extension.cpp revision 0791f39c5f919ac34dc7513d147460331c898cc5
#define __SP_MODULE_C__
/** \file
* Inkscape::Extension::Extension:
* the ability to have features that are more modular so that they
* can be added and removed easily. This is the basis for defining
* those actions.
* Authors:
* Ted Gould <ted@gould.cx>
* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
# include "config.h"
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <gtkmm/frame.h>
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
#include <gtkmm/tooltips.h>
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "extension/implementation/implementation.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "dependency.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "parameter.h"
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Extension {
/* Inkscape::Extension::Extension */
std::vector<const gchar *> Extension::search_path;
std::ofstream Extension::error_file;
Parameter * param_shared (const gchar * name, GSList * list);
\return none
\brief Constructs an Extension from a Inkscape::XML::Node
\param in_repr The repr that should be used to build it
This function is the basis of building an extension for Inkscape. It
currently extracts the fields from the Repr that are used in the
extension. The Repr will likely include other children that are
not related to the module directly. If the Repr does not include
a name and an ID the module will be left in an errored state.
Extension::Extension (Inkscape::XML::Node * in_repr, Implementation::Implementation * in_imp) : _help(NULL)
repr = in_repr;
id = NULL;
name = NULL;
parameters = NULL;
if (in_imp == NULL) {
imp = new Implementation::Implementation();
} else {
imp = in_imp;
// printf("Extension Constructor: ");
if (repr != NULL) {
Inkscape::XML::Node *child_repr = sp_repr_children(repr);
/* TODO: Handle what happens if we don't have these two */
while (child_repr != NULL) {
char const * chname = child_repr->name();
if (chname[0] == '_') /* Allow _ for translation of tags */
if (!strcmp(chname, "id")) {
gchar const *val = sp_repr_children(child_repr)->content();
id = g_strdup (val);
} /* id */
if (!strcmp(chname, "name")) {
name = g_strdup (sp_repr_children(child_repr)->content());
} /* name */
if (!strcmp(chname, "help")) {
_help = g_strdup (sp_repr_children(child_repr)->content());
} /* name */
if (!strcmp(chname, "param") || !strcmp(chname, "_param")) {
Parameter * param;
param = Parameter::make(child_repr, this);
if (param != NULL)
parameters = g_slist_append(parameters, param);
} /* param || _param */
if (!strcmp(chname, "dependency")) {
_deps.push_back(new Dependency(child_repr));
} /* dependency */
child_repr = sp_repr_next(child_repr);
db.register_ext (this);
// printf("%s\n", name);
timer = NULL;
\return none
\brief Destroys the Extension
This function frees all of the strings that could be attached
to the extension and also unreferences the repr. This is better
than freeing it because it may (I wouldn't know why) be referenced
in another place.
Extension::~Extension (void)
// printf("Extension Destructor: %s\n", name);
delete timer;
timer = NULL;
/** \todo Need to do parameters here */
// delete parameters:
for (GSList * list = parameters; list != NULL; list = g_slist_next(list)) {
Parameter * param = reinterpret_cast<Parameter *>(list->data);
delete param;
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < _deps.size(); i++) {
delete _deps[i];
\return none
\brief A function to set whether the extension should be loaded
or unloaded
\param in_state Which state should the extension be in?
It checks to see if this is a state change or not. If we're changing
states it will call the appropriate function in the implementation,
load or unload. Currently, there is no error checking in this
function. There should be.
Extension::set_state (state_t in_state)
if (_state == STATE_DEACTIVATED) return;
if (in_state != _state) {
/** \todo Need some more error checking here! */
switch (in_state) {
if (imp->load(this))
_state = STATE_LOADED;
if (timer != NULL) {
delete timer;
timer = new ExpirationTimer(this);
// std::cout << "Unloading: " << name << std::endl;
if (timer != NULL) {
delete timer;
timer = NULL;
if (timer != NULL) {
delete timer;
timer = NULL;
\return The state the extension is in
\brief A getter for the state variable.
