message-node.h revision 535b1596de71acb960a629b0f34f0d2171a34348
* Whiteboard message queue and queue handler functions
* Node for storing messages in message queues
* Authors:
* David Yip <>
* Copyright (c) 2005 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <string>
#include <glibmm.h>
#include "gc-managed.h"
#include "gc-anchored.h"
#include "gc-finalized.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Whiteboard {
* Encapsulates a document change message received by or sent to an Inkboard client.
* Received messages that end up in a MessageNode are of the following types:
* <ol>
* <li>CHANGE_COMMIT</li>
* <li>DOCUMENT_END</li>
* <li>DUMMY_CHANGE</li>
* </ol>
* This class is intended for use in MessageQueues, although it could potentially
* see use outside of that context.
* \see Inkscape::Whiteboard::MessageQueue
class MessageNode : public GC::Managed<>, public GC::Anchored, public GC::Finalized {
* Constructor.
* \param seq The sequence number of the message being encapsulated.
* \param sender The sender of the message.
* \param recip The intended recipient.
* \param message_body The body of the message.
* \param type The type of the message.
* \param chatroom Whether or not this message is to be sent to / was received from a chatroom.
MessageNode(unsigned int seq, std::string sender, std::string recip, Glib::ustring const& message_body, MessageType type, bool document, bool chatroom) :
_seq(seq), _type(type), _message(message_body), _document(document), _chatroom(chatroom)
this->_sender = sender;
this->_recipient = recip;
// g_log(NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "MessageNode destructor");
if (this->_message) {
delete this->_message;
unsigned int sequence()
return this->_seq;
MessageType type()
return this->_type;
bool chatroom()
return this->_chatroom;
bool document()
return this->_document;
std::string recipient()
return this->_recipient;
std::string sender()
return this->_sender;
Glib::ustring const& message()
return this->_message;
unsigned int _seq;
std::string _sender;
std::string _recipient;
MessageType _type;
Glib::ustring _message;
bool _document;
bool _chatroom;
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