inkscapestream.cpp revision 819aa4f3956291e17dab9b2548dce90d4b195a03
* inherited from iostreams, and includes any extra
* functionality that we might need.
* Authors:
* Bob Jamison <>
* Copyright (C) 2004
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <cstdlib>
#include "inkscapestream.h"
namespace Inkscape
namespace IO
//# U T I L I T Y
for (;;)
if (ch<0)
//# B A S I C I N P U T S T R E A M
closed = false;
* Returns the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from
* this input stream without blocking by the next caller of a method for
* this input stream.
int BasicInputStream::available()
if (closed)
return 0;
* Closes this input stream and releases any system resources
* associated with the stream.
void BasicInputStream::close()
if (closed)
closed = true;
* Reads the next byte of data from the input stream. -1 if EOF
int BasicInputStream::get()
if (closed)
return -1;
//# B A S I C O U T P U T S T R E A M
closed = false;
* Closes this output stream and releases any system resources
* associated with this stream.
void BasicOutputStream::close()
if (closed)
closed = true;
* Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output
* bytes to be written out.
void BasicOutputStream::flush()
if (closed)
* Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
if (closed)
//# B A S I C R E A D E R
source = &sourceReader;
* Returns the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from
* this reader without blocking by the next caller of a method for
* this reader.
int BasicReader::available()
if (source)
return 0;
* Closes this reader and releases any system resources
* associated with the reader.
void BasicReader::close()
if (source)
* Reads the next byte of data from the reader.
if (source)
return (gunichar)-1;
* Reads a line of data from the reader.
while (available() > 0)
if (ch == '\n')
return str;
* Reads a line of data from the reader.
while (available() > 0)
if (!g_unichar_isprint(ch))
return str;
char *end;
return false;
return true;
char *end;
return false;
return true;
char *end;
return false;
return true;
if (buf == "true")
val = true;
val = false;
return *this;
long ival;
return *this;
unsigned long ival;
return *this;
long ival;
return *this;
unsigned long ival;
return *this;
long ival;
return *this;
unsigned long ival;
return *this;
double ival;
return *this;
double ival;
return *this;
//# I N P U T S T R E A M R E A D E R
* Close the underlying OutputStream
void InputStreamReader::close()
* Flush the underlying OutputStream
int InputStreamReader::available()
return inputStream.available();
* Overloaded to receive its bytes from an InputStream
* rather than a Reader
//Do we need conversions here?
return ch;
//# S T D R E A D E R
inputStream = new StdInputStream();
delete inputStream;
* Close the underlying OutputStream
* Flush the underlying OutputStream
return inputStream->available();
* Overloaded to receive its bytes from an InputStream
* rather than a Reader
//Do we need conversions here?
return ch;
//# B A S I C W R I T E R
* Closes this writer and releases any system resources
* associated with this writer.
void BasicWriter::close()
if (destination)
* Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output
* bytes to be written out.
void BasicWriter::flush()
if (destination)
* Writes the specified byte to this output writer.
if (destination)
* Provide printf()-like formatting
if (buf) {
return *this;
* Writes the specified character to this output writer.
return *this;
* Writes the specified unicode string to this output writer.
return *this;
* Writes the specified standard string to this output writer.
return *this;
* Writes the specified character string to this output writer.
if (str)
tmp = "null";
return *this;
if (val)
return *this;
if (buf) {
return *this;
if (buf) {
return *this;
if (buf) {
return *this;
if (buf) {
return *this;
if (buf) {
return *this;
if (buf) {
return *this;
#if 1
if (buf) {
return *this;
#if 1
if (buf) {
return *this;
//# O U T P U T S T R E A M W R I T E R
* Close the underlying OutputStream
void OutputStreamWriter::close()
* Flush the underlying OutputStream
void OutputStreamWriter::flush()
* Overloaded to redirect the output chars from the next Writer
* in the chain to an OutputStream instead.
//# S T D W R I T E R
outputStream = new StdOutputStream();
delete outputStream;
* Close the underlying OutputStream
* Flush the underlying OutputStream
* Overloaded to redirect the output chars from the next Writer
* in the chain to an OutputStream instead.
} // namespace IO
} // namespace Inkscape
//# E N D O F F I L E