paramenum.cpp revision 61edfab2b82c1347e80f19ae297b9c86c4c30833
/** \file
* extension parameter for enumerations.
* It uses a Gtk:ComboBoxText widget in the extension UI.
* Author:
* Johan Engelen <>
* Copyright (C) 2006 Author
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
# include "config.h"
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/comboboxtext.h>
#include <gtkmm/tooltips.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include <xml/node.h>
#include "extension.h"
#include "prefs-utils.h"
#include "document-private.h"
#include "sp-object.h"
#include "paramenum.h"
/** \brief The root directory in the preferences database for extension
related parameters. */
#define PREF_DIR "extensions"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Extension {
ParamComboBox::ParamComboBox (const gchar * name, const gchar * guitext, const gchar * desc, const Parameter::_scope_t scope, Inkscape::Extension::Extension * ext, Inkscape::XML::Node * xml) :
Parameter(name, guitext, desc, scope, ext)
choices = NULL;
_value = NULL;
// Read XML tree to add enumeration items:
// printf("Extension Constructor: ");
if (xml != NULL) {
Inkscape::XML::Node *child_repr = sp_repr_children(xml);
while (child_repr != NULL) {
char const * chname = child_repr->name();
if (!strcmp(chname, "item")) {
Glib::ustring * newitem = NULL;
const char * contents = sp_repr_children(child_repr)->content();
if (contents != NULL)
newitem = new Glib::ustring(contents);
if (newitem != NULL) choices = g_slist_append(choices, newitem);
child_repr = sp_repr_next(child_repr);
// Initialize _value with the default value from xml
// for simplicity : default to the contents of the first xml-child
const char * defaultval = NULL;
if (sp_repr_children(sp_repr_children(xml)) != NULL)
defaultval = sp_repr_children(sp_repr_children(xml))->content();
gchar * pref_name = this->pref_name();
const gchar * paramval = prefs_get_string_attribute(PREF_DIR, pref_name);
if (paramval != NULL)
defaultval = paramval;
if (defaultval != NULL)
_value = g_strdup(defaultval); // allocate space for _value
ParamComboBox::~ParamComboBox (void)
//destroy choice strings
for (GSList * list = choices; list != NULL; list = g_slist_next(list)) {
Glib::ustring * text = reinterpret_cast<Glib::ustring *>(list->data);
delete text;
/** \brief A function to set the \c _value
\param in The value to set
\param doc A document that should be used to set the value.
\param node The node where the value may be placed
This function sets ONLY the internal value, but it also sets the value
in the preferences structure. To put it in the right place, \c PREF_DIR
and \c pref_name() are used.
To copy the data into _value the old memory must be free'd first.
It is important to note that \c g_free handles \c NULL just fine. Then
the passed in value is duplicated using \c g_strdup().
const gchar *
ParamComboBox::set (const gchar * in, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
if (in == NULL) return NULL; /* Can't have NULL string */
if (_value != NULL)
_value = g_strdup(in);
gchar * prefname = this->pref_name();
prefs_set_string_attribute(PREF_DIR, prefname, _value);
return _value;
\brief A function to get the value of the parameter in string form
\return A string with the 'value' as command line argument
Glib::ustring *
ParamComboBox::string (void)
Glib::ustring * param_string = new Glib::ustring("");
*param_string += "\"";
*param_string += _value;
*param_string += "\"";
return param_string;
/** \brief A special category of Gtk::Entry to handle string parameteres */
class ParamComboBoxEntry : public Gtk::ComboBoxText {
ParamComboBox * _pref;
SPDocument * _doc;
Inkscape::XML::Node * _node;
/** \brief Build a string preference for the given parameter
\param pref Where to get the string from, and where to put it
when it changes.
ParamComboBoxEntry (ParamComboBox * pref, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node) :
Gtk::ComboBoxText(), _pref(pref), _doc(doc), _node(node) {
this->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ParamComboBoxEntry::changed));
void changed (void);
/** \brief Respond to the text box changing
This function responds to the box changing by grabbing the value
from the text box and putting it in the parameter.
ParamComboBoxEntry::changed (void)
Glib::ustring data = this->get_active_text();
_pref->set(data.c_str(), _doc, _node);
\brief Creates a combobox widget for an enumeration parameter
Gtk::Widget *
ParamComboBox::get_widget (SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
Gtk::HBox * hbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox(false, 4));
Gtk::Label * label = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(_(_text), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT));
hbox->pack_start(*label, false, false);
ParamComboBoxEntry * combo = Gtk::manage(new ParamComboBoxEntry(this, doc, node));
// add choice strings:
for (GSList * list = choices; list != NULL; list = g_slist_next(list)) {
Glib::ustring * text = reinterpret_cast<Glib::ustring *>(list->data);
hbox->pack_start(*combo, true, true);
return dynamic_cast<Gtk::Widget *>(hbox);
} /* namespace Extension */
} /* namespace Inkscape */