knot-holder-entity.h revision edfb6f4ecc50bd6d9d7acfe7fc36b915eb921c85
/** \file
* KnotHolderEntity definition.
* Authors:
* Mitsuru Oka <>
* Maximilian Albert <>
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Lauris Kaplinski
* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ximian, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2001 Mitsuru Oka
* Copyright (C) 2004 Monash University
* Copyright (C) 2008 Maximilian Albert
* Released under GNU GPL
#include <glib/gtypes.h>
#include "knot.h"
struct SPItem;
struct SPKnot;
namespace NR {
class Point;
class SPDesktop;
class KnotHolder;
typedef void (* SPKnotHolderSetFunc) (SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state);
typedef NR::Point (* SPKnotHolderGetFunc) (SPItem *item);
/* fixme: Think how to make callbacks most sensitive (Lauris) */
typedef void (* SPKnotHolderReleasedFunc) (SPItem *item);
class KnotHolderEntity {
KnotHolderEntity() {}
virtual ~KnotHolderEntity();
virtual void create(SPDesktop *desktop, SPItem *item, KnotHolder *parent, const gchar *tip = "",
SPKnotShapeType shape = SP_KNOT_SHAPE_DIAMOND,
SPKnotModeType mode = SP_KNOT_MODE_XOR,
guint32 color = 0xffffff00);
/* the get/set/click handlers are virtual functions; each handler class for a knot
should be derived from KnotHolderEntity and override these functions */
virtual void knot_set_func(NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state);
virtual NR::Point knot_get_func();
virtual void knot_click_func(guint state);
void update_knot();
SPKnot *knot;
SPItem *item;
KnotHolder *parent_holder;
int my_counter;
static int counter;
/** Connection to \a knot's "moved" signal. */
guint handler_id;
/** Connection to \a knot's "clicked" signal. */
guint _click_handler_id;
/** Connection to \a knot's "ungrabbed" signal. */
guint _ungrab_handler_id;
sigc::connection _moved_connection;
sigc::connection _click_connection;
sigc::connection _ungrabbed_connection;
* Called solely from knot_moved_handler.
* \param p Requested position of the knot, in item coordinates
* \param origin Position where the knot started being dragged
* \param state GTK event state (for keyboard modifiers)
void (* knot_set) (SPItem *item, NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state);
* Returns the position of the knot representation, in item coordinates.
NR::Point (* knot_get) (SPItem *item);
void (* knot_click) (SPItem *item, guint state);
/* pattern manipulation */
class PatternKnotHolderEntityXY : public KnotHolderEntity {
virtual NR::Point knot_get_func();
virtual void knot_set_func(NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state);
class PatternKnotHolderEntityAngle : public KnotHolderEntity {
virtual NR::Point knot_get_func();
virtual void knot_set_func(NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state);
class PatternKnotHolderEntityScale : public KnotHolderEntity {
virtual NR::Point knot_get_func();
virtual void knot_set_func(NR::Point const &p, NR::Point const &origin, guint state);
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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