curve.cpp revision d7943e935ff00bba1ca84e964ac46778ec16bb87
#define __CURVE_C__
/** \file
* Routines for SPCurve and for its Geom::PathVector
* Authors:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* Johan Engelen
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lauris Kaplinski
* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ximian, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2002 Lauris Kaplinski
* Copyright (C) 2008 Johan Engelen
* Released under GNU GPL
#include <glib.h>
/* Constructors */
* The returned curve's state is as if SPCurve::reset has just been called on it.
: _refcount(1),
: _refcount(1),
SPCurve *
for (int i=3; i>=1; i--) {
if (all_four_sides) {
// When _constrained_ snapping to a path, the 2geom::SimpleCrosser will be invoked which doesn't consider the closing segment.
// of a path. Consequently, in case we want to snap to for example the page border, we must provide all four sides of the
// rectangle explicitly
} else {
// ... instead of just three plus a closing segment
return c;
/* Methods */
Geom::PathVector const &
SPCurve::get_pathvector() const
return _pathv;
* Returns the number of segments of all paths summed
* This count includes the closing line segment of a closed path.
SPCurve::get_segment_count() const
return nr;
* Increase _refcount of curve.
* \todo should this be shared with other refcounting code?
SPCurve *
_refcount += 1;
return this;
* Decrease refcount of curve, with possible destruction.
* \todo should this be shared with other refcounting code?
SPCurve *
_refcount -= 1;
if (_refcount < 1) {
delete this;
return NULL;
* Create new curve from this curve's pathvector array.
SPCurve *
* Return new curve that is the concatenation of all curves in list.
SPCurve *
new_curve->_pathv.insert( new_curve->_pathv.end(), c->get_pathvector().begin(), c->get_pathvector().end() );
return new_curve;
* Returns a list of new curves corresponding to the subpaths in \a curve.
* 2geomified
GSList *
for (Geom::PathVector::const_iterator path_it = _pathv.begin(); path_it != _pathv.end(); ++path_it) {
l = g_slist_prepend(l, newcurve);
return l;
* Transform all paths in curve using matrix.
_pathv *= m;
* Set curve to empty curve.
* In more detail: this clears the internal pathvector from all its paths.
/** Several consecutive movetos are ALLOWED
* Ref:
* (first subitem of the item about zero-length path segments) */
* Calls SPCurve::moveto() with point made of given coordinates.
* Perform a moveto to a point, thus starting a new subpath.
* Point p must be finite.
* Adds a line to the current subpath.
* Point p must be finite.
* Calls SPCurve::lineto( Geom::Point(x,y) )
* Adds a quadratic bezier segment to the current subpath.
* All points must be finite.
* Calls SPCurve::quadto( Geom::Point(x1,y1), Geom::Point(x2,y2) )
* All coordinates must be finite.
* Adds a bezier segment to the current subpath.
* All points must be finite.
* Calls SPCurve::curveto( Geom::Point(x0,y0), Geom::Point(x1,y1), Geom::Point(x2,y2) )
* All coordinates must be finite.
* Close current subpath by possibly adding a line between start and end.
/** Like SPCurve::closepath() but sets the end point of the last subpath
to the subpath start point instead of adding a new lineto.
Used for freehand drawing when the user draws back to the start point.
if (_pathv.back().size() > 0 && dynamic_cast<Geom::LineSegment const *>(&_pathv.back().back_open())) {
} else {
* True if no paths are in curve. If it only contains a path with only a moveto, the path is considered NON-empty
* True iff all subpaths are closed.
* Returns false if the curve is empty.
if (is_empty()) {
return false;
} else {
bool closed = true;
closed = false;
return closed;
* Return last pathsegment (possibly the closing path segment) of the last path in PathVector or NULL.
* If the last path is empty (contains only a moveto), the function returns NULL
SPCurve::last_segment() const
if (is_empty()) {
return NULL;
return NULL;
* Return last path in PathVector or NULL.
if (is_empty()) {
return NULL;
* Return first pathsegment in PathVector or NULL.
* equal in functionality to SPCurve::first_bpath()
SPCurve::first_segment() const
if (is_empty()) {
return NULL;
return NULL;
* Return first path in PathVector or NULL.
SPCurve::first_path() const
if (is_empty()) {
return NULL;
* Return first point of first subpath or nothing when the path is empty.
SPCurve::first_point() const
if (!is_empty()) {
return retval;
* Return the second point of first subpath or _movePos if curve too short.
* If the pathvector is empty, this returns nothing. If the first path is only a moveto, this method
* returns the first point of the second path, if it exists. If there is no 2nd path, it returns the
* first point of the first path.
SPCurve::second_point() const
if (!is_empty()) {
// first path is only a moveto
// check if there is second path
} else {
} else {
return retval;
* Return the second-last point of last subpath or first point when that last subpath has only a moveto.
SPCurve::penultimate_point() const
if (!is_empty()) {
} else {
return retval;
* Return last point of last subpath or nothing when the curve is empty.
* If the last path is only a moveto, then return that point.
SPCurve::last_point() const
if (!is_empty()) {
return retval;
* Returns a *new* \a curve but drawn in the opposite direction.
* Should result in the same shape, but
* with all its markers drawn facing the other direction.
* Reverses the order of subpaths as well
SPCurve *
SPCurve::create_reverse() const
return new_curve;
* Append \a curve2 to \a this.
* If \a use_lineto is false, simply add all paths in \a curve2 to \a this;
* if \a use_lineto is true, combine \a this's last path and \a curve2's first path and add the rest of the paths in \a curve2 to \a this.
bool use_lineto)
if (use_lineto) {
} else {
} else {
for (Geom::PathVector::const_iterator it = curve2->_pathv.begin(); it != curve2->_pathv.end(); ++it) {
* Append \a c1 to \a this with possible fusing of close endpoints. If the end of this curve and the start of c1 are within tolerance distance,
* then the startpoint of c1 is moved to the end of this curve and the first subpath of c1 is appended to the last subpath of this curve.
* When one of the curves (this curve or the argument curve) is closed, the returned value is NULL; otherwise the returned value is this curve.
* When one of the curves is empty, this curves path becomes the non-empty path.
SPCurve *
using Geom::X;
using Geom::Y;
return NULL;
return this;
if (this->is_empty()) {
return this;
// c1's first subpath can be appended to this curve's last subpath
} else {
return this;
* Remove last segment of curve.
* (Only used once in /src/pen-context.cpp)
if ( is_empty() )
* TODO: add comments about what this method does and what assumptions are made and requirements are put on SPCurve
(2:08:18 AM) Johan: basically, i convert the path to pw<d2>
(2:08:27 AM) Johan: then i calculate an offset path
(2:08:29 AM) Johan: to move the knots
(2:08:36 AM) Johan: then i add it
(2:08:40 AM) Johan: then convert back to path
If I remember correctly, this moves the firstpoint to new_p0, and the lastpoint to new_p1, and moves all nodes in between according to their arclength (interpolates the movement amount)
if (is_empty()) {
g_error("SPCurve::stretch_endpoints - arclength <= 0");
Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > offsetpath = Geom::sectionize( Geom::D2<Geom::Piecewise<Geom::SBasis> >(offsetx, offsety) );
pwd2 += offsetpath;
* sets start of first path to new_p0, and end of first path to new_p1
if (is_empty()) {
* returns the number of nodes in a path, used for statusbar text when selecting an spcurve.
* Sum of nodes in all the paths. When a path is closed, and its closing line segment is of zero-length,
* this function will not count the closing knot double (so basically ignores the closing line segment when it has zero length)
SPCurve::nodes_in_path() const
nr++; // count last node (this works also for closed paths because although they don't have a 'last node', they do have an extra segment
// do not count closing knot double for zero-length closing line segments
// however, if the path is only a moveto, and is closed, do not subtract 1 (otherwise the result will be zero nodes)
return nr;
* Adds p to the last point (and last handle if present) of the last path
if (is_empty()) {
// Move handle as well when the last segment is a cubic bezier segment:
// TODO: what to do for quadratic beziers?
if ( Geom::CubicBezier const *lastcube = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const *>(&_pathv.back().back()) ) {
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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