path.h revision a16a494f042310ee849a6f717ffea70846f1f22c
/** @file
* @brief Path - a sequence of contiguous curves
* Authors:
* MenTaLguY <>
* Marco Cecchetti <mrcekets at>
* Krzysztof KosiƄski <>
* Copyright 2007-2014 Authors
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
* (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
* Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
* notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
* the MPL or the LGPL.
* You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
* in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
* in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations.
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/operators.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <2geom/intersection.h>
#include <2geom/curve.h>
#include <2geom/bezier-curve.h>
#include <2geom/transforms.h>
namespace Geom {
class Path;
class ConvexHull;
namespace PathInternal {
typedef boost::ptr_vector<Curve> Sequence;
struct PathData {
Sequence curves;
OptRect fast_bounds;
template <typename P>
class BaseIterator
: public boost::random_access_iterator_helper
< BaseIterator<P>
, Curve const
, std::ptrdiff_t
, Curve const *
, Curve const &
BaseIterator(P &p, unsigned i) : path(&p), index(i) {}
// default copy, default assign
typedef BaseIterator<P> Self;
BaseIterator() : path(NULL), index(0) {}
bool operator<(BaseIterator const &other) const {
return path == other.path && index < other.index;
bool operator==(BaseIterator const &other) const {
return path == other.path && index == other.index;
Curve const &operator*() const {
return (*path)[index];
Self &operator++() {
return *this;
Self &operator--() {
return *this;
Self &operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t d) {
index += d;
return *this;
Self &operator-=(std::ptrdiff_t d) {
index -= d;
return *this;
P *path;
unsigned index;
friend class ::Geom::Path;
/** @brief Generalized time value in the path.
* This class exists because when mapping the range of multiple curves onto the same interval
* as the curve index, we lose some precision. For instance, a path with 16 curves will
* have 4 bits less precision than a path with 1 curve. If you need high precision results
* in long paths, either use this class and related methods instead of the standard methods
* pointAt(), nearestTime() and so on, or use curveAt() to first obtain the curve, then
* call the method again to obtain a high precision result.
* @ingroup Paths */
struct PathTime
: boost::totally_ordered<PathTime>
typedef PathInternal::Sequence::size_type size_type;
Coord t; ///< Time value in the curve
size_type curve_index; ///< Index of the curve in the path
PathTime() : t(0), curve_index(0) {}
PathTime(size_type idx, Coord tval) : t(tval), curve_index(idx) {}
bool operator<(PathTime const &other) const {
if (curve_index < other.curve_index) return true;
if (curve_index == other.curve_index) {
return t < other.t;
return false;
bool operator==(PathTime const &other) const {
return curve_index == other.curve_index && t == other.t;
/// Convert times at or beyond 1 to 0 on the next curve.
void normalizeForward(size_type path_size) {
if (t >= 1) {
curve_index = (curve_index + 1) % path_size;
t = 0;
/// Convert times at or before 0 to 1 on the previous curve.
void normalizeBackward(size_type path_size) {
if (t <= 0) {
curve_index = (curve_index - 1) % path_size;
t = 1;
Coord asFlatTime() const { return curve_index + t; }
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PathTime const &pos) {
os << pos.curve_index << ": " << format_coord_nice(pos.t);
return os;
/** @brief Contiguous subset of the path's parameter domain.
* This is a directed interval, which allows one to specify any contiguous subset
* of the path's domain, including subsets that wrap around the initial point
* of the path.
* @ingroup Paths */
class PathInterval {
typedef PathInternal::Sequence::size_type size_type;
/** @brief Default interval.
* Default-constructed PathInterval includes only the initial point of the initial segment. */
/** @brief Construct an interval in the path's parameter domain.
* @param from Initial time
* @param to Final time
* @param cross_start If true, the interval will proceed from the initial to final
* time through the initial point of the path, wrapping around the closing segment;
* otherwise it will not wrap around the closing segment.
* @param path_size Size of the path to which this interval applies, required
* to clean up degenerate cases */
PathInterval(PathTime const &from, PathTime const &to, bool cross_start, size_type path_size);
/// Get the time value of the initial point.
PathTime const &initialTime() const { return _from; }
/// Get the time value of the final point.