Extension::get_state (void)
return _state;
\return Whether the extension is loaded or not
\brief A quick function to test the state of the extension
Extension::loaded (void)
return get_state() == STATE_LOADED;
\return A boolean saying whether the extension passed the checks
\brief A function to check the validity of the extension
This function chekcs to make sure that there is an id, a name, a
repr and an implemenation for this extension. Then it checks all
of the dependencies to see if they pass. Finally, it asks the
implmentation to do a check of itself.
On each check, if there is a failure, it will print a message to the
error log for that failure. It is important to note that the function
keeps executing if it finds an error, to try and get as many of them
into the error log as possible. This should help people debug
installations, and figure out what they need to get for the full
functionality of Inkscape to be available.
Extension::check (void)
bool retval = true;
// static int i = 0;
// std::cout << "Checking module[" << i++ << "]: " << name << std::endl;
const char * inx_failure = _(" This is caused by an improper .inx file for this extension."
" An improper .inx file could have been caused by a faulty installation of Inkscape.");
if (id == NULL) {
printFailure(Glib::ustring(_("an ID was not defined for it.")) + inx_failure);
retval = false;
if (name == NULL) {
printFailure(Glib::ustring(_("there was no name defined for it.")) + inx_failure);
retval = false;
if (repr == NULL) {
printFailure(Glib::ustring(_("the XML description of it got lost.")) + inx_failure);
retval = false;
if (imp == NULL) {
printFailure(Glib::ustring(_("no implementation was defined for the extension.")) + inx_failure);
retval = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < _deps.size(); i++) {
if (_deps[i]->check() == FALSE) {
// std::cout << "Failed: " << *(_deps[i]) << std::endl;
printFailure(Glib::ustring(_("a dependency was not met.")));
error_file << *_deps[i] << std::endl;
retval = false;
if (retval)
return imp->check(this);
return retval;
/** \brief A quick function to print out a standard start of extension
errors in the log.
\param reason A string explaining why this failed
Real simple, just put everything into \c error_file.
Extension::printFailure (Glib::ustring reason)
error_file << _("Extension \"") << name << _("\" failed to load because ");
error_file << reason.raw();
error_file << std::endl;
\return The XML tree that is used to define the extension
\brief A getter for the internal Repr, does not add a reference.
Inkscape::XML::Node *
Extension::get_repr (void)
return repr;
\return The textual id of this extension
\brief Get the ID of this extension - not a copy don't delete!
gchar *
Extension::get_id (void)
return id;
\return The textual name of this extension
\brief Get the name of this extension - not a copy don't delete!
gchar *
Extension::get_name (void)
return name;
\return None
\brief This function diactivates the extension (which makes it
unusable, but not deleted)
This function is used to removed an extension from functioning, but
not delete it completely. It sets the state to \c STATE_DEACTIVATED to
mark to the world that it has been deactivated. It also removes
the current implementation and replaces it with a standard one. This
makes it so that we don't have to continually check if there is an
implementation, but we are gauranteed to have a benign one.
\warning It is important to note that there is no 'activate' function.
Running this function is irreversable.
Extension::deactivate (void)
/* Removing the old implementation, and making this use the default. */
/* This should save some memory */
delete imp;
imp = new Implementation::Implementation();
\return Whether the extension has been deactivated
\brief Find out the status of the extension
Extension::deactivated (void)
return get_state() == STATE_DEACTIVATED;
\return Parameter structure with a name of 'name'
\brief This function looks through the linked list for a parameter
structure with the name of the passed in name
\param name The name to search for
\param list The list to look for
This is an inline function that is used by all the get_param and
set_param functions to find a param_t in the linked list with
the passed in name. It is done as an inline so that it will be
optimized into a 'jump' by the compiler.
This function can throw a 'param_not_exist' exception if the
name is not found.
The first thing that this function checks is if the list is NULL.
It could be NULL because there are no parameters for this extension
or because all of them have been checked (I'll spoil the ending and
tell you that this function is called recursively). If the list
is NULL then the 'param_not_exist' exception is thrown.
Otherwise, the function looks at the current param_t that the element
list points to. If the name of that param_t matches the passed in
name then that param_t is returned. Otherwise, this function is
called again with g_slist_next as a parameter.
