Layout-TNG-Output.cpp revision 20a287baccb78f89e5feea6b89c3f1e32418a455
* Inkscape::Text::Layout - text layout engine output functions
* Authors:
* Richard Hughes <>
* Copyright (C) 2005 Richard Hughes
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <glib.h>
#include "Layout-TNG.h"
#include "display/drawing-text.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "extension/print.h"
#include "livarot/Path.h"
#include "font-instance.h"
#include "svg/svg-length.h"
#include "extension/internal/cairo-render-context.h"
#include "display/curve.h"
#include <2geom/pathvector.h>
#include <libuemf/symbol_convert.h>
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Extension {
namespace Internal {
class CairoRenderContext;
using Inkscape::Extension::Internal::CairoRenderContext;
using Inkscape::Extension::Internal::CairoGlyphInfo;
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Text {
dx array (character widths) and
ky (vertical kerning for entire span)
rtl (+1 for LTR, -1 RTL)
are smuggled through to the EMF (ignored by others) as:
text<nul>N w1 w2 w3 ...wN<nul>y1 y2 y3 .. yN<nul><nul>
The ndx, widths, y kern, and rtl are all 7 characters wide. ndx and rtl are ints, the widths and ky are
formatted as ' 6f'.
char *smuggle_adxkyrtl_in(const char *string, int ndx, float *adx, float ky, float rtl){
int slen = strlen(string);
/* holds: string
fake terminator (one \0)
Number of widths (ndx)
series of widths (ndx entries)
fake terminator (one \0)
y kern value (one float)
rtl value (one float)
real terminator (two \0)
int newsize=slen + 1 + 7 + 7*ndx + 1 + 7 + 7 + 2;
newsize = 8*((7 + newsize)/8); // suppress valgrind messages if it is a multiple of 8 bytes???
char *smuggle=(char *)malloc(newsize);
strcpy(smuggle,string); // text to pass, includes the first fake terminator
char *cptr = smuggle + slen + 1; // immediately after the first fake terminator
sprintf(cptr,"%07d",ndx); // number of widths to pass
cptr+=7; // advance over ndx
for(int i=0; i<ndx ; i++){ // all the widths
sprintf(cptr," %6f",adx[i]);
cptr+=7; // advance over space + width
cptr++; // second fake terminator
sprintf(cptr," %6f",ky); // y kern for span
cptr+=7; // advance over space + ky
sprintf(cptr," %6d",(int) rtl); // rtl multiplier for span
cptr+=7; // advance over rtl
*cptr++ = '\0'; // Set the real terminators
*cptr = '\0';
void Layout::_clearOutputObjects()
for (std::vector<Span>::iterator it_span = _spans.begin() ; it_span != _spans.end() ; ++it_span)
if (it_span->font) it_span->font->Unref();
_path_fitted = NULL;
void Layout::LineHeight::max(LineHeight const &other)
if (other.ascent > ascent) ascent = other.ascent;
if (other.descent > descent) descent = other.descent;
if (other.leading > leading) leading = other.leading;
void Layout::_getGlyphTransformMatrix(int glyph_index, Geom::Affine *matrix) const
Span const &span = _glyphs[glyph_index].span(this);
double sin_rotation = sin(_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation);
double cos_rotation = cos(_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation);
(*matrix)[0] = span.font_size * cos_rotation;
(*matrix)[1] = span.font_size * sin_rotation;
(*matrix)[2] = span.font_size * sin_rotation;
(*matrix)[3] = -span.font_size * cos_rotation;
if (span.block_progression == LEFT_TO_RIGHT || span.block_progression == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
(*matrix)[4] = _lines[_chunks[span.in_chunk].in_line].baseline_y + _glyphs[glyph_index].y;
(*matrix)[5] = _chunks[span.in_chunk].left_x + _glyphs[glyph_index].x;
} else {
(*matrix)[4] = _chunks[span.in_chunk].left_x + _glyphs[glyph_index].x;
(*matrix)[5] = _lines[_chunks[span.in_chunk].in_line].baseline_y + _glyphs[glyph_index].y;
void Layout::show(DrawingGroup *in_arena, Geom::OptRect const &paintbox) const
int glyph_index = 0;
double phase0 = 0.0;
for (unsigned span_index = 0 ; span_index < _spans.size() ; span_index++) {
if (_input_stream[_spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item]->Type() != TEXT_SOURCE) continue;
InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast<InputStreamTextSource const *>(_input_stream[_spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item]);
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.tspan_width = _spans[span_index].width();
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.ascender = _spans[span_index].line_height.getAscent();
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.descender = _spans[span_index].line_height.getDescent();
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.line_gap = _spans[span_index].line_height.getLeading();
if(!span_index ||
(_chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line != _chunks[_spans[span_index-1].in_chunk].in_line)){
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.tspan_line_start = true;
else {
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.tspan_line_start = false;
if((span_index == _spans.size() -1) ||
(_chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line != _chunks[_spans[span_index+1].in_chunk].in_line)){
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.tspan_line_end = true;
else {
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.tspan_line_end = false;
double underline_thickness, underline_position, line_through_thickness,line_through_position;
_spans[span_index].font->FontDecoration(underline_position, underline_thickness, line_through_position, line_through_thickness);
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.underline_thickness = underline_thickness;
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.underline_position = underline_position;
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.line_through_thickness = line_through_thickness;
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.line_through_position = line_through_position;
else { // can this case ever occur?
