conn-avoid-ref.cpp revision 69875c86771e1d3196426261fef846a92bbe1a2a
* A class for handling shape interaction with libavoid.
* Authors:
* Michael Wybrow <>
* Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Wybrow
* Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
#include "sp-item.h"
#include "conn-avoid-ref.h"
#include "libnr/nr-rect-ops.h"
#include "libavoid/polyutil.h"
#include "libavoid/connector.h"
#include "xml/simple-node.cpp"
#include "document.h"
#include "prefs-utils.h"
#include "desktop.h"
#include "desktop-handles.h"
#include "sp-namedview.h"
#include "inkscape.h"
, setting(false)
, new_setting(false)
if (shapeRef) {
// shapeRef is finalised by delShape,
// so no memory is lost here.
if (SP_OBJECT_IS_CLONED(item)) {
// Don't keep avoidance information for cloned objects.
new_setting = false;
new_setting = true;
void SPAvoidRef::handleSettingChange(void)
// We don't want to go any further if the active desktop's document
// isn't the same as the document that this item is part of. This
// case can happen if a new document is loaded from the file chooser
// or via the recent file menu. In this case, we can end up here
// as a rersult of a sp_document_ensure_up_to_date performed on a
// document not yet attached to the active desktop.
if (new_setting == setting) {
// Don't need to make any changes
if (new_setting) {
// Get a unique ID for the item.
// shapeRef is finalised by delShape,
// so no memory is lost here.
g_warning("getAttachedShapes: Object with id=\"%s\" is not "
"found. Skipping.", connId);
return list;
g_warning("getAttachedConnectors: Object with id=\"%s\" is not "
"found. Skipping.", connId);
return list;
// TODO: The right way to do this is to return the convex hull of
// the object, or an approximation in the case of a rounded
// object. Specific SPItems will need to have a new
// function that returns points for the convex hull.
// For some objects it is enough to feed the snappoints to
// some convex hull code, though not NR::ConvexHull as this
// only keeps the bounding box of the convex hull currently.
// TODO: SPItem::invokeBbox gives the wrong result for some objects
// that have internal representations that are updated later
// by the sp_*_update functions, e.g., text.
// Add a little buffer around the edge of each object.
for (unsigned n = 0; n < 4; ++n) {
// TODO: I think the winding order in libavoid or inkscape might
// be backwards, probably due to the inverse y co-ordinates
// used for the screen. The '3 - n' reverses the order.
/* On "correct" winding order: Winding order of NR::Rect::corner is in a positive
* direction, like libart. "Positive direction" means the same as in most of Inkscape and
* SVG: if you visualize y as increasing upwards, as is the convention in mathematics, then
* positive angle is visualized as anticlockwise, as in mathematics; so if you visualize y
* as increasing downwards, as is common outside of mathematics, then positive angle
* direction is visualized as clockwise, as is common outside of mathematics. This
* convention makes it easier mix pure mathematics code with graphics code: the important
* thing when mixing code is that the number values stored in variables (representing y
* coordinate, angle) match up; variables store numbers, not visualized positions, and the
* programmer is free to switch between visualizations when thinking about a given piece of
* code.
* MathWorld, libart and NR::Rect::corner all seem to take positive winding (i.e. winding
* that yields +1 winding number inside a simple closed shape) to mean winding in a
* positive angle. This, together with the observation that variables store numbers rather
* than positions, suggests that NR::Rect::corner uses the right direction.
return poly;
bool initialised)
if (SP_IS_ITEM(child) &&
return list;
// Don't count this as changes to the document,
// it is basically just llate initialisation.
bool initialised = false;
if (items) {
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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