document-private.h revision f60fc9ef5d612f8225bc9e425916c3568afe4f49
* Seldom needed document data
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Lauris Kaplinski
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ximian, Inc.
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <map>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
#include "xml/event-fns.h"
#include "sp-defs.h"
#include "sp-root.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "composite-undo-stack-observer.h"
#include "event-log.h"
// XXX only for testing!
#include "console-output-undo-observer.h"
#define SP_DOCUMENT_DEFS(d) ((SPObject *) SP_ROOT (SP_DOCUMENT_ROOT (d))->defs)
namespace Inkscape {
namespace XML {
class Event;
struct SPDocumentPrivate {
typedef std::map<GQuark, SPDocument::IDChangedSignal> IDChangedSignalMap;
typedef std::map<GQuark, SPDocument::ResourcesChangedSignal> ResourcesChangedSignalMap;
GHashTable *iddef; /**< Dictionary of id -> SPObject mappings */
GHashTable *reprdef; /**< Dictionary of Inkscape::XML::Node -> SPObject mappings */
/** Dictionary of signals for id changes */
IDChangedSignalMap id_changed_signals;
/* Resources */
/* It is GHashTable of GSLists */
GHashTable *resources;
ResourcesChangedSignalMap resources_changed_signals;
SPDocument::ModifiedSignal modified_signal;
SPDocument::URISetSignal uri_set_signal;
SPDocument::ResizedSignal resized_signal;
SPDocument::ReconstructionStart _reconstruction_start_signal;
SPDocument::ReconstructionFinish _reconstruction_finish_signal;
SPDocument::CommitSignal commit_signal;
/* Undo/Redo state */
guint sensitive: 1; /* If we save actions to undo stack */
Inkscape::XML::Event * partial; /* partial undo log when interrupted */
int history_size;
GSList * undo; /* Undo stack of reprs */
GSList * redo; /* Redo stack of reprs */
/* Undo listener */
Inkscape::CompositeUndoStackObserver undoStackObservers;
/* Event log */
Inkscape::EventLog event_log;
// XXX only for testing!
Inkscape::ConsoleOutputUndoObserver console_output_undo_observer;