PathTime const &finalTime() const { return _to; }
PathTime const &from() const { return _from; }
PathTime const &to() const { return _to; }
/// Check whether the interval has only one point.
bool isDegenerate() const { return _from == _to; }
/// True if the interval goes in the direction of decreasing time values.
bool reverse() const { return _reverse; }
/// True if the interior of the interval contains the initial point of the path.
bool crossesStart() const { return _cross_start; }
/// Test a path time for inclusion.
bool contains(PathTime const &pos) const;
/// Get a time at least @a min_dist away in parameter space from the ends.
/// If no such time exists, the middle point is returned.
PathTime inside(Coord min_dist = EPSILON) const;
/// Select one of two intervals with given endpoints by parameter direction.
static PathInterval from_direction(PathTime const &from, PathTime const &to,
bool reversed, size_type path_size);
/// Select one of two intervals with given endpoints by whether it includes the initial point.
static PathInterval from_start_crossing(PathTime const &from, PathTime const &to,
bool cross_start, size_type path_size) {
PathInterval result(from, to, cross_start, path_size);
return result;
size_type pathSize() const { return _path_size; }
size_type curveCount() const;
PathTime _from, _to;
size_type _path_size;
bool _cross_start, _reverse;
/// Create an interval in the direction of increasing time value.
/// @relates PathInterval
inline PathInterval forward_interval(PathTime const &from, PathTime const &to,
PathInterval::size_type path_size)
PathInterval result = PathInterval::from_direction(from, to, false, path_size);
return result;
/// Create an interval in the direction of decreasing time value.
/// @relates PathInterval
inline PathInterval backward_interval(PathTime const &from, PathTime const &to,
PathInterval::size_type path_size)
PathInterval result = PathInterval::from_direction(from, to, true, path_size);
return result;
/// Output an interval in the path's domain.
/// @relates PathInterval
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PathInterval const &ival) {
os << "PathInterval[";
if (ival.crossesStart()) {
os << ival.from() << " -> 0: 0.0 -> " <<;
} else {
os << ival.from() << " -> " <<;
os << "]";
return os;
typedef Intersection<PathTime> PathIntersection;
template <>
struct ShapeTraits<Path> {
typedef PathTime TimeType;
typedef PathInterval IntervalType;
typedef Path AffineClosureType;
typedef PathIntersection IntersectionType;
/** @brief Sequence of contiguous curves, aka spline.
* Path represents a sequence of contiguous curves, also known as a spline.
* It corresponds to a "subpath" in SVG terminology. It can represent both
* open and closed subpaths. The final point of each curve is exactly
* equal to the initial point of the next curve.
* The path always contains a linear closing segment that connects
* the final point of the last "real" curve to the initial point of the
* first curve. This way the curves form a closed loop even for open paths.
* If the closing segment has nonzero length and the path is closed, it is
* considered a normal part of the path data. There are three distinct sets
* of end iterators one can use to iterate over the segments:
* - Iterating between @a begin() and @a end() will iterate over segments
* which are part of the path.
* - Iterating between @a begin() and @a end_closed()
* will always iterate over a closed loop of segments.
* - Iterating between @a begin() and @a end_open() will always skip
* the final linear closing segment.
* If the final point of the last "real" segment coincides exactly with the initial
* point of the first segment, the closing segment will be absent from both
* [begin(), end_open()) and [begin(), end_closed()).
* Normally, an exception will be thrown when you try to insert a curve
* that makes the path non-continuous. If you are working with unsanitized
* curve data, you can call setStitching(true), which will insert line segments
* to make the path continuous.
* Internally, Path uses copy-on-write data. This is done for two reasons: first,
* copying a Curve requires calling a virtual function, so it's a little more expensive
* that normal copying; and second, it reduces the memory cost of copying the path.
* Therefore you can return Path and PathVector from functions without worrying
* about temporary copies.
* Note that this class cannot represent arbitrary shapes, which may contain holes.
* To do that, use PathVector, which is more generic.
* It's not very convenient to create a Path directly. To construct paths more easily,
* use PathBuilder.
