path-intersection.cpp revision 5918f7b9f787bca2f75167398884465c56b2fafd
#include <2geom/path-intersection.h>
#include <2geom/ord.h>
//for path_direction:
#include <2geom/sbasis-geometric.h>
#include <2geom/line.h>
#ifdef HAVE_GSL
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_multiroots.h>
namespace Geom {
* This function computes the winding of the path, given a reference point.
* Positive values correspond to counter-clockwise in the mathematical coordinate system,
* and clockwise in screen coordinates. This particular implementation casts a ray in
* the positive x direction. It iterates the path, checking for intersection with the
* bounding boxes. If an intersection is found, the initial/final Y value of the curve is
* used to derive a delta on the winding value. If the point is within the bounding box,
* the curve specific winding function is called.
int winding(Path const &path, Point p) {
//start on a segment which is not a horizontal line with y = p[y]
Path::const_iterator start;
for(Path::const_iterator iter = path.begin(); ; ++iter) {
if(iter == path.end_closed()) { return 0; }
if(iter->initialPoint()[Y]!=p[Y]) { start = iter; break; }
if(iter->finalPoint()[Y]!=p[Y]) { start = iter; break; }
if(iter->boundsFast().height()!=0.){ start = iter; break; }
int wind = 0;
unsigned cnt = 0;
bool starting = true;
for (Path::const_iterator iter = start; iter != start || starting
; ++iter, iter = (iter == path.end_closed()) ? path.begin() : iter )
if(cnt > path.size()) return wind; //some bug makes this required
starting = false;
Rect bounds = (iter->boundsFast());
Coord x = p[X], y = p[Y];
if(x > bounds.right() || !bounds[Y].contains(y)) continue; //ray doesn't intersect box
Point final = iter->finalPoint();
Point initial = iter->initialPoint();
Cmp final_to_ray = cmp(final[Y], y);
Cmp initial_to_ray = cmp(initial[Y], y);
// if y is included, these will have opposite values, giving order.
Cmp c = cmp(final_to_ray, initial_to_ray);
if(x < bounds.left()) {
// ray goes through bbox
// winding delta determined by position of endpoints
if(final_to_ray != EQUAL_TO) {
wind += int(c); // GT = counter-clockwise = 1; LT = clockwise = -1; EQ = not-included = 0
//std::cout << int(c) << " ";
goto cont;
} else {
//inside bbox, use custom per-curve winding thingie
int delt = iter->winding(p);
wind += delt;
//std::cout << "n" << delt << " ";
//Handling the special case of an endpoint on the ray:
if(final[Y] == y) {
//Traverse segments until it breaks away from y
//99.9% of the time this will happen the first go
Path::const_iterator next = iter;
for(; ; ++next) {
if(next == path.end_closed()) next = path.begin();
Rect bnds = (next->boundsFast());
//TODO: X considerations
if(bnds.height() > 0) {
//It has diverged
if(bnds.contains(p)) {
const double fudge = 0.01;
if(cmp(y, next->valueAt(fudge, Y)) == initial_to_ray) {
wind += int(c);
//std::cout << "!!!!!" << int(c) << " ";
iter = next; // No increment, as the rest of the thing hasn't been counted.
} else {
Coord ny = next->initialPoint()[Y];
if(cmp(y, ny) == initial_to_ray) {
//Is a continuation through the ray, so counts windingwise
wind += int(c);
//std::cout << "!!!!!" << int(c) << " ";
iter = ++next;
goto cont;
if(next==start) return wind;
//Looks like it looped, which means everything's flat
return 0;
return wind;
* This function should only be applied to simple paths (regions), as otherwise
* a boolean winding direction is undefined. It returns true for fill, false for
* hole. Defaults to using the sign of area when it reaches funny cases.
bool path_direction(Path const &p) {
if(p.empty()) return false;
/*goto doh;
//could probably be more efficient, but this is a quick job
double y = p.initialPoint()[Y];
double x = p.initialPoint()[X];
Cmp res = cmp(p[0].finalPoint()[Y], y);
for(unsigned i = 1; i < p.size(); i++) {
Cmp final_to_ray = cmp(p[i].finalPoint()[Y], y);
Cmp initial_to_ray = cmp(p[i].initialPoint()[Y], y);
// if y is included, these will have opposite values, giving order.
