canvas-grid.cpp revision 060a6ac2802d7b67f9e58c20cbdedc2326738e3b
* Copyright (C) Johan Engelen 2006-2007 <>
* Copyright (C) Lauris Kaplinski 2000
#include "sp-canvas-util.h"
#include "display-forward.h"
#include <libnr/nr-pixops.h>
#include "desktop-handles.h"
#include "helper/units.h"
#include "svg/svg-color.h"
#include "xml/node-event-vector.h"
#include "sp-object.h"
#include "sp-namedview.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "desktop.h"
#include "../document.h"
#include "canvas-grid.h"
#include "canvas-axonomgrid.h"
namespace Inkscape {
static void grid_canvasitem_class_init (GridCanvasItemClass *klass);
static void grid_canvasitem_init (GridCanvasItem *grid);
static void grid_canvasitem_destroy (GtkObject *object);
static void grid_canvasitem_update (SPCanvasItem *item, NR::Matrix const &affine, unsigned int flags);
static void grid_canvasitem_render (SPCanvasItem *item, SPCanvasBuf *buf);
static SPCanvasItemClass * parent_class;
grid_canvasitem_get_type (void)
static GtkType grid_canvasitem_type = 0;
if (!grid_canvasitem_type) {
GtkTypeInfo grid_canvasitem_info = {
sizeof (GridCanvasItem),
sizeof (GridCanvasItemClass),
(GtkClassInitFunc) grid_canvasitem_class_init,
(GtkObjectInitFunc) grid_canvasitem_init,
(GtkClassInitFunc) NULL
grid_canvasitem_type = gtk_type_unique (sp_canvas_item_get_type (), &grid_canvasitem_info);
return grid_canvasitem_type;
static void
grid_canvasitem_class_init (GridCanvasItemClass *klass)
GtkObjectClass *object_class;
SPCanvasItemClass *item_class;
object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) klass;
item_class = (SPCanvasItemClass *) klass;
parent_class = (SPCanvasItemClass*)gtk_type_class (sp_canvas_item_get_type ());
object_class->destroy = grid_canvasitem_destroy;
item_class->update = grid_canvasitem_update;
item_class->render = grid_canvasitem_render;
static void
grid_canvasitem_init (GridCanvasItem *griditem)
griditem->grid = NULL;
static void
grid_canvasitem_destroy (GtkObject *object)
g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (INKSCAPE_IS_GRID_CANVASITEM (object));
if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy)
(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (object);
static void
grid_canvasitem_render (SPCanvasItem * item, SPCanvasBuf * buf)
GridCanvasItem *gridcanvasitem = INKSCAPE_GRID_CANVASITEM (item);
sp_canvas_prepare_buffer (buf);
if (gridcanvasitem->grid) gridcanvasitem->grid->Render(buf);
static void
grid_canvasitem_update (SPCanvasItem *item, NR::Matrix const &affine, unsigned int flags)
GridCanvasItem *gridcanvasitem = INKSCAPE_GRID_CANVASITEM (item);
if (parent_class->update)
(* parent_class->update) (item, affine, flags);
if (gridcanvasitem->grid) {
gridcanvasitem->grid->Update(affine, flags);
sp_canvas_request_redraw (item->canvas,
-1000000, -1000000,
1000000, 1000000);
item->x1 = item->y1 = -1000000;
item->x2 = item->y2 = 1000000;
// ##########################################################
// CanvasGrid
static Inkscape::XML::NodeEventVector const _repr_events = {
NULL, /* child_added */
NULL, /* child_removed */
NULL, /* content_changed */
NULL /* order_changed */
CanvasGrid::CanvasGrid(SPNamedView * nv, Inkscape::XML::Node * in_repr)
repr = in_repr;
if (repr) {
repr->addListener (&_repr_events, this);
namedview = nv;
canvasitems = NULL;
if (repr) {
repr->removeListenerByData (this);
while (canvasitems) {
canvasitems = g_slist_remove(canvasitems, canvasitems->data);
* writes an <inkscape:grid> child to repr.
