solve-bezier-one-d.cpp revision 8001ba81cb851b38d86650a2fef5817facffb763
#include <2geom/solver.h>
#include <2geom/point.h>
#include <algorithm>
/*** Find the zeros of the bernstein function. The code subdivides until it is happy with the
* linearity of the function. This requires an O(degree^2) subdivision for each step, even when
* there is only one solution.
namespace Geom{
template<class t>
static int SGN(t x) { return (x > 0 ? 1 : (x < 0 ? -1 : 0)); }
const unsigned MAXDEPTH = 23; // Maximum depth for recursion. Using floats means 23 bits precision max
const double BEPSILON = ldexp(1.0,-MAXDEPTH-1); /*Flatness control value */
* This function is called _a lot_. We have included various manual memory management stuff to reduce the amount of mallocing that goes on. In the future it is possible that this will hurt performance.
class Bernsteins{
double *Vtemp;
unsigned N,degree;
std::vector<double> &solutions;
Bernsteins(int degr, std::vector<double> &so) : N(degr+1), degree(degr),solutions(so) {
Vtemp = new double[N*2];
~Bernsteins() {
delete[] Vtemp;
void subdivide(double const *V,
double t,
double *Left,
double *Right);
control_poly_flat_enough(double const *V);
find_bernstein_roots(double const *w, /* The control points */
unsigned depth, /* The depth of the recursion */
double left_t, double right_t);
* find_bernstein_roots : Given an equation in Bernstein-Bernstein form, find all
* of the roots in the open interval (0, 1). Return the number of roots found.
find_bernstein_roots(double const *w, /* The control points */
unsigned degree, /* The degree of the polynomial */
std::vector<double> &solutions, /* RETURN candidate t-values */
unsigned depth, /* The depth of the recursion */
double left_t, double right_t)
Bernsteins B(degree, solutions);
B.find_bernstein_roots(w, depth, left_t, right_t);
Bernsteins::find_bernstein_roots(double const *w, /* The control points */
unsigned depth, /* The depth of the recursion */
double left_t, double right_t)
unsigned n_crossings = 0; /* Number of zero-crossings */
int old_sign = SGN(w[0]);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < N; i++) {
int sign = SGN(w[i]);
if (sign) {
if (sign != old_sign && old_sign) {
old_sign = sign;
if (n_crossings == 0) // no solutions here
if (n_crossings == 1) {
/* Unique solution */
/* Stop recursion when the tree is deep enough */
/* if deep enough, return 1 solution at midpoint */
if (depth >= MAXDEPTH) {
//printf("bottom out %d\n", depth);
const double Ax = right_t - left_t;
const double Ay = w[degree] - w[0];
solutions.push_back(left_t - Ax*w[0] / Ay);
solutions.push_back((left_t + right_t) / 2.0);
// I thought secant method would be faster here, but it'aint. -- njh
// The original code went to some effort to try and terminate early when the curve is sufficiently flat. However, it seems that in practice it almost always bottoms out, so leaving this code out actually speeds things up
if(0) if (control_poly_flat_enough(w)) {
//printf("flatten out %d\n", depth);
const double Ax = right_t - left_t;
const double Ay = w[degree] - w[0];
solutions.push_back(left_t - Ax*w[0] / Ay);
/* Otherwise, solve recursively after subdividing control polygon */
double Left[N], /* New left and right */
Right[N]; /* control polygons */
const double t = 0.5;
* Bernstein :
* Evaluate a Bernstein function at a particular parameter value
* Fill in control points for resulting sub-curves.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
Vtemp[i] = w[i];
/* Triangle computation */
const double omt = (1-t);
Left[0] = Vtemp[0];
Right[degree] = Vtemp[degree];
double *prev_row = Vtemp;
double *row = Vtemp + N;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < N; i++) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < N - i; j++) {
row[j] = omt*prev_row[j] + t*prev_row[j+1];
Left[i] = row[0];
Right[degree-i] = row[degree-i];
std::swap(prev_row, row);
double mid_t = left_t*(1-t) + right_t*t;
find_bernstein_roots(Left, depth+1, left_t, mid_t);
/* Solution is exactly on the subdivision point. */
if (Right[0] == 0)
find_bernstein_roots(Right, depth+1, mid_t, right_t);
* control_poly_flat_enough :
* Check if the control polygon of a Bernstein curve is flat enough
* for recursive subdivision to bottom out.
Bernsteins::control_poly_flat_enough(double const *V)
/* Find the perpendicular distance from each interior control point to line connecting V[0] and
* V[degree] */
/* Derive the implicit equation for line connecting first */
/* and last control points */
const double a = V[0] - V[degree];
double max_distance_above = 0.0;
double max_distance_below = 0.0;
double ii = 0, dii = 1./degree;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < degree; i++) {
ii += dii;
/* Compute distance from each of the points to that line */
const double d = (a + V[i]) * ii - a;
double dist = d*d;
// Find the largest distance
if (d < 0.0)
max_distance_below = std::min(max_distance_below, -dist);
max_distance_above = std::max(max_distance_above, dist);
const double abSquared = 1./((a * a) + 1);
const double intercept_1 = (a - max_distance_above * abSquared);
const double intercept_2 = (a - max_distance_below * abSquared);
/* Compute bounding interval*/
const double left_intercept = std::min(intercept_1, intercept_2);
const double right_intercept = std::max(intercept_1, intercept_2);
const double error = 0.5 * (right_intercept - left_intercept);
//printf("error %g %g %g\n", error, a, BEPSILON * a);
return error < BEPSILON * a;
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