emf-win32-print.cpp revision a4030d5ca449e7e384bc699cd249ee704faaeab0
/** @file
* @brief Enhanced Metafile printing
/* Authors:
* Ulf Erikson <ulferikson@users.sf.net>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
* References:
* - How to Create & Play Enhanced Metafiles in Win32
* http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q145999/
* - INFO: Windows Metafile Functions & Aldus Placeable Metafiles
* http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q66949/
* - Metafile Functions
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/metafile_0whf.asp
* - Metafile Structures
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/metafile_5hkj.asp
#ifdef WIN32
# include "config.h"
//#include <string.h>
//#include <signal.h>
//#include <errno.h>
#include <2geom/pathvector.h>
#include <2geom/rect.h>
#include <2geom/bezier-curve.h>
#include <2geom/hvlinesegment.h>
#include "helper/geom.h"
#include "helper/geom-curves.h"
//#include "display/canvas-bpath.h"
#include "sp-item.h"
//#include "glib.h"
//#include "gtk/gtkdialog.h"
//#include "gtk/gtkbox.h"
//#include "gtk/gtkstock.h"
//#include "glibmm/i18n.h"
//#include "enums.h"
//#include "document.h"
#include "style.h"
//#include "sp-paint-server.h"
#include "inkscape-version.h"
//#include "libnrtype/FontFactory.h"
//#include "libnrtype/font-instance.h"
//#include "libnrtype/font-style-to-pos.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "win32.h"
#include "emf-win32-print.h"
#include "unit-constants.h"
//#include "extension/extension.h"
#include "extension/system.h"
#include "extension/print.h"
//#include "io/sys.h"
//#include "macros.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Extension {
namespace Internal {
static float dwDPI = 2540;
PrintEmfWin32::PrintEmfWin32 (void):
PrintEmfWin32::~PrintEmfWin32 (void)
if (hdc) {
HENHMETAFILE metafile = CloseEnhMetaFile( hdc );
if ( metafile ) {
DeleteEnhMetaFile( metafile );
DeleteDC( hdc );
/* restore default signal handling for SIGPIPE */
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WIN32__)
(void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::setup (Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/)
return TRUE;
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::begin (Inkscape::Extension::Print *mod, SPDocument *doc)
gchar const *utf8_fn = mod->get_param_string("destination");
gsize bytesRead = 0;
gsize bytesWritten = 0;
GError* error = NULL;
gchar *local_fn =
g_filename_from_utf8( utf8_fn, -1, &bytesRead, &bytesWritten, &error );
if (local_fn == NULL) {
return 1;
CHAR *ansi_uri = (CHAR *) local_fn;
gunichar2 *unicode_fn = g_utf8_to_utf16( local_fn, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL );
WCHAR *unicode_uri = (WCHAR *) unicode_fn;
// width and height in px
_width = sp_document_width(doc);
_height = sp_document_height(doc);
NRRect d;
bool pageBoundingBox;
pageBoundingBox = mod->get_param_bool("pageBoundingBox");
if (pageBoundingBox) {
d.x0 = d.y0 = 0;
d.x1 = _width;
d.y1 = _height;
} else {
SPItem* doc_item = SP_ITEM(sp_document_root(doc));
sp_item_invoke_bbox(doc_item, &d, sp_item_i2d_affine(doc_item), TRUE);
d.x0 *= IN_PER_PX;
d.y0 *= IN_PER_PX;
d.x1 *= IN_PER_PX;
d.y1 *= IN_PER_PX;
float dwInchesX = (d.x1 - d.x0);
float dwInchesY = (d.y1 - d.y0);
// dwInchesX x dwInchesY in .01mm units
SetRect( &rc, 0, 0, (int) ceil(dwInchesX*2540), (int) ceil(dwInchesY*2540) );
// Get a Reference DC
HDC hScreenDC = GetDC( NULL );
// Get the physical characteristics of the reference DC
int PixelsX = GetDeviceCaps( hScreenDC, HORZRES );
int PixelsY = GetDeviceCaps( hScreenDC, VERTRES );
int MMX = GetDeviceCaps( hScreenDC, HORZSIZE );
int MMY = GetDeviceCaps( hScreenDC, VERTSIZE );
CHAR buff[1024];
ZeroMemory(buff, sizeof(buff));
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "Inkscape %s (%s)", Inkscape::version_string, __DATE__);
INT len = strlen(buff);
CHAR *p1 = strrchr(ansi_uri, '\\');
CHAR *p2 = strrchr(ansi_uri, '/');
CHAR *p = MAX(p1, p2);
if (p)
p = ansi_uri;
snprintf(buff+len+1, sizeof(buff)-len-2, "%s", p);
// Create the Metafile
if (PrintWin32::is_os_wide()) {
WCHAR wbuff[1024];
ZeroMemory(wbuff, sizeof(wbuff));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, buff, sizeof(buff)/sizeof(buff[0]), wbuff, sizeof(wbuff)/sizeof(wbuff[0]));
hdc = CreateEnhMetaFileW( hScreenDC, unicode_uri, &rc, wbuff );
else {
hdc = CreateEnhMetaFileA( hScreenDC, ansi_uri, &rc, buff );
// Release the reference DC
ReleaseDC( NULL, hScreenDC );
// Did we get a good metafile?
