* DepTool dependency tool
* This is a simple dependency generator coded in C++
* Authors:
* Bob Jamison
* Copyright (C) 2006 Bob Jamison
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
1. First you optionally create a file named 'make.exclude.' This
lists the file names relative to the current directory. Lines starting
with a '#' are ignored. Here is an example:
========= SNIP ========
# File: make.exclude
# This is a list of files to exclude from building, using DepTool
#next line is ignored
========= SNIP ========
2. Run deptool. This will take a few seconds to scan all of your files
and make its dependency lists. Three files are created:
make.files: lists all of the files that were considered
make.dep: contains the output INCLUDE and OBJECT declarations
for you to include and use in your makefile. It also contains
the dependency listings.
make.ref: contains a reverse-dependency listing. This takes each file
and recursively determines which other files include it, and how
far the nesting is.
3. Include deptool.mk in your makefile.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
//# This will allow us to redefine the string in the future
typedef std::string String;
* Class which holds information for each file.
class FileRec
typedef enum
} FileType;
* Constructor
{type = UNKNOWN;}
* Copy constructor
FileRec(const FileRec &other)
* Constructor
FileRec(int typeVal)
{init(); type = typeVal;}
* Assignment operator
FileRec &operator=(const FileRec &other)
{assign(other); return *this;}
* Destructor
* Directory part of the file name
String path;
* Base name, sans directory and suffix
String baseName;
* File extension, such as cpp or h
String suffix;
* Type of file: CFILE, HFILE, OFILE
int type;
* 'Distance' of inclusion from a file that depends on this one.
int distance;
* Used to list files ref'd by this one, in the case of allFiles,
* or other files which reference this one, such as refFiles;
std::map<String, FileRec *> files;
bool checked;
void init()
type = UNKNOWN;
checked = false;
void assign(const FileRec &other)
type = other.type;
distance = other.distance;
baseName = other.baseName;
suffix = other.suffix;
files = other.files;
checked = other.checked;
* Main class which does the work.
class DepTool
* Constructor
* Destructor
virtual ~DepTool();
* Creates the list of all file names which will be
* candidates for further processing. Reads make.exclude
* to see which files for directories to leave out.
virtual bool createFileList();
* Generates the forward and reverse dependency lists
virtual bool generateDependencies();
* Calls the other two methods, then generates the files.
virtual bool run();
void reset();
void error(char *fmt, ...);
void trace(char *fmt, ...);
* Removes whitespace from beginning and end of a string
String trim(const String &val);
String getSuffix(const String &fname);
void parseName(const String &fullname,
String &path,
String &basename,
String &suffix);
int get(int pos);
int skipwhite(int pos);
int getword(int pos, String &ret);
bool sequ(int pos, char *key);
bool listFilesInDirectory(const String &dirname, int depth);
bool saveFileList();
bool saveDepFile(bool doXml);
bool saveCmakeFile();
bool saveRefFile(bool doXml);
bool addIncludeFile(FileRec *frec, const String &fname);
bool scanFile(const String &fname, FileRec *frec);
bool processDependency(FileRec *ofile,
FileRec *include,
int depth);
bool processReference(FileRec *ofile,
String &fname,
int depth);
std::set<String> excludes;
std::set<String> excludesUsed;
std::set<String> excludesUnused;
std::vector<String> directories;
* A list of all files which will be processed for
* dependencies.
std::map<String, FileRec *> allFiles;
* A list of .h files, with a list for each one
* of which other files include them.
std::map<String, FileRec *> refFiles;
* The list of .o files, and the
* dependencies upon them.
std::map<String, FileRec *> depFiles;
char *fileBuf;
int fileSize;
static const int readBufLen = 8192;
char readBuf[8193];
//# M A I N
* Constructor
* Destructor
* Clean up after processing. Called by the destructor, but should
* also be called before the object is reused.
