nr-arena-item.cpp revision 8241e1608974738cb726395c55bb5abe218d5540
#define __NR_ARENA_ITEM_C__
* RGBA display list system for inkscape
* Author:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Lauris Kaplinski
* Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc.
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <cairomm/cairomm.h>
#include "display/cairo-utils.h"
#include "display/cairo-templates.h"
#include "nr-arena.h"
#include "nr-arena-item.h"
#include "gc-core.h"
#include "helper/geom.h"
#include "nr-filter.h"
#include "nr-arena-group.h"
#include "preferences.h"
namespace GC = Inkscape::GC;
static void nr_arena_item_class_init (NRArenaItemClass *klass);
static void nr_arena_item_init (NRArenaItem *item);
static void nr_arena_item_private_finalize (NRObject *object);
static NRObjectClass *parent_class;
nr_arena_item_get_type (void)
static NRType type = 0;
if (!type) {
type = nr_object_register_type (NR_TYPE_OBJECT,
sizeof (NRArenaItemClass),
sizeof (NRArenaItem),
(void (*)(NRObjectClass *))
(void (*)(NRObject *))
return type;
static void
nr_arena_item_class_init (NRArenaItemClass *klass)
NRObjectClass *object_class;
object_class = (NRObjectClass *) klass;
parent_class = ((NRObjectClass *) klass)->parent;
object_class->finalize = nr_arena_item_private_finalize;
object_class->cpp_ctor = NRObject::invoke_ctor < NRArenaItem >;
static void
nr_arena_item_init (NRArenaItem *item)
item->arena = NULL;
item->parent = NULL;
item->next = item->prev = NULL;
item->key = 0;
item->state = 0;
item->sensitive = TRUE;
item->visible = TRUE;
memset (&item->bbox, 0, sizeof (item->bbox));
memset (&item->drawbox, 0, sizeof (item->drawbox));
item->transform = NULL;
item->opacity = 255;
item->render_opacity = FALSE;
item->transform = NULL;
item->clip = NULL;
item->mask = NULL;
item->px = NULL;
item->data = NULL;
item->filter = NULL;
item->background_pb = NULL;
item->background_new = false;
static void
nr_arena_item_private_finalize (NRObject *object)
NRArenaItem *item = static_cast < NRArenaItem * >(object);
item->px = NULL;
item->transform = NULL;
if (item->clip)
nr_arena_item_detach(item, item->clip);
if (item->mask)
nr_arena_item_detach(item, item->mask);
((NRObjectClass *) (parent_class))->finalize (object);
NRArenaItem *
nr_arena_item_children (NRArenaItem *item)
nr_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item), NULL);
if (NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, children))
return NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, children) (item);
return NULL;
NRArenaItem *
nr_arena_item_last_child (NRArenaItem *item)
nr_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item), NULL);
if (NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, last_child)) {
return NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, last_child) (item);
} else {
NRArenaItem *ref = nr_arena_item_children (item);
if (ref)
while (ref->next)
ref = ref->next;
return ref;
nr_arena_item_add_child (NRArenaItem *item, NRArenaItem *child,
NRArenaItem *ref)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
nr_return_if_fail (child != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (child));
nr_return_if_fail (child->parent == NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (child->prev == NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (child->next == NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (child->arena == item->arena);
nr_return_if_fail (child != ref);
nr_return_if_fail (!ref || NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (ref));
nr_return_if_fail (!ref || (ref->parent == item));
if (NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, add_child))
NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, add_child) (item, child, ref);
nr_arena_item_remove_child (NRArenaItem *item, NRArenaItem *child)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
nr_return_if_fail (child != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (child));
nr_return_if_fail (child->parent == item);
if (NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, remove_child))
NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, remove_child) (item, child);
nr_arena_item_set_child_position (NRArenaItem *item, NRArenaItem *child,
NRArenaItem *ref)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
nr_return_if_fail (child != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (child));
nr_return_if_fail (child->parent == item);
nr_return_if_fail (!ref || NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (ref));
nr_return_if_fail (!ref || (ref->parent == item));
if (NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, set_child_position))
NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, set_child_position) (item, child, ref);
NRArenaItem *
nr_arena_item_ref (NRArenaItem *item)
nr_object_ref ((NRObject *) item);