if (hdc == NULL)
return 1;
// Anisotropic mapping mode
SetMapMode( hdc, MM_ANISOTROPIC );
// Set the Windows extent
int windowextX = (int) ceil(dwInchesX*dwDPI);
int windowextY = (int) ceil(dwInchesY*dwDPI);
SetWindowExtEx( hdc, windowextX, windowextY, NULL );
// Set the viewport extent to reflect
// dwInchesX" x dwInchesY" in device units
int viewportextX = (int)((float)dwInchesX*25.4f*(float)PixelsX/(float)MMX);
int viewportextY = (int)((float)dwInchesY*25.4f*(float)PixelsY/(float)MMY);
SetViewportExtEx( hdc, viewportextX, viewportextY, NULL );
if (1) {
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "Screen=%dx%dpx, %dx%dmm", PixelsX, PixelsY, MMX, MMY);
GdiComment(hdc, strlen(buff), (BYTE*) buff);
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "Drawing=%.1lfx%.1lfpx, %.1lfx%.1lfmm", _width, _height, dwInchesX * MM_PER_IN, dwInchesY * MM_PER_IN);
GdiComment(hdc, strlen(buff), (BYTE*) buff);
SetRect( &rc, 0, 0, (int) ceil(dwInchesX*dwDPI), (int) ceil(dwInchesY*dwDPI) );
m_tr_stack.push( Geom::Scale(1, -1) * Geom::Translate(0, sp_document_height(doc)));
return 0;
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::finish (Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/)
if (!hdc) return 0;
flush_fill(); // flush any pending fills
HENHMETAFILE metafile = CloseEnhMetaFile( hdc );
if ( metafile ) {
DeleteEnhMetaFile( metafile );
DeleteDC( hdc );
hdc = NULL;
return 0;
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::comment (Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*module*/,
const char * /*comment*/)
if (!hdc) return 0;
flush_fill(); // flush any pending fills
return 0;
PrintEmfWin32::create_brush(SPStyle const *style)
float rgb[3];
if (style) {
float opacity = SP_SCALE24_TO_FLOAT(style->fill_opacity.value);
if (opacity <= 0.0)
return 1;
sp_color_get_rgb_floatv( &style->fill.value.color, rgb );
hbrush = CreateSolidBrush( RGB(255*rgb[0], 255*rgb[1], 255*rgb[2]) );
hbrushOld = (HBRUSH) SelectObject( hdc, hbrush );
SetPolyFillMode( hdc,
style->fill_rule.computed == 0 ? WINDING :
style->fill_rule.computed == 2 ? ALTERNATE : ALTERNATE );
} else { // if (!style)
hbrush = CreateSolidBrush( RGB(255, 255, 255) );
hbrushOld = (HBRUSH) SelectObject( hdc, hbrush );
SetPolyFillMode( hdc, ALTERNATE );
return 0;
SelectObject( hdc, hbrushOld );
if (hbrush)
DeleteObject( hbrush );
hbrush = NULL;
hbrushOld = NULL;
PrintEmfWin32::create_pen(SPStyle const *style, const Geom::Matrix &transform)
if (style) {
float rgb[3];
sp_color_get_rgb_floatv(&style->stroke.value.color, rgb);
ZeroMemory(&lb, sizeof(lb));
lb.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
lb.lbColor = RGB( 255*rgb[0], 255*rgb[1], 255*rgb[2] );
int linestyle = PS_SOLID;
int linecap = 0;
int linejoin = 0;
DWORD n_dash = 0;
DWORD *dash = NULL;
using Geom::X;
using Geom::Y;
Geom::Point zero(0, 0);
Geom::Point one(1, 1);
Geom::Point p0(zero * transform);
Geom::Point p1(one * transform);
Geom::Point p(p1 - p0);
double scale = sqrt( (p[X]*p[X]) + (p[Y]*p[Y]) ) / sqrt(2);
DWORD linewidth = MAX( 1, (DWORD) (scale * style->stroke_width.computed * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI) );
if (style->stroke_linecap.computed == 0) {
linecap = PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
else if (style->stroke_linecap.computed == 1) {
linecap = PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
else if (style->stroke_linecap.computed == 2) {
if (style->stroke_linejoin.computed == 0) {
linejoin = PS_JOIN_MITER;
else if (style->stroke_linejoin.computed == 1) {
linejoin = PS_JOIN_ROUND;
else if (style->stroke_linejoin.computed == 2) {
linejoin = PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
if (style->stroke_dash.n_dash &&
style->stroke_dash.dash )
int i = 0;
while (linestyle != PS_USERSTYLE &&
(i < style->stroke_dash.n_dash)) {
if (style->stroke_dash.dash[i] > 0.00000001)
linestyle = PS_USERSTYLE;
if (linestyle == PS_USERSTYLE) {
n_dash = style->stroke_dash.n_dash;
dash = new DWORD[n_dash];
for (i = 0; i < style->stroke_dash.n_dash; i++) {
dash[i] = (DWORD) (style->stroke_dash.dash[i] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
hpen = ExtCreatePen(
PS_GEOMETRIC | linestyle | linecap | linejoin,
dash );
if ( !hpen && linestyle == PS_USERSTYLE ) {
hpen = ExtCreatePen(
PS_GEOMETRIC | PS_SOLID | linecap | linejoin,
if ( !hpen ) {
hpen = CreatePen(
lb.lbColor );
hpenOld = (HPEN) SelectObject( hdc, hpen );
if (linejoin == PS_JOIN_MITER) {
float oldmiterlimit;
float miterlimit = style->stroke_miterlimit.value;
miterlimit = miterlimit * 10.0 / 4.0;
if (miterlimit < 1)
miterlimit = 10.0;
miterlimit = miterlimit * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI;
&oldmiterlimit );
if (n_dash) {
delete[] dash;
else { // if (!style)
hpen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0) );
hpenOld = (HPEN) SelectObject( hdc, hpen );
SelectObject( hdc, hpenOld );
if (hpen)
DeleteObject( hpen );
hpen = NULL;
if (!fill_pathv.empty()) {
stroke_and_fill = false;
fill_only = true;
print_pathv(fill_pathv, fill_transform);
fill_only = false;
if (!simple_shape)
FillPath( hdc );
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::bind(Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/, Geom::Matrix const *transform, float /*opacity*/)
Geom::Matrix tr = *transform;
if (m_tr_stack.size()) {
Geom::Matrix tr_top = m_tr_stack.top();
m_tr_stack.push(tr * tr_top);
} else {
return 1;
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::release(Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/)
return 1;
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::fill(Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/,
Geom::PathVector const &pathv, Geom::Matrix const * /*transform*/, SPStyle const *style,
NRRect const * /*pbox*/, NRRect const * /*dbox*/, NRRect const * /*bbox*/)
if (!hdc) return 0;
Geom::Matrix tf = m_tr_stack.top();
flush_fill(); // flush any pending fills
if (style->fill.isColor()) {
if (create_brush(style))
return 0;
} else {
// create_brush(NULL);
return 0;
std::copy(pathv.begin(), pathv.end(), std::back_inserter(fill_pathv));
fill_transform = tf;
// postpone fill in case of stroke-and-fill
return 0;
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::stroke (Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/,
Geom::PathVector const &pathv, const Geom::Matrix * /*transform*/, const SPStyle *style,
const NRRect * /*pbox*/, const NRRect * /*dbox*/, const NRRect * /*bbox*/)
if (!hdc) return 0;
Geom::Matrix tf = m_tr_stack.top();
stroke_and_fill = ( pathv == fill_pathv );
if (!stroke_and_fill) {
flush_fill(); // flush any pending fills
if (style->stroke.isColor()) {
create_pen(style, tf);
} else {
// create_pen(NULL, tf);
return 0;
print_pathv(pathv, tf);
if (stroke_and_fill) {
if (!simple_shape)
StrokeAndFillPath( hdc );
} else {
if (!simple_shape)
StrokePath( hdc );
return 0;
PrintEmfWin32::print_simple_shape(Geom::PathVector const &pathv, const Geom::Matrix &transform)
Geom::PathVector pv = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers( pathv * transform );
int nodes = 0;
int moves = 0;
int lines = 0;
int curves = 0;
for (Geom::PathVector::const_iterator pit = pv.begin(); pit != pv.end(); ++pit)
for (Geom::Path::const_iterator cit = pit->begin(); cit != pit->end_open(); ++cit)
if ( is_straight_curve(*cit) ) {
else if (Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const*>(&*cit)) {
cubic = cubic;
if (!nodes)
return false;
POINT *lpPoints = new POINT[moves + lines + curves*3];
int i = 0;
* For all Subpaths in the <path>
for (Geom::PathVector::const_iterator pit = pv.begin(); pit != pv.end(); ++pit)
using Geom::X;
using Geom::Y;
Geom::Point p0 = pit->initialPoint();
p0[X] = (p0[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p0[Y] = (p0[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
LONG const x0 = (LONG) round(p0[X]);
LONG const y0 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p0[Y]);
lpPoints[i].x = x0;
lpPoints[i].y = y0;
i = i + 1;
* For all segments in the subpath
for (Geom::Path::const_iterator cit = pit->begin(); cit != pit->end_open(); ++cit)
if ( is_straight_curve(*cit) )
//Geom::Point p0 = cit->initialPoint();
Geom::Point p1 = cit->finalPoint();
//p0[X] = (p0[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p1[X] = (p1[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
