nr-gradient.cpp revision a4030d5ca449e7e384bc699cd249ee704faaeab0
#define __NR_GRADIENT_C__
* Pixel buffer rendering library
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* MenTaLguY <>
*...Jasper van de Gronde <>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Jasper van de Gronde
* Copyright (C) 2007 MenTaLguY
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Lauris Kaplinski
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ximian, Inc.
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
* Derived in part from public domain code by Lauris Kaplinski
#include <cstring>
#include <libnr/nr-pixops.h>
#include <libnr/nr-pixblock-pixel.h>
#include <libnr/nr-blit.h>
#include <libnr/nr-gradient.h>
#include <libnr/nr-matrix-ops.h>
#include <glib/gtypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Common */
#define NRG_2MASK ((long long) ((NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH << 1) - 1))
namespace {
inline unsigned char const *vector_index(int idx,
unsigned char const *vector)
return vector + 4 * idx;
template <NRGradientSpread spread> struct Spread;
template <>
static double index_at(NR::Coord r, double const unity = 1.0) {
return r<0.0?0.0:r>unity?unity:r;
static unsigned char const *color_at(NR::Coord r,
unsigned char const *vector)
return vector_index((int)(index_at(r, NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH - 1)+.5), vector);
//return vector_index((int)CLAMP(r, 0, (double)(NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH - 1)), vector);
template <>
static double index_at(NR::Coord r, double const unity = 1.0) {
return r<0.0?(unity+fmod(r,unity)):fmod(r,unity);
static unsigned char const *color_at(NR::Coord r,
unsigned char const *vector)
return vector_index((int)(index_at(r, NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH - 1)+.5), vector);
//return vector_index((int)((long long)r & NRG_MASK), vector);
template <>
static double index_at(NR::Coord r, double const unity = 1.0) {
r = r<0.0?(2*unity+fmod(r,2*unity)):fmod(r,2*unity);
if (r>unity) r=2*unity-r;
return r;
static unsigned char const *color_at(NR::Coord r,
unsigned char const *vector)
return vector_index((int)(index_at(r, NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH - 1)+.5), vector);
//int idx = (int) ((long long)r & NRG_2MASK);
//if (idx > NRG_MASK) idx = NRG_2MASK - idx;
//return vector_index(idx, vector);
template <NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE mode> struct ModeTraits;
template <>
struct ModeTraits<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8N> {
static const unsigned bpp=4;
template <>
struct ModeTraits<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8P> {
static const unsigned bpp=4;
template <>
struct ModeTraits<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8> {
static const unsigned bpp=3;
template <>
struct ModeTraits<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_A8> {
static const unsigned bpp=1;
template <NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE mode, bool empty>
struct Compose {
static const unsigned bpp=ModeTraits<mode>::bpp;
static void compose(NRPixBlock *pb, unsigned char *dest,
NRPixBlock *spb, unsigned char const *src)
nr_compose_pixblock_pixblock_pixel(pb, dest, spb, src);
template <>
struct Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8N, true> {
static const unsigned bpp=4;
static void compose(NRPixBlock */*pb*/, unsigned char *dest,
NRPixBlock */*spb*/, unsigned char const *src)
std::memcpy(dest, src, 4);
template <>
struct Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8P, true> {
static const unsigned bpp=4;
static void compose(NRPixBlock */*pb*/, unsigned char *dest,
NRPixBlock */*spb*/, unsigned char const *src)
dest[0] = NR_PREMUL_111(src[0], src[3]);
dest[1] = NR_PREMUL_111(src[1], src[3]);
dest[2] = NR_PREMUL_111(src[2], src[3]);
dest[3] = src[3];
template <>
struct Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8, true> {
static const unsigned bpp=3;
static void compose(NRPixBlock */*pb*/, unsigned char *dest,
NRPixBlock */*spb*/, unsigned char const *src)
dest[0] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111(src[0], src[3], 255);
dest[1] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111(src[1], src[3], 255);
dest[2] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111(src[2], src[3], 255);
template <>
struct Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_A8, true> {
static const unsigned bpp=1;
static void compose(NRPixBlock */*pb*/, unsigned char *dest,
NRPixBlock */*spb*/, unsigned char const *src)