Cmp c = cmp(final_to_ray, initial_to_ray);
if(c != EQUAL_TO) {
std::vector<double> rs = p[i].roots(y, Y);
for(unsigned j = 0; j < rs.size(); j++) {
double nx = p[i].valueAt(rs[j], X);
if(nx > x) {
x = nx;
res = c;
} else if(final_to_ray == EQUAL_TO) goto doh;
return res < 0;
//Otherwise fallback on area
Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > pw = p.toPwSb();
double area;
Point centre;
Geom::centroid(pw, centre, area);
return area > 0;
//pair intersect code based on njh's pair-intersect
/** A little sugar for appending a list to another */
template<typename T>
void append(T &a, T const &b) {
a.insert(a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
* Finds the intersection between the lines defined by A0 & A1, and B0 & B1.
* Returns through the last 3 parameters, returning the t-values on the lines
* and the cross-product of the deltas (a useful byproduct). The return value
* indicates if the time values are within their proper range on the line segments.
linear_intersect(Point A0, Point A1, Point B0, Point B1,
double &tA, double &tB, double &det) {
bool both_lines_non_zero = (!are_near(A0, A1)) && (!are_near(B0, B1));
// Cramer's rule as cross products
Point Ad = A1 - A0,
Bd = B1 - B0,
d = B0 - A0;
det = cross(Ad, Bd);
double det_rel = det; // Calculate the determinant of the normalized vectors
if (both_lines_non_zero) {
det_rel /= Ad.length();
det_rel /= Bd.length();
if( fabs(det_rel) < 1e-12 ) { // If the cross product is NEARLY zero,
// Then one of the linesegments might have length zero
if (both_lines_non_zero) {
// If that's not the case, then we must have either:
// - parallel lines, with no intersections, or
// - coincident lines, with an infinite number of intersections
// Either is quite useless, so we'll just bail out
return false;
} // Else, one of the linesegments is zero, and we might still be able to calculate a single intersection point
} // Else we haven't bailed out, and we'll try to calculate the intersections
double detinv = 1.0 / det;
tA = cross(d, Bd) * detinv;
tB = cross(d, Ad) * detinv;
return (tA >= 0.) && (tA <= 1.) && (tB >= 0.) && (tB <= 1.);
#if 0
typedef union dbl_64{
long long i64;
double d64;
static double EpsilonOf(double value)
dbl_64 s;
s.d64 = value;
if(s.i64 == 0)
return s.d64 - value;
else if(s.i64-- < 0)
return s.d64 - value;
return value - s.d64;
#ifdef HAVE_GSL
struct rparams {
Curve const &A;
Curve const &B;
static int
intersect_polish_f (const gsl_vector * x, void *params,
gsl_vector * f)
const double x0 = gsl_vector_get (x, 0);
const double x1 = gsl_vector_get (x, 1);
Geom::Point dx = ((struct rparams *) params)->A(x0) -
((struct rparams *) params)->B(x1);
gsl_vector_set (f, 0, dx[0]);
gsl_vector_set (f, 1, dx[1]);
static void
intersect_polish_root (Curve const &A, double &s, Curve const &B, double &t)
std::vector<Point> as, bs;
as = A.pointAndDerivatives(s, 2);
bs = B.pointAndDerivatives(t, 2);
Point F = as[0] - bs[0];
double best = dot(F, F);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
we want to solve
J*(x1 - x0) = f(x0)
|dA(s)[0] -dB(t)[0]| (X1 - X0) = A(s) - B(t)
|dA(s)[1] -dB(t)[1]|
// We're using the standard transformation matricies, which is numerically rather poor. Much better to solve the equation using elimination.
