filter-chemistry.cpp revision b93042846520d88136cc3f211ec0a4adc60780cf
* Various utility methods for filters
* Authors:
* Hugo Rodrigues
* bulia byak
* Niko Kiirala
* Copyright (C) 2006,2007 authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "style.h"
#include "document-private.h"
#include "desktop-style.h"
#include "sp-filter.h"
#include "sp-gaussian-blur.h"
#include "svg/css-ostringstream.h"
* Count how many times the filter is used by the styles of o and its
* descendants
static guint
if (!o)
return 1;
guint i = 0;
if (style
i ++;
return i;
* Sets a suitable filter effects area according to given blur radius,
* expansion and object size.
double expansion, double expansionX,
// TODO: make this more generic, now assumed, that only the blur
// being added can affect the required filter area
// If not within the default 10% margin (see
//, specify margins
// The 2.4 is an empirical coefficient: at that distance the cutoff is practically invisible
// (the opacity at 2.4*radius is about 3e-3)
// TODO: set it in UserSpaceOnUse instead?
* Creates a filter with blur primitive of specified radius for an item with the given matrix expansion, width and height
SPFilter *
new_filter_gaussian_blur (SPDocument *document, gdouble radius, double expansion, double expansionX, double expansionY, double width, double height)
// create a new filter
//repr->setAttribute("inkscape:collect", "always");
//create feGaussianBlur node
//b_repr->setAttribute("inkscape:collect", "always");
double stdDeviation = radius;
if (expansion != 0)
//set stdDeviation attribute
//set feGaussianBlur as child of filter node
// Append the new filter node to defs
// get corresponding object
return f;
* Creates a filter with blur primitive of specified radius for the given item
SPFilter *
double width;
double height;
if (r) {
} else {
return (new_filter_gaussian_blur (document, radius, i2d.expansion(), i2d.expansionX(), i2d.expansionY(), width, height));
* Modifies the gaussian blur applied to the item.
* If no filters are applied to given item, creates a new blur filter.
* If a filter is applied and it contains a blur, modify that blur.
* If the filter doesn't contain blur, a blur is added to the filter.
* Should there be more references to modified filter, that filter is
* duplicated, so that other elements referring that filter are not modified.
/* TODO: this should be made more generic, not just for blurs */
SPFilter *
// If there are more users for this filter, duplicate it
// Determine the required standard deviation value
double stdDeviation = radius;
if (expansion != 0)
// Get the object size
double width;
double height;
if (r) {
} else {
// Set the filter effects area
// Search for gaussian blur primitives. If found, set the stdDeviation
// of the first one and return.
while (primitive) {
return filter;
// If there were no gaussian blur primitives, create a new one
//create feGaussianBlur node
//b_repr->setAttribute("inkscape:collect", "always");
//set stdDeviation attribute
//set feGaussianBlur as child of filter node
return filter;
if (recursive)
* Removes the first feGaussianBlur from the filter attached to given item.
* Should this leave us with an empty filter, remove that filter.
/* TODO: the removed filter primitive may had had a named result image, so
* after removing, the filter may be in erroneous state, this situation should
* be handled gracefully */
// Search for the first blur primitive and remove it. (if found)
while (primitive) {
// If there are no more primitives left in this filter, discard it.
if (repr->childCount() == 0) {
remove_filter(item, false);
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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