return item;
NRArenaItem *
nr_arena_item_unref (NRArenaItem *item)
nr_object_unref ((NRObject *) item);
return NULL;
unsigned int
nr_arena_item_invoke_update (NRArenaItem *item, NRRectL *area, NRGC *gc,
unsigned int state, unsigned int reset)
NRGC childgc (gc);
bool filter = (item->arena->rendermode == Inkscape::RENDERMODE_NORMAL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_INVALID);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item),
nr_return_val_if_fail (!(state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_INVALID),
printf ("Update %s:%p %x %x %x\n",
nr_type_name_from_instance ((GTypeInstance *) item), item, state,
item->state, reset);
/* return if in error */
if (item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_INVALID)
return item->state;
/* Set reset flags according to propagation status */
if (item->propagate) {
reset |= ~item->state;
item->propagate = FALSE;
/* Reset our state */
item->state &= ~reset;
/* Return if NOP */
if (!(~item->state & state))
return item->state;
/* Test whether to return immediately */
if (area && (item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_BBOX)) {
if (!nr_rect_l_test_intersect_ptr(area, &item->drawbox))
return item->state;
/* Reset image cache, if not to be kept */
if (!(item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_IMAGE) && (item->px)) {
item->px = NULL;
/* Set up local gc */
childgc = *gc;
if (item->transform) {
childgc.transform = (*item->transform) * childgc.transform;
/* Remember the transformation matrix */
item->ctm = childgc.transform;
/* Invoke the real method */
// that will update bbox
item->state = NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, update) (item, area, &childgc, state, reset);
if (item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_INVALID)
return item->state;
/* Enlarge the drawbox to contain filter effects */
if (item->filter && filter && item->item_bbox) {
item->drawbox.x0 = item->item_bbox->min()[Geom::X];
item->drawbox.y0 = item->item_bbox->min()[Geom::Y];
item->drawbox.x1 = item->item_bbox->max()[Geom::X];
item->drawbox.y1 = item->item_bbox->max()[Geom::Y];
item->filter->compute_drawbox (item, item->drawbox);
} else {
memcpy(&item->drawbox, &item->bbox, sizeof(item->bbox));
// fixme: to fix the display glitches, in outline mode bbox must be a combination of
// full item bbox and its clip and mask (after we have the API to get these)
/* Clipping */
if (item->clip) {
// FIXME: since here we only need bbox, consider passing
// instead of state, so it does not have to create rendering structures in nr_arena_shape_update
unsigned int newstate = nr_arena_item_invoke_update (item->clip, area, &childgc, state, reset);
return item->state;
// for clipping, we need geometric bbox
nr_rect_l_intersect (&item->drawbox, &item->drawbox, &item->clip->bbox);
/* Masking */
if (item->mask) {
unsigned int newstate = nr_arena_item_invoke_update (item->mask, area, &childgc, state, reset);
return item->state;
// for masking, we need full drawbox of mask
nr_rect_l_intersect (&item->drawbox, &item->drawbox, &item->mask->drawbox);
// now that we know drawbox, dirty the corresponding rect on canvas:
if (!NR_IS_ARENA_GROUP(item) || (item->filter && filter)) {
// unless filtered, groups do not need to render by themselves, only their members
nr_arena_item_request_render (item);
return item->state;
struct MaskLuminanceToAlpha {
guint32 operator()(guint32 in) {
EXTRACT_ARGB32(in, a, r, g, b)
// the operation of unpremul -> luminance-to-alpha -> multiply by alpha
// is equivalent to luminance-to-alpha on premultiplied color values
// original computation in double: r*0.2125 + g*0.7154 + b*0.0721
guint32 ao = r*54 + g*182 + b*18;
return ((ao + 127) / 255) << 24;
unsigned int
nr_arena_item_invoke_render (cairo_t *ct, NRArenaItem *item, NRRectL const *area,
NRPixBlock *pb, unsigned int flags)
bool outline = (item->arena->rendermode == Inkscape::RENDERMODE_OUTLINE);
bool filter = (item->arena->rendermode != Inkscape::RENDERMODE_OUTLINE &&
item->arena->rendermode != Inkscape::RENDERMODE_NO_FILTERS);
//bool print_colors = (item->arena->rendermode == Inkscape::RENDERMODE_PRINT_COLORS_PREVIEW);
nr_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_INVALID);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item),
nr_return_val_if_fail (item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_BBOX,
if (!ct) return item->state;
g_message ("Invoke render %p on %p: %d %d - %d %d, %d %d - %d %d", item, pb,
area->x0, area->y0,
area->x1, area->y1,
item->drawbox.x0, item->drawbox.y0,
item->drawbox.x1, item->drawbox.y1);
/* If we are invisible, just return successfully */
if (!item->visible)
return item->state | NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_RENDER;
// carea is the bounding box for intermediate rendering.
// NOTE: carea might be larger than area, because of filter effects.
NRRectL carea;
nr_rect_l_intersect (&carea, area, &item->drawbox);
if (nr_rect_l_test_empty(carea))
return item->state | NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_RENDER;
if (item->filter && filter) {
item->filter->area_enlarge (carea, item);
nr_rect_l_intersect (&carea, &carea, &item->drawbox);
if (outline) {
// No caching in outline mode for now; investigate if it really gives any advantage with cairo.
// Also no attempts to clip anything; just render everything: item, clip, mask
// First, render the object itself
unsigned int state = NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, render) (ct, item, &carea, pb, flags);
/* Clean up and return error */
return item->state;
// render clip and mask, if any
guint32 saved_rgba = item->arena->outlinecolor; // save current outline color
// render clippath as an object, using a different color
Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
if (item->clip) {
item->arena->outlinecolor = prefs->getInt("/options/wireframecolors/clips", 0x00ff00ff); // green clips
NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item->clip, render) (ct, item->clip, &carea, pb, flags);
// render mask as an object, using a different color
if (item->mask) {
item->arena->outlinecolor = prefs->getInt("/options/wireframecolors/masks", 0x0000ffff); // blue masks
NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item->mask, render) (ct, item->mask, &carea, pb, flags);
item->arena->outlinecolor = saved_rgba; // restore outline color
return item->state | NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_RENDER;
using namespace Inkscape;
// clipping and masks
unsigned int state;
cairo_t *this_ct = ct;
NRRectL *this_area = const_cast<NRRectL*>(area);
bool needs_intermediate_rendering = false;
bool &nir = needs_intermediate_rendering;
bool needs_opacity = (item->opacity != 255 && !item->render_opacity);
// this item needs an intermediate rendering if:
nir |= (item->mask != NULL); // 1. it has a mask
nir |= (item->filter != NULL && filter); // 2. it has a filter
nir |= needs_opacity; // 3. it is non-opaque
double opacity = static_cast<double>(item->opacity) / 255.0;
if (needs_intermediate_rendering) {
cairo_surface_t *intermediate = cairo_surface_create_similar(
cairo_get_target(ct), CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA,
carea.x1 - carea.x0, carea.y1 - carea.y0);
this_ct = cairo_create(intermediate);
cairo_translate(this_ct, -carea.x0, -carea.y0);
this_area = &carea;
cairo_surface_destroy(intermediate); // the surface will be held in memory by this_ct
} else {
// The pipeline needs to be different for filters.
// First we render the item into an intermediate surface. Then the filter rotates
// the surface to user coordinates (if necessary) and runs the rendering.
// Once that's done we retrieve the result, rotating it back to screen coords.
// Clipping and masking happens after the filter result is ready.
if (item->filter && filter) {
Cairo::Context cct(this_ct, true);
Cairo::Context base_ct(ct);
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Pattern> mask;
CairoSave clipsave(ct); // RAII for save / restore
CairoGroup maskgroup(this_ct); // RAII for push_group / pop_group
CairoGroup drawgroup(this_ct);
CairoGroup maskopacitygroup(this_ct);
// always clip the base context, not the one on the intermediate surface
// this is because filters must be done before clipping
if (item->clip) {;
state = nr_arena_item_invoke_clip(ct, item->clip, const_cast<NRRectL*>(area));
return item->state;
// render mask on the intermediate context and store it
if (item->mask) {
// handle opacity of a masked object by composing it with the mask
if (needs_opacity) {
state = NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item->mask, render) (this_ct, item->mask, this_area, pb, flags);
return item->state;
if (needs_opacity) {
mask = maskgroup.popmm();
// convert luminance to alpha
cairo_pattern_t *p = mask->cobj();
cairo_surface_t *s;
cairo_pattern_get_surface(p, &s);
ink_cairo_surface_filter(s, s, MaskLuminanceToAlpha());
// render the object (possibly to the intermediate surface)
state = NR_ARENA_ITEM_VIRTUAL (item, render) (this_ct, item, this_area, pb, flags);
/* Clean up and return error */
return item->state;
// apply filter
if (item->filter && filter) {
item->filter->render(item, ct, area, this_ct, &carea);
if (needs_intermediate_rendering) {
cairo_surface_t *intermediate = cairo_get_target(this_ct);
cairo_set_source_surface(ct, intermediate, carea.x0, carea.y0);
if (mask) {
cairo_mask(ct, mask->cobj());
// opacity of masked objects is handled by premultiplying the mask
} else {
// opacity of non-masked objects must be rendered explicitly
if (needs_opacity) {
cairo_paint_with_alpha(ct, opacity);
} else {
return item->state | NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_RENDER;
unsigned int
nr_arena_item_invoke_clip (cairo_t *ct, NRArenaItem *item, NRRectL *area)
nr_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_INVALID);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item),
/* we originally short-circuited if the object state included
* NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_CLIP (and showed a warning on the console);
* anyone know why we stopped doing so?
/*nr_return_val_if_fail ((pb->area.x1 - pb->area.x0) >=
(area->x1 - area->x0),
nr_return_val_if_fail ((pb->area.y1 - pb->area.y0) >=
(area->y1 - area->y0),
printf ("Invoke clip by %p: %d %d - %d %d, item bbox %d %d - %d %d\n",
item, area->x0, area->y0, area->x1, area->y1, (&item->bbox)->x0,
(&item->bbox)->y0, (&item->bbox)->x1, (&item->bbox)->y1);
if (item->visible && nr_rect_l_test_intersect_ptr(area, &item->bbox)) {
/* Need render that item */
if (((NRArenaItemClass *) NR_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (item))->clip) {
return ((NRArenaItemClass *) NR_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (item))->
clip (ct, item, area);
return item->state;
NRArenaItem *
nr_arena_item_invoke_pick (NRArenaItem *item, Geom::Point p, double delta,
unsigned int sticky)
nr_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item), NULL);
// Sometimes there's no BBOX in item->state, reason unknown (bug 992817); I made this not an assert to remove the warning
if (!(item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_BBOX)
|| !(item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_PICK))
return NULL;
if (!sticky && !(item->visible && item->sensitive))
return NULL;
// TODO: rewrite using Geom::Rect
const double x = p[Geom::X];
const double y = p[Geom::Y];
if (((x + delta) >= item->bbox.x0) &&
((x - delta) < item->bbox.x1) &&
((y + delta) >= item->bbox.y0) && ((y - delta) < item->bbox.y1))
if (((NRArenaItemClass *) NR_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (item))->pick)
return ((NRArenaItemClass *) NR_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (item))->
pick (item, p, delta, sticky);
return NULL;
nr_arena_item_request_update (NRArenaItem *item, unsigned int reset,
unsigned int propagate)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
nr_return_if_fail (!(reset & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_INVALID));
if (propagate && !item->propagate)
item->propagate = TRUE;
if (item->state & reset) {
item->state &= ~reset;
if (item->parent) {
nr_arena_item_request_update (item->parent, reset, FALSE);
} else {
nr_arena_request_update (item->arena, item);
nr_arena_item_request_render (NRArenaItem *item)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
nr_arena_request_render_rect (item->arena, &item->drawbox);
/* Public */
NRArenaItem *
nr_arena_item_unparent (NRArenaItem *item)
nr_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item), NULL);
nr_arena_item_request_render (item);
if (item->parent) {
nr_arena_item_remove_child (item->parent, item);
return NULL;
nr_arena_item_append_child (NRArenaItem *parent, NRArenaItem *child)
nr_return_if_fail (parent != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (parent));
nr_return_if_fail (child != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (child));
nr_return_if_fail (parent->arena == child->arena);