void DepTool::reset()
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=allFiles.begin() ; iter!=allFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *frec = iter->second;
delete frec;
for (iter=refFiles.begin() ; iter!=refFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *frec = iter->second;
delete frec;
for (iter=depFiles.begin() ; iter!=depFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *frec = iter->second;
delete frec;
* Format an error message in printf() style
void DepTool::error(char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
fprintf(stderr, "DepTool error: ");
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
* Format an trace message in printf() style
void DepTool::trace(char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
fprintf(stdout, "DepTool: ");
vfprintf(stdout, fmt, ap);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
//# U T I L I T Y
* Removes whitespace from beginning and end of a string
String DepTool::trim(const String &s)
if (s.size() < 1)
return s;
//Find first non-ws char
unsigned int begin = 0;
for ( ; begin < s.size() ; begin++)
if (!isspace(s[begin]))
//Find first non-ws char, going in reverse
unsigned int end = s.size() - 1;
for ( ; end > begin ; end--)
if (!isspace(s[end]))
//trace("begin:%d end:%d", begin, end);
String res = s.substr(begin, end-begin+1);
return res;
* Parse a full path name into path, base name, and suffix
void DepTool::parseName(const String &fullname,
String &path,
String &basename,
String &suffix)
if (fullname.size() < 2)
String::size_type pos = fullname.find_last_of('/');
if (pos != fullname.npos && pos<fullname.size()-1)
path = fullname.substr(0, pos);
basename = fullname.substr(pos, fullname.size()-pos);
path = "";
basename = fullname;
pos = basename.find_last_of('.');
if (pos != basename.npos && pos<basename.size()-1)
suffix = basename.substr(pos+1, basename.size()-pos-1);
basename = basename.substr(0, pos);
//trace("parsename:%s %s %s", path.c_str(),
// basename.c_str(), suffix.c_str());
* Return the suffix, if any, of a file name
String DepTool::getSuffix(const String &fname)
if (fname.size() < 2)
return "";
String::size_type pos = fname.find_last_of('.');
if (pos == fname.npos)
return "";
String res = fname.substr(pos, fname.size()-pos);
//trace("suffix:%s", res.c_str());
return res;
//# P R O C E S S I N G
* Recursively list all files and directories under 'dirname', except
* those in the exclude list.
bool DepTool::listFilesInDirectory(const String &dirname, int depth)
//trace("### listFilesInDirectory(%s, %d)", dirname.c_str(), depth);
int cFiles = 0;
int hFiles = 0;
std::vector<String> subdirs;
DIR *dir = opendir(dirname.c_str());
while (true)
struct dirent *de = readdir(dir);
if (!de)
String s = de->d_name;
struct stat finfo;
String fname;
if (s.size() == 0 || s[0] == '.')
if (dirname.size()>0 && dirname != ".")
if (stat(fname.c_str(), &finfo)<0)
error("cannot stat file:%s", s.c_str());
else if (excludes.find(fname) != excludes.end())
//trace("excluded file/dir: %s", fname.c_str());
else if (S_ISDIR(finfo.st_mode))
//trace("directory: %s", fname.c_str());
else if (!S_ISREG(finfo.st_mode))
trace("not regular: %s", fname.c_str());
String path;
String basename;
String sfx;
parseName(fname, path, basename, sfx);
if (sfx == "cpp" || sfx == "c" || sfx == "cxx" || sfx == "cc")
FileRec *fe = new FileRec(FileRec::CFILE);
fe->path = path;
fe->baseName = basename;
fe->suffix = sfx;
allFiles[fname] = fe;
else if (sfx == "h" || sfx == "hh" ||
sfx == "hpp" || sfx == "hxx")
FileRec *fe = new FileRec(FileRec::HFILE);
fe->path = path;
fe->baseName = basename;
fe->suffix = sfx;
allFiles[fname] = fe;
if (hFiles > 0)
for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<subdirs.size() ; i++)
listFilesInDirectory(subdirs[i], depth+1);
return true;
bool DepTool::createFileList()
FILE *f = fopen("make.exclude", "r");
if (!f)
trace("'make.exclude not found");
char readBuf[256];
while (!feof(f))
if (!fgets(readBuf, 255, f))
String s = readBuf;
s = trim(s);
//trace("s: %d '%s' ", s.size(), s.c_str());
if (s.size() > 0 && s[0]!='#')
listFilesInDirectory(".", 0);
// Note which files in the exclude list were not used.
std::set<String>::iterator iter;
for (iter=excludes.begin() ; iter!=excludes.end() ; iter++)
String fname = *iter;
std::set<String>::iterator citer = excludesUsed.find(fname);
if (citer == excludesUsed.end())
return true;
* Get a character from the buffer at pos. If out of range,
* return -1 for safety
int DepTool::get(int pos)
if (pos>fileSize)
return -1;
return fileBuf[pos];
* Skip over all whitespace characters beginning at pos. Return
* the position of the first non-whitespace character.