dest[0] = src[3];
template <>
struct Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8N, false> {
static const unsigned bpp=4;
static void compose(NRPixBlock */*pb*/, unsigned char *dest,
NRPixBlock */*spb*/, unsigned char const *src)
unsigned int ca;
ca = NR_COMPOSEA_112(src[3], dest[3]);
dest[0] = NR_COMPOSENNN_111121(src[0], src[3], dest[0], dest[3], ca);
dest[1] = NR_COMPOSENNN_111121(src[1], src[3], dest[1], dest[3], ca);
dest[2] = NR_COMPOSENNN_111121(src[2], src[3], dest[2], dest[3], ca);
dest[3] = NR_NORMALIZE_21(ca);
template <>
struct Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8P, false> {
static const unsigned bpp=4;
static void compose(NRPixBlock */*pb*/, unsigned char *dest,
NRPixBlock */*spb*/, unsigned char const *src)
dest[0] = NR_COMPOSENPP_1111(src[0], src[3], dest[0]);
dest[1] = NR_COMPOSENPP_1111(src[1], src[3], dest[1]);
dest[2] = NR_COMPOSENPP_1111(src[2], src[3], dest[2]);
dest[3] = NR_COMPOSEA_111(src[3], dest[3]);
template <>
struct Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8, false> {
static const unsigned bpp=3;
static void compose(NRPixBlock */*pb*/, unsigned char *dest,
NRPixBlock */*spb*/, unsigned char const *src)
dest[0] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111(src[0], src[3], dest[0]);
dest[1] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111(src[1], src[3], dest[1]);
dest[2] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111(src[2], src[3], dest[2]);
template <typename Subtype, typename spread>
static void
render_spread(NRGradientRenderer *gr, NRPixBlock *pb)
switch (pb->mode) {
if (pb->empty) {
typedef Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8N, true> compose;
Subtype::template render<compose, spread>(gr, pb);
} else {
typedef Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8N, false> compose;
Subtype::template render<compose, spread>(gr, pb);
if (pb->empty) {
typedef Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8P, true> compose;
Subtype::template render<compose, spread>(gr, pb);
} else {
typedef Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8P, false> compose;
Subtype::template render<compose, spread>(gr, pb);
if (pb->empty) {
typedef Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8, true> compose;
Subtype::template render<compose, spread>(gr, pb);
} else {
typedef Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8, false> compose;
Subtype::template render<compose, spread>(gr, pb);
if (pb->empty) {
typedef Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_A8, true> compose;
Subtype::template render<compose, spread>(gr, pb);
} else {
typedef Compose<NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_A8, false> compose;
Subtype::template render<compose, spread>(gr, pb);
template <typename Subtype>
static void
render(NRRenderer *r, NRPixBlock *pb, NRPixBlock */*m*/)
NRGradientRenderer *gr = static_cast<NRGradientRenderer *>(r);
switch (gr->spread) {
render_spread<Subtype, Spread<NR_GRADIENT_SPREAD_REPEAT> >(gr, pb);
render_spread<Subtype, Spread<NR_GRADIENT_SPREAD_REFLECT> >(gr, pb);
render_spread<Subtype, Spread<NR_GRADIENT_SPREAD_PAD> >(gr, pb);
/* Linear */
namespace {
struct Linear {
template <typename compose, typename spread>
static void render(NRGradientRenderer *gr, NRPixBlock *pb) {
NRLGradientRenderer *lgr = static_cast<NRLGradientRenderer *>(gr);
int x, y;
unsigned char *d;
double pos;
NRPixBlock spb;
int x0, y0, width, height, rs;
x0 = pb->area.x0;
y0 = pb->area.y0;
width = pb->area.x1 - pb->area.x0;
height = pb->area.y1 - pb->area.y0;
rs = pb->rs;
nr_pixblock_setup_extern(&spb, NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8N,
(unsigned char *) lgr->vector,
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
d = NR_PIXBLOCK_PX(pb) + y * rs;
pos = (y + y0 - lgr->y0) * lgr->dy + (0 + x0 - lgr->x0) * lgr->dx;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
unsigned char const *s=spread::color_at(pos, lgr->vector);
compose::compose(pb, d, &spb, s);
d += compose::bpp;
pos += lgr->dx;
NRRenderer *
nr_lgradient_renderer_setup (NRLGradientRenderer *lgr,
const unsigned char *cv,
unsigned int spread,
const NR::Matrix *gs2px,
float x0, float y0,
float x1, float y1)
NR::Matrix n2gs, n2px, px2n;
lgr->render = &render<Linear>;
lgr->vector = cv;
lgr->spread = spread;
n2gs[0] = x1 - x0;
n2gs[1] = y1 - y0;
n2gs[2] = y1 - y0;
n2gs[3] = x0 - x1;
n2gs[4] = x0;
n2gs[5] = y0;
n2px = n2gs * (*gs2px);
px2n = n2px.inverse();
lgr->x0 = n2px[4] - 0.5; // These -0.5 offsets make sure that the gradient is sampled in the MIDDLE of each pixel.