Affine jack(as[1][0], as[1][1],
-bs[1][0], -bs[1][1],
0, 0);
Point soln = (F)*jack.inverse();
double ns = s - soln[0];
double nt = t - soln[1];
if (ns<0) ns=0;
else if (ns>1) ns=1;
if (nt<0) nt=0;
else if (nt>1) nt=1;
as = A.pointAndDerivatives(ns, 2);
bs = B.pointAndDerivatives(nt, 2);
F = as[0] - bs[0];
double trial = dot(F, F);
if (trial > best*0.1) // we have standards, you know
// At this point we could do a line search
best = trial;
s = ns;
t = nt;
#ifdef HAVE_GSL
if(0) { // the GSL version is more accurate, but taints this with GPL
int status;
size_t iter = 0;
const size_t n = 2;
struct rparams p = {A, B};
gsl_multiroot_function f = {&intersect_polish_f, n, &p};
double x_init[2] = {s, t};
gsl_vector *x = gsl_vector_alloc (n);
gsl_vector_set (x, 0, x_init[0]);
gsl_vector_set (x, 1, x_init[1]);
const gsl_multiroot_fsolver_type *T = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_hybrids;
gsl_multiroot_fsolver *sol = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_alloc (T, 2);
gsl_multiroot_fsolver_set (sol, &f, x);
status = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_iterate (sol);
if (status) /* check if solver is stuck */
status =
gsl_multiroot_test_residual (sol->f, 1e-12);
while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < 1000);
s = gsl_vector_get (sol->x, 0);
t = gsl_vector_get (sol->x, 1);
gsl_multiroot_fsolver_free (sol);
gsl_vector_free (x);
* This uses the local bounds functions of curves to generically intersect two.
* It passes in the curves, time intervals, and keeps track of depth, while
* returning the results through the Crossings parameter.
void pair_intersect(Curve const & A, double Al, double Ah,
Curve const & B, double Bl, double Bh,
Crossings &ret, unsigned depth = 0) {
// std::cout << depth << "(" << Al << ", " << Ah << ")\n";
OptRect Ar = A.boundsLocal(Interval(Al, Ah));
if (!Ar) return;
OptRect Br = B.boundsLocal(Interval(Bl, Bh));
if (!Br) return;
if(! Ar->intersects(*Br)) return;
//Checks the general linearity of the function
if((depth > 12)) { // || (A.boundsLocal(Interval(Al, Ah), 1).maxExtent() < 0.1
//&& B.boundsLocal(Interval(Bl, Bh), 1).maxExtent() < 0.1)) {
double tA, tB, c;
if(linear_intersect(A.pointAt(Al), A.pointAt(Ah),
B.pointAt(Bl), B.pointAt(Bh),
tA, tB, c)) {
tA = tA * (Ah - Al) + Al;
tB = tB * (Bh - Bl) + Bl;
intersect_polish_root(A, tA,
B, tB);
if(depth % 2)
ret.push_back(Crossing(tB, tA, c < 0));
ret.push_back(Crossing(tA, tB, c > 0));
if(depth > 12) return;
double mid = (Bl + Bh)/2;
pair_intersect(B, Bl, mid,
A, Al, Ah,
ret, depth+1);
pair_intersect(B, mid, Bh,
A, Al, Ah,
ret, depth+1);
Crossings pair_intersect(Curve const & A, Interval const &Ad,
Curve const & B, Interval const &Bd) {
Crossings ret;
pair_intersect(A, Ad.min(), Ad.max(), B, Bd.min(), Bd.max(), ret);
return ret;
/** A simple wrapper around pair_intersect */
Crossings SimpleCrosser::crossings(Curve const &a, Curve const &b) {
Crossings ret;
pair_intersect(a, 0, 1, b, 0, 1, ret);
return ret;
//same as below but curves not paths
void mono_intersect(Curve const &A, double Al, double Ah,