* @ingroup Paths */
class Path
: boost::equality_comparable< Path >
typedef PathInternal::PathData PathData;
typedef PathInternal::Sequence Sequence;
typedef PathInternal::BaseIterator<Path> iterator;
typedef PathInternal::BaseIterator<Path const> const_iterator;
typedef Sequence::size_type size_type;
typedef Sequence::difference_type difference_type;
class ClosingSegment : public LineSegment {
ClosingSegment() : LineSegment() {}
ClosingSegment(Point const &p1, Point const &p2) : LineSegment(p1, p2) {}
virtual Curve *duplicate() const { return new ClosingSegment(*this); }
virtual Curve *reverse() const { return new ClosingSegment((*this)[1], (*this)[0]); }
class StitchSegment : public LineSegment {
StitchSegment() : LineSegment() {}
StitchSegment(Point const &p1, Point const &p2) : LineSegment(p1, p2) {}
virtual Curve *duplicate() const { return new StitchSegment(*this); }
virtual Curve *reverse() const { return new StitchSegment((*this)[1], (*this)[0]); }
// Path(Path const &other) - use default copy constructor
/// Construct an empty path starting at the specified point.
explicit Path(Point const &p = Point())
: _data(new PathData())
, _closing_seg(new ClosingSegment(p, p))
, _closed(false)
, _exception_on_stitch(true)
/// Construct a path containing a range of curves.
template <typename Iter>
Path(Iter first, Iter last, bool closed = false, bool stitch = false)
: _data(new PathData())
, _closed(closed)
, _exception_on_stitch(!stitch)
for (Iter i = first; i != last; ++i) {
if (!_data->curves.empty()) {
_closing_seg = new ClosingSegment(_data->curves.back().finalPoint(),
} else {
_closing_seg = new ClosingSegment();
/// Create a path from a rectangle.
explicit Path(Rect const &r);
/// Create a path from a convex hull.
explicit Path(ConvexHull const &);
/// Create a path from a circle, using two elliptical arcs.
explicit Path(Circle const &c);
/// Create a path from an ellipse, using two elliptical arcs.
explicit Path(Ellipse const &e);
virtual ~Path() {}
// Path &operator=(Path const &other) - use default assignment operator
/** @brief Swap contents with another path
* @todo Add noexcept specifiers for C++11 */
void swap(Path &other) throw() {
using std::swap;
swap(other._data, _data);
swap(other._closing_seg, _closing_seg);
swap(other._closed, _closed);
swap(other._exception_on_stitch, _exception_on_stitch);
/** @brief Swap contents of two paths.
* @relates Path */
friend inline void swap(Path &a, Path &b) throw() { a.swap(b); }
/** @brief Access a curve by index */
Curve const &operator[](size_type i) const { return _data->curves[i]; }
/** @brief Access a curve by index */
Curve const &at(size_type i) const { return _data->; }
/** @brief Access the first curve in the path.
* Since the curve always contains at least a degenerate closing segment,
* it is always safe to use this method. */
Curve const &front() const { return _data->curves.front(); }
/// Alias for front().
Curve const &initialCurve() const { return _data->curves.front(); }
/** @brief Access the last curve in the path. */
Curve const &back() const { return back_default(); }
Curve const &back_open() const {
if (empty()) return _data->curves.back();
return _data->curves[_data->curves.size() - 2];
Curve const &back_closed() const {
return _closing_seg->isDegenerate()
? _data->curves[_data->curves.size() - 2]
: _data->curves[_data->curves.size() - 1];
Curve const &back_default() const {
return _includesClosingSegment()
? back_closed()
: back_open();
Curve const &finalCurve() const { return back_default(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(*this, 0); }
const_iterator end() const { return end_default(); }
const_iterator end_default() const { return const_iterator(*this, size_default()); }
const_iterator end_open() const { return const_iterator(*this, size_open()); }
const_iterator end_closed() const { return const_iterator(*this, size_closed()); }
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this, 0); }
iterator end() { return end_default(); }
iterator end_default() { return iterator(*this, size_default()); }
iterator end_open() { return iterator(*this, size_open()); }
iterator end_closed() { return iterator(*this, size_closed()); }
/// Size without the closing segment, even if the path is closed.
size_type size_open() const { return _data->curves.size() - 1; }
/** @brief Size with the closing segment, if it makes a difference.
* If the closing segment is degenerate, i.e. its initial and final points
* are exactly equal, then it is not included in this size. */
size_type size_closed() const {
return _closing_seg->isDegenerate() ? _data->curves.size() - 1 : _data->curves.size();
/// Natural size of the path.
size_type size_default() const {
return _includesClosingSegment() ? size_closed() : size_open();
/// Natural size of the path.
size_type size() const { return size_default(); }
size_type max_size() const { return _data->curves.max_size() - 1; }
/** @brief Check whether path is empty.
* The path is empty if it contains only the closing segment, which according
* to the continuity invariant must be degenerate. Note that unlike standard
* containers, two empty paths are not necessarily identical, because the
* degenerate closing segment may be at a different point, affecting the operation
* of methods such as appendNew(). */
bool empty() const { return (_data->curves.size() == 1); }
/// Check whether the path is closed.
bool closed() const { return _closed; }
/** @brief Set whether the path is closed.
* When closing a path where the last segment can be represented as a closing
* segment, the last segment will be removed. When opening a path, the closing
* segment will be erased. This means that closing and then opening a path
* will not always give back the original path. */
void close(bool closed = true);
/** @brief Remove all curves from the path.
* The initial and final points of the closing segment are set to (0,0).
* The stitching flag remains unchanged. */
void clear();
/** @brief Get the approximate bounding box.
* The rectangle returned by this method will contain all the curves, but it's not
* guaranteed to be the smallest possible one */
OptRect boundsFast() const;
/** @brief Get a tight-fitting bounding box.
* This will return the smallest possible axis-aligned rectangle containing
* all the curves in the path. */
OptRect boundsExact() const;
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > toPwSb() const;
/// Test paths for exact equality.
bool operator==(Path const &other) const;
/// Apply a transform to each curve.
template <typename T>
Path &operator*=(T const &tr) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _data->curves.size(); ++i) {
_data->curves[i] *= tr;
return *this;
template <typename T>
friend Path operator*(Path const &path, T const &tr) {
Path result(path);
result *= tr;
return result;
/** @brief Get the allowed range of time values.
* @return Values for which pointAt() and valueAt() yield valid results. */
Interval timeRange() const;
/** Get the curve at the specified time value.
* @param t Time value
* @param rest Optional storage for the corresponding time value in the curve */
Curve const &curveAt(Coord t, Coord *rest = NULL) const;
/// Get the closing segment of the path.
LineSegment const &closingSegment() const { return *_closing_seg; }
/** @brief Get the point at the specified time value.
* Note that this method has reduced precision with respect to calling pointAt()
* directly on the curve. If you want high precision results, use the version
* that takes a PathTime parameter.
* Allowed time values range from zero to the number of curves; you can retrieve
* the allowed range of values with timeRange(). */
Point pointAt(Coord t) const;
/// Get one coordinate (X or Y) at the specified time value.
Coord valueAt(Coord t, Dim2 d) const;
/// Get the curve at the specified path time.
Curve const &curveAt(PathTime const &pos) const;
/// Get the point at the specified path time.
Point pointAt(PathTime const &pos) const;
/// Get one coordinate at the specified path time.
Coord valueAt(PathTime const &pos, Dim2 d) const;
Point operator()(Coord t) const { return pointAt(t); }
/// Compute intersections with axis-aligned line.
std::vector<PathTime> roots(Coord v, Dim2 d) const;
/// Compute intersections with another path.
std::vector<PathIntersection> intersect(Path const &other, Coord precision = EPSILON) const;
/** @brief Determine the winding number at the specified point.
* The winding number is the number of full turns made by a ray that connects the passed
* point and the path's value (i.e. the result of the pointAt() method) as the time increases
* from 0 to the maximum valid value. Positive numbers indicate turns in the direction
* of increasing angles.