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.underline_thickness =
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.underline_position =
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.line_through_thickness =
text_source->style->text_decoration_data.line_through_position = 0.0;
DrawingText *nr_text = new DrawingText(in_arena->drawing());
bool first_line_glyph = true;
while (glyph_index < (int)_glyphs.size() && _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span == span_index) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph != -1) {
Geom::Affine glyph_matrix;
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
if(first_line_glyph && text_source->style->text_decoration_data.tspan_line_start){
first_line_glyph = false;
phase0 = glyph_matrix.translation()[Geom::X];
// save the starting coordinates for the line - these are needed for figuring out dot/dash/wave phase
(void) nr_text->addComponent(_spans[span_index].font, _glyphs[glyph_index].glyph, glyph_matrix,
glyph_matrix.translation()[Geom::X] - phase0
// Set item bounds without filter enlargement
Geom::OptRect Layout::bounds(Geom::Affine const &transform, int start, int length) const
Geom::OptRect bbox;
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph == -1) continue;
if (start != -1 && (int) _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character < start) continue;
if (length != -1) {
if (start == -1)
start = 0;
if ((int) _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character > start + length) continue;
// this could be faster
Geom::Affine glyph_matrix;
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
Geom::Affine total_transform = glyph_matrix;
total_transform *= transform;
if(_glyphs[glyph_index].span(this).font) {
Geom::OptRect glyph_rect = _glyphs[glyph_index].span(this).font->BBox(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph);
if (glyph_rect) {
bbox.unionWith(*glyph_rect * total_transform);
return bbox;
/* This version is much simpler than the old one
void Layout::print(SPPrintContext *ctx,
Geom::OptRect const &pbox, Geom::OptRect const &dbox, Geom::OptRect const &bbox,
Geom::Affine const &ctm) const
bool text_to_path = ctx->module->textToPath();
#define MAX_DX 2048
float hold_dx[MAX_DX]; // For smuggling dx values (character widths) into print functions, unlikely any simple text output will be longer than this.
Geom::Affine glyph_matrix;
if (_input_stream.empty()) return;
if (!_glyphs.size()) return; // yes, this can happen.
if (text_to_path || _path_fitted) {
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph == -1)continue; //invisible glyphs
Span const &span = _spans[_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span];
Geom::PathVector const * pv = span.font->PathVector(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph);
InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast<InputStreamTextSource const *>(_input_stream[span.in_input_stream_item]);
if (pv) {
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
Geom::PathVector temp_pv = (*pv) * glyph_matrix;
if (!text_source->style->fill.isNone())
sp_print_fill(ctx, temp_pv, ctm, text_source->style, pbox, dbox, bbox);
if (!text_source->style->stroke.isNone())
sp_print_stroke(ctx, temp_pv, ctm, text_source->style, pbox, dbox, bbox);
else {
/* index by characters, referencing glyphs and spans only as needed */
double char_x;
int doUTN = CanUTN(); // Unicode to Nonunicode translation enabled if true
Direction block_progression = _blockProgression();
int oldtarget = 0;
int ndx = 0;
double rtl = 1.0; // 1 L->R, -1 R->L, constant across a span. 1.0 for t->b b->t???