Curve const &B, double Bl, double Bh,
Crossings &ret, double tol = 0.1, unsigned depth = 0) {
if( Al >= Ah || Bl >= Bh) return;
//std::cout << " " << depth << "[" << Al << ", " << Ah << "]" << "[" << Bl << ", " << Bh << "]";
Point A0 = A.pointAt(Al), A1 = A.pointAt(Ah),
B0 = B.pointAt(Bl), B1 = B.pointAt(Bh);
//inline code that this implies? (without rect/interval construction)
Rect Ar = Rect(A0, A1), Br = Rect(B0, B1);
if(!Ar.intersects(Br) || A0 == A1 || B0 == B1) return;
if(depth > 12 || (Ar.maxExtent() < tol && Ar.maxExtent() < tol)) {
double tA, tB, c;
if(linear_intersect(A.pointAt(Al), A.pointAt(Ah),
B.pointAt(Bl), B.pointAt(Bh),
tA, tB, c)) {
tA = tA * (Ah - Al) + Al;
tB = tB * (Bh - Bl) + Bl;
intersect_polish_root(A, tA,
B, tB);
if(depth % 2)
ret.push_back(Crossing(tB, tA, c < 0));
ret.push_back(Crossing(tA, tB, c > 0));
if(depth > 12) return;
double mid = (Bl + Bh)/2;
mono_intersect(B, Bl, mid,
A, Al, Ah,
ret, tol, depth+1);
mono_intersect(B, mid, Bh,
A, Al, Ah,
ret, tol, depth+1);
Crossings mono_intersect(Curve const & A, Interval const &Ad,
Curve const & B, Interval const &Bd) {
Crossings ret;
mono_intersect(A, Ad.min(), Ad.max(), B, Bd.min(), Bd.max(), ret);
return ret;
* Takes two paths and time ranges on them, with the invariant that the
* paths are monotonic on the range. Splits A when the linear intersection
* doesn't exist or is inaccurate. Uses the fact that it is monotonic to
* do very fast local bounds.
void mono_pair(Path const &A, double Al, double Ah,
Path const &B, double Bl, double Bh,
Crossings &ret, double /*tol*/, unsigned depth = 0) {
if( Al >= Ah || Bl >= Bh) return;
std::cout << " " << depth << "[" << Al << ", " << Ah << "]" << "[" << Bl << ", " << Bh << "]";
Point A0 = A.pointAt(Al), A1 = A.pointAt(Ah),
B0 = B.pointAt(Bl), B1 = B.pointAt(Bh);
//inline code that this implies? (without rect/interval construction)
Rect Ar = Rect(A0, A1), Br = Rect(B0, B1);
if(!Ar.intersects(Br) || A0 == A1 || B0 == B1) return;
if(depth > 12 || (Ar.maxExtent() < 0.1 && Ar.maxExtent() < 0.1)) {
double tA, tB, c;
if(linear_intersect(A0, A1, B0, B1,
tA, tB, c)) {
tA = tA * (Ah - Al) + Al;
tB = tB * (Bh - Bl) + Bl;
if(depth % 2)
ret.push_back(Crossing(tB, tA, c < 0));
ret.push_back(Crossing(tA, tB, c > 0));
if(depth > 12) return;
double mid = (Bl + Bh)/2;
mono_pair(B, Bl, mid,
A, Al, Ah,
ret, depth+1);
mono_pair(B, mid, Bh,
A, Al, Ah,
ret, depth+1);
/** This returns the times when the x or y derivative is 0 in the curve. */
std::vector<double> curve_mono_splits(Curve const &d) {
Curve* deriv = d.derivative();
std::vector<double> rs = deriv->roots(0, X);
append(rs, deriv->roots(0, Y));
delete deriv;
std::sort(rs.begin(), rs.end());
return rs;
/** Convenience function to add a value to each entry in a vector of doubles. */
std::vector<double> offset_doubles(std::vector<double> const &x, double offs) {
std::vector<double> ret;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
ret.push_back(x[i] + offs);
return ret;
* Finds all the monotonic splits for a path. Only includes the split between
* curves if they switch derivative directions at that point.
