pov-out.cpp revision 8e7d89783f2ce56b712b76c928a27372ba542a57
* A simple utility for exporting Inkscape svg Shapes as PovRay bezier
* prisms. Note that this is output-only, and would thus seem to be
* better placed as an 'export' rather than 'output'. However, Export
* handles all or partial documents, while this outputs ALL shapes in
* the current SVG document.
* For information on the PovRay file format, see:
* http://www.povray.org
* Authors:
* Bob Jamison <rjamison@titan.com>
* Copyright (C) 2004 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
# include <config.h>
#include "pov-out.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "sp-path.h"
#include <style.h>
#include "display/curve.h"
#include "libnr/n-art-bpath.h"
#include "extension/system.h"
#include "io/sys.h"
namespace Inkscape
namespace Extension
namespace Internal
static const char *
dstr(gchar *sbuffer, double d)
return (const char *)g_ascii_formatd(sbuffer,
G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE, "%.8g", (gdouble)d);
* Make sure that we are in the database
PovOutput::check (Inkscape::Extension::Extension *module)
/* We don't need a Key
if (NULL == Inkscape::Extension::db.get(SP_MODULE_KEY_OUTPUT_POV))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* This function searches the Repr tree recursively from the given node,
* and adds refs to all nodes with the given name, to the result vector
static void
findElementsByTagName(std::vector<Inkscape::XML::Node *> &results,
Inkscape::XML::Node *node,
char const *name)
if ( !name
|| strcmp(node->name(), name) == 0 ) {
for (Inkscape::XML::Node *child = node->firstChild() ; child ; child = child->next())
findElementsByTagName( results, child, name );
* used for saving information about shapes
class PovShapeInfo
virtual ~PovShapeInfo()
std::string id;
std::string color;
static double
effective_opacity(SPItem const *item)
double ret = 1.0;
for (SPObject const *obj = item; obj; obj = obj->parent) {
SPStyle const *const style = SP_OBJECT_STYLE(obj);
g_return_val_if_fail(style, ret);
ret *= SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(style->opacity.value);
return ret;
* Saves the <paths> of an Inkscape SVG file as PovRay spline definitions
PovOutput::save(Inkscape::Extension::Output *mod, SPDocument *doc, gchar const *uri)
std::vector<Inkscape::XML::Node *>results;
//findElementsByTagName(results, SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->rroot, "path");
findElementsByTagName(results, SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->rroot, NULL);//Check all nodes
if (results.size() == 0)
Inkscape::IO::dump_fopen_call(uri, "L");
FILE *f = Inkscape::IO::fopen_utf8name(uri, "w");
if (!f)
time_t tim = time(NULL);
fprintf(f, "/*#################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "### This PovRay document was generated by Inkscape\n");
fprintf(f, "### http://www.inkscape.org\n");
fprintf(f, "### Created: %s", ctime(&tim));
fprintf(f, "##################################################*/\n\n\n");
std::vector<PovShapeInfo>povShapes; //A list for saving information about the shapes
//we only need 8 for printf() calls that call dstr() 8 times
gchar s1[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE + 1];
gchar s2[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE + 1];
gchar s3[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE + 1];
gchar s4[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE + 1];
gchar s5[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE + 1];
gchar s6[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE + 1];
gchar s7[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE + 1];
gchar s8[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE + 1];
double bignum = 1000000.0;
double minx = bignum;
double maxx = -bignum;
double miny = bignum;
double maxy = -bignum;
unsigned indx;
for (indx = 0; indx < results.size() ; indx++)
//### Fetch the object from the repr info
Inkscape::XML::Node *rpath = results[indx];
gchar *id = (gchar *)rpath->attribute("id");
SPObject *reprobj = SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->getObjectByRepr(rpath);
if (!reprobj)
//### Get the transform of the item
if (!SP_IS_ITEM(reprobj))
SPItem *item = SP_ITEM(reprobj);
NR::Matrix tf = sp_item_i2d_affine(item);
//### Get the Shape
if (!SP_IS_SHAPE(reprobj))//Bulia's suggestion. Allow all shapes
SPShape *shape = SP_SHAPE(reprobj);
SPCurve *curve = shape->curve;
if (sp_curve_empty(curve))
PovShapeInfo shapeInfo;
shapeInfo.id = id;
shapeInfo.color = "";
//Try to get the fill color of the shape
SPStyle *style = SP_OBJECT_STYLE(shape);
/* fixme: Handle other fill types, even if this means translating gradients to a single
flat colour. */
if (style && (style->fill.type == SP_PAINT_TYPE_COLOR)) {
// see color.h for how to parse SPColor
float rgb[3];
sp_color_get_rgb_floatv(&style->fill.value.color, rgb);
