revision 53cac160ec9ea553c0ed2caac934d96e97280932
# This script produces a sample SVG demonstrating all filters in a filters file.
# It takes two inputs: the sample file with the object that will be cloned and filtered, and
# the file with filters (such as Inkscape's share/filters/filters.svg).
# Run it thus:
# python sample.svg filters.svg > out.svg
# It requires 'inkscape' in executable path for dimension queries.
import sys, os, string
from lxml import etree
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
sys.stderr.write ("Usage: python sample.svg filters.svg > out.svg\n")
# namespaces we need to be aware of
NSS = {
u'sodipodi' :u'',
u'cc' :u'',
u'svg' :u'',
u'dc' :u'',
u'rdf' :u'',
u'inkscape' :u'',
u'xlink' :u'',
u'xml' :u''
# helper function to add namespace URI to a name
def addNS(tag, ns=None):
val = tag
if ns!=None and len(ns)>0 and NSS.has_key(ns) and len(tag)>0 and tag[0]!='{':
val = "{%s}%s" % (NSS[ns], tag)
return val
# attributes and elements we will use, prepared with their namespace
a_href = addNS('href', 'xlink')
a_menu = addNS('menu', 'inkscape')
a_label = addNS('label', 'inkscape')
e_text = addNS('text', 'svg')
e_tspan = addNS('tspan', 'svg')
e_flowRoot = addNS('flowRoot', 'svg')
e_flowPara = addNS('flowPara', 'svg')
e_flowSpan = addNS('flowSpan', 'svg')
e_g = addNS('g', 'svg')
e_use = addNS('use', 'svg')
e_defs = addNS('defs', 'svg')
e_filter = addNS('filter', 'svg')
e_rect = addNS('rect', 'svg')
e_svg = addNS('svg', 'svg')
e_switch = addNS('switch', 'svg')
tstream = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
tdoc = etree.parse(tstream)
fstream = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb')
fdoc = etree.parse(fstream)
menus = []
for defs in fdoc.getroot().getchildren():
for fi in defs.getchildren():
if fi.tag == e_filter and fi.attrib[a_menu] not in menus:
menu_shifts = {}
for m in menus:
menu_shifts[m] = 0
#print menus
def copy_element (a):
b = etree.Element(a.tag, nsmap=NSS)
for i in a.items():
b.set(i[0], i[1])
b.text = a.text
b.tail = a.tail
return b
#query inkscape about the bounding box of obj
q = {'x':0,'y':0,'width':0,'height':0}
file = sys.argv[1]
id = tdoc.getroot().attrib["id"]
for query in q.keys():
f,err = os.popen3('inkscape --query-%s --query-id=%s "%s"' % (query,id,file))[1:]
q[query] = float(
# add some margins
q['width'] = q['width'] * 1.3
q['height'] = q['height'] * 1.3
#print q
root = tdoc.getroot()
tout = etree.ElementTree(copy_element(root))
newroot = tout.getroot()
for ch in root.getchildren():
chcopy = ch.__deepcopy__(-1)
if ch.tag == e_defs:
for defs in fdoc.getroot().getchildren():
for fi in defs.getchildren():
ficopy = fi.__deepcopy__(-1)
if ch.tag == e_g:
newroot.getchildren()[-1].attrib["id"] = "original"
for menu in menus:
text = etree.Element(e_text, nsmap=NSS)
text.attrib['x']=str(q['x'] - q['width'] * 0.2)
text.attrib['y']=str( q['y'] + q['height'] * (menus.index(menu) + 1.4) )
text.attrib['style']="font-size:%d;text-anchor:end;" % (q['height']*0.2)
text.text = menu
for defs in fdoc.getroot().getchildren():
for fi in defs.getchildren():
if fi.tag != e_filter:
clone = etree.Element(e_use, nsmap=NSS)
menu = fi.attrib[a_menu]
clone.attrib["transform"] = 'translate('+str( q['width'] * menu_shifts[menu] )+', '+str( q['height'] * (menus.index(menu) + 1) )+')'
text = etree.Element(e_text, nsmap=NSS)
text.attrib['x']=str( q['x'] + q['width'] * (menu_shifts[menu] + 0.5) )
text.attrib['y']=str( q['y'] + q['height'] * (menus.index(menu) + 1.8) )
text.attrib['style']="font-size:%d;text-anchor:middle;" % (q['height']*0.08)
text.text = fi.attrib[a_label]
menu_shifts[menu] = menu_shifts[menu] + 1
total_width = max(menu_shifts.values()) * q['width']
total_height = (len(menus) + 1) * q['height']
tout.getroot().attrib['width'] = str(total_width)
tout.getroot().attrib['height'] = str(total_height)
print etree.tostring(tout, encoding='UTF-8')