for (unsigned char_index = 0 ; char_index < _characters.size() ; ) {
Glib::ustring text_string; // accumulate text for record in this
Geom::Point g_pos(0,0); // all strings are output at (0,0) because we do the translation using the matrix
int glyph_index = _characters[char_index].in_glyph;
if(glyph_index == -1){ // if the character maps to an invisible glyph we cannot know its geometry, so skip it and move on
float ky = _glyphs[glyph_index].y; // For smuggling y kern value for span // same value for all positions in a span
unsigned span_index = _characters[char_index].in_span;
Span const &span = _spans[span_index];
char_x = 0.0;
Glib::ustring::const_iterator text_iter = span.input_stream_first_character;
InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast<InputStreamTextSource const *>(_input_stream[span.in_input_stream_item]);
glyph_matrix = Geom::Scale(1.0, -1.0) * (Geom::Affine)Geom::Rotate(_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation);
if (block_progression == LEFT_TO_RIGHT || block_progression == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
glyph_matrix[4] = span.line(this).baseline_y + span.baseline_shift;
// since we're outputting character codes, not glyphs, we want the character x
glyph_matrix[5] = span.chunk(this).left_x + span.x_start + _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].x;
} else {
glyph_matrix[4] = span.chunk(this).left_x + span.x_start + _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].x;
glyph_matrix[5] = span.line(this).baseline_y + span.baseline_shift;
case Layout::TOP_TO_BOTTOM:
case Layout::BOTTOM_TO_TOP:
case Layout::LEFT_TO_RIGHT: rtl = 1.0; break;
case Layout::RIGHT_TO_LEFT: rtl = -1.0; break;
oldtarget=SingleUnicodeToNon(*text_iter); // this should only ever be with a 1:1 glyph:character situation
// accumulate a record to write
unsigned lc_index = char_index;
unsigned hold_iisi = _spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item;
int newtarget = 0;
glyph_index = _characters[lc_index].in_glyph;
if(glyph_index == -1){ // end of a line within a paragraph, for instance
// always append if here
text_string += *text_iter;
// figure out char widths, used by EMF, not currently used elsewhere
double cwidth;
if(lc_index == _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character){ // Glyph width is used only for the first character, these may be 0
cwidth = rtl * _glyphs[glyph_index].width; // width might be zero
else {
cwidth = 0;
char_x += cwidth;
std:: cout << "DEBUG Layout::print in while "
<< " char_index " << char_index
<< " lc_index " << lc_index
<< " character " << std::hex << (int) *text_iter << std::dec
<< " glyph_index " << glyph_index
<< " glyph_xy " << _glyphs[glyph_index].x << " , " << _glyphs[glyph_index].y
<< " span_index " << span_index
<< " hold_iisi " << hold_iisi
<< std::endl; //DEBUG
if(ndx < MAX_DX){
hold_dx[ndx++] = fabs(cwidth);
else { // silently truncate any text line silly enough to be longer than MAX_DX
lc_index = _characters.size();
// conditions that prevent this character from joining the record
if(lc_index >= _characters.size()) break; // nothing more to process, so it must be the end of the record
if(doUTN)newtarget=SingleUnicodeToNon(*text_iter); // this should only ever be with a 1:1 glyph:character situation
if(newtarget != oldtarget)break; // change in unicode to nonunicode translation status
// MUST exit on any major span change, but not on some little events, like a font substitution event irrelvant for the file save
unsigned next_span_index = _characters[lc_index].in_span;
if(span_index != next_span_index){
/* on major changes break out of loop.