lgr->y0 = n2px[5] - 0.5;
lgr->dx = px2n[0] * (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH-1);
lgr->dy = px2n[2] * (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH-1);
return (NRRenderer *) lgr;
/* Radial */
* The archetype is following
* gx gy - pixel coordinates
* Px Py - coordinates, where Fx Fy - gx gy line intersects with circle
* (1) (gx - fx) * (Py - fy) = (gy - fy) * (Px - fx)
* (2) (Px - cx) * (Px - cx) + (Py - cy) * (Py - cy) = r * r
* (3) Py = (Px - fx) * (gy - fy) / (gx - fx) + fy
* (4) (gy - fy) / (gx - fx) = D
* (5) Py = D * Px - D * fx + fy
* (6) D * fx - fy + cy = N
* (7) Px * Px - 2 * Px * cx + cx * cx + (D * Px) * (D * Px) - 2 * (D * Px) * N + N * N = r * r
* (8) (D * D + 1) * (Px * Px) - 2 * (cx + D * N) * Px + cx * cx + N * N = r * r
* (9) A = D * D + 1
* (10) B = -2 * (cx + D * N)
* (11) C = cx * cx + N * N - r * r
* (12) Px = (-B +- SQRT(B * B - 4 * A * C)) / 2 * A
namespace {
struct SymmetricRadial {
template <typename compose, typename spread>
static void render(NRGradientRenderer *gr, NRPixBlock *pb)
NRRGradientRenderer *rgr = static_cast<NRRGradientRenderer *>(gr);
NR::Coord const dx = rgr->px2gs[0];
NR::Coord const dy = rgr->px2gs[1];
NRPixBlock spb;
nr_pixblock_setup_extern(&spb, NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8N,
(unsigned char *) rgr->vector,
0, 0);
for (int y = pb->area.y0; y < pb->area.y1; y++) {
unsigned char *d = NR_PIXBLOCK_PX(pb) + (y - pb->area.y0) * pb->rs;
NR::Coord gx = rgr->px2gs[0] * pb->area.x0 + rgr->px2gs[2] * y + rgr->px2gs[4];
NR::Coord gy = rgr->px2gs[1] * pb->area.x0 + rgr->px2gs[3] * y + rgr->px2gs[5];
for (int x = pb->area.x0; x < pb->area.x1; x++) {
NR::Coord const pos = sqrt(((gx*gx) + (gy*gy)));
unsigned char const *s=spread::color_at(pos, rgr->vector);
compose::compose(pb, d, &spb, s);
d += compose::bpp;
gx += dx;
gy += dy;
struct Radial {
template <typename compose, typename spread>
static void render(NRGradientRenderer *gr, NRPixBlock *pb)
NRRGradientRenderer *rgr = static_cast<NRRGradientRenderer *>(gr);
int const x0 = pb->area.x0;
int const y0 = pb->area.y0;
int const x1 = pb->area.x1;
int const y1 = pb->area.y1;
int const rs = pb->rs;
NRPixBlock spb;
nr_pixblock_setup_extern(&spb, NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_R8G8B8A8N,
(unsigned char *) rgr->vector,
0, 0);
for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
unsigned char *d = NR_PIXBLOCK_PX(pb) + (y - y0) * rs;
NR::Coord gx = rgr->px2gs[0] * x0 + rgr->px2gs[2] * y + rgr->px2gs[4];
NR::Coord gy = rgr->px2gs[1] * x0 + rgr->px2gs[3] * y + rgr->px2gs[5];
NR::Coord const dx = rgr->px2gs[0];
NR::Coord const dy = rgr->px2gs[1];
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
NR::Coord const gx2 = gx * gx;
NR::Coord const gxy2 = gx2 + gy * gy;
NR::Coord const qgx2_4 = gx2 - rgr->C * gxy2;
/* INVARIANT: qgx2_4 >= 0.0 */
/* qgx2_4 = MAX(qgx2_4, 0.0); */