std::vector<double> path_mono_splits(Path const &p) {
std::vector<double> ret;
if(p.empty()) return ret;
bool pdx=2, pdy=2; //Previous derivative direction
for(unsigned i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {
std::vector<double> spl = offset_doubles(curve_mono_splits(p[i]), i);
bool dx = p[i].initialPoint()[X] > (spl.empty()? p[i].finalPoint()[X] :
p.valueAt(spl.front(), X));
bool dy = p[i].initialPoint()[Y] > (spl.empty()? p[i].finalPoint()[Y] :
p.valueAt(spl.front(), Y));
//The direction changed, include the split time
if(dx != pdx || dy != pdy) {
pdx = dx; pdy = dy;
append(ret, spl);
return ret;
* Applies path_mono_splits to multiple paths, and returns the results such that
* time-set i corresponds to Path i.
std::vector<std::vector<double> > paths_mono_splits(std::vector<Path> const &ps) {
std::vector<std::vector<double> > ret;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++)
return ret;
* Processes the bounds for a list of paths and a list of splits on them, yielding a list of rects for each.
* Each entry i corresponds to path i of the input. The number of rects in each entry is guaranteed to be the
* number of splits for that path, subtracted by one.
std::vector<std::vector<Rect> > split_bounds(std::vector<Path> const &p, std::vector<std::vector<double> > splits) {
std::vector<std::vector<Rect> > ret;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {
std::vector<Rect> res;
for(unsigned j = 1; j < splits[i].size(); j++)
res.push_back(Rect(p[i].pointAt(splits[i][j-1]), p[i].pointAt(splits[i][j])));
return ret;
* This is the main routine of "MonoCrosser", and implements a monotonic strategy on multiple curves.
* Finds crossings between two sets of paths, yielding a CrossingSet. [0, a.size()) of the return correspond
* to the sorted crossings of a with paths of b. The rest of the return, [a.size(), a.size() + b.size()],
* corresponds to the sorted crossings of b with paths of a.
* This function does two sweeps, one on the bounds of each path, and after that cull, one on the curves within.
* This leads to a certain amount of code complexity, however, most of that is factored into the above functions
CrossingSet MonoCrosser::crossings(std::vector<Path> const &a, std::vector<Path> const &b) {
if(b.empty()) return CrossingSet(a.size(), Crossings());
CrossingSet results(a.size() + b.size(), Crossings());
if(a.empty()) return results;
std::vector<std::vector<double> > splits_a = paths_mono_splits(a), splits_b = paths_mono_splits(b);
std::vector<std::vector<Rect> > bounds_a = split_bounds(a, splits_a), bounds_b = split_bounds(b, splits_b);
std::vector<Rect> bounds_a_union, bounds_b_union;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < bounds_a.size(); i++) bounds_a_union.push_back(union_list(bounds_a[i]));
for(unsigned i = 0; i < bounds_b.size(); i++) bounds_b_union.push_back(union_list(bounds_b[i]));
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > cull = sweep_bounds(bounds_a_union, bounds_b_union);
Crossings n;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < cull.size(); i++) {
for(unsigned jx = 0; jx < cull[i].size(); jx++) {
unsigned j = cull[i][jx];
unsigned jc = j + a.size();
Crossings res;
//Sweep of the monotonic portions
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > cull2 = sweep_bounds(bounds_a[i], bounds_b[j]);
