desktop.h revision 5657ad79c95a734892d21eb71dff04d5f9c82179
* Author:
* Lauris Kaplinski <>
* Frank Felfe <>
* bulia byak <>
* Ralf Stephan <>
* John Bintz <>
* Johan Engelen <>
* Jon A. Cruz <>get
* Abhishek Sharma
* Copyright (C) 2007 Johan Engelen
* Copyright (C) 2006 John Bintz
* Copyright (C) 1999-2005 authors
* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ximian, Inc.
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "config.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
#include <2geom/affine.h>
#include <2geom/rect.h>
#include "ui/view/view.h"
#include "display/rendermode.h"
#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include "sp-gradient.h" // TODO refactor enums out to their own .h file
class SPCSSAttr;
struct SPCanvas;
struct SPCanvasItem;
struct SPCanvasGroup;
namespace Inkscape {
namespace UI {
namespace Tools {
class ToolBase;
class SPItem;
class SPNamedView;
class SPObject;
struct SPStyle;
typedef struct _DocumentInterface DocumentInterface;//struct DocumentInterface;
namespace Gtk
class Window;
typedef int sp_verb_t;
struct _GdkEventAny;
typedef struct _GdkEventAny GdkEventAny;
struct _GdkEventWindowState;
typedef struct _GdkEventWindowState GdkEventWindowState;
namespace Inkscape {
struct Application;
class LayerModel;
class MessageContext;
class Selection;
class LayerManager;
class EventLog;
namespace UI {
namespace Dialog {
class DialogManager;
namespace Widget {
class Dock;
namespace View {
struct EditWidgetInterface;
namespace Whiteboard {
class SessionManager;
namespace Display {
class TemporaryItemList;
class TemporaryItem;
class SnapIndicator;
* SPDesktop is a subclass of View, implementing an editable document
* canvas. It is extensively used by many UI controls that need certain
* visual representations of their own.
* SPDesktop provides a certain set of SPCanvasItems, serving as GUI
* layers of different control objects. The one containing the whole
* document is the drawing layer. In addition to it, there are grid,
* guide, sketch and control layers. The sketch layer is used for
* temporary drawing objects, before the real objects in document are
* created. The control layer contains editing knots, rubberband and
* similar non-document UI objects.
* Each SPDesktop is associated with a SPNamedView node of the document
* tree. Currently, all desktops are created from a single main named
* view, but in the future there may be support for different ones.
* SPNamedView serves as an in-document container for desktop-related
* data, like grid and guideline placement, snapping options and so on.
* Associated with each SPDesktop are the two most important editing
* related objects - SPSelection and ToolBase.
* Sodipodi keeps track of the active desktop and invokes notification
* signals whenever it changes. UI elements can use these to update their
* display to the selection of the currently active editing window.
* (Lauris Kaplinski)
* @see \ref desktop-handles.h for desktop macros.
class SPDesktop : public Inkscape::UI::View::View
Inkscape::UI::Dialog::DialogManager *_dlg_mgr;
SPNamedView *namedview;
SPCanvas *canvas;
Inkscape::LayerModel *layers;
/// current selection; will never generally be NULL
Inkscape::Selection *selection;
Inkscape::UI::Tools::ToolBase *event_context;
Inkscape::LayerManager *layer_manager;
Inkscape::EventLog *event_log;
DocumentInterface *dbus_document_interface;
Inkscape::Display::TemporaryItemList *temporary_item_list;
Inkscape::Display::SnapIndicator *snapindicator;
Inkscape::UI::Tools::ToolBase* getEventContext() const;
Inkscape::Selection* getSelection() const;
SPDocument* getDocument() const;
SPCanvas* getCanvas() const;
SPCanvasItem* getAcetate() const;
SPCanvasGroup* getMain() const;
SPCanvasGroup* getGridGroup() const;
SPCanvasGroup* getGuides() const;
SPCanvasItem* getDrawing() const;
SPCanvasGroup* getSketch() const;
SPCanvasGroup* getControls() const;
SPCanvasGroup* getTempGroup() const;
Inkscape::MessageStack* getMessageStack() const;
SPNamedView* getNamedView() const;
SPCanvasItem *acetate;
SPCanvasGroup *main;
SPCanvasGroup *gridgroup;
SPCanvasGroup *guides;
SPCanvasItem *drawing;
SPCanvasGroup *sketch;
SPCanvasGroup *controls;
SPCanvasGroup *tempgroup; ///< contains temporary canvas items
SPCanvasItem *table; ///< outside-of-page background
SPCanvasItem *page; ///< page background
SPCanvasItem *page_border; ///< page border
SPCSSAttr *current; ///< current style
bool _focusMode; ///< Whether we're focused working or general working
std::list<Geom::Rect> zooms_past;
std::list<Geom::Rect> zooms_future;
bool _quick_zoom_enabled; ///< Signifies that currently we're in quick zoom mode
Geom::Rect _quick_zoom_stored_area; ///< The area of the screen before quick zoom
unsigned int dkey;
unsigned int number;
guint window_state;
unsigned int interaction_disabled_counter;
bool waiting_cursor;
bool showing_dialogs;
/// \todo fixme: This has to be implemented in different way */
guint guides_active : 1;
// storage for selected dragger used by GrDrag as it's
// created and deleted by tools
SPItem *gr_item;
GrPointType gr_point_type;
guint gr_point_i;
Inkscape::PaintTarget gr_fill_or_stroke;
Glib::ustring _reconstruction_old_layer_id;
sigc::signal<void, sp_verb_t> _tool_changed;
sigc::signal<void, SPObject *> _layer_changed_signal;
sigc::signal<bool, const SPCSSAttr *>::accumulated<StopOnTrue> _set_style_signal;
sigc::signal<int, SPStyle *, int>::accumulated<StopOnNonZero> _query_style_signal;
/// Emitted when the zoom factor changes (not emitted when scrolling).
/// The parameter is the new zoom factor
sigc::signal<void, double> signal_zoom_changed;
sigc::connection connectDestroy(const sigc::slot<void, SPDesktop*> &slot)
return _destroy_signal.connect(slot);
sigc::connection connectDocumentReplaced (const sigc::slot<void,SPDesktop*,SPDocument*> & slot)
return _document_replaced_signal.connect (slot);
sigc::connection connectEventContextChanged (const sigc::slot<void,SPDesktop*,Inkscape::UI::Tools::ToolBase*> & slot)
return _event_context_changed_signal.connect (slot);
sigc::connection connectSetStyle (const sigc::slot<bool, const SPCSSAttr *> & slot)
return _set_style_signal.connect (slot);
sigc::connection connectQueryStyle (const sigc::slot<int, SPStyle *, int> & slot)
return _query_style_signal.connect (slot);
// subselection is some sort of selection which is specific to the tool, such as a handle in gradient tool, or a text selection
sigc::connection connectToolSubselectionChanged(const sigc::slot<void, gpointer> & slot) {
return _tool_subselection_changed.connect(slot);
void emitToolSubselectionChanged(gpointer data);
sigc::connection connectCurrentLayerChanged(const sigc::slot<void, SPObject *> & slot) {
return _layer_changed_signal.connect(slot);
* Return new desktop object.
* \pre namedview != NULL.
* \pre canvas != NULL.
void init (SPNamedView* nv, SPCanvas* canvas, Inkscape::UI::View::EditWidgetInterface *widget);
virtual ~SPDesktop();
void destroy();
Inkscape::MessageContext *guidesMessageContext() const {
return _guides_message_context;
Inkscape::Display::TemporaryItem * add_temporary_canvasitem (SPCanvasItem *item, guint lifetime, bool move_to_bottom = true);
void remove_temporary_canvasitem (Inkscape::Display::TemporaryItem * tempitem);
void _setDisplayMode(Inkscape::RenderMode mode);
void setDisplayModeNormal() {
void setDisplayModeNoFilters() {
void setDisplayModeOutline() {
void displayModeToggle();
Inkscape::RenderMode _display_mode;
Inkscape::RenderMode getMode() const { return _display_mode; }
void _setDisplayColorMode(Inkscape::ColorMode mode);
void setDisplayColorModeNormal() {
void setDisplayColorModeGrayscale() {
// void setDisplayColorModePrintColorsPreview() {
// _setDisplayColorMode(Inkscape::COLORMODE_PRINT_COLORS_PREVIEW);
// }
void displayColorModeToggle();
Inkscape::ColorMode _display_color_mode;
Inkscape::ColorMode getColorMode() const { return _display_color_mode; }
Inkscape::UI::Widget::Dock* getDock();
void set_active (bool new_active);
// Could make all callers use this->layers instead of passing calls through?
SPObject *currentRoot() const;
SPObject *currentLayer() const;
void setCurrentLayer(SPObject *object);
void toggleLayerSolo(SPObject *object);
void toggleHideAllLayers(bool hide);
void toggleLockAllLayers(bool lock);
void toggleLockOtherLayers(SPObject *object);
bool isLayer(SPObject *object) const;
bool isWithinViewport(SPItem *item) const;
bool itemIsHidden(SPItem const *item) const;
void activate_guides (bool activate);
void change_document (SPDocument *document);
void set_event_context2(const std::string& toolName);
//void set_event_context (GType type, const gchar *config);
//void push_event_context (GType type, const gchar *config, unsigned int key);
void set_coordinate_status (Geom::Point p);
SPItem *getItemFromListAtPointBottom(const GSList *list, Geom::Point const &p) const;
SPItem *getItemAtPoint(Geom::Point const &p, bool into_groups, SPItem *upto = NULL) const;
SPItem *getGroupAtPoint(Geom::Point const &p) const;
Geom::Point point() const;
Geom::Rect get_display_area() const;
void set_display_area (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double border, bool log = true);
void set_display_area(Geom::Rect const &a, Geom::Coord border, bool log = true);
void zoom_absolute (double cx, double cy, double zoom);
void zoom_relative (double cx, double cy, double zoom);
void zoom_absolute_keep_point (double cx, double cy, double px, double py, double zoom);
void zoom_relative_keep_point (double cx, double cy, double zoom);
void zoom_relative_keep_point (Geom::Point const &c, double const zoom)
zoom_relative_keep_point (c[Geom::X], c[Geom::Y], zoom);
void zoom_page();
void zoom_page_width();
void zoom_drawing();
void zoom_selection();
void zoom_grab_focus();
double current_zoom() const { return _d2w.descrim(); }
void prev_zoom();
void next_zoom();
void zoom_quick(bool enable = true);
/** \brief Returns whether the desktop is in quick zoom mode or not */
bool quick_zoomed(void) { return _quick_zoom_enabled; }
bool scroll_to_point (Geom::Point const &s_dt, gdouble autoscrollspeed = 0);
void scroll_world (double dx, double dy, bool is_scrolling = false);
void scroll_world (Geom::Point const &scroll, bool is_scrolling = false)
scroll_world(scroll[Geom::X], scroll[Geom::Y], is_scrolling);
void scroll_world_in_svg_coords (double dx, double dy, bool is_scrolling = false);
void getWindowGeometry (gint &x, gint &y, gint &w, gint &h);
void setWindowPosition (Geom::Point p);
void setWindowSize (gint w, gint h);
void setWindowTransient (void* p, int transient_policy=1);
Gtk::Window* getToplevel();
void presentWindow();
bool showInfoDialog( Glib::ustring const &message );
bool warnDialog (Glib::ustring const &text);
void toggleRulers();
void toggleScrollbars();
void layoutWidget();
void destroyWidget();
void setToolboxFocusTo (gchar const* label);
void setToolboxAdjustmentValue (gchar const* id, double val);
void setToolboxSelectOneValue (gchar const* id, gint val);
bool isToolboxButtonActive (gchar const *id);
void updateNow();
void updateCanvasNow();
void enableInteraction();
void disableInteraction();
void setWaitingCursor();
void clearWaitingCursor();
bool isWaitingCursor() const { return waiting_cursor; };
void toggleColorProfAdjust();
bool colorProfAdjustEnabled();
void toggleGrids();
void toggleSnapGlobal();
bool gridsEnabled() const { return grids_visible; };
void showGrids(bool show, bool dirty_document = true);
void toggleToolbar(gchar const *toolbar_name);
bool is_iconified();
bool is_maximized();
bool is_fullscreen();
bool is_focusMode();
void iconify();
void maximize();
void fullscreen();
void focusMode(bool mode = true);
* Reopen any dialogs that were open when inkscape last shutdown
void show_dialogs();
Geom::Affine w2d() const; //transformation from window to desktop coordinates (used for zooming)
Geom::Point w2d(Geom::Point const &p) const;
Geom::Point d2w(Geom::Point const &p) const;
Geom::Affine doc2dt() const;
Geom::Affine dt2doc() const;
Geom::Point doc2dt(Geom::Point const &p) const;
Geom::Point dt2doc(Geom::Point const &p) const;
virtual void setDocument (SPDocument* doc);
virtual bool shutdown();
virtual void mouseover() {}
virtual void mouseout() {}
virtual bool onDeleteUI (GdkEventAny*);
virtual bool onWindowStateEvent (GdkEventWindowState* event);
void applyCurrentOrToolStyle(SPObject *obj, Glib::ustring const &tool_path, bool with_text);
Inkscape::UI::View::EditWidgetInterface *_widget;
Inkscape::Application *_inkscape;
Inkscape::MessageContext *_guides_message_context;
bool _active;
Geom::Affine _w2d;
Geom::Affine _d2w;
Geom::Affine _doc2dt;
bool grids_visible; /* don't set this variable directly, use the method below */
void set_grids_visible(bool visible);
void push_current_zoom(std::list<Geom::Rect> &);
sigc::signal<void, SPDesktop*> _destroy_signal;
sigc::signal<void,SPDesktop*,SPDocument*> _document_replaced_signal;
sigc::signal<void> _activate_signal;
sigc::signal<void> _deactivate_signal;
sigc::signal<void,SPDesktop*,Inkscape::UI::Tools::ToolBase*> _event_context_changed_signal;
sigc::signal<void, gpointer> _tool_subselection_changed;
sigc::connection _activate_connection;
sigc::connection _deactivate_connection;
sigc::connection _sel_modified_connection;
sigc::connection _sel_changed_connection;
sigc::connection _reconstruction_start_connection;
sigc::connection _reconstruction_finish_connection;
sigc::connection _commit_connection;
sigc::connection _modified_connection;
virtual void onResized (double, double);
virtual void onRedrawRequested();
virtual void onStatusMessage (Inkscape::MessageType type, gchar const *message);
virtual void onDocumentURISet (gchar const* uri);
virtual void onDocumentResized (double, double);
static void _onActivate (SPDesktop* dt);
static void _onDeactivate (SPDesktop* dt);
static void _onSelectionModified (Inkscape::Selection *selection, guint flags, SPDesktop *dt);
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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