NR::Coord const pxgx = gx + sqrt(qgx2_4);
/* We can safely divide by 0 here */
/* If we are sure pxgx cannot be -0 */
NR::Coord const pos = gxy2 / pxgx * (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH-1);
unsigned char const *s;
if (pos < (1U << 31)) {
s = spread::color_at(pos, rgr->vector);
} else {
s = vector_index(NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH - 1, rgr->vector);
compose::compose(pb, d, &spb, s);
d += compose::bpp;
gx += dx;
gy += dy;
static void nr_rgradient_render_block_end(NRRenderer *r, NRPixBlock *pb, NRPixBlock *m);
NRRenderer *
nr_rgradient_renderer_setup(NRRGradientRenderer *rgr,
unsigned char const *cv,
unsigned spread,
NR::Matrix const *gs2px,
float cx, float cy,
float fx, float fy,
float r)
rgr->vector = cv;
rgr->spread = spread;
if (r < NR_EPSILON) {
rgr->render = nr_rgradient_render_block_end;
} else if (NR_DF_TEST_CLOSE(cx, fx, NR_EPSILON) &&
rgr->render = render<SymmetricRadial>;
rgr->px2gs = gs2px->inverse();
rgr->px2gs[0] *= (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH-1) / r;
rgr->px2gs[1] *= (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH-1) / r;
rgr->px2gs[2] *= (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH-1) / r;
rgr->px2gs[3] *= (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH-1) / r;
rgr->px2gs[4] -= cx;
rgr->px2gs[5] -= cy;
rgr->px2gs[4] *= (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH-1) / r;
rgr->px2gs[5] *= (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH-1) / r;
rgr->px2gs[4] += 0.5*(rgr->px2gs[0]+rgr->px2gs[2]); // These offsets make sure the gradient is sampled in the MIDDLE of each pixel
rgr->px2gs[5] += 0.5*(rgr->px2gs[1]+rgr->px2gs[3]);
rgr->cx = 0.0;
rgr->cy = 0.0;
rgr->fx = rgr->cx;
rgr->fy = rgr->cy;
rgr->r = 1.0;
} else {
rgr->render = render<Radial>;
NR::Coord const df = hypot(fx - cx, fy - cy);
if (df >= r) {
fx = cx + (fx - cx ) * r / (float) df;
fy = cy + (fy - cy ) * r / (float) df;
NR::Matrix n2gs;
n2gs[0] = cx - fx;
n2gs[1] = cy - fy;
n2gs[2] = cy - fy;
n2gs[3] = fx - cx;
n2gs[4] = fx;
n2gs[5] = fy;
NR::Matrix n2px;
n2px = n2gs * (*gs2px);
rgr->px2gs = n2px.inverse();
rgr->px2gs[4] += 0.5*(rgr->px2gs[0]+rgr->px2gs[2]); // These offsets make sure the gradient is sampled in the MIDDLE of each pixel
rgr->px2gs[5] += 0.5*(rgr->px2gs[1]+rgr->px2gs[3]);
rgr->cx = 1.0;
rgr->cy = 0.0;
rgr->fx = 0.0;
rgr->fy = 0.0;
rgr->r = r / (float) hypot(fx - cx, fy - cy);
rgr->C = 1.0F - rgr->r * rgr->r;
/* INVARIANT: C < 0 */
rgr->C = MIN(rgr->C, -NR_EPSILON);
return (NRRenderer *) rgr;
static void
nr_rgradient_render_block_end(NRRenderer *r, NRPixBlock *pb, NRPixBlock *m)
unsigned char const *c = ((NRRGradientRenderer *) r)->vector + 4 * (NR_GRADIENT_VECTOR_LENGTH - 1);
nr_blit_pixblock_mask_rgba32(pb, m, (c[0] << 24) | (c[1] << 16) | (c[2] << 8) | c[3]);
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