Parameter *
param_shared (const gchar * name, GSList * list)
Parameter * output;
if (name == NULL) {
throw Extension::param_not_exist();
if (list == NULL) {
throw Extension::param_not_exist();
output = static_cast<Parameter *>(list->data);
if (!strcmp(output->name(), name)) {
return output;
return param_shared(name, g_slist_next(list));
\return A constant pointer to the string held by the parameters.
\brief Gets a parameter identified by name with the string placed
in value. It isn't duplicated into the value string.
\param name The name of the parameter to get
\param doc The document to look in for document specific parameters
\param node The node to look in for a specific parameter
Look up in the parameters list, then execute the function on that
found parameter.
const gchar *
Extension::get_param_string (const gchar * name, const SPDocument * doc, const Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
Parameter * param;
param = param_shared(name, parameters);
return param->get_string(doc, node);
\return The value of the parameter identified by the name
\brief Gets a parameter identified by name with the bool placed
in value.
\param name The name of the parameter to get
\param doc The document to look in for document specific parameters
\param node The node to look in for a specific parameter
Look up in the parameters list, then execute the function on that
found parameter.
Extension::get_param_bool (const gchar * name, const SPDocument * doc, const Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
Parameter * param;
param = param_shared(name, parameters);
return param->get_bool(doc, node);
\return The integer value for the parameter specified
\brief Gets a parameter identified by name with the integer placed
in value.
\param name The name of the parameter to get
\param doc The document to look in for document specific parameters
\param node The node to look in for a specific parameter
Look up in the parameters list, then execute the function on that
found parameter.
Extension::get_param_int (const gchar * name, const SPDocument * doc, const Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
Parameter * param;
param = param_shared(name, parameters);
return param->get_int(doc, node);
\return The float value for the parameter specified
\brief Gets a parameter identified by name with the float placed
in value.
\param name The name of the parameter to get
\param doc The document to look in for document specific parameters
\param node The node to look in for a specific parameter
Look up in the parameters list, then execute the function on that
found parameter.
Extension::get_param_float (const gchar * name, const SPDocument * doc, const Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
Parameter * param;
param = param_shared(name, parameters);
return param->get_float(doc, node);
\return The passed in value
\brief Sets a parameter identified by name with the boolean
in the parameter value.
\param name The name of the parameter to set
\param value The value to set the parameter to
\param doc The document to look in for document specific parameters
\param node The node to look in for a specific parameter
Look up in the parameters list, then execute the function on that
found parameter.
Extension::set_param_bool (const gchar * name, bool value, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
Parameter * param;
param = param_shared(name, parameters);
return param->set_bool(value, doc, node);
\return The passed in value
\brief Sets a parameter identified by name with the integer
in the parameter value.
\param name The name of the parameter to set
\param value The value to set the parameter to
\param doc The document to look in for document specific parameters
\param node The node to look in for a specific parameter
Look up in the parameters list, then execute the function on that
found parameter.
Extension::set_param_int (const gchar * name, int value, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
Parameter * param;
param = param_shared(name, parameters);
return param->set_int(value, doc, node);
\return The passed in value
\brief Sets a parameter identified by name with the integer
in the parameter value.
\param name The name of the parameter to set
\param value The value to set the parameter to
\param doc The document to look in for document specific parameters
\param node The node to look in for a specific parameter
Look up in the parameters list, then execute the function on that
found parameter.
Extension::set_param_float (const gchar * name, float value, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
Parameter * param;
param = param_shared(name, parameters);
return param->set_float(value, doc, node);
\return The passed in value
\brief Sets a parameter identified by name with the string
in the parameter value.
