tiledialog.cpp revision ef9d155a8149d4793471047b3836db719b9e0292
* A simple dialog for creating grid type arrangements of selected objects
* Authors:
* Bob Jamison ( based off trace dialog)
* John Cliff
* Other dudes from The Inkscape Organization
* Copyright (C) 2004 Bob Jamison
* Copyright (C) 2004 John Cliff
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
# include <config.h>
#include <gtk/gtksizegroup.h>
#include "libnr/nr-matrix-ops.h"
#include "verbs.h"
#include "prefs-utils.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
#include "desktop-handles.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "sp-item.h"
#include "tiledialog.h"
* Sort items by their x co-ordinates, taking account of y (keeps rows intact)
* <0 *elem1 goes before *elem2
* 0 *elem1 == *elem2
* >0 *elem1 goes after *elem2
using NR::X;
using NR::Y;
double const a_height = a.dimensions()[Y];
double const b_height = b.dimensions()[Y];
bool a_in_b_vert = false;
a_in_b_vert = true;
a_in_b_vert = true;
a_in_b_vert = true;
} else {
a_in_b_vert = false;
if (!a_in_b_vert) {
return -1;
return 1;
return -1;
return 0;
* Sort items by their y co-ordinates.
return 1;
return -1;
return 0;
namespace Inkscape {
namespace UI {
namespace Dialog {
//## E V E N T S
* This arranges the selection in a grid pattern.
void TileDialog::Grid_Arrange ()
double total_col_width,total_row_height;
col_width = 0;
row_height = 0;
// check for correct numbers in the row- and col-spinners
// set padding to manual values
width = 0;
for (a=0;a<NoOfCols; a++){
height = 0;
for (a=0;a<NoOfRows; a++){
grid_left = 99999;
grid_top = 99999;
if (height > row_height) {
row_height = height;
// require the sorting done before we can calculate row heights etc.
// Calculate individual Row and Column sizes if necessary
/// Make sure the top and left of the grid dont move by compensating for align values.
if (RowHeightButton.get_active()){
if (ColumnWidthButton.get_active()){
// Calculate total widths and heights, allowing for columns and rows non uniformly sized.
if (ColumnWidthButton.get_active()){
for (a=0;a<NoOfCols; a++){
} else {
for (a = 0; a < (int)col_widths.size(); a++)
total_col_width += col_widths[a] ;
if (RowHeightButton.get_active()){
for (a=0;a<NoOfRows; a++){
} else {
for (a = 0; a < (int)row_heights.size(); a++)
total_row_height += row_heights[a] ;
// Fit to bbox, calculate padding between rows accordingly.
if (!SpaceManualRadioButton.get_active()){
g_print("\n row = %f col = %f selection x= %f selection y = %f", total_row_height,total_col_width, b.extent(NR::X), b.extent(NR::Y));
Horizontal align - Left = 0
Centre = 1
Right = 2
Vertical align - Top = 0
Middle = 1
Bottom = 2
X position is calculated by taking the grids left co-ord, adding the distance to the column,
then adding 1/2 the spacing multiplied by the align variable above,
Y position likewise, takes the top of the grid, adds the y to the current row then adds the padding in to align it.
// Calculate row and column x and y coords required to allow for columns and rows which are non uniformly sized.
for (a=0;a<NoOfCols; a++){
for (a=0;a<NoOfRows; a++){
// original before I started fecking about with it.
// new_x = grid_left + (((col_width - width)/2)*HorizAlign) + (( col_width + paddingx ) * (cnt % NoOfCols));
// new_y = grid_top + (((row_height - height)/2)*VertAlign) +(( row_height + paddingy ) * (cnt / NoOfCols));
NR::Point move = NR::Point(new_x - b.min()[NR::X], b.min()[NR::Y] - new_y); // why are the two args the opposite ways round???
cnt +=1;
NRRect b;
_("Arrange in a grid"));
//## E V E N T S
void TileDialog::_apply()
* changed value in # of columns spinbox.
void TileDialog::on_row_spinbutton_changed()
// quit if run by the attr_changed listener
if (updating) {
// in turn, prevent listener from responding
updating = true;
* changed value in # of rows spinbox.
void TileDialog::on_col_spinbutton_changed()
// quit if run by the attr_changed listener
if (updating) {
// in turn, prevent listener from responding
updating = true;
* changed value in x padding spinbox.
void TileDialog::on_xpad_spinbutton_changed()
* changed value in y padding spinbox.
void TileDialog::on_ypad_spinbutton_changed()
if (RowHeightButton.get_active()) {
} else {
if (ColumnWidthButton.get_active()) {
} else {
* changed value in columns spinbox.
