uristream.h revision 72cfbe8e3cc9226aac12b1d31a8c9b24e42a9fac
* @file
* This should be the only way that we provide sources/sinks
* to any input/output stream.
* Authors:
* Bob Jamison <rjamison@titan.com>
* Copyright (C) 2004 Inkscape.org
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <uri.h>
#include "inkscapestream.h"
namespace Inkscape
namespace IO
//# U R I I N P U T S T R E A M / R E A D E R
* This class is for receiving a stream of data from a resource
* defined in a URI
class UriInputStream : public InputStream
UriInputStream(FILE *source, Inkscape::URI &uri) throw(StreamException);
UriInputStream(Inkscape::URI &source) throw(StreamException);
virtual ~UriInputStream() throw(StreamException);
virtual int available() throw(StreamException);
virtual void close() throw(StreamException);
virtual int get() throw(StreamException);
Inkscape::URI &uri;
FILE *inf; //for file: uris
unsigned char *data; //for data: uris
int dataPos; // current read position in data field
int dataLen; // length of data buffer
bool closed;
int scheme;
}; // class UriInputStream
* This class is for receiving a stream of formatted data from a resource
* defined in a URI
class UriReader : public BasicReader
UriReader(Inkscape::URI &source) throw(StreamException);
virtual ~UriReader() throw(StreamException);
virtual int available() throw(StreamException);
virtual void close() throw(StreamException);
virtual gunichar get() throw(StreamException);
UriInputStream *inputStream;
}; // class UriReader
//# U R I O U T P U T S T R E A M / W R I T E R
* This class is for sending a stream to a destination resource
* defined in a URI
class UriOutputStream : public OutputStream
UriOutputStream(FILE *fp, Inkscape::URI &destination) throw(StreamException);
UriOutputStream(Inkscape::URI &destination) throw(StreamException);
virtual ~UriOutputStream() throw(StreamException);
virtual void close() throw(StreamException);
virtual void flush() throw(StreamException);
virtual int put(gunichar ch) throw(StreamException);
bool closed;
bool ownsFile;
FILE *outf; //for file: uris
Glib::ustring data; //for data: uris
Inkscape::URI &uri;
int scheme;
}; // class UriOutputStream
* This class is for sending a stream of formatted data to a resource
* defined in a URI
class UriWriter : public BasicWriter
UriWriter(Inkscape::URI &source) throw(StreamException);
virtual ~UriWriter() throw(StreamException);
virtual void close() throw(StreamException);
virtual void flush() throw(StreamException);
virtual void put(gunichar ch) throw(StreamException);
UriOutputStream *outputStream;
}; // class UriReader
} // namespace IO
} // namespace Inkscape