\param name The name of the parameter to set
\param value The value to set the parameter to
\param doc The document to look in for document specific parameters
\param node The node to look in for a specific parameter
Look up in the parameters list, then execute the function on that
found parameter.
const gchar *
Extension::set_param_string (const gchar * name, const gchar * value, SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
Parameter * param;
param = param_shared(name, parameters);
return param->set_string(value, doc, node);
/** \brief A function to open the error log file. */
Extension::error_file_open (void)
gchar * ext_error_file = profile_path(EXTENSION_ERROR_LOG_FILENAME);
gchar * filename = g_filename_from_utf8( ext_error_file, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (!error_file.is_open()) {
g_warning(_("Could not create extension error log file '%s'"),
/** \brief A function to close the error log file. */
Extension::error_file_close (void)
/** \brief A widget to represent the inside of an AutoGUI widget */
class AutoGUI : public Gtk::VBox {
Gtk::Tooltips _tooltips;
/** \brief Create an AutoGUI object */
AutoGUI (void) : Gtk::VBox() {};
/** \brief Adds a widget with a tool tip into the autogui
\param widg Widget to add
\param tooltip Tooltip for the widget
If there is no widget, nothing happens. Otherwise it is just
added into the VBox. If there is a tooltip (non-NULL) then it
is placed on the widget.
void addWidget (Gtk::Widget * widg, gchar const * tooltip) {
if (widg == NULL) return;
this->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2);
if (tooltip != NULL) {
_tooltips.set_tip(*widg, Glib::ustring(tooltip));
/** \brief A function to automatically generate a GUI using the parameters
\return Generated widget
This function just goes through each parameter, and calls it's 'get_widget'
function to get each widget. Then, each of those is placed into
a Gtk::VBox, which is then returned to the calling function.
If there are no parameters, this function just returns NULL.
Gtk::Widget *
Extension::autogui (SPDocument * doc, Inkscape::XML::Node * node)
if (g_slist_length(parameters) == 0) return NULL;
AutoGUI * agui = Gtk::manage(new AutoGUI());
for (GSList * list = parameters; list != NULL; list = g_slist_next(list)) {
Parameter * param = reinterpret_cast<Parameter *>(list->data);
Gtk::Widget * widg = param->get_widget(doc, node);
gchar const * tip = param->get_tooltip();
agui->addWidget(widg, tip);
return agui;
\brief A function to get the parameters in a string form
\return A string with all the parameters as command line arguements
I don't really like this function, but it works for now.
\todo Do this better.
Glib::ustring *
Extension::paramString (void)
Glib::ustring * param_string = new Glib::ustring("");
for (GSList * list = parameters; list != NULL; list = g_slist_next(list)) {
Parameter * param = reinterpret_cast<Parameter *>(list->data);
*param_string += " --";
*param_string += param->name();
*param_string += "=";
Glib::ustring * paramstr = param->string();
*param_string += *paramstr;
delete paramstr;
return param_string;
/* Extension editor dialog stuff */
Gtk::VBox *
Gtk::VBox * retval = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::VBox());
Gtk::Frame * info = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Frame("General Extension Information"));
retval->pack_start(*info, true, true, 5);
Gtk::Table * table = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Table());
int row = 0;
add_val(_("Name:"), _(name), table, &row);
add_val(_("ID:"), id, table, &row);
add_val(_("State:"), _state == STATE_LOADED ? _("Loaded") : _state == STATE_UNLOADED ? _("Unloaded") : _("Deactivated"), table, &row);
return retval;
Extension::add_val(Glib::ustring labelstr, Glib::ustring valuestr, Gtk::Table * table, int * row)
Gtk::Label * label;
Gtk::Label * value;
label = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(labelstr));
value = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(valuestr));
table->attach(*label, 0, 1, (*row) - 1, *row);
table->attach(*value, 1, 2, (*row) - 1, *row);
Gtk::VBox *
Gtk::VBox * retval = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::VBox());
if (_help == NULL) {
Gtk::Label * content = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label("Currently there is no help available for this Extension. Please look on the Inkscape website or ask on the mailing lists if you have questions regarding this extension."));
retval->pack_start(*content, true, true, 5);
} else {
return retval;
Gtk::VBox *
Gtk::VBox * retval = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::VBox());
Gtk::Widget * content = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label("Params"));
retval->pack_start(*content, true, true, 5);
return retval;
} /* namespace Extension */
} /* namespace Inkscape */
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c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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