conic_section_clipper_impl.cpp revision 5738b9afc93525510fa01185f7609fd5cbb0ff1a
* \file
* \brief Conic section clipping with respect to a rectangle
* Authors:
* Marco Cecchetti <mrcekets at gmail>
* Copyright 2009 authors
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
* (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
* Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
* notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
* the MPL or the LGPL.
* You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
* in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
* in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations.
#include <2geom/conic_section_clipper.h>
namespace Geom
struct lex_lesser
bool operator() (const Point & P, const Point & Q) const
if (P[X] < Q[X]) return true;
if (P[X] == Q[X] && P[Y] < Q[Y]) return true;
return false;
* Find rectangle-conic crossing points. They are returned in the
* "crossing_points" parameter.
* The method returns true if the conic section intersects at least one
* of the four lines passing through rectangle edges, else it returns false.
bool CLIPPER_CLASS::intersect (std::vector<Point> & crossing_points) const
std::vector<double> rts;
std::vector<Point> cpts;
// rectangle corners
bool no_crossing = true;
// rigth edge
cs.roots (rts, R.right(), X);
if (rts.size() != 0)
no_crossing = false;
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: right: rts[0] = ", rts[0])
DBGPRINTIF ((rts.size() == 2), "CLIP: right: rts[1] = ", rts[1])
Point corner1 = R.corner(TOP_RIGHT);
Point corner2 = R.corner(BOTTOM_RIGHT);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rts.size(); ++i)
if (rts[i] < || rts[i] > R.bottom()) continue;
Point P (R.right(), rts[i]);
if (are_near (P, corner1))
P = corner1;
else if (are_near (P, corner2))
P = corner2;
cpts.push_back (P);
if (cpts.size() == 2 && are_near (cpts[0], cpts[1]))
cpts[0] = middle_point (cpts[0], cpts[1]);
// top edge
cs.roots (rts,, Y);
if (rts.size() != 0)
no_crossing = false;
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: top: rts[0] = ", rts[0])
DBGPRINTIF ((rts.size() == 2), "CLIP: top: rts[1] = ", rts[1])
Point corner1 = R.corner(TOP_RIGHT);
Point corner2 = R.corner(TOP_LEFT);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rts.size(); ++i)
if (rts[i] < R.left() || rts[i] > R.right()) continue;
Point P (rts[i],;
if (are_near (P, corner1))
P = corner1;
else if (are_near (P, corner2))
P = corner2;
cpts.push_back (P);
if (cpts.size() == 2 && are_near (cpts[0], cpts[1]))
cpts[0] = middle_point (cpts[0], cpts[1]);
// left edge
cs.roots (rts, R.left(), X);
if (rts.size() != 0)
no_crossing = false;
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: left: rts[0] = ", rts[0])
DBGPRINTIF ((rts.size() == 2), "CLIP: left: rts[1] = ", rts[1])
Point corner1 = R.corner(TOP_LEFT);
Point corner2 = R.corner(BOTTOM_LEFT);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rts.size(); ++i)
if (rts[i] < || rts[i] > R.bottom()) continue;
Point P (R.left(), rts[i]);
if (are_near (P, corner1))
P = corner1;
else if (are_near (P, corner2))
P = corner2;
cpts.push_back (P);
if (cpts.size() == 2 && are_near (cpts[0], cpts[1]))
cpts[0] = middle_point (cpts[0], cpts[1]);
// bottom edge
cs.roots (rts, R.bottom(), Y);
if (rts.size() != 0)
no_crossing = false;
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: bottom: rts[0] = ", rts[0])
DBGPRINTIF ((rts.size() == 2), "CLIP: bottom: rts[1] = ", rts[1])
Point corner1 = R.corner(BOTTOM_RIGHT);
Point corner2 = R.corner(BOTTOM_LEFT);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rts.size(); ++i)
if (rts[i] < R.left() || rts[i] > R.right()) continue;
Point P (rts[i], R.bottom());
if (are_near (P, corner1))
P = corner1;
else if (are_near (P, corner2))
P = corner2;
cpts.push_back (P);
if (cpts.size() == 2 && are_near (cpts[0], cpts[1]))
cpts[0] = middle_point (cpts[0], cpts[1]);
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: intersect: crossing_points.size (with duplicates) = ",
// remove duplicates
std::sort (cpts.begin(), cpts.end(), lex_lesser());
cpts.erase (std::unique (cpts.begin(), cpts.end()), cpts.end());
// Order crossing points on the rectangle edge clockwise, so two consecutive
// crossing points would be the end points of a conic arc all inside or all
// outside the rectangle.
std::map<double, size_t> cp_angles;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cpts.size(); ++i)
cp_angles.insert (std::make_pair (cs.angle_at (cpts[i]), i));
std::map<double, size_t>::const_iterator pos;
for (pos = cp_angles.begin(); pos != cp_angles.end(); ++pos)
crossing_points.push_back (cpts[pos->second]);
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: intersect: crossing_points.size = ", crossing_points.size())
DBGPRINTCOLL ("CLIP: intersect: crossing_points:", crossing_points)
return no_crossing;
} // end function intersect
double signed_triangle_area (Point const& p1, Point const& p2, Point const& p3)
return (cross(p3, p2) - cross(p3, p1) + cross(p2, p1));
* Test if two crossing points are the end points of a conic arc inner to the
* rectangle. In such a case the method returns true, else it returns false.
* Moreover by the parameter "M" it returns a point inner to the conic arc
* with the given end-points.
bool CLIPPER_CLASS::are_paired (Point& M, const Point & P1, const Point & P2) const
* we looks for the points on the conic whose tangent is parallel to the
* arc chord P1P2, they will be extrema of the conic arc P1P2 wrt the
* direction orthogonal to the chord
Point dir = P2 - P1;
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: are_paired: first point: ", P1)
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: are_paired: second point: ", P2)
double grad0 = 2 * cs.coeff(0) * dir[0] + cs.coeff(1) * dir[1];
double grad1 = cs.coeff(1) * dir[0] + 2 * cs.coeff(2) * dir[1];
double grad2 = cs.coeff(3) * dir[0] + cs.coeff(4) * dir[1];
* such points are found intersecating the conic section with the line
* orthogonal to "grad": the derivative wrt the "dir" direction
Line gl (grad0, grad1, grad2);
std::vector<double> rts;
rts = cs.roots (gl);
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: are_paired: extrema: rts.size() = ", rts.size())
std::vector<Point> extrema;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rts.size(); ++i)
extrema.push_back (gl.pointAt (rts[i]));
if (extrema.size() == 2)
// in case we are dealing with an hyperbola we could have two extrema
// on the same side wrt the line passing through P1 and P2, but
// only the nearer extremum is on the arc P1P2
double side0 = signed_triangle_area (P1, extrema[0], P2);
double side1 = signed_triangle_area (P1, extrema[1], P2);
if (sgn(side0) == sgn(side1))
if (std::fabs(side0) > std::fabs(side1))
std::swap (extrema[0], extrema[1]);
std::vector<Point> inner_points;
for (size_t i = 0; i < extrema.size(); ++i)
if (!R.contains (extrema[i])) continue;
// in case we are dealing with an ellipse tangent to two orthogonal
// rectangle edges we could have two extrema on opposite sides wrt the
// line passing through P1P2 and both inner the rectangle; anyway, since
// we order the crossing points clockwise we have only one extremum
// that follows such an ordering wrt P1 and P2;
// remark: the other arc will be selected when we test for the arc P2P1.
double P1angle = cs.angle_at (P1);
double P2angle = cs.angle_at (P2);
double Qangle = cs.angle_at (extrema[i]);
if (P1angle < P2angle && !(P1angle <= Qangle && Qangle <= P2angle))
if (P1angle > P2angle && !(P1angle <= Qangle || Qangle <= P2angle))
inner_points.push_back (extrema[i]);
if (inner_points.size() > 1)
THROW_LOGICALERROR ("conic section clipper: "
"more than one extremum found");
else if (inner_points.size() == 1)
M = inner_points.front();
return true;
return false;
* Pair the points contained in the "crossing_points" vector; the paired points
* are put in the paired_points vector so that given a point with an even index
* and the next one they are the end points of a conic arc that is inner to the
* rectangle. In the "inner_points" are returned points that are inner to the
* arc, where the inner point with index k is related to the arc with end
* points with indexes 2k, 2k+1. In case there are unpaired points the are put
* in to the "single_points" vector.
void CLIPPER_CLASS::pairing (std::vector<Point> & paired_points,
std::vector<Point> & inner_points,
const std::vector<Point> & crossing_points)
paired_points.reserve (crossing_points.size());
inner_points.reserve (crossing_points.size() / 2);
// to keep trace of which crossing points have been paired
std::vector<bool> paired (crossing_points.size(), false);
Point M;
// by the way we have ordered crossing points we need to test one point wrt
// the next point only, for pairing; moreover the last point need to be
// tested wrt the first point; pay attention: one point can be paired both
// with the previous and the next one: this is not an error, think of
// crossing points that are tangent to the rectangle edge (and inner);
for (size_t i = 0; i < crossing_points.size(); ++i)
// we need to test the last point wrt the first one
size_t j = (i == 0) ? (crossing_points.size() - 1) : (i-1);
if (are_paired (M, crossing_points[j], crossing_points[i]))
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 1.0);
draw_line_seg (cr, crossing_points[j], crossing_points[i]);
draw_handle (cr, crossing_points[j]);
draw_handle (cr, crossing_points[i]);
draw_handle (cr, M);
cairo_stroke (cr);
paired[j] = paired[i] = true;
paired_points.push_back (crossing_points[j]);
paired_points.push_back (crossing_points[i]);
inner_points.push_back (M);
// some point are not paired with any point, e.g. a crossing point tangent
// to a rectangle edge but with the conic arc outside the rectangle
for (size_t i = 0; i < paired.size(); ++i)
if (!paired[i])
single_points.push_back (crossing_points[i]);
DBGPRINTCOLL ("single_points", single_points)
* This method clip the section conic wrt the rectangle and returns the inner
* conic arcs as a vector of RatQuad objects by the "arcs" parameter.
