength::PERCENT)
offset = startOffset.computed * const_cast<Path&>(path).Length();
offset = startOffset.computed;
switch (_paragraphs.front().alignment) {
case CENTER:
offset -= _getChunkWidth(0) * 0.5;
case RIGHT:
offset -= _getChunkWidth(0);
if (_characters.empty()) {
int unused = 0;
Path::cut_position *point_otp = const_cast<Path&>(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &offset, unused);
if (offset >= 0.0 && point_otp != NULL && point_otp[0].piece >= 0) {
NR::Point point;
NR::Point tangent;
const_cast<Path&>(path).PointAndTangentAt(point_otp[0].piece, point_otp[0].t, point, tangent);
_empty_cursor_shape.position = point;
_empty_cursor_shape.rotation = atan2(tangent[NR::Y], tangent[NR::X]);
for (unsigned char_index = 0 ; char_index < _characters.size() ; ) {
int next_cluster_glyph_index;
unsigned next_cluster_char_index;
double character_advance;
Span const &span = _characters[char_index].span(this);
for (next_cluster_char_index = char_index + 1 ;
next_cluster_char_index < _characters.size() && !_characters[next_cluster_char_index].char_attributes.is_cursor_position;
if (next_cluster_char_index == _characters.size()) {
next_cluster_glyph_index = _glyphs.size();
character_advance = 0.0; // arbitrary because we're not going to advance
} else {
next_cluster_glyph_index = _characters[next_cluster_char_index].in_glyph;
character_advance = (_glyphs[next_cluster_glyph_index].x + _glyphs[next_cluster_glyph_index].chunk(this).left_x)
- (_glyphs[_characters[char_index].in_glyph].x + span.chunk(this).left_x);
double start_offset = offset + span.x_start + _characters[char_index].x;
double cluster_width = 0.0;
for (int glyph_index = _characters[char_index].in_glyph ; glyph_index < next_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index++)
cluster_width += _glyphs[glyph_index].width;
if (span.direction == RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
start_offset -= cluster_width;
double end_offset = start_offset + cluster_width;
int unused = 0;
double midpoint_offset = (start_offset + end_offset) * 0.5;
// as far as I know these functions are const, they're just not marked as such
Path::cut_position *midpoint_otp = const_cast<Path&>(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &midpoint_offset, unused);
if (midpoint_offset >= 0.0 && midpoint_otp != NULL && midpoint_otp[0].piece >= 0) {
NR::Point midpoint;
NR::Point tangent;
const_cast<Path&>(path).PointAndTangentAt(midpoint_otp[0].piece, midpoint_otp[0].t, midpoint, tangent);
if (start_offset >= 0.0 && end_offset >= 0.0) {
Path::cut_position *start_otp = const_cast<Path&>(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &start_offset, unused);
if (start_otp != NULL && start_otp[0].piece >= 0) {
Path::cut_position *end_otp = const_cast<Path&>(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &end_offset, unused);
if (end_otp != NULL && end_otp[0].piece >= 0) {
bool on_same_subpath = true;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < path.pts.size() ; i++) {
if (path.pts[i].piece <= start_otp[0].piece) continue;
if (path.pts[i].piece >= end_otp[0].piece) break;
if (path.pts[i].isMoveTo == polyline_moveto) {
on_same_subpath = false;
if (on_same_subpath) {
// both points were on the same subpath (without this test the angle is very weird)
NR::Point startpoint, endpoint;
const_cast<Path&>(path).PointAt(start_otp[0].piece, start_otp[0].t, startpoint);
const_cast<Path&>(path).PointAt(end_otp[0].piece, end_otp[0].t, endpoint);
if (endpoint != startpoint) {
tangent = endpoint - startpoint;
} else {
tangent = NR::Point (0,0);
double rotation = atan2(tangent[1], tangent[0]);
for (int glyph_index = _characters[char_index].in_glyph ; glyph_index < next_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index++) {
double tangent_shift = -cluster_width * 0.5 + _glyphs[glyph_index].x - (_characters[char_index].x + span.x_start);
double normal_shift = _glyphs[glyph_index].y;
if (span.direction == RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
tangent_shift += cluster_width;
_glyphs[glyph_index].x = midpoint[0] - span.chunk(this).left_x + tangent[0] * tangent_shift - tangent[1] * normal_shift;
_glyphs[glyph_index].y = midpoint[1] - _lines.front().baseline_y + tangent[1] * tangent_shift + tangent[0] * normal_shift;
_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation += rotation;
} else { // outside the bounds of the path: hide the glyphs
_characters[char_index].in_glyph = -1;
char_index = next_cluster_char_index;
for (unsigned span_index = 0 ; span_index < _spans.size() ; span_index++) {
_spans[span_index].x_start += offset;
_spans[span_index].x_end += offset;
_path_fitted = &path;
SPCurve *Layout::convertToCurves(iterator const &from_glyph, iterator const &to_glyph) const
GSList *cc = NULL;
for (int glyph_index = from_glyph._glyph_index ; glyph_index < to_glyph._glyph_index ; glyph_index++) {
NR::Matrix glyph_matrix;
Span const &span = _glyphs[glyph_index].span(this);
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
NRBPath bpath;
bpath.path = (NArtBpath*)span.font->ArtBPath(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph);
if (bpath.path) {
NArtBpath *abp = nr_artpath_affine(bpath.path, glyph_matrix);
SPCurve *c = SPCurve::new_from_bpath(abp);
if (c) cc = g_slist_prepend(cc, c);
cc = g_slist_reverse(cc);
SPCurve *curve;
if ( cc ) {
curve = SPCurve::concat(cc);
} else {
curve = new SPCurve();
while (cc) {
/* fixme: This is dangerous, as we are mixing art_alloc and g_new */
reinterpret_cast<SPCurve *>(cc->data)->unref();
cc = g_slist_remove(cc, cc->data);
return curve;
void Layout::transform(NR::Matrix const &transform)
// this is all massively oversimplified
// I can't actually think of anybody who'll want to use it at the moment, so it'll stay simple
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) {
NR::Point point(_glyphs[glyph_index].x, _glyphs[glyph_index].y);
point *= transform;
_glyphs[glyph_index].x = point[0];
_glyphs[glyph_index].y = point[1];
}//namespace Text
}//namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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