CanvasGrid::writeNewGridToRepr(Inkscape::XML::Node * repr, const char * gridtype)
if (!repr) return;
if (!gridtype) return;
// first create the child xml node, then hook it to repr. This order is important, to not set off listeners to repr before the new node is complete.
Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = sp_document_repr_doc(sp_desktop_document(SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP));
Inkscape::XML::Node *newnode;
newnode = xml_doc->createElement("inkscape:grid");
// FIXME: add this to history?
// sp_document_done(current_document, SP_VERB_DIALOG_XML_EDITOR,
// _("Create new element node"));
* Creates a new CanvasGrid object of type gridtype
CanvasGrid::NewGrid(SPNamedView * nv, Inkscape::XML::Node * in_repr, const char * gridtype)
if (!in_repr) return NULL;
if (!gridtype) return NULL;
if (!strcmp(gridtype,"xygrid")) {
return (CanvasGrid*) new CanvasXYGrid(nv, in_repr);
} else if (!strcmp(gridtype,"axonometric")) {
return (CanvasGrid*) new CanvasAxonomGrid(nv, in_repr);
return NULL;
* creates a new grid canvasitem for the SPDesktop given as parameter. Keeps a link to this canvasitem in the canvasitems list.
GridCanvasItem *
CanvasGrid::createCanvasItem(SPDesktop * desktop)
if (!desktop) return NULL;
//Johan: I think for multiple desktops it is best if each has their own canvasitem, but share the same CanvasGrid object; that is what this function is for.
// check if there is already a canvasitem on this desktop linking to this grid
for (GSList *l = canvasitems; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
if ( sp_desktop_gridgroup(desktop) == SP_CANVAS_GROUP(SP_CANVAS_ITEM(l->data)->parent) ) {
return NULL;
GridCanvasItem * item = INKSCAPE_GRID_CANVASITEM( sp_canvas_item_new(sp_desktop_gridgroup(desktop), INKSCAPE_TYPE_GRID_CANVASITEM, NULL) );
item->grid = this;
gtk_object_ref(GTK_OBJECT(item)); // since we're keeping a link to this item, we need to bump up the ref count
canvasitems = g_slist_prepend(canvasitems, item);
return item;
CanvasGrid::on_repr_attr_changed (Inkscape::XML::Node * repr, const gchar *key, const gchar *oldval, const gchar *newval, bool is_interactive, void * data)
if (!data)
((CanvasGrid*) data)->onReprAttrChanged(repr, key, oldval, newval, is_interactive);
// ##########################################################
// CanvasXYGrid
static void
grid_hline (SPCanvasBuf *buf, gint y, gint xs, gint xe, guint32 rgba)
if ((y >= buf->rect.y0) && (y < buf->rect.y1)) {
guint r, g, b, a;
gint x0, x1, x;
guchar *p;
r = NR_RGBA32_R (rgba);
g = NR_RGBA32_G (rgba);
b = NR_RGBA32_B (rgba);
a = NR_RGBA32_A (rgba);
x0 = MAX (buf->rect.x0, xs);
x1 = MIN (buf->rect.x1, xe + 1);
p = buf->buf + (y - buf->rect.y0) * buf->buf_rowstride + (x0 - buf->rect.x0) * 3;
for (x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
p[0] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111 (r, a, p[0]);
p[1] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111 (g, a, p[1]);
p[2] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111 (b, a, p[2]);
p += 3;
static void
grid_vline (SPCanvasBuf *buf, gint x, gint ys, gint ye, guint32 rgba)
if ((x >= buf->rect.x0) && (x < buf->rect.x1)) {
guint r, g, b, a;
gint y0, y1, y;
guchar *p;
r = NR_RGBA32_R(rgba);
g = NR_RGBA32_G (rgba);
b = NR_RGBA32_B (rgba);
a = NR_RGBA32_A (rgba);
y0 = MAX (buf->rect.y0, ys);
y1 = MIN (buf->rect.y1, ye + 1);
p = buf->buf + (y0 - buf->rect.y0) * buf->buf_rowstride + (x - buf->rect.x0) * 3;
for (y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
p[0] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111 (r, a, p[0]);
p[1] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111 (g, a, p[1]);
p[2] = NR_COMPOSEN11_1111 (b, a, p[2]);
p += buf->buf_rowstride;
* Helper function that attachs widgets in a 3xn table. The widgets come in an
* array that has two entries per table row. The two entries code for four
* possible cases: (0,0) means insert space in first column; (0, non-0) means
* widget in columns 2-3; (non-0, 0) means label in columns 1-3; and
* (non-0, non-0) means two widgets in columns 2 and 3.