bool CLIPPER_CLASS::clip (std::vector<RatQuad> & arcs)
std::vector<Point> crossing_points;
std::vector<Point> paired_points;
std::vector<Point> inner_points;
Line l1, l2;
if (cs.decompose (l1, l2))
bool inner_empty = true;
DBGINFO ("CLIP: degenerate section conic")
boost::optional<LineSegment> ls1 = Geom::clip (l1, R);
if (ls1)
if (ls1->isDegenerate())
single_points.push_back (ls1->initialPoint());
Point M = middle_point (*ls1);
(RatQuad (ls1->initialPoint(), M, ls1->finalPoint(), 1));
inner_empty = false;
boost::optional<LineSegment> ls2 = Geom::clip (l2, R);
if (ls2)
if (ls2->isDegenerate())
single_points.push_back (ls2->initialPoint());
Point M = middle_point (*ls2);
(RatQuad (ls2->initialPoint(), M, ls2->finalPoint(), 1));
inner_empty = false;
return !inner_empty;
bool no_crossing = intersect (crossing_points);
// if the only crossing point is a rectangle corner than the section conic
// is all outside the rectangle
if (crossing_points.size() == 1)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (crossing_points[0] == R.corner(i))
single_points.push_back (R.corner(i));
return false;
// if the conic does not cross any line passing through a rectangle edge or
// it is tangent to only one edge then it is an ellipse
if (no_crossing
|| (crossing_points.size() == 1 && single_points.size() == 0))
// if the ellipse centre is inside the rectangle
// then so it is the ellipse
boost::optional<Point> c = cs.centre();
if (c && R.contains (*c))
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: ellipse with centre", *c)
// we set paired and inner points by finding the ellipse
// intersection with its axes; this choice let us having a more
// accurate RatQuad parametric arc
std::vector<double> rts;
double angle = cs.axis_angle();
Line axis1 (*c, angle);
rts = cs.roots (axis1);
if (rts[0] > rts[1]) std::swap (rts[0], rts[1]);
paired_points[0] = axis1.pointAt (rts[0]);
paired_points[1] = axis1.pointAt (rts[1]);
paired_points[2] = paired_points[1];
paired_points[3] = paired_points[0];
Line axis2 (*c, angle + M_PI/2);
rts = cs.roots (axis2);
if (rts[0] > rts[1]) std::swap (rts[0], rts[1]);
inner_points.push_back (axis2.pointAt (rts[0]));
inner_points.push_back (axis2.pointAt (rts[1]));
else if (crossing_points.size() == 1)
// so we have a tangent crossing point but the ellipse is outside
// the rectangle
single_points.push_back (crossing_points[0]);
// in case the conic section intersects any of the four lines passing
// through the rectangle edges but it does not cross any rectangle edge
// then the conic is all outer of the rectangle
if (crossing_points.size() == 0) return false;
// else we need to pair crossing points, and to find an arc inner point
// in order to generate a RatQuad object
pairing (paired_points, inner_points, crossing_points);
// we split arcs until the end-point distance is less than a given value,
// in this way the RatQuad parametrization is enough accurate
std::list<Point> points;
std::list<Point>::iterator sp, ip, fp;
for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < paired_points.size(); i += 2, ++j)
//DBGPRINT ("CLIP: clip: P = ", paired_points[i])
//DBGPRINT ("CLIP: clip: M = ", inner_points[j])
//DBGPRINT ("CLIP: clip: Q = ", paired_points[i+1])
// in case inner point and end points are near is better not split
// the conic arc further or we could get a degenerate RatQuad object
if (are_near (paired_points[i], inner_points[j], 1e-4)
&& are_near (paired_points[i+1], inner_points[j], 1e-4))
arcs.push_back (cs.toRatQuad (paired_points[i],
// populate the list
// an initial unconditioned splitting
sp = points.begin();
ip = sp; ++ip;
fp = ip; ++fp;
rsplit (points, sp, ip, size_t(1u));
rsplit (points, ip, fp, size_t(1u));
// length conditioned split
sp = points.begin();
fp = sp; ++fp;
while (fp != points.end())
rsplit (points, sp, fp, 100.0);
sp = fp;
sp = points.begin();
ip = sp; ++ip;
fp = ip; ++fp;
//DBGPRINT ("CLIP: points ", j)
//DBGPRINT ("CLIP: points.size = ", points.size())
while (ip != points.end())
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 1.0);
draw_handle (cr, *sp);
draw_handle (cr, *ip);
cairo_stroke (cr);
//std::cerr << "CLIP: arc: [" << *sp << ", " << *ip << ", "
// << *fp << "]" << std::endl;
arcs.push_back (cs.toRatQuad (*sp, *ip, *fp));
sp = fp;
ip = sp; ++ip;
fp = ip; ++fp;
DBGPRINT ("CLIP: arcs.size() = ", arcs.size())
return (arcs.size() != 0);
} // end method clip
} // end namespace geom
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