//p0[Y] = (p0[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p1[Y] = (p1[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
//LONG const x0 = (LONG) round(p0[X]);
//LONG const y0 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p0[Y]);
LONG const x1 = (LONG) round(p1[X]);
LONG const y1 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p1[Y]);
lpPoints[i].x = x1;
lpPoints[i].y = y1;
i = i + 1;
else if (Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const*>(&*cit))
std::vector<Geom::Point> points = cubic->points();
//Geom::Point p0 = points[0];
Geom::Point p1 = points[1];
Geom::Point p2 = points[2];
Geom::Point p3 = points[3];
//p0[X] = (p0[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p1[X] = (p1[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p2[X] = (p2[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p3[X] = (p3[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
//p0[Y] = (p0[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p1[Y] = (p1[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p2[Y] = (p2[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p3[Y] = (p3[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
//LONG const x0 = (LONG) round(p0[X]);
//LONG const y0 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p0[Y]);
LONG const x1 = (LONG) round(p1[X]);
LONG const y1 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p1[Y]);
LONG const x2 = (LONG) round(p2[X]);
LONG const y2 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p2[Y]);
LONG const x3 = (LONG) round(p3[X]);
LONG const y3 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p3[Y]);
POINT pt[3];
pt[0].x = x1;
pt[0].y = y1;
pt[1].x = x2;
pt[1].y = y2;
pt[2].x = x3;
pt[2].y = y3;
lpPoints[i].x = x1;
lpPoints[i].y = y1;
lpPoints[i+1].x = x2;
lpPoints[i+1].y = y2;
lpPoints[i+2].x = x3;
lpPoints[i+2].y = y3;
i = i + 3;
bool done = false;
bool closed = (lpPoints[0].x == lpPoints[i-1].x) && (lpPoints[0].y == lpPoints[i-1].y);
bool polygon = false;
bool rectangle = false;
bool ellipse = false;
if (moves == 1 && moves+lines == nodes && closed) {
polygon = true;
if (nodes==5) {
if (lpPoints[0].x == lpPoints[3].x && lpPoints[1].x == lpPoints[2].x &&
lpPoints[0].y == lpPoints[1].y && lpPoints[2].y == lpPoints[3].y)
rectangle = true;
else if (moves == 1 && nodes == 5 && moves+curves == nodes && closed) {
if (lpPoints[0].x == lpPoints[1].x && lpPoints[1].x == lpPoints[11].x &&
lpPoints[5].x == lpPoints[6].x && lpPoints[6].x == lpPoints[7].x &&
lpPoints[2].x == lpPoints[10].x && lpPoints[3].x == lpPoints[9].x && lpPoints[4].x == lpPoints[8].x &&
lpPoints[2].y == lpPoints[3].y && lpPoints[3].y == lpPoints[4].y &&
lpPoints[8].y == lpPoints[9].y && lpPoints[9].y == lpPoints[10].y &&
lpPoints[5].y == lpPoints[1].y && lpPoints[6].y == lpPoints[0].y && lpPoints[7].y == lpPoints[11].y)
ellipse = true;
if (polygon || ellipse) {
HPEN hpenTmp = NULL;
HPEN hpenOld = NULL;
HBRUSH hbrushTmp = NULL;
HBRUSH hbrushOld = NULL;
if (!stroke_and_fill) {
if (fill_only) {
hpenTmp = (HPEN) GetStockObject(NULL_PEN);
hpenOld = (HPEN) SelectObject( hdc, hpenTmp );
else { // if (stroke_only)
hbrushTmp = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
hbrushOld = (HBRUSH) SelectObject( hdc, hbrushTmp );
if (polygon) {
if (rectangle)
Rectangle( hdc, lpPoints[0].x, lpPoints[0].y, lpPoints[2].x, lpPoints[2].y );
Polygon( hdc, lpPoints, nodes );
else if (ellipse) {
Ellipse( hdc, lpPoints[6].x, lpPoints[3].y, lpPoints[0].x, lpPoints[9].y);
done = true;
if (hpenOld)
SelectObject( hdc, hpenOld );
if (hpenTmp)
DeleteObject( hpenTmp );
if (hbrushOld)
SelectObject( hdc, hbrushOld );
if (hbrushTmp)
DeleteObject( hbrushTmp );
delete[] lpPoints;
return done;
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::print_pathv(Geom::PathVector const &pathv, const Geom::Matrix &transform)
simple_shape = print_simple_shape(pathv, transform);
if (simple_shape)
return TRUE;
Geom::PathVector pv = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers( pathv * transform );
BeginPath( hdc );
* For all Subpaths in the <path>
for (Geom::PathVector::const_iterator pit = pv.begin(); pit != pv.end(); ++pit)
