nr-filter-convolve-matrix.cpp revision 69ace948e6245fbb2ca7b4fa450087f7563201aa
* feConvolveMatrix filter primitive renderer
* Authors:
* Felipe CorrĂȘa da Silva Sanches <>
* Jasper van de Gronde <>
* Copyright (C) 2007,2009 authors
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "display/nr-filter-convolve-matrix.h"
#include "display/nr-filter-units.h"
#include "display/nr-filter-utils.h"
#include <vector>
namespace Inkscape {
namespace Filters {
return new FilterConvolveMatrix();
template<bool PREMULTIPLIED, bool PRESERVE_ALPHA, bool X_LOWER, bool X_UPPER, bool Y_LOWER, bool Y_UPPER>
static inline void convolve2D_XY(unsigned int const x, unsigned int const y, unsigned char *const out_data, unsigned char const *const in_data, unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, double const *const kernel, unsigned int const orderX, unsigned int const orderY, unsigned int const targetX, unsigned int const targetY, double const bias) {
double result_R = 0;
double result_G = 0;
double result_B = 0;
double result_A = 0;
unsigned int iBegin = Y_LOWER ? targetY-y : 0; // Note that to prevent signed/unsigned problems this requires that y<=targetY (which is true)
unsigned int iEnd = Y_UPPER ? height+targetY-y : orderY; // And this requires that y<=height+targetY (which is trivially true), in addition it should be true that height+targetY-y<=orderY (or equivalently y>=height+targetY-orderY, which is true)
} else if (PREMULTIPLIED) {
} else {
out_data[out_index+0] = CLAMP_D_TO_U8_ALPHA(result_R + out_data[out_index+3]*bias, out_data[out_index+3]); // CLAMP includes rounding!
out_data[out_index+1] = CLAMP_D_TO_U8_ALPHA(result_G + out_data[out_index+3]*bias, out_data[out_index+3]);
out_data[out_index+2] = CLAMP_D_TO_U8_ALPHA(result_B + out_data[out_index+3]*bias, out_data[out_index+3]);
} else {
out_data[out_index+0] = CLAMP_D_TO_U8(result_R / out_data[out_index+3] + bias); // CLAMP includes rounding!
static inline void convolve2D_Y(unsigned int const y, unsigned char *const out_data, unsigned char const *const in_data, unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, double const *const kernel, unsigned int const orderX, unsigned int const orderY, unsigned int const targetX, unsigned int const targetY, double const bias) {
// See convolve2D below for rationale.
for (unsigned int x=0; x<midXBegin; x++) {
convolve2D_XY<PREMULTIPLIED,PRESERVE_ALPHA,true,false,Y_LOWER,Y_UPPER>(x, y, out_data, in_data, width, height, kernel, orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
if (lowerEnd==upperBegin) {
// Do nothing, empty mid section
} else if (lowerEnd<upperBegin) {
// In the middle no bounds have to be adjusted
convolve2D_XY<PREMULTIPLIED,PRESERVE_ALPHA,false,false,Y_LOWER,Y_UPPER>(x, y, out_data, in_data, width, height, kernel, orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
} else {
// In the middle both bounds have to be adjusted
convolve2D_XY<PREMULTIPLIED,PRESERVE_ALPHA,true,true,Y_LOWER,Y_UPPER>(x, y, out_data, in_data, width, height, kernel, orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
convolve2D_XY<PREMULTIPLIED,PRESERVE_ALPHA,false,true,Y_LOWER,Y_UPPER>(x, y, out_data, in_data, width, height, kernel, orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
static void convolve2D(unsigned char *const out_data, unsigned char const *const in_data, unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, double const *const kernel, unsigned int const orderX, unsigned int const orderY, unsigned int const targetX, unsigned int const targetY, double const _bias) {
double const bias = PREMULTIPLIED ? _bias : 255*_bias; // If we're using non-premultiplied values the bias is always multiplied by 255.
// For the middle section it should hold that (for all i such that 0<=i<orderY):
// 0 <= y - targetY + i < height
// targetY <= y && y < height + targetY - orderY + 1
// In other words, for y<targetY i's lower bound needs to be adjusted and for y>=height+targetY-orderY+1 i's upper bound needs to be adjusted.
for (unsigned int y=0; y<midYBegin; y++) {
convolve2D_Y<PREMULTIPLIED,PRESERVE_ALPHA,true,false>(y, out_data, in_data, width, height, kernel, orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
if (lowerEnd==upperBegin) {
// Do nothing, empty mid section
} else if (lowerEnd<upperBegin) {
// In the middle no bounds have to be adjusted
convolve2D_Y<PREMULTIPLIED,PRESERVE_ALPHA,false,false>(y, out_data, in_data, width, height, kernel, orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
} else {
// In the middle both bounds have to be adjusted
convolve2D_Y<PREMULTIPLIED,PRESERVE_ALPHA,true,true>(y, out_data, in_data, width, height, kernel, orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
convolve2D_Y<PREMULTIPLIED,PRESERVE_ALPHA,false,true>(y, out_data, in_data, width, height, kernel, orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
if (!in) {
return 1;
g_warning("Empty kernel!");
return 1;
g_warning("Invalid target!");
return 1;
g_warning("kernelMatrix does not have orderX*orderY elements!");
return 1;
if (bias!=0) {
g_warning("It is unknown whether Inkscape's implementation of bias in feConvolveMatrix is correct!");
// The SVG specification implies that feConvolveMatrix is defined for premultiplied colors (which makes sense).
// It also says that bias should simply be added to the result for each color (without taking the alpha into account)
// However, it also says that one purpose of bias is "to have .5 gray value be the zero response of the filter".
// It seems sensible to indeed support the latter behaviour instead of the former, but this does appear to go against the standard.
// Note that Batik simply does not support bias!=0
g_warning("Inkscape only supports edgeMode=\"none\" (and a filter uses a different one)!");
// Note that to properly support edgeMode the interaction with area_enlarge should be well understood (and probably something needs to change)
// area_enlarge should NOT let Inkscape enlarge the area beyond the filter area, it should only enlarge the rendered area if a part of the object is rendered to make it overlapping (enough) with adjacent parts.
// Set up predivided kernel matrix
if (preserveAlpha) {
convolve2D<true,true>(out_data, in_data, width, height, &kernel.front(), orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
} else {
convolve2D<true,false>(out_data, in_data, width, height, &kernel.front(), orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
} else {
if (preserveAlpha) {
convolve2D<false,true>(out_data, in_data, width, height, &kernel.front(), orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
} else {
convolve2D<false,false>(out_data, in_data, width, height, &kernel.front(), orderX, orderY, targetX, targetY, bias);
return 0;
void FilterConvolveMatrix::set_divisor(double d) {
divisor = d;
void FilterConvolveMatrix::set_bias(double b) {
bias = b;
kernelMatrix = km;
preserveAlpha = pa;
//Seems to me that since this filter's operation is resolution dependent,
// some spurious pixels may still appear at the borders when low zooming or rotating. Needs a better fix.
} /* namespace Filters */
} /* namespace Inkscape */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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