#define SPACE_SIZE_X 15
#define SPACE_SIZE_Y 10
static inline void
attach_all (Gtk::Table &table, const Gtk::Widget *arr[], unsigned size, int start = 0)
for (unsigned i=0, r=start; i<size/sizeof(Gtk::Widget*); i+=2)
if (arr[i] && arr[i+1])
table.attach (const_cast<Gtk::Widget&>(*arr[i]), 1, 2, r, r+1,
Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, (Gtk::AttachOptions)0,0,0);
table.attach (const_cast<Gtk::Widget&>(*arr[i+1]), 2, 3, r, r+1,
Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, (Gtk::AttachOptions)0,0,0);
if (arr[i+1])
table.attach (const_cast<Gtk::Widget&>(*arr[i+1]), 1, 3, r, r+1,
Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, (Gtk::AttachOptions)0,0,0);
else if (arr[i])
Gtk::Label& label = reinterpret_cast<Gtk::Label&> (const_cast<Gtk::Widget&>(*arr[i]));
label.set_alignment (0.0);
table.attach (label, 0, 3, r, r+1,
Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, (Gtk::AttachOptions)0,0,0);
Gtk::HBox *space = manage (new Gtk::HBox);
space->set_size_request (SPACE_SIZE_X, SPACE_SIZE_Y);
table.attach (*space, 0, 1, r, r+1,
(Gtk::AttachOptions)0, (Gtk::AttachOptions)0,0,0);
CanvasXYGrid::CanvasXYGrid (SPNamedView * nv, Inkscape::XML::Node * in_repr)
: CanvasGrid(nv, in_repr), table(1, 1)
origin[NR::X] = origin[NR::Y] = 0.0;
empspacing = 5;
spacing[NR::X] = spacing[NR::Y] = 8.0;
gridunit = &sp_unit_get_by_id(SP_UNIT_PX);
snapper = new CanvasXYGridSnapper(this, namedview, 0);
// initialize widgets:
vbox.pack_start(table, false, false, 0);
_rumg.init (_("Grid _units:"), "units", _wr, repr);
_rsu_ox.init (_("_Origin X:"), _("X coordinate of grid origin"),
"originx", _rumg, _wr, repr);
_rsu_oy.init (_("O_rigin Y:"), _("Y coordinate of grid origin"),
"originy", _rumg, _wr, repr);
_rsu_sx.init (_("Spacing _X:"), _("Distance between vertical grid lines"),
"spacingx", _rumg, _wr, repr);
_rsu_sy.init (_("Spacing _Y:"), _("Distance between horizontal grid lines"),
"spacingy", _rumg, _wr, repr);
_rcp_gcol.init (_("Grid line _color:"), _("Grid line color"),
_("Color of grid lines"), "color", "opacity", _wr, repr);
_rcp_gmcol.init (_("Ma_jor grid line color:"), _("Major grid line color"),
_("Color of the major (highlighted) grid lines"),
"empcolor", "empopacity", _wr, repr);
_rsi.init (_("_Major grid line every:"), _("lines"), "empspacing", _wr, repr);
const Gtk::Widget* widget_array[] =
0, _rcbgrid._button,
_rumg._label, _rumg._sel,
0, _rsu_ox.getSU(),
0, _rsu_oy.getSU(),
0, _rsu_sx.getSU(),
0, _rsu_sy.getSU(),
_rcp_gcol._label, _rcp_gcol._cp,
0, 0,
_rcp_gmcol._label, _rcp_gmcol._cp,
_rsi._label, &_rsi._hbox,
attach_all (table, widget_array, sizeof(widget_array));;
if (repr) readRepr();
CanvasXYGrid::~CanvasXYGrid ()
if (snapper) delete snapper;
/* fixme: Collect all these length parsing methods and think common sane API */
static gboolean sp_nv_read_length(const gchar *str, guint base, gdouble *val, const SPUnit **unit)
if (!str) {
return FALSE;
gchar *u;
gdouble v = g_ascii_strtod(str, &u);
if (!u) {
return FALSE;
while (isspace(*u)) {
u += 1;
if (!*u) {
/* No unit specified - keep default */
*val = v;
return TRUE;
if (base & SP_UNIT_DEVICE) {
if (u[0] && u[1] && !isalnum(u[2]) && !strncmp(u, "px", 2)) {
*unit = &sp_unit_get_by_id(SP_UNIT_PX);
*val = v;
return TRUE;
if (base & SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE) {
if (!strncmp(u, "pt", 2)) {
*unit = &sp_unit_get_by_id(SP_UNIT_PT);
} else if (!strncmp(u, "mm", 2)) {
*unit = &sp_unit_get_by_id(SP_UNIT_MM);
} else if (!strncmp(u, "cm", 2)) {
*unit = &sp_unit_get_by_id(SP_UNIT_CM);
} else if (!strncmp(u, "m", 1)) {
*unit = &sp_unit_get_by_id(SP_UNIT_M);
} else if (!strncmp(u, "in", 2)) {
*unit = &sp_unit_get_by_id(SP_UNIT_IN);
} else {
return FALSE;
*val = v;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static gboolean sp_nv_read_opacity(const gchar *str, guint32 *color)
if (!str) {
return FALSE;
gchar *u;
gdouble v = g_ascii_strtod(str, &u);
if (!u) {
return FALSE;
v = CLAMP(v, 0.0, 1.0);
*color = (*color & 0xffffff00) | (guint32) floor(v * 255.9999);
return TRUE;
gchar const* value;
if ( (value = repr->attribute("originx")) ) {
sp_nv_read_length(value, SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE | SP_UNIT_DEVICE, &origin[NR::X], &gridunit);
origin[NR::X] = sp_units_get_pixels(origin[NR::X], *(gridunit));
if ( (value = repr->attribute("originy")) ) {
sp_nv_read_length(value, SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE | SP_UNIT_DEVICE, &origin[NR::Y], &gridunit);
origin[NR::Y] = sp_units_get_pixels(origin[NR::Y], *(gridunit));
if ( (value = repr->attribute("spacingx")) ) {
sp_nv_read_length(value, SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE | SP_UNIT_DEVICE, &spacing[NR::X], &gridunit);
spacing[NR::X] = sp_units_get_pixels(spacing[NR::X], *(gridunit));
if ( (value = repr->attribute("spacingy")) ) {
sp_nv_read_length(value, SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE | SP_UNIT_DEVICE, &spacing[NR::Y], &gridunit);
spacing[NR::Y] = sp_units_get_pixels(spacing[NR::Y], *(gridunit));
if ( (value = repr->attribute("color")) ) {
color = (color & 0xff) | sp_svg_read_color(value, color);
if ( (value = repr->attribute("empcolor")) ) {
empcolor = (empcolor & 0xff) | sp_svg_read_color(value, empcolor);
if ( (value = repr->attribute("opacity")) ) {
sp_nv_read_opacity(value, &color);
if ( (value = repr->attribute("empopacity")) ) {
sp_nv_read_opacity(value, &empcolor);
if ( (value = repr->attribute("empspacing")) ) {
empspacing = atoi(value);
for (GSList *l = canvasitems; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
sp_canvas_item_request_update ( SP_CANVAS_ITEM(l->data) );
* Called when XML node attribute changed; updates dialog widgets if change was not done by widgets themselves.
CanvasXYGrid::onReprAttrChanged (Inkscape::XML::Node * repr, const gchar *key, const gchar *oldval, const gchar *newval, bool is_interactive)
if ( ! (_wr.isUpdating()) )
Gtk::Widget &
return vbox;
* Update dialog widgets from object's values.
if (_wr.isUpdating()) return;
_wr.setUpdating (true);
_rumg.setUnit (gridunit);
gdouble val;
val = origin[NR::X];
val = sp_pixels_get_units (val, *(gridunit));
_rsu_ox.setValue (val);
val = origin[NR::Y];
val = sp_pixels_get_units (val, *(gridunit));
_rsu_oy.setValue (val);
val = spacing[NR::X];
double gridx = sp_pixels_get_units (val, *(gridunit));
_rsu_sx.setValue (gridx);
val = spacing[NR::Y];
double gridy = sp_pixels_get_units (val, *(gridunit));
_rsu_sy.setValue (gridy);
_rcp_gcol.setRgba32 (color);
_rcp_gmcol.setRgba32 (empcolor);
_rsi.setValue (empspacing);
_wr.setUpdating (false);
CanvasXYGrid::Update (NR::Matrix const &affine, unsigned int flags)
ow = origin * affine;
sw = spacing * affine;
sw -= NR::Point(affine[4], affine[5]);
for(int dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++) {
gint scaling_factor = 5; //empspacing;
if (scaling_factor <= 1)
scaling_factor = 5;
scaled[dim] = FALSE;
sw[dim] = fabs (sw[dim]);
while (sw[dim] < 8.0) {
scaled[dim] = TRUE;
sw[dim] *= scaling_factor;
/* First pass, go up to the major line spacing, then
keep increasing by two. */
scaling_factor = 2;
CanvasXYGrid::Render (SPCanvasBuf *buf)
const gdouble sxg = floor ((buf->rect.x0 - ow[NR::X]) / sw[NR::X]) * sw[NR::X] + ow[NR::X];
const gint xlinestart = (gint) Inkscape::round((sxg - ow[NR::X]) / sw[NR::X]);
const gdouble syg = floor ((buf->rect.y0 - ow[NR::Y]) / sw[NR::Y]) * sw[NR::Y] + ow[NR::Y];
const gint ylinestart = (gint) Inkscape::round((syg - ow[NR::Y]) / sw[NR::Y]);
gint ylinenum;
gdouble y;
for (y = syg, ylinenum = ylinestart; y < buf->rect.y1; y += sw[NR::Y], ylinenum++) {
const gint y0 = (gint) Inkscape::round(y);
if (!scaled[NR::Y] && (ylinenum % 5 /*empspacing*/) == 0) {
grid_hline (buf, y0, buf->rect.x0, buf->rect.x1 - 1, empcolor);
} else {
grid_hline (buf, y0, buf->rect.x0, buf->rect.x1 - 1, color);
gint xlinenum;
gdouble x;
for (x = sxg, xlinenum = xlinestart; x < buf->rect.x1; x += sw[NR::X], xlinenum++) {
const gint ix = (gint) Inkscape::round(x);
if (!scaled[NR::X] && (xlinenum % 5 /*empspacing*/) == 0) {
grid_vline (buf, ix, buf->rect.y0, buf->rect.y1, empcolor);
} else {
grid_vline (buf, ix, buf->rect.y0, buf->rect.y1, color);
* \return x rounded to the nearest multiple of c1 plus c0.
* \note
* If c1==0 (and c0 is finite), then returns +/-inf. This makes grid spacing of zero
* mean "ignore the grid in this dimention". We're currently discussing "good" semantics
* for guide/grid snapping.
/* FIXME: move this somewhere else, perhaps */
static double round_to_nearest_multiple_plus(double x, double const c1, double const c0)
return floor((x - c0) / c1 + .5) * c1 + c0;
CanvasXYGridSnapper::CanvasXYGridSnapper(CanvasXYGrid *grid, SPNamedView const *nv, NR::Coord const d) : LineSnapper(nv, d)
this->grid = grid;
CanvasXYGridSnapper::_getSnapLines(NR::Point const &p) const
LineList s;
if ( grid == NULL ) {
return s;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
/* This is to make sure we snap to only visible grid lines */
double scaled_spacing = grid->sw[i]; // this is spacing of visible lines if screen pixels
// convert screen pixels to px
// FIXME: after we switch to snapping dist in screen pixels, this will be unnecessary
scaled_spacing /= SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP->current_zoom();
NR::Coord const rounded = round_to_nearest_multiple_plus(p[i],
s.push_back(std::make_pair(NR::Dim2(i), rounded));
return s;
}; /* namespace Inkscape */
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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