double const dopacity = ( SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(style->fill_opacity.value)
* effective_opacity(shape) );
//gchar *str = g_strdup_printf("rgbf < %1.3f, %1.3f, %1.3f %1.3f>",
// rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], 1.0 - dopacity);
gchar *str = g_strdup_printf("rgbf < %s, %s, %s %s>",
dstr(s1, rgb[0]), dstr(s2, rgb[1]), dstr(s3, rgb[2]), dstr(s4, 1.0 - dopacity));
shapeInfo.color += str;
povShapes.push_back(shapeInfo); //passed all tests. save the info
int curveNr;
int segmentCount=0;
NArtBpath *bp = curve->bpath;
for (curveNr=0 ; curveNr<curve->length ; curveNr++, bp++)
if (bp->code == NR_CURVETO || bp->code == NR_LINETO)
bp = curve->bpath;
double cminx = bignum;
double cmaxx = -bignum;
double cminy = bignum;
double cmaxy = -bignum;
double lastx = 0.0;
double lasty = 0.0;
fprintf(f, "/*##############################################\n");
fprintf(f, "### PRISM: %s\n", id);
fprintf(f, "##############################################*/\n");
fprintf(f, "#declare %s = prism {\n", id);
fprintf(f, " linear_sweep\n");
fprintf(f, " bezier_spline\n");
fprintf(f, " 1.0, //top\n");
fprintf(f, " 0.0, //bottom\n");
fprintf(f, " %d, //nr points\n", segmentCount * 4);
int segmentNr = 0;
for (bp = curve->bpath, curveNr=0 ; curveNr<curve->length ; curveNr++, bp++) {
using NR::X;
using NR::Y;
NR::Point const p1(bp->c(1) * tf);
NR::Point const p2(bp->c(2) * tf);
NR::Point const p3(bp->c(3) * tf);
double const x1 = p1[X], y1 = p1[Y];
double const x2 = p2[X], y2 = p2[Y];
double const x3 = p3[X], y3 = p3[Y];
switch (bp->code) {
//fprintf(f, "moveto: %f %f\n", bp->x3, bp->y3);
//fprintf(f, " /*%4d*/ <%f, %f>, <%f, %f>, <%f,%f>, <%f,%f>",
// segmentNr++, lastx, lasty, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
fprintf(f, " /*%4d*/ <%s, %s>, <%s, %s>, <%s,%s>, <%s,%s>",
dstr(s1, lastx), dstr(s2, lasty),
dstr(s3, x1), dstr(s4, y1),
dstr(s5, x2), dstr(s6, y2),
dstr(s7, x3), dstr(s8, y3));
if (segmentNr < segmentCount)
fprintf(f, ",\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
if (lastx < cminx)
cminx = lastx;
if (lastx > cmaxx)
cmaxx = lastx;
if (lasty < cminy)
cminy = lasty;
if (lasty > cmaxy)
cmaxy = lasty;
//fprintf(f, " /*%4d*/ <%f, %f>, <%f, %f>, <%f,%f>, <%f,%f>",
// segmentNr++, lastx, lasty, lastx, lasty, x3, y3, x3, y3);
fprintf(f, " /*%4d*/ <%s, %s>, <%s, %s>, <%s,%s>, <%s,%s>",
dstr(s1, lastx), dstr(s2, lasty),
dstr(s3, lastx), dstr(s4, lasty),
dstr(s5, x3), dstr(s6, y3),
dstr(s7, x3), dstr(s8, y3));
if (segmentNr < segmentCount)
fprintf(f, ",\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
//fprintf(f, "lineto\n");
if (lastx < cminx)
cminx = lastx;
if (lastx > cmaxx)
cmaxx = lastx;
if (lasty < cminy)
cminy = lasty;
if (lasty > cmaxy)
cmaxy = lasty;
case NR_END:
//fprintf(f, "end\n");
lastx = x3;
lasty = y3;
fprintf(f, "}\n");
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MIN_X = %4.3f;\n", id, cminx);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_CENTER_X = %4.3f;\n", id, (cmaxx+cminx)/2.0);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MAX_X = %4.3f;\n", id, cmaxx);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_WIDTH = %4.3f;\n", id, cmaxx-cminx);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MIN_Y = %4.3f;\n", id, cminy);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_CENTER_Y = %4.3f;\n", id, (cmaxy+cminy)/2.0);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MAX_Y = %4.3f;\n", id, cmaxy);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_HEIGHT = %4.3f;\n", id, cmaxy-cminy);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MIN_X = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, cminx));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_CENTER_X = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, (cmaxx+cminx)/2.0));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MAX_X = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, cmaxx));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_WIDTH = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, cmaxx-cminx));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MIN_Y = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, cminy));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_CENTER_Y = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, (cmaxy+cminy)/2.0));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MAX_Y = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, cmaxy));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_HEIGHT = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, cmaxy-cminy));
if (shapeInfo.color.length()>0)
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_COLOR = %s;\n",
id, shapeInfo.color.c_str());
fprintf(f, "/*##############################################\n");
fprintf(f, "### end %s\n", id);
fprintf(f, "##############################################*/\n\n\n\n");