int DepTool::skipwhite(int pos)
while (pos < fileSize)
int ch = get(pos);
if (ch < 0)
if (!isspace(ch))
return pos;
* Parse the buffer beginning at pos, for a word. Fill
* 'ret' with the result. Return the position after the
* word.
int DepTool::getword(int pos, String &ret)
while (pos < fileSize)
int ch = get(pos);
if (ch < 0)
if (isspace(ch))
return pos;
* Return whether the sequence of characters in the buffer
* beginning at pos match the key, for the length of the key
bool DepTool::sequ(int pos, char *key)
while (*key)
if (*key != get(pos))
return false;
key++; pos++;
return true;
* Add an include file name to a file record. If the name
* is not found in allFiles explicitly, try prepending include
* directory names to it and try again.
bool DepTool::addIncludeFile(FileRec *frec, const String &iname)
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter =
if (iter != allFiles.end())
//h file in same dir
FileRec *other = iter->second;
//trace("local: '%s'", iname.c_str());
frec->files[iname] = other;
return true;
//look in other dirs
std::vector<String>::iterator diter;
for (diter=directories.begin() ;
diter!=directories.end() ; diter++)
String dfname = *diter;
iter = allFiles.find(dfname);
if (iter != allFiles.end())
FileRec *other = iter->second;
//trace("other: '%s'", iname.c_str());
frec->files[dfname] = other;
return true;
return true;
* Lightly parse a file to find the #include directives. Do
* a bit of state machine stuff to make sure that the directive
* is valid. (Like not in a comment).
bool DepTool::scanFile(const String &fname, FileRec *frec)
FILE *f = fopen(fname.c_str(), "r");
if (!f)
error("Could not open '%s' for reading", fname.c_str());
return false;
String buf;
while (!feof(f))
int len = fread(readBuf, 1, readBufLen, f);
readBuf[len] = '\0';
fileSize = buf.size();
fileBuf = (char *)buf.c_str();
int pos = 0;
while (pos < fileSize)
//trace("p:%c", get(pos));
//# Block comment
if (get(pos) == '/' && get(pos+1) == '*')
pos += 2;
while (pos < fileSize)
if (get(pos) == '*' && get(pos+1) == '/')
pos += 2;
//# Line comment
else if (get(pos) == '/' && get(pos+1) == '/')
pos += 2;
while (pos < fileSize)
if (get(pos) == '\n')
//# #include! yaay
else if (sequ(pos, "#include"))
pos += 8;
pos = skipwhite(pos);
String iname;
pos = getword(pos, iname);
if (iname.size()>2)
iname = iname.substr(1, iname.size()-2);
addIncludeFile(frec, iname);
return true;
* Recursively check include lists to find all files in allFiles to which
* a given file is dependent.
bool DepTool::processDependency(FileRec *ofile,
FileRec *include,
int depth)
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=include->files.begin() ; iter!=include->files.end() ; iter++)
String fname = iter->first;
if (ofile->files.find(fname) != ofile->files.end())
//trace("file '%s' already seen", fname.c_str());
FileRec *child = iter->second;
ofile->files[fname] = child;
processDependency(ofile, child, depth+1);
return true;
* Recursively check include lists to find all files in allFiles which
* will eventually have a dependency on this file. This is basically
* the inverse of processDependency().
bool DepTool::processReference(FileRec *hfile,
String &fname,
int depth)
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=allFiles.begin() ; iter!=allFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *frec = iter->second;
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator fiter =
if (fiter != frec->files.end())
String cfname = iter->first;
if (hfile->files.find(cfname) != hfile->files.end())
//trace("%d reffile '%s' already seen", depth, cfname.c_str());
FileRec *child = iter->second;
child->distance = depth;
hfile->files[cfname] = child;
processReference(hfile, cfname, depth+1);
return true;
* Generate the file dependency and reference lists.
