parameter.h revision f047318fc2e329a0a7ba58f719ee00204f9dc7fa
/** @file
* @brief Parameters for extensions.
/* Authors:
* Ted Gould <>
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <gtkmm/widget.h>
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include "xml/document.h"
#include "xml/node.h"
#include "document.h"
#include <color.h>
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Extension {
class Extension;
* @brief The root directory in the preferences database for extension-related parameters
* The directory path has both a leading and a trailing slash, so that extension_pref_root + pref_name works
* without having to append a separator.
extern Glib::ustring const extension_pref_root;
/** \brief A class to represent the parameter of an extension
This is really a super class that allows them to abstract all
the different types of parameters into some that can be passed
around. There is also a few functions that are used by all the
different parameters.
class Parameter {
/** \brief Which extension is this parameter attached to? */
Inkscape::Extension::Extension * extension;
/** \brief The name of this parameter. */
gchar * _name;
/** \brief Description of the parameter. */
gchar * _desc;
/** \brief List of possible scopes. */
typedef enum {
SCOPE_USER, /**< Parameter value is saved in the user's configuration file. (default) */
SCOPE_DOCUMENT, /**< Parameter value is saved in the document. */
SCOPE_NODE /**< Parameter value is attached to the node. */
} _scope_t;
/** \brief Scope of the parameter. */
_scope_t _scope;
/** \brief Text for the GUI selection of this. */
gchar * _text;
/** \brief Whether the GUI is visible */
bool _gui_hidden;
/** \brief A tip for the GUI if there is one */
gchar * _gui_tip;
/* **** funcs **** */
gchar * pref_name (void);
Inkscape::XML::Node * find_child (Inkscape::XML::Node * adult);
Inkscape::XML::Node * document_param_node (SPDocument * doc);
Inkscape::XML::Node * new_child (Inkscape::XML::Node * parent);
Parameter (const gchar * name,
const gchar * guitext,
const gchar * desc,
const Parameter::_scope_t scope,
bool gui_hidden,
const gchar * gui_tip,
Inkscape::Extension::Extension * ext);
Parameter (const gchar * name,
const gchar * guitext,
Inkscape::Extension::Extension * ext);
virtual ~Parameter (void);
bool get_bool (const SPDocument * doc,
const Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
int get_int (const SPDocument * doc,
const Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
float get_float (const SPDocument * doc,
const Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
const gchar * get_string (const SPDocument * doc,
const Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
guint32 get_color (const SPDocument * doc,
const Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
const gchar * get_enum (const SPDocument * doc,
const Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
gchar const * get_optiongroup( SPDocument const * doc,
Inkscape::XML::Node const * node);
bool set_bool (bool in, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
int set_int (int in, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
float set_float (float in, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
gchar const * set_optiongroup(gchar const *in, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *node);
const gchar * set_string (const gchar * in, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
guint32 set_color (guint32 in, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node);
const gchar * name (void) {return _name;}
static Parameter * make (Inkscape::XML::Node * in_repr, Inkscape::Extension::Extension * in_ext);
virtual Gtk::Widget * get_widget (SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node, sigc::signal<void> * changeSignal);
gchar const * get_tooltip (void) { return _desc; }
/** \brief Indicates if the GUI for this parameter is hidden or not */
bool get_gui_hidden () { return _gui_hidden; }
virtual void string (std::list <std::string> &list);
virtual void string (std::string &string);
virtual Parameter * get_param (const gchar * name);
} /* namespace Extension */
} /* namespace Inkscape */
#endif /* __INK_EXTENSION_PARAM_H__ */
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