if (cminx < minx)
minx = cminx;
if (cmaxx > maxx)
maxx = cmaxx;
if (cminy < miny)
miny = cminy;
if (cmaxy > maxy)
maxy = cmaxy;
//## Let's make a union of all of the Shapes
if (!povShapes.empty()) {
char const *id = "AllShapes";
fprintf(f, "/*##############################################\n");
fprintf(f, "### UNION OF ALL SHAPES IN DOCUMENT\n");
fprintf(f, "##############################################*/\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
fprintf(f, "/**\n");
fprintf(f, " * Allow the user to redefine the finish{}\n");
fprintf(f, " * by declaring it before #including this file\n");
fprintf(f, " */\n");
fprintf(f, "#ifndef (%s_Finish)\n", id);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_Finish = finish {\n", id);
fprintf(f, " phong 0.5\n");
fprintf(f, " reflection 0.3\n");
fprintf(f, " specular 0.5\n");
fprintf(f, "}\n");
fprintf(f, "#end\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
fprintf(f, "#declare %s = union {\n", id);
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < povShapes.size() ; i++) {
fprintf(f, " object { %s\n", povShapes[i].id.c_str());
fprintf(f, " texture { \n");
if (povShapes[i].color.length()>0)
fprintf(f, " pigment { %s }\n", povShapes[i].color.c_str());
fprintf(f, " pigment { rgb <0,0,0> }\n");
fprintf(f, " finish { %s_Finish }\n", id);
fprintf(f, " } \n");
fprintf(f, " } \n");
fprintf(f, "}\n\n\n\n");
double zinc = 0.2 / (double)povShapes.size();
fprintf(f, "/*#### Same union, but with Z-diffs (actually Y in pov) ####*/\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
fprintf(f, "/**\n");
fprintf(f, " * Allow the user to redefine the Z-Increment\n");
fprintf(f, " */\n");
fprintf(f, "#ifndef (AllShapes_Z_Increment)\n");
fprintf(f, "#declare AllShapes_Z_Increment = %s;\n", dstr(s1, zinc));
fprintf(f, "#end\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "#declare AllShapes_Z_Scale = 1.0;\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_Z = union {\n", id);
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < povShapes.size() ; i++) {
fprintf(f, " object { %s\n", povShapes[i].id.c_str());
fprintf(f, " texture { \n");
if (povShapes[i].color.length()>0)
fprintf(f, " pigment { %s }\n", povShapes[i].color.c_str());
fprintf(f, " pigment { rgb <0,0,0> }\n");
fprintf(f, " finish { %s_Finish }\n", id);
fprintf(f, " } \n");
fprintf(f, " scale <1, %s_Z_Scale, 1>\n", id);
fprintf(f, " } \n");
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_Z_Scale = %s_Z_Scale + %s_Z_Increment;\n\n",
id, id, id);
fprintf(f, "}\n");
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MIN_X = %4.3f;\n", id, minx);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_CENTER_X = %4.3f;\n", id, (maxx+minx)/2.0);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MAX_X = %4.3f;\n", id, maxx);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_WIDTH = %4.3f;\n", id, maxx-minx);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MIN_Y = %4.3f;\n", id, miny);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_CENTER_Y = %4.3f;\n", id, (maxy+miny)/2.0);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MAX_Y = %4.3f;\n", id, maxy);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_HEIGHT = %4.3f;\n", id, maxy-miny);
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MIN_X = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, minx));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_CENTER_X = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, (maxx+minx)/2.0));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MAX_X = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, maxx));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_WIDTH = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, maxx-minx));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MIN_Y = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, miny));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_CENTER_Y = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, (maxy+miny)/2.0));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_MAX_Y = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, maxy));
fprintf(f, "#declare %s_HEIGHT = %s;\n", id, dstr(s1, maxy-miny));
fprintf(f, "/*##############################################\n");
fprintf(f, "### end %s\n", id);
fprintf(f, "##############################################*/\n\n\n\n");
//All done
#include "clear-n_.h"
* This is the definition of PovRay output. This function just
* calls the extension system with the memory allocated XML that
* describes the data.
"<name>" N_("PovRay Output") "</name>\n"
"<filetypename>" N_("PovRay (*.pov) (export splines)") "</filetypename>\n"
"<filetypetooltip>" N_("PovRay Raytracer File") "</filetypetooltip>\n"
new PovOutput());
} //namespace Internal
} //namespace Extension
} //namespace Inkscape
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :