cairo-render-context.h revision e9b6d4bb13a32c224543a70fd5702d558cc516c3
/** \file
* Declaration of CairoRenderContext, a class used for rendering with Cairo.
* Authors:
* Miklos Erdelyi <>
* Copyright (C) 2006 Miklos Erdelyi
* Licensed under GNU GPL
# include "config.h"
#include "extension/extension.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "libnr/nr-path.h"
#include <libnr/nr-matrix-ops.h>
#include "style.h"
#include <cairo.h>
class SPClipPath;
class SPMask;
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Extension {
namespace Internal {
class CairoRenderer;
class CairoRenderContext;
class CairoRenderState;
class CairoGlyphInfo;
// Holds info for rendering a glyph
struct CairoGlyphInfo {
unsigned long index;
double x;
double y;
struct CairoRenderState {
unsigned int merge_opacity : 1; // whether fill/stroke opacity can be mul'd with item opacity
unsigned int need_layer : 1;
unsigned int has_overflow : 1;
unsigned int parent_has_userspace : 1; // whether the parent's ctm should be applied
float opacity;
SPClipPath *clip_path;
SPMask* mask;
NRMatrix transform; // the CTM
class CairoRenderContext {
friend class CairoRenderer;
CairoRenderContext *cloneMe(void) const;
CairoRenderContext *cloneMe(double width, double height) const;
bool finish(void);
CairoRenderer *getRenderer(void) const;
cairo_t *getCairoContext(void) const;
typedef enum CairoRenderMode {
typedef enum CairoClipMode {
bool setImageTarget(cairo_format_t format);
bool setPdfTarget(gchar const *utf8_fn);
bool setPsTarget(gchar const *utf8_fn);
/** Creates the cairo_surface_t for the context with the
given width, height and with the currently set target
surface type. */
bool setupSurface(double width, double height);
/** Set the cairo_surface_t from an external source */
bool setSurface(cairo_surface_t *surface);
cairo_surface_t *getSurface(void);
/** Saves the contents of the context to a PNG file. */
bool saveAsPng(const char *file_name);
/* Render/clip mode setting/query */
void setRenderMode(CairoRenderMode mode);
CairoRenderMode getRenderMode(void) const;
void setClipMode(CairoClipMode mode);
CairoClipMode getClipMode(void) const;
void addBpath(NArtBpath const *bp);
void setBpath(NArtBpath const *bp);
void pushLayer(void);
void popLayer(void);
/* Graphics state manipulation */
void pushState(void);
void popState(void);
CairoRenderState *getCurrentState(void) const;
CairoRenderState *getParentState(void) const;
void setStateForStyle(SPStyle const *style);
void transform(NRMatrix const *transform);
void setTransform(NRMatrix const *transform);
void getTransform(NRMatrix *copy) const;
void getParentTransform(NRMatrix *copy) const;
/* Clipping methods */
void addClipPath(NArtBpath const *bp, SPIEnum const *fill_rule);
void addClippingRect(double x, double y, double width, double height);
/* Rendering methods */
bool renderPath(NRBPath const *bpath, SPStyle const *style, NRRect const *pbox);
bool renderImage(unsigned char *px, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int rs,
NRMatrix const *image_transform, SPStyle const *style);
bool renderGlyphtext(PangoFont *font, NRMatrix const *font_matrix,
std::vector<CairoGlyphInfo> const &glyphtext, SPStyle const *style);
/* More general rendering methods will have to be added (like fill, stroke) */
CairoRenderContext(CairoRenderer *renderer);
virtual ~CairoRenderContext(void);
float _width;
float _height;
unsigned short _dpi;
FILE *_stream;
unsigned int _is_valid : 1;
unsigned int _vector_based_target : 1;
cairo_t *_cr;
cairo_surface_t *_surface;
cairo_surface_type_t _target;
cairo_format_t _target_format;
PangoLayout *_layout;
unsigned int _clip_rule : 8;
unsigned int _clip_winding_failed : 1;
GSList *_state_stack;
CairoRenderState *_state; // the current state
CairoRenderer *_renderer;
CairoRenderMode _render_mode;
CairoClipMode _clip_mode;
cairo_pattern_t *_createPatternForPaintServer(SPPaintServer const *const paintserver,
NRRect const *pbox, float alpha);
cairo_pattern_t *_createPatternPainter(SPPaintServer const *const paintserver, NRRect const *pbox);
unsigned int _showGlyphs(cairo_t *cr, PangoFont *font, std::vector<CairoGlyphInfo> const &glyphtext, bool is_stroke);
bool _finishSurfaceSetup(cairo_surface_t *surface);
void _setFillStyle(SPStyle const *style, NRRect const *pbox);
void _setStrokeStyle(SPStyle const *style, NRRect const *pbox);
void _initCairoMatrix(cairo_matrix_t *matrix, NRMatrix const *transform);
void _concatTransform(cairo_t *cr, double xx, double yx, double xy, double yy, double x0, double y0);
void _concatTransform(cairo_t *cr, NRMatrix const *transform);
CairoRenderState *_createState(void);
} /* namespace Internal */
} /* namespace Extension */
} /* namespace Inkscape */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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