* Winding numbers are often used as the definition of what is considered "inside"
* the shape. Typically points with either nonzero winding or odd winding are
* considered to be inside the path. */
int winding(Point const &p) const;
std::vector<Coord> allNearestTimes(Point const &p, Coord from, Coord to) const;
std::vector<Coord> allNearestTimes(Point const &p) const {
return allNearestTimes(p, 0, size_default());
PathTime nearestTime(Point const &p, Coord *dist = NULL) const;
std::vector<Coord> nearestTimePerCurve(Point const &p) const;
std::vector<Point> nodes() const;
void appendPortionTo(Path &p, Coord f, Coord t) const;
/** @brief Append a subset of this path to another path.
* An extra stitching segment will be inserted if the start point of the portion
* and the final point of the target path do not match exactly.
* The closing segment of the target path will be modified. */
void appendPortionTo(Path &p, PathTime const &from, PathTime const &to, bool cross_start = false) const {
PathInterval ival(from, to, cross_start, size_closed());
appendPortionTo(p, ival, boost::none, boost::none);
/** @brief Append a subset of this path to another path.
* This version allows you to explicitly pass a PathInterval. */
void appendPortionTo(Path &p, PathInterval const &ival) const {
appendPortionTo(p, ival, boost::none, boost::none);
/** @brief Append a subset of this path to another path, specifying endpoints.
* This method is for use in situations where endpoints of the portion segments
* have to be set exactly, for instance when computing Boolean operations. */
void appendPortionTo(Path &p, PathInterval const &ival,
boost::optional<Point> const &p_from, boost::optional<Point> const &p_to) const;
Path portion(Coord f, Coord t) const {
Path ret;
appendPortionTo(ret, f, t);
return ret;
Path portion(Interval const &i) const { return portion(i.min(), i.max()); }
/** @brief Get a subset of the current path with full precision.
* When @a from is larger (later in the path) than @a to, the returned portion
* will be reversed. If @a cross_start is true, the portion will be reversed
* and will cross the initial point of the path. Therefore, when @a from is larger
* than @a to and @a cross_start is true, the returned portion will not be reversed,
* but will "wrap around" the end of the path. */
Path portion(PathTime const &from, PathTime const &to, bool cross_start = false) const {
Path ret;
appendPortionTo(ret, from, to, cross_start);
return ret;
/** @brief Get a subset of the current path with full precision.
* This version allows you to explicitly pass a PathInterval. */
Path portion(PathInterval const &ival) const {
Path ret;
appendPortionTo(ret, ival);
return ret;
/** @brief Obtain a reversed version of the current path.
* The final point of the current path will become the initial point
* of the reversed path, unless it is closed and has a non-degenerate
* closing segment. In that case, the new initial point will be the final point
* of the last "real" segment. */
Path reversed() const;
void insert(iterator pos, Curve const &curve);
template <typename Iter>
void insert(iterator pos, Iter first, Iter last) {
Sequence::iterator seq_pos(seq_iter(pos));
Sequence source;
for (; first != last; ++first) {
do_update(seq_pos, seq_pos, source);
void erase(iterator pos);
void erase(iterator first, iterator last);
// erase last segment of path
void erase_last() { erase(iterator(*this, size() - 1)); }
void start(Point const &p);
/** @brief Get the first point in the path. */
Point initialPoint() const { return (*_closing_seg)[1]; }
/** @brief Get the last point in the path.
* If the path is closed, this is always the same as the initial point. */
Point finalPoint() const { return (*_closing_seg)[_closed ? 1 : 0]; }
void setInitial(Point const &p) {
_closed = false;
void setFinal(Point const &p) {
_closed = false;
_data->curves[size_open() - 1].setFinal(p);
/** @brief Add a new curve to the end of the path.
* This inserts the new curve right before the closing segment.
* The path takes ownership of the passed pointer, which should not be freed. */
void append(Curve *curve) {
void append(Curve const &curve) {
void append(D2<SBasis> const &curve) {
stitchTo(Point(curve[X][0][0], curve[Y][0][0]));
do_append(new SBasisCurve(curve));
void append(Path const &other) {
replace(end_open(), other.begin(), other.end());
void replace(iterator replaced, Curve const &curve);
void replace(iterator first, iterator last, Curve const &curve);
void replace(iterator replaced, Path const &path);
void replace(iterator first, iterator last, Path const &path);
template <typename Iter>
void replace(iterator replaced, Iter first, Iter last) {
replace(replaced, replaced + 1, first, last);
template <typename Iter>
void replace(iterator first_replaced, iterator last_replaced, Iter first, Iter last) {
Sequence::iterator seq_first_replaced(seq_iter(first_replaced));
Sequence::iterator seq_last_replaced(seq_iter(last_replaced));
Sequence source;
for (; first != last; ++first) {
do_update(seq_first_replaced, seq_last_replaced, source);
/** @brief Append a new curve to the path.
* This family of methods will automaticaly use the current final point of the path
* as the first argument of the new curve's constructor. To call this method,
* you'll need to write e.g.:
* @code
path.template appendNew<CubicBezier>(control1, control2, end_point);
* It is important to note that the coordinates passed to appendNew should be finite!
* If one of the coordinates is infinite, 2geom will throw a ContinuityError exception.
template <typename CurveType, typename A>
void appendNew(A a) {
do_append(new CurveType(finalPoint(), a));
template <typename CurveType, typename A, typename B>
void appendNew(A a, B b) {
do_append(new CurveType(finalPoint(), a, b));
template <typename CurveType, typename A, typename B, typename C>
void appendNew(A a, B b, C c) {
do_append(new CurveType(finalPoint(), a, b, c));
template <typename CurveType, typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D>
void appendNew(A a, B b, C c, D d) {
do_append(new CurveType(finalPoint(), a, b, c, d));
template <typename CurveType, typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E>
void appendNew(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e) {
do_append(new CurveType(finalPoint(), a, b, c, d, e));
template <typename CurveType, typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F>
void appendNew(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f) {
do_append(new CurveType(finalPoint(), a, b, c, d, e, f));
template <typename CurveType, typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G>
void appendNew(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g) {
do_append(new CurveType(finalPoint(), a, b, c, d, e, f, g));
template <typename CurveType, typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G,
typename H>
void appendNew(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h) {
do_append(new CurveType(finalPoint(), a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h));
template <typename CurveType, typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G,
typename H, typename I>
void appendNew(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i) {
do_append(new CurveType(finalPoint(), a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i));
/** @brief Reduce the closing segment to a point if it's shorter than precision.
* Do this by moving the final point. */
void snapEnds(Coord precision = EPSILON);
/// Append a stitching segment ending at the specified point.
void stitchTo(Point const &p);
/** @brief Verify the continuity invariant.
* If the path is not contiguous, this will throw a CountinuityError. */
void checkContinuity() const;
/** @brief Enable or disable the throwing of exceptions when stitching discontinuities.
* Normally stitching will cause exceptions, but when you are working with unsanitized
* curve data, you can disable these exceptions. */
void setStitching(bool x) {
_exception_on_stitch = !x;
static Sequence::iterator seq_iter(iterator const &iter) {
return iter.path->_data->curves.begin() + iter.index;
static Sequence::const_iterator seq_iter(const_iterator const &iter) {
return iter.path->_data->curves.begin() + iter.index;
// whether the closing segment is part of the path
bool _includesClosingSegment() const {
return _closed && !_closing_seg->isDegenerate();
void _unshare() {
// Called before every mutation.
// Ensure we have our own copy of curve data and reset cached values
if (!_data.unique()) {
_data.reset(new PathData(*_data));
_closing_seg = static_cast<ClosingSegment*>(&_data->curves.back());
_data->fast_bounds = OptRect();
PathTime _factorTime(Coord t) const;
void stitch(Sequence::iterator first_replaced, Sequence::iterator last_replaced, Sequence &sequence);
void do_update(Sequence::iterator first, Sequence::iterator last, Sequence &source);
// n.b. takes ownership of curve object
void do_append(Curve *curve);
boost::shared_ptr<PathData> _data;
ClosingSegment *_closing_seg;
bool _closed;
bool _exception_on_stitch;
}; // end class Path
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > paths_to_pw(PathVector const &paths);
inline Coord nearest_time(Point const &p, Path const &c) {
PathTime pt = c.nearestTime(p);
return pt.curve_index + pt.t;
bool are_near(Path const &a, Path const &b, Coord precision = EPSILON);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Path const &path);
} // end namespace Geom
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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