int.cpp revision b9efc33ba168a5374613d10fbbc85738ccc677b2
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Authors:
* Ted Gould <>
* Johan Engelen <> *
* Jon A. Cruz <>
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
# include "config.h"
#include <gtkmm/adjustment.h>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/scale.h>
#include "ui/widget/spinbutton.h"
#include "ui/widget/spin-scale.h"
#include "xml/node.h"
#include "extension/extension.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "int.h"
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Extension {
/** Use the superclass' allocator and set the \c _value. */
ParamInt::ParamInt (const gchar * name,
const gchar * guitext,
const gchar * desc,
const Parameter::_scope_t scope,
bool gui_hidden,
const gchar * gui_tip,
Inkscape::Extension::Extension * ext,
Inkscape::XML::Node * xml,
AppearanceMode mode) :
Parameter(name, guitext, desc, scope, gui_hidden, gui_tip, ext),
_value(0), _mode(mode), _indent(0), _min(0), _max(10)
const char * defaultval = NULL;
if (xml->firstChild() != NULL) {
defaultval = xml->firstChild()->content();
if (defaultval != NULL) {
_value = atoi(defaultval);
const char * maxval = xml->attribute("max");
if (maxval != NULL) {
_max = atoi(maxval);
const char * minval = xml->attribute("min");
if (minval != NULL) {
_min = atoi(minval);
/* We're handling this by just killing both values */
if (_max < _min) {
_max = 10;
_min = 0;
const char * indent = xml->attribute("indent");
if (indent != NULL) {
_indent = atoi(indent) * 12;
gchar *pref_name = this->pref_name();
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
_value = prefs->getInt(extension_pref_root + pref_name, _value);
// std::cout << "New Int:: value: " << _value << " max: " << _max << " min: " << _min << std::endl;
if (_value > _max) {
_value = _max;
if (_value < _min) {
_value = _min;
* A function to set the \c _value.
* This function sets the internal value, but it also sets the value
* in the preferences structure. To put it in the right place, \c PREF_DIR
* and \c pref_name() are used.
* @param in The value to set to.
* @param doc A document that should be used to set the value.
* @param node The node where the value may be placed.
int ParamInt::set(int in, SPDocument * /*doc*/, Inkscape::XML::Node * /*node*/)
_value = in;
if (_value > _max) {
_value = _max;
if (_value < _min) {
_value = _min;
gchar * prefname = this->pref_name();
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
prefs->setInt(extension_pref_root + prefname, _value);
return _value;
/** A class to make an adjustment that uses Extension params. */
class ParamIntAdjustment : public Gtk::Adjustment {
/** The parameter to adjust. */
ParamInt * _pref;
SPDocument * _doc;
Inkscape::XML::Node * _node;
sigc::signal<void> * _changeSignal;
/** Make the adjustment using an extension and the string
describing the parameter. */
ParamIntAdjustment (ParamInt * param, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node, sigc::signal<void> * changeSignal) :
Gtk::Adjustment(0.0, param->min(), param->max(), 1.0, 10.0, 0), _pref(param), _doc(doc), _node(node), _changeSignal(changeSignal) {
this->set_value(_pref->get(NULL, NULL) /* \todo fix */);
this->signal_value_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ParamIntAdjustment::val_changed));
void val_changed (void);
}; /* class ParamIntAdjustment */
* A function to respond to the value_changed signal from the adjustment.
* This function just grabs the value from the adjustment and writes
* it to the parameter. Very simple, but yet beautiful.
void ParamIntAdjustment::val_changed(void)
//std::cout << "Value Changed to: " << this->get_value() << std::endl;
_pref->set((int)this->get_value(), _doc, _node);
if (_changeSignal != NULL) {
* Creates a Int Adjustment for a int parameter.
* Builds a hbox with a label and a int adjustment in it.
Gtk::Widget *
ParamInt::get_widget (SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node, sigc::signal<void> * changeSignal)
if (_gui_hidden) {
return NULL;
Gtk::HBox * hbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox(false, 4));
#if WITH_GTKMM_3_0
ParamIntAdjustment * pia = new ParamIntAdjustment(this, doc, node, changeSignal);
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Adjustment> fadjust(pia);
ParamIntAdjustment * fadjust = Gtk::manage(new ParamIntAdjustment(this, doc, node, changeSignal));
if (_mode == FULL) {
UI::Widget::SpinScale *scale = new UI::Widget::SpinScale(_(_text), fadjust, 0);
scale->set_size_request(400, -1);
hbox->pack_start(*scale, false, false);
else if (_mode == MINIMAL) {
Gtk::Label * label = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(_(_text), Gtk::ALIGN_START));
hbox->pack_start(*label, true, true, _indent);
#if WITH_GTKMM_3_0
Inkscape::UI::Widget::SpinButton * spin = Gtk::manage(new Inkscape::UI::Widget::SpinButton(fadjust, 1.0, 0));
Inkscape::UI::Widget::SpinButton * spin = Gtk::manage(new Inkscape::UI::Widget::SpinButton(*fadjust, 1.0, 0));
hbox->pack_start(*spin, false, false);
return dynamic_cast<Gtk::Widget *>(hbox);
void ParamInt::string(std::string &string) const
char startstring[32];
sprintf(startstring, "%d", _value);
string += startstring;
} // namespace Extension
} // namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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