for(unsigned k = 0; k < cull2.size(); k++) {
for(unsigned lx = 0; lx < cull2[k].size(); lx++) {
unsigned l = cull2[k][lx];
mono_pair(a[i], splits_a[i][k-1], splits_a[i][k],
b[j], splits_b[j][l-1], splits_b[j][l],
res, .1);
for(unsigned k = 0; k < res.size(); k++) { res[k].a = i; res[k].b = jc; }
merge_crossings(results[i], res, i);
merge_crossings(results[i], res, jc);
return results;
/* This function is similar codewise to the MonoCrosser, the main difference is that it deals with
* only one set of paths and includes self intersection
CrossingSet crossings_among(std::vector<Path> const &p) {
CrossingSet results(p.size(), Crossings());
if(p.empty()) return results;
std::vector<std::vector<double> > splits = paths_mono_splits(p);
std::vector<std::vector<Rect> > prs = split_bounds(p, splits);
std::vector<Rect> rs;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < prs.size(); i++) rs.push_back(union_list(prs[i]));
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > cull = sweep_bounds(rs);
//we actually want to do the self-intersections, so add em in:
for(unsigned i = 0; i < cull.size(); i++) cull[i].push_back(i);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < cull.size(); i++) {
for(unsigned jx = 0; jx < cull[i].size(); jx++) {
unsigned j = cull[i][jx];
Crossings res;
//Sweep of the monotonic portions
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > cull2 = sweep_bounds(prs[i], prs[j]);
for(unsigned k = 0; k < cull2.size(); k++) {
for(unsigned lx = 0; lx < cull2[k].size(); lx++) {
unsigned l = cull2[k][lx];
mono_pair(p[i], splits[i][k-1], splits[i][k],
p[j], splits[j][l-1], splits[j][l],
res, .1);
for(unsigned k = 0; k < res.size(); k++) { res[k].a = i; res[k].b = j; }
merge_crossings(results[i], res, i);
merge_crossings(results[j], res, j);
return results;
Crossings curve_self_crossings(Curve const &a) {
Crossings res;
std::vector<double> spl;
append(spl, curve_mono_splits(a));
for(unsigned i = 1; i < spl.size(); i++)
for(unsigned j = i+1; j < spl.size(); j++)
pair_intersect(a, spl[i-1], spl[i], a, spl[j-1], spl[j], res);
return res;
void mono_curve_intersect(Curve const & A, double Al, double Ah,
Curve const & B, double Bl, double Bh,
Crossings &ret, unsigned depth=0) {
// std::cout << depth << "(" << Al << ", " << Ah << ")\n";
Point A0 = A.pointAt(Al), A1 = A.pointAt(Ah),
B0 = B.pointAt(Bl), B1 = B.pointAt(Bh);
//inline code that this implies? (without rect/interval construction)
if(!Rect(A0, A1).intersects(Rect(B0, B1)) || A0 == A1 || B0 == B1) return;
//Checks the general linearity of the function
if((depth > 12) || (A.boundsLocal(Interval(Al, Ah), 1).maxExtent() < 0.1
&& B.boundsLocal(Interval(Bl, Bh), 1).maxExtent() < 0.1)) {
double tA, tB, c;
if(linear_intersect(A0, A1, B0, B1, tA, tB, c)) {
tA = tA * (Ah - Al) + Al;
tB = tB * (Bh - Bl) + Bl;
if(depth % 2)
ret.push_back(Crossing(tB, tA, c < 0));
ret.push_back(Crossing(tA, tB, c > 0));
if(depth > 12) return;
double mid = (Bl + Bh)/2;
mono_curve_intersect(B, Bl, mid,
A, Al, Ah,
ret, depth+1);
mono_curve_intersect(B, mid, Bh,
A, Al, Ah,
ret, depth+1);
std::vector<std::vector<double> > curves_mono_splits(Path const &p) {
std::vector<std::vector<double> > ret;
for(unsigned i = 0; i <= p.size(); i++) {
std::vector<double> spl;
append(spl, curve_mono_splits(p[i]));
std::vector<std::vector<Rect> > curves_split_bounds(Path const &p, std::vector<std::vector<double> > splits) {
std::vector<std::vector<Rect> > ret;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < splits.size(); i++) {
std::vector<Rect> res;
for(unsigned j = 1; j < splits[i].size(); j++)
res.push_back(Rect(p.pointAt(splits[i][j-1]+i), p.pointAt(splits[i][j]+i)));
return ret;
Crossings path_self_crossings(Path const &p) {
Crossings ret;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > cull = sweep_bounds(bounds(p));
std::vector<std::vector<double> > spl = curves_mono_splits(p);
std::vector<std::vector<Rect> > bnds = curves_split_bounds(p, spl);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < cull.size(); i++) {
Crossings res;
for(unsigned k = 1; k < spl[i].size(); k++)
for(unsigned l = k+1; l < spl[i].size(); l++)
mono_curve_intersect(p[i], spl[i][k-1], spl[i][k], p[i], spl[i][l-1], spl[i][l], res);
offset_crossings(res, i, i);
append(ret, res);
for(unsigned jx = 0; jx < cull[i].size(); jx++) {
unsigned j = cull[i][jx];
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > cull2 = sweep_bounds(bnds[i], bnds[j]);
for(unsigned k = 0; k < cull2.size(); k++) {
for(unsigned lx = 0; lx < cull2[k].size(); lx++) {
unsigned l = cull2[k][lx];
mono_curve_intersect(p[i], spl[i][k-1], spl[i][k], p[j], spl[j][l-1], spl[j][l], res);
//if(fabs(int(i)-j) == 1 || fabs(int(i)-j) == p.size()-1) {
Crossings res2;
for(unsigned k = 0; k < res.size(); k++) {
if(res[k].ta != 0 && res[k].ta != 1 && res[k].tb != 0 && res[k].tb != 1) {
res = res2;
offset_crossings(res, i, j);
append(ret, res);
return ret;
Crossings self_crossings(Path const &p) {
Crossings ret;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > cull = sweep_bounds(bounds(p));
for(unsigned i = 0; i < cull.size(); i++) {
Crossings res = curve_self_crossings(p[i]);
offset_crossings(res, i, i);
append(ret, res);
for(unsigned jx = 0; jx < cull[i].size(); jx++) {
unsigned j = cull[i][jx];
pair_intersect(p[i], 0, 1, p[j], 0, 1, res);
//if(fabs(int(i)-j) == 1 || fabs(int(i)-j) == p.size()-1) {
Crossings res2;
for(unsigned k = 0; k < res.size(); k++) {
if(res[k].ta != 0 && res[k].ta != 1 && res[k].tb != 0 && res[k].tb != 1) {
res = res2;
offset_crossings(res, i, j);
append(ret, res);
return ret;
void flip_crossings(Crossings &crs) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < crs.size(); i++)
crs[i] = Crossing(crs[i].tb, crs[i].ta, crs[i].b, crs[i].a, !crs[i].dir);
CrossingSet crossings_among(std::vector<Path> const &p) {
CrossingSet results(p.size(), Crossings());
if(p.empty()) return results;
SimpleCrosser cc;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > cull = sweep_bounds(bounds(p));
for(unsigned i = 0; i < cull.size(); i++) {
Crossings res = self_crossings(p[i]);
for(unsigned k = 0; k < res.size(); k++) { res[k].a = res[k].b = i; }
merge_crossings(results[i], res, i);
merge_crossings(results[i], res, i);
for(unsigned jx = 0; jx < cull[i].size(); jx++) {
unsigned j = cull[i][jx];
Crossings res = cc.crossings(p[i], p[j]);
for(unsigned k = 0; k < res.size(); k++) { res[k].a = i; res[k].b = j; }
merge_crossings(results[i], res, i);
merge_crossings(results[j], res, j);
return results;
Local Variables:
c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :