file.h revision 02625209e903da96db1db8902354d4324afd5a84
#ifndef __SP_FILE_H__
#define __SP_FILE_H__
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* Chema Celorio <>
* Copyright (C) 2006 Johan Engelen <>
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ximian, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <gtk/gtkwidget.h>
#include "extension/extension-forward.h"
struct SPDesktop;
struct SPDocument;
struct Extension;
## N E W
* Creates a new Inkscape document and window.
* Return value is a pointer to the newly created desktop.
SPDesktop* sp_file_new_default (void);
## D E L E T E
void sp_file_exit (void);
## O P E N
* Opens a new file and window from the given URI
bool sp_file_open(
bool add_to_recent = true,
bool replace_empty = true
* Displays a file open dialog. Calls sp_file_open on
* an OK.
* Reverts file to disk-copy on "YES"
void sp_file_revert_dialog ();
## S A V E
* Added to make only the remote savings.
* Saves the given document. Displays a file select dialog
* to choose the new name.
* Saves a copy of the given document. Displays a file select dialog
* to choose a name for the copy.
* Saves the given document. Displays a file select dialog
* if needed.
/* Do the saveas dialog with a document as the parameter */
bool sp_file_save_dialog (Gtk::Window &parentWindow, SPDocument *doc, Inkscape::Extension::FileSaveMethod save_method);
## I M P O R T
* Displays a file selector dialog, to allow the
* user to import data into the current document.
* Imports a resource
## E X P O R T
* Displays a FileExportDialog for the user, with an
* additional type selection, to allow the user to export
* the a document as a given type.
## E X P O R T T O O C A L
* Export the current document to OCAL
//void sp_file_export_to_ocal (Gtk::Window &parentWindow );
* Export the current document to OCAL
//bool sp_file_export_to_ocal_dialog (void *widget);
## I M P O R T F R O M O C A L
* Import a document from OCAL
## P R I N T
/* These functions are redundant now, but
would be useful as instance methods
## U T I L I T Y
* clean unused defs out of file
void sp_file_vacuum ();
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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