nr_return_if_fail (child->parent == NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (child->prev == NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (child->next == NULL);
nr_arena_item_add_child (parent, child, nr_arena_item_last_child (parent));
nr_arena_item_set_transform (NRArenaItem *item, Geom::Matrix const &transform)
Geom::Matrix const t (transform);
nr_arena_item_set_transform (item, &t);
nr_arena_item_set_transform (NRArenaItem *item, Geom::Matrix const *transform)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
if (!transform && !item->transform)
const Geom::Matrix *md = (item->transform) ? item->transform : &GEOM_MATRIX_IDENTITY;
const Geom::Matrix *ms = (transform) ? transform : &GEOM_MATRIX_IDENTITY;
if (!Geom::matrix_equalp(*md, *ms, NR_EPSILON)) {
nr_arena_item_request_render (item);
if (!transform || transform->isIdentity()) {
/* Set to identity affine */
item->transform = NULL;
} else {
if (!item->transform)
item->transform = new (GC::ATOMIC) Geom::Matrix ();
*item->transform = *transform;
nr_arena_item_request_update (item, NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_ALL, TRUE);
nr_arena_item_set_opacity (NRArenaItem *item, double opacity)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
nr_arena_item_request_render (item);
item->opacity = (unsigned int) (opacity * 255.9999);
nr_arena_item_set_sensitive (NRArenaItem *item, unsigned int sensitive)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
/* fixme: mess with pick/repick... */
item->sensitive = sensitive;
nr_arena_item_set_visible (NRArenaItem *item, unsigned int visible)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
item->visible = visible;
nr_arena_item_request_render (item);
nr_arena_item_set_clip (NRArenaItem *item, NRArenaItem *clip)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
nr_return_if_fail (!clip || NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (clip));
if (clip != item->clip) {
nr_arena_item_request_render (item);
if (item->clip)
item->clip = nr_arena_item_detach (item, item->clip);
if (clip)
item->clip = nr_arena_item_attach (item, clip, NULL, NULL);
nr_arena_item_request_update (item, NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_ALL, TRUE);
nr_arena_item_set_mask (NRArenaItem *item, NRArenaItem *mask)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
nr_return_if_fail (!mask || NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (mask));
if (mask != item->mask) {
nr_arena_item_request_render (item);
if (item->mask)
item->mask = nr_arena_item_detach (item, item->mask);
if (mask)
item->mask = nr_arena_item_attach (item, mask, NULL, NULL);
nr_arena_item_request_update (item, NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_ALL, TRUE);
nr_arena_item_set_order (NRArenaItem *item, int order)
nr_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (item));
if (!item->parent)
NRArenaItem *children = nr_arena_item_children (item->parent);
NRArenaItem *ref = NULL;
int pos = 0;
for (NRArenaItem *child = children; child != NULL; child = child->next) {
if (pos >= order)
if (child != item) {
ref = child;
pos += 1;
nr_arena_item_set_child_position (item->parent, item, ref);
nr_arena_item_set_item_bbox (NRArenaItem *item, Geom::OptRect &bbox)
nr_return_if_fail(item != NULL);
item->item_bbox = bbox;
/** Returns a background image for use with filter effects. */
NRPixBlock *
nr_arena_item_get_background (NRArenaItem const *item)
return NULL;
/* Helpers */
NRArenaItem *
nr_arena_item_attach (NRArenaItem *parent, NRArenaItem *child,
NRArenaItem *prev, NRArenaItem *next)
nr_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (parent), NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (child != NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (child), NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (child->parent == NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (child->prev == NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (child->next == NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (!prev || NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (prev), NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (!prev || (prev->parent == parent), NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (!prev || (prev->next == next), NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (!next || NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (next), NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (!next || (next->parent == parent), NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (!next || (next->prev == prev), NULL);
child->parent = parent;
child->prev = prev;
child->next = next;
if (prev)
prev->next = child;
if (next)
next->prev = child;
return child;
NRArenaItem *
nr_arena_item_detach (NRArenaItem *parent, NRArenaItem *child)
nr_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (parent), NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (child != NULL, NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_ITEM (child), NULL);
nr_return_val_if_fail (child->parent == parent, NULL);
NRArenaItem *prev = child->prev;
NRArenaItem *next = child->next;
child->parent = NULL;
child->prev = NULL;
child->next = NULL;
if (prev)
prev->next = next;
if (next)
next->prev = prev;
return next;
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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