bool DepTool::generateDependencies()
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter;
//# First pass. Scan for all includes
for (iter=allFiles.begin() ; iter!=allFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *frec = iter->second;
if (!scanFile(iter->first, frec))
//# Second pass. Scan for all includes
for (iter=allFiles.begin() ; iter!=allFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *include = iter->second;
if (include->type == FileRec::CFILE)
String cFileName = iter->first;
FileRec *ofile = new FileRec(FileRec::OFILE);
ofile->path = include->path;
ofile->baseName = include->baseName;
ofile->suffix = include->suffix;
String fname = include->path;
if (fname.size()>0)
depFiles[fname] = ofile;
//add the .c file first, of course
ofile->files[cFileName] = include;
//trace("ofile:%s", fname.c_str());
processDependency(ofile, include, 0);
else if (include->type == FileRec::HFILE)
String fname = iter->first;
FileRec *hfile = new FileRec(FileRec::HFILE);
hfile->path = include->path;
hfile->baseName = include->baseName;
hfile->suffix = include->suffix;
refFiles[fname] = hfile;
//trace("hfile:%s", fname.c_str());
processReference(hfile, fname, 0);
return true;
* High-level call to do what DepTool does.
bool DepTool::run()
if (!createFileList())
return false;
if (!generateDependencies())
return false;
return true;
//# O U T P U T S
* Save the allFiles list. This is basically all files in a directory
* except those denied in the exclude list.
bool DepTool::saveFileList()
time_t tim;
FILE *f = fopen("make.files", "w");
if (!f)
trace("cannot open 'make.files' for writing");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## File: make.files\n");
fprintf(f, "## Generated by DepTool at :%s", ctime(&tim));
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## F I L E S\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=allFiles.begin() ; iter!=allFiles.end() ; iter++)
fprintf(f, "%s\n", iter->first.c_str());
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## E X C L U D E D\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
std::set<String>::iterator uiter;
for (uiter=excludesUsed.begin() ; uiter!=excludesUsed.end() ; uiter++)
String fname = *uiter;
fprintf(f, "%s\n", fname.c_str());
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## E X C L U D E entries unused\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
for (uiter=excludesUnused.begin() ; uiter!=excludesUnused.end() ; uiter++)
String fname = *uiter;
fprintf(f, "%s\n", fname.c_str());
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## E N D\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
return true;
* This is the main product. This file lists the Include directives,
* the Object list, and the dependency list.
bool DepTool::saveDepFile(bool doXml)
time_t tim;
FILE *f = fopen("make.dep", "w");
if (!f)
trace("cannot open 'make.dep' for writing");
if (doXml)
fprintf(f, "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n");
fprintf(f, "<deptool>\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "<!--\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## File: make.dep\n");
fprintf(f, "## Generated by DepTool at :%s", ctime(&tim));
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "-->\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "<!--\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## I N C L U D E\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "-->\n");
fprintf(f, "<includes>\n");
std::vector<String>::iterator inciter;
for (inciter=directories.begin() ; inciter!=directories.end() ; inciter++)
String dirname = *inciter;
fprintf(f, " <inc name='%s'/>\n", dirname.c_str());
fprintf(f, "</includes>\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "<!--\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## O B J E C T S\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "-->\n");
fprintf(f, "<objects>\n");
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator oiter;
for (oiter=allFiles.begin() ; oiter!=allFiles.end() ; oiter++)
FileRec *frec = oiter->second;
if (frec->type == FileRec::CFILE)
String fname = frec->path;
if (fname.size()>0)
fprintf(f, " <obj name='%s'/>\n", fname.c_str());
fprintf(f, "</objects>\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "<!--\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## D E P E N D E N C I E S\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "-->\n");
fprintf(f, "<dependencies>\n\n");
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=depFiles.begin() ; iter!=depFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *frec = iter->second;
if (frec->type == FileRec::OFILE)
String fname = iter->first;
fprintf(f, "<file name='%s'>\n", fname.c_str());
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator citer;
for (citer=frec->files.begin() ; citer!=frec->files.end() ; citer++)
String cfname = citer->first;
fprintf(f, " <dep name='%s'/>\n", cfname.c_str());
fprintf(f, "</file>\n\n");
fprintf(f, "</dependencies>\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "</deptool>\n");
fprintf(f, "<!--\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## E N D\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "-->\n");
else // ######### !XML
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## File: make.dep\n");
fprintf(f, "## Generated by DepTool at :%s", ctime(&tim));
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## I N C L U D E\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "DEPTOOL_INCLUDE =");
std::vector<String>::iterator inciter;
for (inciter=directories.begin() ; inciter!=directories.end() ; inciter++)
fprintf(f, " \\\n");
String dirname = *inciter;
fprintf(f, "-I%s", dirname.c_str());
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## O B J E C T S\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "DEPTOOL_OBJECTS =");
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator oiter;
for (oiter=allFiles.begin() ; oiter!=allFiles.end() ; oiter++)
FileRec *frec = oiter->second;
if (frec->type == FileRec::CFILE)
fprintf(f, " \\\n");
String fname = frec->path;
if (fname.size()>0)
fprintf(f, "%s", fname.c_str());
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## D E P E N D E N C I E S\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=depFiles.begin() ; iter!=depFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *frec = iter->second;
if (frec->type == FileRec::OFILE)
String fname = iter->first;
fprintf(f, "%s:", fname.c_str());
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator citer;
for (citer=frec->files.begin() ; citer!=frec->files.end() ; citer++)
String cfname = citer->first;
fprintf(f, " \\\n");
fprintf(f, "\t%s", cfname.c_str());
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## E N D\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
return true;
* Save the "reference" file, which lists each include file, and any files
* that are judged to be dependent upon it.
bool DepTool::saveRefFile(bool doXml)
time_t tim;
FILE *f = fopen("make.ref", "w");
if (!f)
trace("cannot open 'make.ref' for writing");
if (doXml)
fprintf(f, "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n");
fprintf(f, "<deptool>\n\n");
fprintf(f, "<!--\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## File: make.ref\n");
fprintf(f, "## Generated by DepTool at :%s", ctime(&tim));
fprintf(f, "## Note: The metric is the 'distance' of inclusion from\n");
fprintf(f, "## the given file.\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "-->\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=refFiles.begin() ; iter!=refFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *frec = iter->second;
if (frec->type == FileRec::HFILE)
String fname = iter->first;
fprintf(f, "<file name='%s'>\n", fname.c_str());
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator citer;
for (citer=frec->files.begin() ; citer!=frec->files.end() ; citer++)
String cfname = citer->first;
fprintf(f, " <ref d='%d' name='%s'/>\n",
citer->second->distance, cfname.c_str());
fprintf(f, "</file>\n\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "</deptool>\n");
fprintf(f, "<!--\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## E N D\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "-->\n");
else //######### not xml
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## File: make.ref\n");
fprintf(f, "## Generated by DepTool at :%s", ctime(&tim));
fprintf(f, "## Note: The metric is the 'distance' of inclusion from\n");
fprintf(f, "## the given file.\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator iter;
for (iter=refFiles.begin() ; iter!=refFiles.end() ; iter++)
FileRec *frec = iter->second;
if (frec->type == FileRec::HFILE)
String fname = iter->first;
fprintf(f, "### %s\n", fname.c_str());
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator citer;
for (citer=frec->files.begin() ; citer!=frec->files.end() ; citer++)
String cfname = citer->first;
fprintf(f, "%3d %s\n", citer->second->distance,
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## E N D\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
return true;
* This is a new thing. It creates a cmake file that should be able to
* build the entire thing.
bool DepTool::saveCmakeFile()
time_t tim;
FILE *f = fopen("CMakeLists.txt", "w");
if (!f)
trace("cannot open 'CMakeLists.txt' for writing");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## File: CMakeLists.txt\n");
fprintf(f, "## Generated by DepTool at :%s", ctime(&tim));
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## P R O J E C T\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "project (INKSCAPE)\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## O B J E C T S\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "set (INKSCAPE_SRCS\n");
std::map<String, FileRec *>::iterator oiter;
for (oiter=allFiles.begin() ; oiter!=allFiles.end() ; oiter++)
FileRec *frec = oiter->second;
if (frec->type == FileRec::CFILE)
//fprintf(f, " \\\n");
String fname = frec->path;
if (fname.size()>0)
fprintf(f, "%s\n", fname.c_str());
fprintf(f, ")\n\n");
fprintf(f, "add_executable (inkscape ${INKSCAPE_SRCS})\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
fprintf(f, "## E N D\n");
fprintf(f, "########################################################\n");
return true;
//# M A I N
* Run the DepTool's main functions
static bool runTool()
DepTool depTool;
if (!depTool.run())
return false;
return true;
* Console main()
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (!runTool())
return 1;
return 0;
//# E N D O F F I L E