1st case usually indicates an entire input line has been processed (out of several in a paragraph)
2nd case usually indicates that a format change within a line (font/size/color/etc) is present.
std:: cout << "DEBUG Layout::print in while --- "
<< " char_index " << char_index
<< " lc_index " << lc_index
<< " cwidth " << cwidth
<< " _char.x (next) " << (lc_index < _characters.size() ? _characters[lc_index].x : -1)
<< " char_x (end this)" << char_x
<< " diff " << fabs(char_x - _characters[lc_index].x)
<< " oldy " << ky
<< " nexty " << _glyphs[_characters[lc_index].in_glyph].y
<< std::endl; //DEBUG
if(hold_iisi != _spans[next_span_index].in_input_stream_item)break; // major change, font, size, color, etc, must exit
if(fabs(char_x - _spans[next_span_index].x_start) >= 1e-4)break; // xkerning change
if(ky != _glyphs[_characters[lc_index].in_glyph].y)break; // ykerning change
None of the above? Then this is a minor "pangito", update span_index and keep going.
The font used by the display may have failed over, but print does not care and can continue to use
whatever was specified in the XML.
span_index = next_span_index;
text_iter = _spans[span_index].input_stream_first_character;
// write it
sp_print_bind(ctx, glyph_matrix, 1.0);
// the dx array is smuggled through to the EMF driver (ignored by others) as:
// text<nul>w1 w2 w3 ...wn<nul><nul>
// where the widths are floats 7 characters wide, including the space
char *smuggle_string=smuggle_adxkyrtl_in(text_string.c_str(),ndx, &hold_dx[0], ky, rtl);
sp_print_text(ctx, smuggle_string, g_pos, text_source->style);
ndx = 0;
char_index = lc_index;
void Layout::showGlyphs(CairoRenderContext *ctx) const
if (_input_stream.empty()) return;
bool clip_mode = false;//(ctx->getRenderMode() == CairoRenderContext::RENDER_MODE_CLIP);
std::vector<CairoGlyphInfo> glyphtext;
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; ) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_glyph == -1) {
// invisible glyphs
unsigned same_character = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character;
while (_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character == same_character)
Span const &span = _spans[_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span];
InputStreamTextSource const *text_source = static_cast<InputStreamTextSource const *>(_input_stream[span.in_input_stream_item]);
Geom::Affine glyph_matrix;
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
if (clip_mode) {
Geom::PathVector const *pathv = span.font->PathVector(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph);
if (pathv) {
Geom::PathVector pathv_trans = (*pathv) * glyph_matrix;
SPStyle const *style = text_source->style;
ctx->renderPathVector(pathv_trans, style, Geom::OptRect());
Geom::Affine font_matrix = glyph_matrix;
font_matrix[4] = 0;
font_matrix[5] = 0;
Glib::ustring::const_iterator span_iter = span.input_stream_first_character;
unsigned char_index = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character;
unsigned original_span = _characters[char_index].in_span;
while (char_index && _characters[char_index - 1].in_span == original_span) {
// try to output as many characters as possible in one go
Glib::ustring span_string;
unsigned this_span_index = _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span;
unsigned int first_index = glyph_index;
do {
span_string += *span_iter;
unsigned same_character = _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character;
while (glyph_index < _glyphs.size() && _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character == same_character) {
if (glyph_index != first_index)
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
CairoGlyphInfo info;
info.index = _glyphs[glyph_index].glyph;
// this is the translation for x,y-offset
info.x = glyph_matrix[4];
info.y = glyph_matrix[5];
} while (glyph_index < _glyphs.size()
&& _path_fitted == NULL
&& (font_matrix * glyph_matrix.inverse()).isIdentity()
&& _characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span == this_span_index);
// remove vertical flip
Geom::Affine flip_matrix;
flip_matrix[3] = -1.0;
font_matrix = flip_matrix * font_matrix;
SPStyle const *style = text_source->style;
float opacity = SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(style->opacity.value);
if (opacity != 1.0) {
if (glyph_index - first_index > 0)
ctx->renderGlyphtext(span.font->pFont, font_matrix, glyphtext, style);
if (opacity != 1.0) {
// these functions are for dumpAsText() only. No need to translate
static char const *direction_to_text(Layout::Direction d)
switch (d) {
case Layout::LEFT_TO_RIGHT: return "ltr";
case Layout::RIGHT_TO_LEFT: return "rtl";
case Layout::TOP_TO_BOTTOM: return "ttb";
case Layout::BOTTOM_TO_TOP: return "btt";
return "???";
static char const *style_to_text(PangoStyle s)
switch (s) {
case PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL: return "upright";
case PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC: return "italic";
case PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE: return "oblique";
return "???";
static char const *weight_to_text(PangoWeight w)
switch (w) {
case PANGO_WEIGHT_THIN : return "thin";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT: return "ultralight";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_LIGHT : return "light";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_BOOK : return "book";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL : return "normalweight";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_MEDIUM : return "medium";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD : return "semibold";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : return "bold";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD : return "ultrabold";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY : return "heavy";
case PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRAHEAVY: return "ultraheavy";
return "???";
Glib::ustring Layout::getFontFamily(unsigned span_index) const
if (span_index >= _spans.size())
return "";
if (_spans[span_index].font) {
return sp_font_description_get_family(_spans[span_index].font->descr);
return "";
Glib::ustring Layout::dumpAsText() const
Glib::ustring result;
Glib::ustring::const_iterator icc;
char line[256];
result = Glib::ustring::compose("spans %1\nchars %2\nglyphs %3\n", _spans.size(), _characters.size(), _glyphs.size());
if(_characters.size() > 1){
unsigned lastspan=5000;
for(unsigned j = 0; j < _characters.size() ; j++){
if(lastspan != _characters[j].in_span){
lastspan = _characters[j].in_span;
icc = _spans[lastspan].input_stream_first_character;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "char %4u: '%c' 0x%4.4x x=%8.4f glyph=%3d span=%3d\n", j, *icc, *icc, _characters[j].x, _characters[j].in_glyph, _characters[j].in_span);
result += line;
for(unsigned j = 0; j < _glyphs.size() ; j++){
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "glyph %4u: %4d (%8.4f,%8.4f) rot=%8.4f cx=%8.4f char=%4d\n",
j, _glyphs[j].glyph, _glyphs[j].x, _glyphs[j].y, _glyphs[j].rotation, _glyphs[j].width, _glyphs[j].in_character);
result += line;
for (unsigned span_index = 0 ; span_index < _spans.size() ; span_index++) {
result += Glib::ustring::compose("==== span %1 \n", span_index)
+ Glib::ustring::compose(" in para %1 (direction=%2)\n", _lines[_chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line].in_paragraph,
+ Glib::ustring::compose(" in source %1 (type=%2, cookie=%3)\n", _spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item,
+ Glib::ustring::compose(" in line %1 (baseline=%2, shape=%3)\n", _chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].in_line,
+ Glib::ustring::compose(" in chunk %1 (x=%2, baselineshift=%3)\n", _spans[span_index].in_chunk, _chunks[_spans[span_index].in_chunk].left_x, _spans[span_index].baseline_shift);
if (_spans[span_index].font) {
result += Glib::ustring::compose(" font '%1' %2 %3 %4\n", sp_font_description_get_family(_spans[span_index].font->descr), _spans[span_index].font_size, style_to_text(pango_font_description_get_style(_spans[span_index].font->descr)), weight_to_text(pango_font_description_get_weight(_spans[span_index].font->descr)));
result += Glib::ustring::compose(" x_start = %1, x_end = %2\n", _spans[span_index].x_start, _spans[span_index].x_end)
+ Glib::ustring::compose(" line height: ascent %1, descent %2 leading %3\n", _spans[span_index].line_height.ascent, _spans[span_index].line_height.descent, _spans[span_index].line_height.leading)
+ Glib::ustring::compose(" direction %1, block-progression %2\n", direction_to_text(_spans[span_index].direction), direction_to_text(_spans[span_index].block_progression))
+ " ** characters:\n";
Glib::ustring::const_iterator iter_char = _spans[span_index].input_stream_first_character;
// very inefficent code. what the hell, it's only debug stuff.
for (unsigned char_index = 0 ; char_index < _characters.size() ; char_index++) {
union {const PangoLogAttr* pattr; const unsigned* uattr;} u;
u.pattr = &_characters[char_index].char_attributes;
if (_characters[char_index].in_span != span_index) continue;
if (_input_stream[_spans[span_index].in_input_stream_item]->Type() != TEXT_SOURCE) {
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %u: control x=%f flags=%03x glyph=%d\n", char_index, _characters[char_index].x, *u.uattr, _characters[char_index].in_glyph);
} else { // some text has empty tspans, iter_char cannot be dereferenced
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %u: '%c' 0x%4.4x x=%f flags=%03x glyph=%d\n", char_index, *iter_char, *iter_char, _characters[char_index].x, *u.uattr, _characters[char_index].in_glyph);
result += line;
result += " ** glyphs:\n";
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) {
if (_characters[_glyphs[glyph_index].in_character].in_span != span_index) continue;
snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " %u: %d (%f,%f) rot=%f cx=%f char=%d\n", glyph_index, _glyphs[glyph_index].glyph, _glyphs[glyph_index].x, _glyphs[glyph_index].y, _glyphs[glyph_index].rotation, _glyphs[glyph_index].width, _glyphs[glyph_index].in_character);
result += line;
result += "\n";
result += "EOT\n";
return result;
void Layout::fitToPathAlign(SVGLength const &startOffset, Path const &path)
double offset = 0.0;
if (startOffset._set) {
if (startOffset.unit == SVGLength::PERCENT)
offset = startOffset.computed * const_cast<Path&>(path).Length();
offset = startOffset.computed;
switch (_paragraphs.front().alignment) {
case CENTER:
offset -= _getChunkWidth(0) * 0.5;
case RIGHT:
offset -= _getChunkWidth(0);
if (_characters.empty()) {
int unused = 0;
Path::cut_position *point_otp = const_cast<Path&>(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &offset, unused);
if (offset >= 0.0 && point_otp != NULL && point_otp[0].piece >= 0) {
Geom::Point point;
Geom::Point tangent;
const_cast<Path&>(path).PointAndTangentAt(point_otp[0].piece, point_otp[0].t, point, tangent);
_empty_cursor_shape.position = point;
if (_directions_are_orthogonal(_blockProgression(), TOP_TO_BOTTOM)) {
_empty_cursor_shape.rotation = atan2(-tangent[Geom::X], tangent[Geom::Y]);
} else {
_empty_cursor_shape.rotation = atan2(tangent[Geom::Y], tangent[Geom::X]);
for (unsigned char_index = 0 ; char_index < _characters.size() ; ) {
Span const &span = _characters[char_index].span(this);
size_t next_cluster_char_index = 0; // TODO refactor to not bump via for loops
for (next_cluster_char_index = char_index + 1 ; next_cluster_char_index < _characters.size() ; next_cluster_char_index++) {
if (_characters[next_cluster_char_index].in_glyph != -1 && _characters[next_cluster_char_index].char_attributes.is_cursor_position)
size_t next_cluster_glyph_index = 0;
if (next_cluster_char_index == _characters.size()) {
next_cluster_glyph_index = _glyphs.size();
} else {
next_cluster_glyph_index = _characters[next_cluster_char_index].in_glyph;
double start_offset = offset + span.x_start + _characters[char_index].x;
double cluster_width = 0.0;
size_t const current_cluster_glyph_index = _characters[char_index].in_glyph;
for (size_t glyph_index = current_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index < next_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index++)
cluster_width += _glyphs[glyph_index].width;
// TODO block progression?
if (span.direction == RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
start_offset -= cluster_width;
double end_offset = start_offset + cluster_width;
int unused = 0;
double midpoint_offset = (start_offset + end_offset) * 0.5;
// as far as I know these functions are const, they're just not marked as such
Path::cut_position *midpoint_otp = const_cast<Path&>(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &midpoint_offset, unused);
if (midpoint_offset >= 0.0 && midpoint_otp != NULL && midpoint_otp[0].piece >= 0) {
Geom::Point midpoint;
Geom::Point tangent;
const_cast<Path&>(path).PointAndTangentAt(midpoint_otp[0].piece, midpoint_otp[0].t, midpoint, tangent);
if (start_offset >= 0.0 && end_offset >= 0.0) {
Path::cut_position *start_otp = const_cast<Path&>(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &start_offset, unused);
if (start_otp != NULL && start_otp[0].piece >= 0) {
Path::cut_position *end_otp = const_cast<Path&>(path).CurvilignToPosition(1, &end_offset, unused);
if (end_otp != NULL && end_otp[0].piece >= 0) {
bool on_same_subpath = true;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < path.pts.size() ; i++) {
if (path.pts[i].piece <= start_otp[0].piece) continue;
if (path.pts[i].piece >= end_otp[0].piece) break;
if (path.pts[i].isMoveTo == polyline_moveto) {
on_same_subpath = false;
if (on_same_subpath) {
// both points were on the same subpath (without this test the angle is very weird)
Geom::Point startpoint, endpoint;
const_cast<Path&>(path).PointAt(start_otp[0].piece, start_otp[0].t, startpoint);
const_cast<Path&>(path).PointAt(end_otp[0].piece, end_otp[0].t, endpoint);
if (endpoint != startpoint) {
tangent = endpoint - startpoint;
} else {
tangent = Geom::Point (0,0);
if (_directions_are_orthogonal(_blockProgression(), TOP_TO_BOTTOM)) {
double rotation = atan2(-tangent[Geom::X], tangent[Geom::Y]);
for (size_t glyph_index = current_cluster_glyph_index; glyph_index < next_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index++) {
_glyphs[glyph_index].x = midpoint[Geom::Y] - tangent[Geom::X] * _glyphs[glyph_index].y - span.chunk(this).left_x;
_glyphs[glyph_index].y = midpoint[Geom::X] + tangent[Geom::Y] * _glyphs[glyph_index].y - _lines.front().baseline_y;
_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation += rotation;
} else {
double rotation = atan2(tangent[Geom::Y], tangent[Geom::X]);
for (size_t glyph_index = current_cluster_glyph_index; glyph_index < next_cluster_glyph_index ; glyph_index++) {
double tangent_shift = -cluster_width * 0.5 + _glyphs[glyph_index].x - (_characters[char_index].x + span.x_start);
if (span.direction == RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
tangent_shift += cluster_width;
_glyphs[glyph_index].x = midpoint[Geom::X] + tangent[Geom::X] * tangent_shift - tangent[Geom::Y] * _glyphs[glyph_index].y - span.chunk(this).left_x;
_glyphs[glyph_index].y = midpoint[Geom::Y] + tangent[Geom::Y] * tangent_shift + tangent[Geom::X] * _glyphs[glyph_index].y - _lines.front().baseline_y;
_glyphs[glyph_index].rotation += rotation;
_input_truncated = false;
} else { // outside the bounds of the path: hide the glyphs
_characters[char_index].in_glyph = -1;
_input_truncated = true;
char_index = next_cluster_char_index;
for (unsigned span_index = 0 ; span_index < _spans.size() ; span_index++) {
_spans[span_index].x_start += offset;
_spans[span_index].x_end += offset;
_path_fitted = &path;
SPCurve *Layout::convertToCurves(iterator const &from_glyph, iterator const &to_glyph) const
GSList *cc = NULL;
for (int glyph_index = from_glyph._glyph_index ; glyph_index < to_glyph._glyph_index ; glyph_index++) {
Geom::Affine glyph_matrix;
Span const &span = _glyphs[glyph_index].span(this);
_getGlyphTransformMatrix(glyph_index, &glyph_matrix);
Geom::PathVector const * pathv = span.font->PathVector(_glyphs[glyph_index].glyph);
if (pathv) {
Geom::PathVector pathv_trans = (*pathv) * glyph_matrix;
SPCurve *c = new SPCurve(pathv_trans);
if (c) cc = g_slist_prepend(cc, c);
cc = g_slist_reverse(cc);
SPCurve *curve;
if ( cc ) {
curve = SPCurve::concat(cc);
} else {
curve = new SPCurve();
while (cc) {
/* fixme: This is dangerous, as we are mixing art_alloc and g_new */
reinterpret_cast<SPCurve *>(cc->data)->unref();
cc = g_slist_remove(cc, cc->data);
return curve;
void Layout::transform(Geom::Affine const &transform)
// this is all massively oversimplified
// I can't actually think of anybody who'll want to use it at the moment, so it'll stay simple
for (unsigned glyph_index = 0 ; glyph_index < _glyphs.size() ; glyph_index++) {
Geom::Point point(_glyphs[glyph_index].x, _glyphs[glyph_index].y);
point *= transform;
_glyphs[glyph_index].x = point[0];
_glyphs[glyph_index].y = point[1];
}//namespace Text
}//namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :