revision 2843dd8f06ff576409c19fe85c8fcacd7181baeb
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from scour import scourString
help="won't convert all colors to #RRGGBB format")
help="won't convert styles into XML attributes")
help="won't collapse <g> elements")
help="create <g> elements for runs of elements with identical attributes")
help="remove all un-referenced ID attributes")
help="shorten all ID attributes to the least number of letters possible")
help="won't embed rasters as base64-encoded data")
help="won't remove Inkscape, Sodipodi or Adobe Illustrator elements and attributes")
help="remove <metadata> elements (which may contain license metadata etc.)")
help="won't output the <?xml ?> prolog")
help="set number of significant digits (default: %default)")
help="indentation of the output: none, space, tab (default: %default)")
help="don't change IDs not ending with a digit")
help="don't change IDs given in a comma-separated list")
help="don't change IDs starting with the given prefix")
help="remove all <!-- --> comments")
help="work around various renderer bugs (currently only librsvg)")
if __name__ == '__main__':
e = ScourInkscape()