// quit if run by the attr_changed listener
if (updating) {
// in turn, prevent listener from responding
updating = true;
* changed value in rows spinbox.
// quit if run by the attr_changed listener
if (updating) {
// in turn, prevent listener from responding
updating = true;
* changed Radio button in Spacing group.
void TileDialog::Spacing_button_changed()
if (SpaceManualRadioButton.get_active()) {
} else {
* changed Radio button in Vertical Align group.
void TileDialog::VertAlign_changed()
if (VertTopRadioButton.get_active()) {
VertAlign = 0;
} else if (VertCentreRadioButton.get_active()){
VertAlign = 1;
} else if (VertBotRadioButton.get_active()){
VertAlign = 2;
* changed Radio button in Vertical Align group.
void TileDialog::HorizAlign_changed()
if (HorizLeftRadioButton.get_active()) {
HorizAlign = 0;
} else if (HorizCentreRadioButton.get_active()){
HorizAlign = 1;
} else if (HorizRightRadioButton.get_active()){
HorizAlign = 2;
* Desktop selection changed
void TileDialog::updateSelection()
double col_width, row_height;
// quit if run by the attr_changed listener
if (updating) {
// in turn, prevent listener from responding
updating = true;
// Update the number of rows assuming number of columns wanted remains same.
// if the selection has less than the number set for one row, reduce it appropriately
} else {
## Experimental
static void updateSelectionCallback(Inkscape::Application *inkscape, Inkscape::Selection *selection, TileDialog *dlg)
//## C O N S T R U C T O R / D E S T R U C T O R
* Constructor
// bool used by spin button callbacks to stop loops where they change each other.
updating = false;
// could not do this in gtkmm - there's no Gtk::SizeGroup public constructor (!)
// Selection Change signal
g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT (INKSCAPE), "change_selection", G_CALLBACK (updateSelectionCallback), this);
#define MARGIN 2
//##Set up the panel
int selcount = 1;
/*#### Number of Rows ####*/
double PerCol = 1;
NoOfRowsSpinner.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::on_col_spinbutton_changed));
if (AutoRow>0)
tips.set_tip(RowHeightButton, _("If not set, each row has the height of the tallest object in it"));
RowHeightButton.signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::on_RowSize_checkbutton_changed));
/*#### Radio buttons to control vertical alignment ####*/
VertCentreRadioButton.signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::VertAlign_changed));
if (VertAlign == 0) {
else if (VertAlign == 1) {
else if (VertAlign == 2){
/*#### Label for X ####*/
/*#### Number of columns ####*/
NoOfColsSpinner.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::on_row_spinbutton_changed));
if (AutoCol>0)
tips.set_tip(ColumnWidthButton, _("If not set, each column has the width of the widest object in it"));
ColumnWidthButton.signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::on_ColSize_checkbutton_changed));
/*#### Radio buttons to control horizontal alignment ####*/
HorizLeftRadioButton.signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::HorizAlign_changed));
HorizCentreRadioButton.signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::HorizAlign_changed));
HorizRightRadioButton.signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::HorizAlign_changed));
if (HorizAlign == 0) {
else if (HorizAlign == 1) {
else if (HorizAlign == 2) {
/*#### Radio buttons to control spacing manually or to fit selection bbox ####*/
SpaceByBBoxRadioButton.signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::Spacing_button_changed));
SpaceManualRadioButton.signal_toggled().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::Spacing_button_changed));
/*#### Y Padding ####*/
YPadSpinner.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::on_ypad_spinbutton_changed));
/*#### X padding ####*/
XPadSpinner.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TileDialog::on_xpad_spinbutton_changed));
if (SpacingType>0) {
} else {
//## The OK button
} //namespace Dialog
} //namespace UI
} //namespace Inkscape
//## E N D O F F I L E
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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