using Geom::X;
using Geom::Y;
Geom::Point p0 = pit->initialPoint();
p0[X] = (p0[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p0[Y] = (p0[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
LONG const x0 = (LONG) round(p0[X]);
LONG const y0 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p0[Y]);
MoveToEx( hdc, x0, y0, NULL );
* For all segments in the subpath
for (Geom::Path::const_iterator cit = pit->begin(); cit != pit->end_open(); ++cit)
if ( is_straight_curve(*cit) )
//Geom::Point p0 = cit->initialPoint();
Geom::Point p1 = cit->finalPoint();
//p0[X] = (p0[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p1[X] = (p1[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
//p0[Y] = (p0[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p1[Y] = (p1[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
//LONG const x0 = (LONG) round(p0[X]);
//LONG const y0 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p0[Y]);
LONG const x1 = (LONG) round(p1[X]);
LONG const y1 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p1[Y]);
LineTo( hdc, x1, y1 );
else if (Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const*>(&*cit))
std::vector<Geom::Point> points = cubic->points();
//Geom::Point p0 = points[0];
Geom::Point p1 = points[1];
Geom::Point p2 = points[2];
Geom::Point p3 = points[3];
//p0[X] = (p0[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p1[X] = (p1[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p2[X] = (p2[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p3[X] = (p3[X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
//p0[Y] = (p0[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p1[Y] = (p1[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p2[Y] = (p2[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p3[Y] = (p3[Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
//LONG const x0 = (LONG) round(p0[X]);
//LONG const y0 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p0[Y]);
LONG const x1 = (LONG) round(p1[X]);
LONG const y1 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p1[Y]);
LONG const x2 = (LONG) round(p2[X]);
LONG const y2 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p2[Y]);
LONG const x3 = (LONG) round(p3[X]);
LONG const y3 = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p3[Y]);
POINT pt[3];
pt[0].x = x1;
pt[0].y = y1;
pt[1].x = x2;
pt[1].y = y2;
pt[2].x = x3;
pt[2].y = y3;
PolyBezierTo( hdc, pt, 3 );
g_warning("logical error, because pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers was used");
if (pit->end_default() == pit->end_closed()) {
CloseFigure( hdc );
EndPath( hdc );
return TRUE;
PrintEmfWin32::textToPath(Inkscape::Extension::Print * ext)
return ext->get_param_bool("textToPath");
unsigned int
PrintEmfWin32::text(Inkscape::Extension::Print * /*mod*/, char const *text, Geom::Point p,
SPStyle const *const style)
if (!hdc) return 0;
HFONT hfont = NULL;
#ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32
font_instance *tf = (font_factory::Default())->Face(style->text->font_family.value, font_style_to_pos(*style));
if (tf) {
LOGFONT *lf = pango_win32_font_logfont(tf->pFont);
hfont = CreateFontIndirect(lf);
if (!hfont) {
if (PrintWin32::is_os_wide()) {
LOGFONTW *lf = (LOGFONTW*)g_malloc(sizeof(LOGFONTW));
g_assert(lf != NULL);
lf->lfHeight = style->font_size.computed * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI;
lf->lfWidth = 0;
lf->lfEscapement = 0;
lf->lfOrientation = 0;
lf->lfWeight =
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_100 ? FW_THIN :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_200 ? FW_EXTRALIGHT :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_300 ? FW_LIGHT :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_400 ? FW_NORMAL :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_500 ? FW_MEDIUM :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_600 ? FW_SEMIBOLD :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_700 ? FW_BOLD :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_800 ? FW_EXTRABOLD :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_900 ? FW_HEAVY :
lf->lfItalic = (style->font_style.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC);
lf->lfUnderline = style->text_decoration.underline;
lf->lfStrikeOut = style->text_decoration.line_through;
lf->lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
lf->lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
lf->lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
lf->lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
lf->lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
gunichar2 *unicode_name = g_utf8_to_utf16( style->text->font_family.value, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL );
wcsncpy(lf->lfFaceName, (wchar_t*) unicode_name, LF_FACESIZE-1);
hfont = CreateFontIndirectW(lf);
else {
LOGFONTA *lf = (LOGFONTA*)g_malloc(sizeof(LOGFONTA));
g_assert(lf != NULL);
lf->lfHeight = style->font_size.computed * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI;
lf->lfWidth = 0;
lf->lfEscapement = 0;
lf->lfOrientation = 0;
lf->lfWeight =
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_100 ? FW_THIN :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_200 ? FW_EXTRALIGHT :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_300 ? FW_LIGHT :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_400 ? FW_NORMAL :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_500 ? FW_MEDIUM :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_600 ? FW_SEMIBOLD :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_700 ? FW_BOLD :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_800 ? FW_EXTRABOLD :
style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_900 ? FW_HEAVY :
lf->lfItalic = (style->font_style.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC);
lf->lfUnderline = style->text_decoration.underline;
lf->lfStrikeOut = style->text_decoration.line_through;
lf->lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
lf->lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
lf->lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
lf->lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
lf->lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
strncpy(lf->lfFaceName, (char*) style->text->font_family.value, LF_FACESIZE-1);
hfont = CreateFontIndirectA(lf);
HFONT hfontOld = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
float rgb[3];
sp_color_get_rgb_floatv( &style->fill.value.color, rgb );
SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255*rgb[0], 255*rgb[1], 255*rgb[2]));
// Text alignment:
// - (x,y) coordinates received by this filter are those of the point where the text
// actually starts, and already takes into account the text object's alignment;
// - for this reason, the EMF text alignment must always be TA_BASELINE|TA_LEFT.
SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_BASELINE | TA_LEFT);
// Transparent text background
SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
Geom::Matrix tf = m_tr_stack.top();
p = p * tf;
p[Geom::X] = (p[Geom::X] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
p[Geom::Y] = (p[Geom::Y] * IN_PER_PX * dwDPI);
LONG const xpos = (LONG) round(p[Geom::X]);
LONG const ypos = (LONG) round(rc.bottom-p[Geom::Y]);
if (PrintWin32::is_os_wide()) {
gunichar2 *unicode_text = g_utf8_to_utf16( text, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL );
TextOutW(hdc, xpos, ypos, (WCHAR*)unicode_text, wcslen((wchar_t*)unicode_text));
else {
TextOutA(hdc, xpos, ypos, (CHAR*)text, strlen((char*)text));
SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld);
return 0;
PrintEmfWin32::init (void)
Inkscape::Extension::Extension * ext;
/* EMF print */
ext = Inkscape::Extension::build_from_mem(
"<inkscape-extension xmlns=\"" INKSCAPE_EXTENSION_URI "\">\n"
"<name>Enhanced Metafile Print</name>\n"
"<param name=\"destination\" type=\"string\"></param>\n"
"<param name=\"textToPath\" type=\"boolean\">true</param>\n"
"<param name=\"pageBoundingBox\" type=\"boolean\">true</param>\n"
"</inkscape-extension>", new PrintEmfWin32());
} /* namespace Internal */
} /* namespace Extension */
} /* namespace Inkscape */
#endif /* WIN32 */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :